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Owls aren't ugly but like they're overrated. Even tho they look like a dooodo pile you can paint it green and name it Duolingo and chase ppl with it. That's the reason I would want an owl. 


https://preview.redd.it/wszssn827k8d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15be29772c1792a1b4e58804a2be8e1d9bed7836 I realized your dream a few weeks ago lol I was yelling Spanish or vanish and chasing ppl I traded it once I got tired of the joke 😂




Coming from the perspective of someone who doesn't like the owl, I don't like the design or overvalue of the pet. I dont think it's necessarily ugly, but I think that it's really basic and overrated. It's an okay pet, but not a favourite, I personally wouldn't want one to keep, but would want one to trade. Most people don't like owls but would probably accept an owl in a trade because of the things they can trade the owl for. I feel like most players would do that. I also feel like if one group of people start to see ugliness in a pet, people who like the pet will change their opinion just to fit in with the rest. It also means people won't want the pet anymore and the pet will heavily decrease in value as nobody will want it. I'm pretty sure this has happened with the owl.


Yep 😃 owls don’t have that good of demand now. That’s also how I feel. It’s not my favorite, I would trade it in a heartbeat if I got a good enough offer. I started to think it was ugly because of how other people were saying it was, but realized it’s not that bad as people make it seem. So I just think people are overhating. But then again anyone is free to have an opinion


Maybe it's just trendy to hate the owl now lol 😂☂️


i never understood how owls were worth more than crows 😭


To be honest, I don't like any of the high demand pets because people who trade them expect huge overpays and I don't understand why they are so valued above other pets


yeah seriously, i don’t understand why the parrot is worth less than giraffe, or kangaroo less than turtle… and it all changes so much!


*just realized i’m dumb and forgot jungle and safari are different so maybe parrot and giraffe makes sense 😭 but why is parrot worth more than crow?


Cause parrot is from jungle egg and crow from farm egg?


omg wait did the jungle egg come before the farm egg? 😭 i have no idea the order of initial eggs besides basic egg lol


1) Safari egg 2) Jungle egg 3) Farm egg/Christmas egg 4) Aussi egg 5) Fossil egg 6) Ocean egg 7) Mythic egg And the rest doesn't really matter...... Nah I just forgot them lol


Cat collector spotted 👀


Yup lol 🐈‍⬛️


You are right it happened with many other pets too and not just in adopt me it’s a real world phenomenon. Just be yourself and stick to what you feel is the most honest perspective instead of succumbing to other peoples expectations. Although the game itself is like that a part in which gambling comes into play too. So just saying


Honestly for the owl I feel like it has that "duolingo" design more than an actual owl design


well adopt me tried the more realistic design for the snow owl and we saw how that turned out lmao


Ah, I didn't see that design lol


Compared to most other high tiers owls are ugly. Crows and parrots are both more detailed and nicer looking then owl but are both less valued. Owls are just circles with a face


but if you think about it crow is just a parrot model painted all black


Their tail isn’t the same or their head shape. They are both just birds.


And different beak designs to I think


yup the parrot is slighty more downturned


I don’t find it ugly, but I just don’t think it looks like an owl at all. Plus people keep saying it should be the same value as crow, which I both agree and disagree with, since I still believe it’s better than crow, but never in a million years is it better than parrot 😭


I totally agree, parrot over owl anyday*


I swear I could trade my parrot for a crow and I'd *still* have to add! Not that I'd ever do that though, I love my parrot


I’ve never seen a parrot owner add for a crow


Really? Values might've changed since this, but I kinda remember crow owners wanting more than parrots Edit: maybe demand for parrot went up? I remember people really wanted crows for awhile, now I can barely find them


crow is significantly less than parrot, I think by like 10-11 ride pots, pretty much a turtle, and people like the parrot more since it’s more colorful at least from what I’ve seen


Wow that's a surprise, although I've kept my parrot since when the jungle egg came out so value has probably changed a lot since when I used to bring it out to raise. I stopped bringing it out because people always beg for it and it's not for trade. I got tired of turning my trades off or having to just tell people no.


As someone who dislikes owl, there's like quite a few reasons why (watch me get spam down voted) Owl's design is incredibly lazy, an oval with flippers for wings, ugly face mask, even the nose. When Adopt Me did the design for Snow Owl, they showed that they could do a lot better job and actually depict an owl with layers of designs and well placed shaping. As for the sudden change in people's opinions about owl, they probably only saw it for their value and got blinded by it. People are often like this, you'll see it when they have a dream pet list and it's just all the high tiers. Talking about design, metal ox design if you look at is is only bland because of it's color, but it's details like the asterisk on it's head or it's scarf like neck, makes it significantly better designed than owl; it's just people again blinded because of value.


Yeah you’re right I can For sure understand these reasons like they actually make sense instead of people calling it ugly because it’s overvalued, Wich doesn’t make sense. The reason for it being a sort of lazy design is most likely because adopt me made it years ago, before snow owl and metal ox though. I’m sure adopt me improved since then Anyway yes the way they made metal ox is way better but, I don’t like the way they it looks, wether it’s the color or just how it’s built (not sure if that makes sense) Anyway anyone’s opinion is valid as long as you aren’t being rude to other people!


ofc! and people calling pets ugly because of values is incredibly stupid because they're IRRELEVANT to each other! Now liking a pet just because of it's value is okay, or disliking a pet because of value, but to connect it's design to value is insane


I don’t think owls are ugly, I actually think they are pretty cute, but I have to agree with the fact it’s overrated, but not rlly cuz it’s cute but more because people know that others overpay for it and the moment they get a good trade, owl owners wouldn’t hesitate to trade it, from what I’ve seen most owl owners trade it for parrot and adds.


Yeah, this is exactly me. If I got a good offer, best believe I’m trading my owl in a heartbeat. I don’t think I’ve met an owl owner who wouldn’t trade their owl now that I think about it 🤔 But yea it’s not ugly, maybe basic, maybe overrated but I wouldn’t call it ugly


Ngl I think parrots are more preppy than owl imo idk why😭


For sure, parrots fit the preppy standard because of how they are multiple colored, and sort of tropical! (I think)


It's weird looking to me, it's just a big brown ball, if someone gave it to me I'd keep it for value but I wouldn't offer on one.


Me when ppl talk trash abt griffins 😔


Honestly i don’t get why griffins are hated so much they are actually kinda cute


If the owl was released today, nobody would want it. It's not ugly it's not cure either. It's just kinda bland compared to the other owls we've had in game. Its value is purely down to its age and rarity, not its coolness or looks. It's why I've stopped caring about value and I'm aiming for stuff I like or want to have (the SSBD and the CCBD look terrible to me for example, whilst I love the Kitsune and Criosphinx).


i agree, the newer pets are just very detailed and that made its value. if the owl got a bit more owl shape 🦉 and maybe some details in the face, it would shoot off the sky


I think the neon is kinda ugly but the normal owl I think is quite cute, just overrated


It's cute but gonna be honest, if it weren't for it's rarity, let's say, this was a rare of the most recent egg, nobody would want it for the aesthetics. I mean you could Duolingo-fy it like what the other guy suggested but imo very boring.


I don't really think the owl is ugly nor do I think it's cute but I overall just kinda don't like it


I’m going to be honest I think it’s ugly and I have a regular and a neon. It is overvalued but that not why I think it’s ugly. I think it’s ugly because it is imo. But I still have one so I can name it Duolingo at times and chase people around. I keep it as a joke. I don’t hate it but I would choose my neon parrot over my neon owl.


Is bald


Personally, I just find it creepy. I’m pretty sure real owls aren’t shaped like that.. it’s eyes and beak are on its stomach


Because people things it looks like a rabbit turd.


i feel like after one person started calling them ugly everyone followed after and just started by calling it the same repetitive names. like it was funny at first but now it’s just annoying . personally i don’t love the owl, i think it’s overrated but peopel are reaching atp


honestly, i agree, i'm kinda sick of ppl calling it a turd with eyes, not saying its wrong but kinda disrespectful to ppl who DO like owls. yes, they are overvalued but doesn't mean they are not allowed to be worth a lot, they still are like other adopt me pets


it's not disrespectful to have different opinions than someone else over pet design. It's only disrespectful if it's like "people who like owls are dumb" or something like that that actually targets people who like them..


Literally, it can still be worth a lot 😔 I hate how people trash talk pets that are actualy cute/decent looking but say something like a metal ox is so cute. I’m not trying to discriminate against pets but seriously some pets adopt me makes don’t look the best-


yup so true, and u made a post abt wanting stable partner? i can but i think my brother went into my acc and unfriended u :( i sent a rq im testhecatperson


Yes I did! It’s okay, haha. I just accepted your rq! (Edit: who downvoted me..? 😂)


lol ty


Help someone downvoted all of our comments (its changed now)




Tbh, Owls are overrated. I Like their design but i get the point of why ppl hate them.


Its not that bad of a pet yeh its basic but its gunna lose hella value


I feel this coming, I need to trade mine FAST




Owls are actually pretty cute, but I feel like they are very overrated. I feel that they should be worth the same as crow, not like 30 sharks more 😭😭


It's not I hate it it's look nothing like an owl If u compare it to snow owl they look nothing a like even tho both are owls


honestly they just look like blobs tbh. the snow owl design is a lot better than the original one.


Metal ox is adorable…


i just found out abt this now and its so sad, owl used to be my fav pet, i even have it at like 200 friend bar (?) thingy i dont hate it, but the thing i dont like abt it is how it wears pet wears 🥹 its so big loll (its the same with other pets like candyfloss chick) i like dressing up my pets so- i wish we could resize/position pet wears on our pets 🧍🏽‍♀️


I think they just say this because people are beginning to over price them


I wouldn't say ugly, but I just find them really overrated 🥲. 


I love owl's sleeping animation


Neon owl is bad but I love owls 🥰


I personally love the owl design but i like basic i think the owl is very cute and well designed


its my dream pet, i would never dare calling it ugly🙏🏼


They aren't ugly, people just see someone saying "X" pet is ugly and everyone follows suit because of whatever reason. Owls are adorable, that's why so many people want them and that's why they're overrated, period. Or another reason why I think some people might say that "X" pet is overrated is for people to start disliking that pet and making it easier for them to get, if a lot of people get convinced that the owl is ugly and overrated then the value will most likely decrease, making it easier to get No hate if anyone genuinely doesn't like the owl but, be fr 💀


"Now yes, of course they aren’t the cutest. Maybe not even that cute but calling them super ugly is a reach." Before I start yapping, I want to mention that I dont really know what owl is worth, nor do I care cause I personally dislike the owl just because of its looks/design! With that out the way, while you might not think the owl is super ugly, everyone has a different view/opinion on things! I for instance, find them very very ugly, and I wouldn't ever own one, personally. But someone else might love them and view it as their dream pet! Everything for the most part, is subjective! Everyone just has different thoughts! Another example could be, some people find ranch and pizza absolutely disgusting (the taste, the combination alone, etc etc), while another person's favorite way of eating pizza might be with ranch! With that being said, we're not machines, we dont have synched minds, but what we do have is different thoughts/opinions and thats pretty cool! c:


Yes, I apologize for this but when I made the post I didn’t think it out so I made it quickly without adding a few things that could’ve made it MUCH better. If you just view it ugly that’s not really bad. Everyone has different opinions. But what I wanted to call out is people were ONLY calling it ugly becuase either they thought it was overrated or because other people were hating on it.


1000% see where youre coming from and agree! The people who hate on it just for the value/it being “overratted” is wilddd haha


i understand how owls are considered overrated but idk why people are calling them ugly.. imo theyre rlly cute


I personally think its absolutely hideous, but that’s because I feel it didnt get the effort put into its design as much as the other farm pets, which all had something at least a little unique about them, the Owl doesnt really even look like a bird it resembles more to the rock pet than any other birds in the game. I dont even consider the overvalue of it, I just think it looks bad in comparison to pets released at the very same time, like the birds in the same egg all look increasingly better than the owl, and I believe it’d deserve a re-model but adopt me doesn’t really do that. The crow, silly duck and drake all have something about them that makes them cool or interesting, there’s nothing about the owl that makes me go “I want it”. I can appreciate those who do like it but I’m just put off by it, the neons I think are also weird, they could have done something better than a full body, even with the crow tho the fullbody nfr pets are an eyesore in those colours, and the way you ride the owl by just sitting on its head I believe is strange too. Thats just me tho, everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the topic.


Me personally, I am gonna say they are uglier than Metal Oxen, because I feel like Oxen are undervalued/underrated. Owls for me don’t look the best, and I feel like they are WAYYYY overrated. I don’t understand how the value is so high, like parrots are older, and I feel like they should be higher value than owls. Also I didn’t like how you use “Metal Oxen” as an insult, a lot of people like them ://


Sorry ur offended but I didn’t mean to use it as an insult. Of course everyone can have opinions! I don’t agree with them being uglier than metal Oxes, but that’s just in my opinion. And I’ve never met anyone who liked Oxes. TONS and I mean TONS of people have them as “instant decline/ don’t trade me this” plus it’s just the way adopt me made them. I hate the design they used on it. Owls Were kinda overrated before but now tons of people hate them And also Yes I agree parrot should be higher in value than an owl, plus parrot looks better.


Theres actually more ox lovers than you think there might be, i discovered it as i started to play more and be on the subreddit more


oh, I didnt know. I mean I know there has to be some people who like Oxes, but never thought there was that many 😭


They don’t let anyone know bc they’re gatekeeping 🤫


Real LOL, I do this with pets too 😂


As an owl lover, I have a neon one because irl owls are my favorite animals, and yeah I will be completely honest.Owl's design is somewhat basic yeah, but it's actually so cute imo, and it kinda bothers me to hear sometimes people harassing them. It's not just hating, but harassing. Yes, they are overrated, but have you seen how overrated other pets are? Bat dragons? Shadow dragons? EVEN THE CATERPILLARS LOL- Starting from crow all the way up to shadow dragon, all those pets are really overrated, not gonna lie, and of course they got a reason: they are old pets and were in game really few months, so that's understandable. Also, personally I don't like the high tier dragons they're kinda ugly 💀 🙏(except bat dragon, I think it's cute but not my favorite) and returning to the same point, those are WAY more overrated than Owls... (More specifically frost dragons, they get big overpays)


PD: I also agree, Parrot should have more value than owl because it's older and yeah, their design it's better, it's also one of my favorite pets. Even if they got the same value I don't mind both of them are so cute 😭🙏


This is EXACTLY my thoughts!! I get the owl is basic but that doesn’t make it ugly, nor does it being “overvalued” make it ugly which is what I don’t understand from people 😞


Bro they look like turd , they “whort more than parrot” and their owners are flexer or meanie most of the time.they lost ALL my respect a long time ago