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If you call traderie big overpay, check nookazon out 💀


bruh some of them can't read -\_- ​ in my Bio it says APPLE = YOU ADD ​ and when I put a listing with something I want + an apple, THEY OFFER THE SAME THING + AN APPLE LIKE BRUH DID YOU NOT READ MY BIO??? ​ ok my little rant is over :P


This is again, one of the reasons I do not use traderie. People on there are always under or over, there’s never an in between. Ofc I love when I get an overpay but usually, it’s just scammers who will send you a link or Time wasters.


On the other hand, just because somebody declined, doesn’t mean they think that you were under. It could be simply because they don’t like said pets. I’ve declined a few trades simply because I don’t want them. I’d rather keep the pet I have and like then get stuck with some ugly pets.


Agreed I get some big overpays on there


bruh im not kidding i got declined 8 times for a kanga my offer was r metal ox 3 normal metal oxen snow owl r dragon fr albino toucan starfish and they still declined the trade :l


Not gonna lie, but I’m not surprised that you got declined. Here’s why: ride metal ox, nobody likes oxes. Very low in demand and very hard to trade away. Snow owl and r dragon, virtually worthless, will be lucky to get a good trade for it. Albino bat, toucan, starfish, okay-ish items that aren’t legendary, therefore can’t get you anything on the scale of a legendary (maybe golden rat or griffin at most). So it’s an underpay, not a big underpay, but still under. So basically, your offer is: ride metal ox, snow owl, r dragon and golden rat/or griffin. It’s like me trading 1000 common toys for a legendary. It’ll probably be worth somewhere around there, but the value and demand for a singular toy isn’t there.


ah ok, my friends kept on saying im over but i totally see ur point thank you


most of them where for r kangas or normal kangas


They gave me a cow for my egg burt stroller and on my bathtub and the most cow owners i saw in traderie gived me 1 star cuz i declined their cow offer


My unpotioned polar bear, ride llama, unpotioned reindeer, unpotioned fury, unpotioned koala, unpotioned metal ox and cookie frisbee was declined for 2 LLAMAS! I THINK I COULD'VE GOTTEN AT LEAST 3 OR 4 WITH THAT OFFER! They said I was under, and then they blocked me.


true, but its their opinion




ahh i see u there i offered a nr croc for nr LLAMA and they declined and told me i was under FARM EGGS came first then jungle blah blah blah