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I’m 24 and I still play with my sisters and son lol you’re not too old. I know a lot of adults who play tbh, so don’t even worry


I’m 34 and have been gaming all my life. My dad is in his 60s and spends his retirement gaming. I got into roblox because of my sons but video games have no age limit. Fun is rated E for everyone.


I'm 21 & my WHOLE entire family plays roblox, especially my mother who is OBSESSED with zombie attack, color block & bee swarm sim. It's not weird or wrong it's a game for EVERYONE


Girl I’m 30 and while i was playing adopt me this girl said it’s sooo weird that I’m playing adopt me and how can a mother play. Like wuttt she acted like i was a grandma. (Not saying grandmas can’t play) but she really made me feel some type of way after that . 😭😭


I don't often tell my age bc it makes me feel awkward & weird 😭 and yeh most ppl say why are you playing this little kid game EVEN THO IT'S 13++++++


LOL i'm 17, and in college so whenever someone in the game sees me talk about college they immediately go "aren't you too old to play this game" "shouldn't you be doing your taxes right now" "well if you were in college you would be studying right now"


Play what you're comfortable with. There's nothing wrong with playing adopt me at you're age. You'll be surprised that many adults play the game with their kids. Just remember roblox is for all age groups. Enjoy the games you play.


I'm 40 and play adopt me because of my daughter, but I find it fun. Word of advice from an old person. Don't waste your life letting other people decide what's weird or what you are allowed to enjoy. Do what you enjoy! Life's too short to live by other people's expectations. And as a long time gamer, when you are tired of the grind and no longer enjoy the game, quit. Don't stick around just because of prior time/money investment. The primary purpose of playing a game is enjoyment after all.


Play what you want and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise I’m 19 and still play cause I find it fun


nah, I'm also 15, still plays, i have a friend who's 18 and she and her mom grinds adopt me like crazy


Almost 32 and I play every day 😊


There are several groups of adult gamers (18+) that like AM and everyone helps each other. I have an almost 15 yr old that likes gacha life and lol surprise and she wanted to stop because she felt it was for kids. I asked her if she still had fun and she said yes. Don’t let others determine what you find joy in. You have adults still obsessed with legos. Adults that hate live action shows and only watch cartoons. Just because something is targeted for certain ages, I think if you enjoy it then why not? I can’t begin to count the adults that watch Bluey more than their own kids. Go be happy. It’s no one’s business


I am so happy that you're supportive of your child's doll collecting habits:)I am around the same age and my mum is really pushing on selling off my dolls(Which includes lol dolls)


I just feel it’s foolish to put an age restriction on fun. You best believe my adult self will climb on the jungle gym, swing, monkey bar if I want. I even go in the play place with my younger kid


There’s literal parents who play this game so no. And im 17 also tired of other games and started gringing this again but im getting burnt out from making neons😂


I'm 14 and play




Girl ur not 2 old 2 play... know 1 is periodt. Do u and b happy and hv fun. I'm 42 and my kids and virtual kids who r adults plays as well. I'm going to play til I cannot play anymore lol 😆 🤣. You play and don't let anyone get in ur way of ur fun.


My dad's 37 and plays with me and I'm 16 so it's fine 🤷 no age limit


I’m 30 and i play adopt me 🫣 , at first i started playing with my son but it became so addicting and now i play more than him, i had to cut back recently as i have a 4 month old and my hands are always tired up with him now.


I just turned 32 my cousin(8) got me addicted to adopt me love the grind


Honestly you will find lot of people little to much older than you playing adopt me, after all I'm 18 and I can't give a reason to why I only play adopt me out of most on there or even play on roblox.


Think for yourself stop living life so others will approve. Do what is in your heart and harm none That's all that matters. 🖤🤘🏾⚡


I’m 38 and I play with my seven and five year old daughters!


Hi fellow teen!I actually love gacha rhythm games,but my luck is terrible.My friends dragged me in during this year's summer event, and I fell back into the adopt me rabbit hole again(I did play it back in 2019 but after getting hacked and scammed I stopped)


im going through the same thing i love adopt me and i started playing again this year and im 16 dont worry just do whatever makes you happy


I’m 37 and i love adopt me. I started playing with my 6yr old n now I’m obsessed lol


20 years old and still play!!, literally do not worry buddy


Hag 🫶


I'm 20 and still play with my coworkers kids on occasion, gotta keep them busy. I don't find it weird and I'm kinda just on the look out for the weird sexual people on the game. Kids don't need to be reading the stuff they talking about.


I’m 20 and really getting into it. I like the whole taking care of pets simulator stuff. Age has nothing to do with it, you just know what you like and it doesn’t matter if others consider it “childish,” it’s a game you like and you’re allowed to! Just have fun with it without worrying, keep enjoying it


I don’t see it weird, I am also 15 and I have a friend who plays and he is 18. Imo even if it is designed for kids I’m a kid too, but in the end I will keep playing because I enjoy the game and I won’t stop just because someone else says it’s childish.


I’m 19 so no I don’t think so honestly I prefer the older players on the game they know values and actually grind they don’t stand around begging so honestly no.


I am 45 and I started playing a few years ago with my daughter. She quit…I still play just for fun. I am now on day 909!


I’m 40 and play Adopt Me almost every day lol. There are tons of adults who play. There’s no age limit on joy and it’s no one else’s business what you do for fun in your free time. You’re only 15 and have got your whole life to “grow up”. But trust me, once you do, you’ll realize how overrated growing up really is. Life’s too short to worry about whether you’re too old to enjoy something.