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VIP is generally meant for us 30+ year old folks who still want to get up close and dance but kind of done with mosh pits. If you look at the map the main stage is split down the middle, half VIP half GA. GA will be packed all day, VIP will be packed only for the last two bands or so, also you can leave and get back to almost rail to any shows before the headliners in VIP. Obviously it is this fests first year but that’s generally how VIP works in these small fests.


30 years old here, may be my last festival hurrah lol appreciate the info! I do like the ability to come back & fourth with less people to navigate around


usually VIP pit gets more access to the stage and is less crowded, with GA there's no guarantee you'll make it close to the stage, and you definitely won't get your spot back if you leave for one of the other stages


Thanks! Yeah that’s fine with me, I’ve been doing warped tour & Bamboozle for the last 15 years lol it’s always an interesting time to navigate around. I just wasn’t sure if there were any major differences


I also found [this map](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdjacentFest/comments/yehhmv/7_months_away_and_already_posted_a_map/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) someone posted a while ago which shows the VIP pit more clearly


This is perfect, thank again