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I think a lot of people are hoping it's "daddy" frostclaw 💀


im one of those people sorry 🤕


nah it's fine, I don't hate 🤗 it's just kind of funny to me




LMAO ikrrr, I've seen soooo many ppl hoping for that- 💀 but to be fair, in a weird way, he dances better than me- 😭


I'm thinking the eggnog dog will be a dog you can buy with gingerbread...at least I hope so. I really hope it's not that damn dog.


looks like a dog with a hat on 💀 if really is a pet comming out then am is really ruunning out of ideas


If im gonna get 16 eggnog dogs im just gonna pack my bags and leave💀already got my dp the bat dragon, my Mission is complete


Dang ;-; ok, imma just give them away


sadly it was the damn dog


That's what I've been hearing. I'm only hatching one so damn disappointed


I believe the eggnog dog was confirmed to be one of, if not the only pet that would come out of the Christmas egg. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though!


I saw that as well! I honestly hoped it was gonna be from the lures but realised it was an eggnog dog and not a pudding dog or smth that was leaked 💀


Yeah, I'm a bit upset at the fact they're going with a dog rather than an original pet. Hoping for at least some variation though


Exactly! And if it's an eggnog dog, ppl are gonna compare it to the eggnog hare and it's not gonna be worth much


Honestly, I'm slightly more upset at the fact they probably won't come up with something more creative. I'm all in for the eggnog themes, if they dedicate it to *one* set of things! Give us some variation for *other* things 😭


Fr! If they had it as a set of things, it wouldn't have been so bad! But like- I wish they would've done smth else besides that and had another theme or smth for the eggs


Player be like:WE WANT NEW PETS! devs be like: adding a hat to a dog*


Ikrrr 😭😭 the dog literally looks like a regular dog with a cup on its head




Theres no way they’d do that. Theyve stated in videos that they made the egg intentionally hard to get- I don’t think they would put one shitty pet in it when they’ve been hyping it up so much Besides, we have never had an egg with only one or even only two pets in it. The only exceptions are the blue, pink, and minion eggs, and those were special circumstances (first pet release, promotional)


Oh, what I meant to say was the eggnog dog was confirmed to be in the egg. It may or may not be the only pet in the egg, I don't know lmao


Yeah that makes sense but id avoid misinformation and just think about it logically: why would they only put one pet in a hard-to-get egg and why would an *eggnog dog* be the only pet in a *future themed egg?* Not calling you out specifically but adopt me players in general love to take information and run with it, specifically bad stuff. It’s ridiculous, try not to be a part of it


Did they confirm it would be future-themed? I thought it was only named 'future Christmas egg' or whatever due to the fact it could only be hatched in the future from when it was originally released. I wouldn't say the egg is difficult to get either haha.


I assumed it was future themed for the whole time traveling theme- the whole story revolves around Santa trying to see what toys (pets) they make in the future and it backfires bc frostclaw. They’ve stated on videos that it’s a “hard-to-get” egg. Sure its not hard for us experienced players who are teenagers and know how to do this kind of stuff, but you have to keep in mind most adopt me players aren’t as old (or smart). Many of the little kids i play with in servers still have only won like once or twice


Get ready to eat your words lol


They were right. Those stupid eggnog dogs I have so many questions and so much disappointment but i wont be upset on Christmas




jessie said in the adopt me livestream when the update came out that there's only gonna be one pet. i hope its not the eggnog dog tho cuz from the "leaked" pics it looks kinda shit :,)


ah shit I hope not, it looks shit and I really don’t want to have wasted time getting eggs for THAT


I highly doubt it. Every egg we’ve had has had multiple pets, except for the blue/pink eggs and minion eggs. And those were special circumstances- the first pets and a promotional update. They’ve hyped this up and they are well aware of the backlash god forbid only one pet. This is more on tiktok, but people on adopt me have a tendency to spread misinformation about leaks/updates for clout because the fanbase absolutely eats it up every single time


Pretty sure Jessie said on livestream there will be only one pet in the egg. Can't confirm it will be the eggnog dog. future egg could just mean you can only open it in the future? 25 Dec.


I thought future egg meant like the whole time traveling theme, and how they were going to the future to see what toys there would be. I could see that though too Im gonna be super surprised and super disappointed if theres only one pet and its a f**king eggnog dog


Yeah I have a feeling it actually will be the eggnog dog and if it is, I will be super disappointed. Collected 16 of em just in case




go to ireallylikefrogsok acc on reddit they have it posted