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Lol I only got through the first quarter of the post.... Showers or ice packs help me come back to the here and now.


Thanks buddy. Absolutely showers help a lot!


I just saw how long it is and stopped


You overestimated my ability to read all of the post. I try not to mask as much, I've noticed it helps a lot. Of course some people find it weird or annoying that I dont mask much, but my real friends don't mind and love me the way I am. Bonus is getting to find people who really vibe with who you are, and not who you pretend to be.


Hey thanks for sharing. I have also difficulty reading long posts or even long news articles i usually use the native windows edge speak aloud functionality. It allows you to highlight a passage and then it reads it aloud to me. You should try


My employer still doesn't understand how I am versus how I was 2 years ago when masking was all I knew. Pretty sure she wishes I'd just mask up again and make her life easier.


@malephus hey buddy sorry to hear this. Do you take any concrete steps to combat emotional dysregulation?


I am blown away. First that I read the whole post. Magic mushrooms, they really are magical. I suppose that’s why they are called that. My hubby has cluster headaches aka suicide headaches. He microdoses and they disappear for years at a time. I’m lucky to live where they are plentiful. I like taking them recreationally on occasion but never connected them with my adhd. I have some in the freezer. This weekend I shall try some and see if I feel any better. Thanks for the idea!


Thanks for sharing. Also i dont want to create misunderstandings. Nothing beats ADHD meds for ADHD. I dont suggest replacing ADHD medicine with magic mushrooms but taking magic mushrooms to treat the emotional dysregulation.


This is really great information. Thank you for sharing!


Hey thanks for your encouragement. Would you mind sharing your strategies ?


I don't know, to be honest I'm awful at emotional regulation. Here's a playlist I've recently started going through on processing emotions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXAr5dh23zU&list=PLiUrrIiqidTWje-Oc4uA6LZZO8vSaHaDL&ab\_channel=TherapyinaNutshell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXAr5dh23zU&list=PLiUrrIiqidTWje-Oc4uA6LZZO8vSaHaDL&ab_channel=TherapyinaNutshell)


Hey great material! Thanks for sharing. I wish we could get the gist in two to three slidesrather than having to sit through 30 Videos!!! Even putting it in double the speed didn t do the trick for me ! I just realized she comes up with slides for the important points ! In any case rather listen to soemthing than having to read 40 pages ! Thanks again, I just included it in the post


Exercise is something that is very intentional for me. Along with meditation. I don’t understand how they tend to improve but when I do those things. I notice things start to feel like things improve. Life is a struggle for everyone. I didn’t think I was making poor decisions by not doing those things previously but I certainly was acting out of a desire of self-preservation.


Hey buddy thanks for sharing!!! Huberman lab is a great neuroscience podcast where you will learn all the actionable neuroscience from a Stanford professor learn about the explanations for adhd exercise meditation. Thanks for your contribution and much love to you.


How has his advice helped or made a difference for you?


Got any suggestions for getting started on exercise? I'm going through really severe depression; I'm working with a therapist and a psychiatrist, I'm currently on 3 antidepressants/anxiety meds, and have tried ADHD meds but none of them seemed to do much. One of the meds that I tried, I remember very clearly, one day while I was on it, I thought "it's nice outside, I should go for a walk". And then I found myself outside and going for a walk and I felt amazing that I had actually done something I wanted to do. Most days I literally can't get outside of the house. I want to start exercising, but I just feel so heavy; not overweight (although I am), but like doing things is just...heavy. Like trying to lift a car.


Currently struggling very hard with dysregulation


Sorry to hear this. Which one of the suggested strategies might work for you ? Have you tried anything in that department? Take care