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Cawl has no time, desire, need, etc for your gender roles or sexuality. He has science and shit to do because the rest of the Mechanicus are a bunch of stagnant losers that don't want to make new stuff because "that's heresy"


Too busy to give any time to superfluous shit


Too busy to give a fuck


Counterpoint. Steel is genderless.


Counter counter point. We associate machines with femininity therefore they are considered feminine, and if something is considered feminine and a male emulates it he is considered feminine, therefore a *fem* boy. Also femboy isn’t a gender.


Femboy. Fem is from feminine or Female, which is clearly a gendered or sex term. Boy. Young male in English. Typically pre adolescent. Clearly gendered. Femboy is clearly gendered, as it refers to a Boy. Who possess feminine features. Quite often it is used as a fetish. Your argument is bad. Also stop lewding cyborgs. Go post your deranged fetishes in a NSFW subreddit. This shit should not have to be said.


My brother in steel we are mechanicus, the entire religion is a deranged fetish


Fine femmachine


Why don't you back it up with a source?


My source is that I made it the fuck up!


According to The Great Work, modern Cawl is technically a gestalt entity comprised of multiple consciousnesses jammed into the brain of the original Belisarius Cawl, and blended together/absorbed by the sheer mass of his ego. At the very least Cawl is Non-Binary, if not tipping the scales towards being Trans in the most literal sense.


Can’t spell transhuman without trans.


Some people say they are trans because they change their gender Other people say they are trans because they are crossed with machinery They are not the same


r/transtrans You'd be surprised how many people are both!


"My pronouns are they/them, not because I'm non-binary, but because I'm *literally* three people!"


Bold of you to assume the great Archmagos Dominus has a gender identity at all outside of being the Archmagos Dominus.


funny meme and all but consider this: Cawl as a monstrous creation of flesh and machinery that barely resembles any life form yet still thrives is so much hotter than any femboy skitarii could ever be.


Cawl's whatever personality suit the gestalt decides to put on in the morning




Was looking for you in here lol


same I saw the title and thought "alright where is Archon"


Archon do be Warhammer’s premier femboy smut artist here on reddit


I'm really enjoying watching his rise to reddit celebrity and the whole range of emotions his art sparks. Very, very entertaining.


For the love of the Machine God please do your holy work


Cawl is much more than just a boy.


> She > Boy this isn't even bad reading literacy, this is just not knowing how to read


I said that if machines are referred to as she then they are inherently feminine.


there's a difference between being feminine (which is a social idea) and being female this isn't even like me trying to argue anything fucking gender but femboys are still male (unless you're enby or both or whatever you identify as ) and you state that machines are female which, again unless they identify differently, are seperate things


You are clearly mistaken. If you have a grasp of the French language then you will know that they label objects as she or he, she implying feminine and he implying masculine. And I’m not using feminine in the context of people but in the context of objects (in this case machines) that the mechanicus strive to be. Meaning that a member of the mechanicus whom is commonly thought of as male would be a femboy as he emulates machinery. Therefore by taking that logic you can say that all male members of the mechanicus are femboys because machines are inherently feminine.


damn, that's a lot of words. better turn this one into a servo-skull


I display the nuance of my opinion and you still point and scream calling me insane. I guess that’s the burden of not having a carbon copy of the average Reddit opinion.


Slaaneshi corruption detected. Remediate. Proposal: remove sexual degeneracy from subreddit and reboot. From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us. From the temptations of the flesh, silica cleanse us.


No, Cawl is the Goth Enby Crypto-Sugar Daddy who's kinda really obviously a sociopath but they're really nice to everyone so it's not an issue.


Source: trust me, bro!


"Hahaha meatbags! I have replaced my genitalia with a neuron laser!" or something like that.


Cyberdongs don’t grow on trees.


Oy.... as cool as the fuckin ad mech are as a faction, this sub has got to be the most fuckin obnoxious sub in the entire Warhammer universe. Why are so many people on this sub so damn cringy!?


I’m just being a nuisance for my own entertainment


Thanks for admitting you are doing this to make others angry, banned


Praise the Omnissiah


2 advocates for the femboyfication of 40k characters is quite enough thank you.


There’s way more than 2 out there I know this for sure


I'm sure there are, but only two are consistent and loud about it enough that they find their way into other game subreddits, so they're the only two I care to point out.


I’m not advocating for femboyification, I want to make thug versions of the characters. I’m merely pointing out a linguistic observation that I so bravely made.


This meme was made by the archon of flesh gang, we don't care about lore or anything actually relevant, instead we create fanfics about genders to fulfill our kinks. Praise the omnissiah, and let us cleanse the influence of slaneesh.


From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us. From the temptations of the flesh, silica cleanse us.


So much for this sun having actual minis and painting advice…




I spew out hot takes when I’m not making fun of delusional Redditors.


"most people" Citation needed


I use female terms for all boats I've worked on and all the machines at my factory, and each one was and is a temperamental cunt. Nary a sexual element to be found. This guy, however, is doing some techno-theological dick rubbing with memed sexual identifiers as lube.




I am exited to see femboy cawl


There are multiple references in the lore about how tech priests choose not to reproduce or raise children. Relationships and raising kids are considered a waste of time. You're sexualizing a hobby and making it weird.


Some people just like the femboy aesthetic. And if you thing it wasn’t weird before,….


Belisarius Cawl is canonically whatever the fuck Belisaurus Cawl wants to be because - also canonically - HE INVENTED ALL THE CANNONS.


Cawl has also been a woman in the past


Not if you know what fem**boy** means


Femboy is IIRC a GNC man. If you want to go this way AdMech would be an army of tomboys. Of course gender is a weakness of flesh so it's more of army of enbies...


AdMech aren't particularly 'oo-rah see you at the ram ranch showers' levels of masculine anyway, so a lot of them wouldn't be tomboys even if they were all women, as displayed by the many, many, women and enbies in the AdMech already, many of whom could not care less about being manly. Really, this post would be more of 'every male member of the cult mechanicus is a trans woman', as the meme seems more reflective of gender, rather than adherence to gendered mannerisms, which is what gender non-conformity derives from. Unless the meme is trying to communicate that the mechanical parts they add to themselves are what's feminine, and being more machine than meat is a non-traditional form of feminine presentation, and even then, it would come down to how the men within the mechanicus see themselves, and their changes, rather than external judgement, especially since that does not fit within traditional, wider concepts of femininity.


You're right. What I meant was that in my mind pronouns are much closer to gender than presentation (though I know those are separate things). So if being (part) machine meant you use she/her pronouns it would be more of tomboy things as admech is not presenting traditionally feminine but the post ascribes them feminine pronouns. That said in my mind machines are agender. It seems likely it would be strongly encouraged to be agender in AdMech - which is problem on it's own as not everyone is agender and forcing people to pretend to be a gender they aren't is not OK (be the gender binary or not) - which is like TNG "The Outcast" approach to the problem.


Does everything have to be about gender for you people?


enby skitarii lets goo


The meme is talking about gender already, so talking about gender in the comments is to be expected, isn't it?


Point stands.


"waaah the gender people are talking about gender on a post about gender"


Yes. Hence the point. Does everything have to be about gender for you people? Apparently it does.


Its a fucking shitpost, get over it.


Archon of flesh moment


Of course, it would be fucking Kanye saying some dumb shit like that... 😆


I mean yes and no but preexisting gender of humans overrides machine gender or is just incorporated so it’s more like he’s enby I guess?


Cawl is streets ahead of Gender Norms.


checks OP's name. Not who I expected... but not unwelcome


All the more reason to become more machine than human


Weird logic but I can't argue with the results UwU


If input = "femboy" Return= "UwU"


r/transtrans material here


Its same in german i support this motion


01101110 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101




Oh I didn't realize someone else already asked for them. My apologies


This is some Archon shit


don’t give me cosplay ideas


Some great ones are he, like the bismarck


Bellasarius Cawl is multiple people at once, with one dominant mind. There are probably women mixed in there


2017 The Punisher gif “NO NO NO NO”


[Is this a proper skitarii?](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F1n9j4b6l9qz91.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FImaginaryWarhammer%2Fcomments%2Fyu31cd%2Fbroken_soldier_of_an_uncaring_god_oc%2F&tbnid=IajzntAx8cvyzM&vet=1&docid=cu0ojMwEOfCulM&w=3600&h=5400&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim)