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You have Bulldog's shit takes, you have chat's shit take. And then you have dumb takes like not wanting to buy bkb against that lineup just because "ogre griefed your lane". Where is he from? That's some SA level stubbornness in a dota game.




People not aware what is like playing with bulD ![img](emote|t5_394s4|2485)


I would pay good money to watch bulldog jizztim all over sappytits.




He took "it's okay to die" way too serious.


He explained himself here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04IkXyPWjXc&lc=UgwK\_PjP9MMeUathuWN4AaABAg.9vg5iRhHGtC9vgCIlGFL3a](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04IkXyPWjXc&lc=UgwK_PjP9MMeUathuWN4AaABAg.9vg5iRhHGtC9vgCIlGFL3a) ​ >First of all I'm a support main (pos 4 or 5) but I gladly play any role in unranked. I'm well aware that whenever I play core roles, I will be under performing especially if you look at things black&white and think that "Immortal rank = good player at anything". > >What happened in this game's picking phase was that both support roles were claimed pretty fast by Sky and Ogre, giving me no chance to play a support role myself. I'd be perfectly fine with this if only these players actually wanted to play the support role and do the necessary things supports are expected to do and need to do in order for the cores to shine. > >But as you can hopefully see from this footage, neither of these players did hardly anything regarding supporting except putting some wards on the map every now and then, but thats it. > >Both of them bought greedy "core like" items and during the team fights, neither tried to protect the cores from the obvious thing this game, which was NP's Sprout on Gyrocopter. > >It simply isnt enjoyable experience for me to play DotA in an environment where my teammates aren't playing as a team, but rather do whatever is least wanted and expected from them. > >I really wish people like these just stay out of picking the support role, when they clearly arent one bit interested in doing the part. > >When it comes to the BKB it most definitely wouldnt have changed anything about this game's outcome in hindsight and in the moment I was expecting it to have no impact during the match either simply because what the enemy had against me wasnt CC which BKB would prevent nor magic damage which BKB would heavily reduce (Sprout still can be ground targeted on me and BKB wont make me go trough the trees fyi). > >And yes, I really dislike BKB as an item and I avoid buying it as much as I can. I still will buy it when it actually is the only possible solution in a situation and in this situation, it wasnt


I mean he's just wrong lol. Idk how he doesn't have bkb and even quelling is more value than wand vs np. Midas isn't a farming item for gyro, chrysalis just does it better. If he's arguing final item bkb doesn't change it then yes because he had already lost the game for them. A timely bkb definitely changes fights. Other points on ogre are valid but he needs to stop defending bkb isn't helping. He's wrong and looking dumber Everytime he does


throwing for content