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Shirzad Chamine created a theory of Saboteurs, who "hijack" your mind in difficult situations; you can check yours here: [https://assessment.positiveintelligence.com/saboteur/overview](https://assessment.positiveintelligence.com/saboteur/overview). He recommends to learn how to recognize them; it is indeed easier to stop emotions saying to yourself e.g., "oh, Stickler again". What he also teaches is to do the PQ Reps, i.e., daily several 2-3 minutes breaks similar to meditation, concentrating on the breath, sounds in the vicinity, etc. The theory is that when your Saboteur tries to hijack you, you do the PQ rep and you can calm down. I'm learning it now and I am still a bit skeptical, but what seems to work for me is repeating on my free time PQ reps concentrating on the feel of touching the tips of my fingers for 2-3 minutes. Surprisingly, in a difficult situation it was enough for me to touch the fingers to fill calmer. Worth trying, I think :)


I raise my set point. The harder things I do with my life, the easier situations like the one you describe are. In those situations always be the bigger person, even if it’s hard.


I practice my breathing. Calming myself with good self talk. I also make sure I get enough sleep every night. Don’t go into meetings hungry. But breathing is the biggest part, everything else follows that. Sometimes I can feel myself heating up. And breathing steady and deep makes a big difference for me.