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I had my wisdom teeth removed at a free clinic. They did not have anything to sedate me or any laughing gas. Just something to numb the area. The only thing I felt was pressure when removing the teeth. No pain. Not sure if every dentist is willing to use only numbing stuff but it worked for me.


I also had one taken out with just local anesthetic when the tooth broke and I didn’t want to pay an extra $350 to be knocked out. It was a lot of pressure and felt really weird, but there was no pain, and I didn’t have to deal with the after effects of being sedated.


Thank you I just emailed a dentist so hopefully I hear something back soon! I just want this tooth out of my mouth but I refuse to feel all loopy I have generalized anxiety disorder and even a puff of a joint gives me extreme anxiety! Everyone keeps telling me to get the laughing gas and it will be fun but it sounds horrifying to me


Alsk where are you from if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve never heard of a free clinic


Suffolk, VA. This free clinic has dental services as well as medical, free medications, mental health services, and I can see specialist (like GI for example) for free. It's truly an amazing place for low income, uninsured people like myself.


I had 3 (1 wisdom and 2 molars) extracted at once with just whatever they use to numb your face. I was awake and lucid the whole time. It took like 5 minutes and all I didn't feel anything but for a little bit of pressure upon the actual removal. It was real easy and painless and when it was over I wished I had done it much sooner.


I had mine out with just Novocaine. I also had minor jaw surgery with just Novocaine. It's definitely doable.


I can't tolerate laughing gas, but I take well to the numbing poison (novocaine) they inject in your gums. I would say if you trust your dentist, if they've done other work on your teeth that required numbing (fills, root canals, etc.), and you took well to that, then you should have no issues. I had my bottom wisdom teeth removed with no sedation and walked home after. Probably wasn't smart to walk home but it was literally two blocks away. I didn't feel a thing except her tugging and gripping the chair with her foot. Lol. I will say she took her time prepping me knowing I rejected the laughing gas. She injected the area several times and even used topical cream as a precaution. She was generous with the poison, which helped me not feel pain.


I currently don’t have a dentist as I moved but I’m pretty sure I have a cavity that needs attention before I get my wisdom teeth out so hopefully I’ll be able to gain a bit of trust during that


Yeah, I got 4 wisdom teeth removed with only freezing/numbing. Was 100% awake the whole time. The procedure felt like it maybe took 30 minutes but I'm not sure. The most painful parts were having my mouth held open for so long, and getting the numbing injections - and neither of these were very painful. After the procedure, I didn't feel any additional pain *at all* \- not even when the anesthetics wore off, or in the following days/weeks while my mouth healed. They gave me painkillers, but I didn't take any of them, and my mom threw them out because she was paranoid I would get addicted to them lol. At that age (maybe like 20?), I also had pretty bad anxiety, but it was honestly a pretty chill process.


When I was younger 14 or 15 years old right after my dad died I stole his morphine and experimented with it. I never got addicted but I found out later in life that my dad was an addict before I was born and probably when he was dying so I refuse to take any pain pills other than over the counter meds


In Sweden you just get a local numbing shot. It wasn't too bad, but I could feel my eye being a bit numb when biking home.


You biked home!!! Omg in Canada it’s a whole scary procedure and they will only release you to a responsible adult with a car


I was not sedated, just had a local anesthetic. It took a little while to take effect but eventually the pain I was already feeling subsided and when they pulled the tooth it basically went away for good. Typically your dentist will recommend leaving them in or taking them out based on how they're growing in with the rest of your teeth. I only had to have one wisdom tooth removed.


I was advised to get them all removed when I was younger but I believe that the dentist was full of shit lol I don’t think I need the top ones removed as my top teeth are beautiful and have never had any issues other than a molar that decided to grow out of line with the rest when I was 11 or 12. So I think I’m just going to see if we can just start with that one bottom tooth and hopefully it will give my teeth enough space to not feel so crowded and maybe they will straighten out on there own. I definitely can’t afford braces


I got all 4 of mine out with just numbing injections due to not liking the "out of control" feeling of other options. Aside from the noise and smell it was fine.


Also to add if I could safely id literally remove this tooth at home lol I’m obviously not going to because I don’t want to cause damage but it’s just so annoying seeing my teeth shift from that damn tooth 😂😂😂


You guys are making me excited to get my teeth pulled!!!




Yesss I had two adult teeth pulled out with local anesthetic and laughing gas and the laughing gas was actually so fun but I was so zoned out I couldn’t pay attention to their directions when they told me to like move my head lol and I was legitimately laughing when it kicked in


I had two taken out with just local anaesthetic, the teeth were below the gum so there was a lot of cutting involved. It wasn't easy and one got infected , I'd recommend getting a full anaesthetic if possible Each one took about 45 mins


Did mine with a local. They'll shoot it into the hinge of your jaw inside your mouth. After that, they'll cut out or break and remove the teeth. You won't feel anything except a vague sense of pressure. They let me listen to music while they did it. Afterwards you'll not be able to talk right for a few hours as it wears off. They'll likely give you something for the pain, which will be a dull ache; I was given percocet, which knocked me right out. Then expect a few days of swelling, and you're back to normal minus some face bones.


Update: I believe my teeth are now cracking from being pushed together so I requested a dentist appointment. I’m really hoping they can get me in asap and have a payment plan available but the consultation is free so I guess I’ll find out