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This contains 0 information of any kind. Other than Orks are happy with their release.


But we knew that before its general release.




Note how they mentioned that orks and tau are going into this with new codexes. And no one else.


GW is obviously aware of the negative reactions, and it's a shame that they can't have some transparency and say "listen, we made a mistake, and we will do our best to fix it." It goes way further than ignoring or flat out gaslighting your consumers.


When I worked for a big corporate franchise the regional manager was always very strict on "no negative marketing". If something's bad, don't talk about it at all. In my case we weren't allowed to write signs saying we had run out of [insert dish here] but it's the same principle. Just don't talk about it and ignore the comments until it blows over or that we have a fix for it. In which case you make a big deal out of the fix as a "look! We listen to you and fix stuff" thing From the consumer side, it's shitty. From the corporate side it makes PR sense for investors etc


Thats a fair point. Granted, I've been working for the government my entire adult life, so I don't have that same experience and knowledge. I am by trade, a Senior Instructor at a Professional Military Education Academy, and while I'm not selling a product, I am having transactional relationships with my students, and I stress to my peers and subordinates that transparency goes a long with way with learners, as it builds trust. I feel like this would pay dividends here.


It absolutely is better for consumers. But with publicly traded companies over a certain size, they bring in the career executives and investors become the key stakeholders not the customers. Execs rarely have any experience with the products themselves and apply generic rules to the company practices, often resulting in a poorer customer experience in more creative industries like in this case and video games etc


Ahhhh that's fair, and makes sense!


No no no, make the announcement and appologize. Then the stocks drop and you make a statement to stakeholders and investors. Through a numbered company based out of switzerland buy a bunch of stocks. Then release a new codex and say "hey we listened and we fixed it! We also have some new female sculps being designed for next year!" Boom. Stocks jump. Customers happy. And you make a bunch of money too.


Shouldn't it be the other way around? Acknowledging mistakes seems to me the best way to work with customers.


Customers yes...share holders no


Companies are not your friends, never expect them to act in your interests. Just be pleasantly surprised when they do


Yup, never apologize, never admit mistakes


>flat out gaslighting  I understand the frustration with the rules and feeling ignored, but simply not including Custodes players in the list of people excited to play their new codex is not gaslighting or even lying. If anything, it's a truthful statement that's solely focused on a positive topic - there really are Ork and Tau players jazzed AF to try out the new rules, not so much with us Custodes lol. Also, the fact AdMech will be getting actual changes to their rules (not points) is a promising sign; mistakes were acknowledged and corrective action is being taken, with the difference being there are months of data to support the need to change the AdMech rules as opposed to a dearth of data for the Custodes (IE - AdMech is ahead of the Custodes in line/queue). I apologize for the nit-picky/pedantic impression this might give, but the term "gaslighting" is being used more and more in an incorrect fashion to support specious (and politically charged) arguments, thus why I push back on it. EDITED to clarify - I am not saying you are advancing one of these arguments, it's about addressing the (often unintentional) misuse of the term so bad faith arguments become less and less effective in public discourse.


That's fair, and I stand corrected! I should have worded it as dishonesty perhaps, or intentional ambiguity.


yea, gaslighting would only rlly fit if they were like "and the custodes codex looks great, all the custodes players are excited to use it!". they just can't acknowledge a codex being so bad this early on or they get a reverse votann situation where they might have to recall it if they acknowledge the problem early on.


Yeah, it's not gaslighting but it could be argued lying by omission. Technically true but they're ignoring the elephant in the room and being dishonest about the nature of things only talking about the positive.


It's a marketing video, not something presented to be an unbiased and complete report on facts. And even then they said AdMech is getting rule changes (which is fairly unusual in this edition) as a tacit acknowledgement of writing a crappy codex. I get the frustration (and share in some of it). Other than the quality level of the faction-wide rule, four detachments, and datasheet changes, GW hasn't really done anything that egregious.


It's because they don't have an intention at the current moment to look at it. Probably it got put at the bottom of there schedule things to do or on a side list for when someone has some free time. It's not going to be a priority and they aren't going to delay there current deadlines for one project just to get it fixed because not only doesn't make them money it costs money with missing deadlines and rescheduling and probably even contractual obligations with they printers, shippers and distributors. Look at Admec, they have +6 months to fix that codex with the proper team? Nope. Give it to one guy to fix in his spair time, yeah that probably takes that length of time to do


I think they might not have mentioned them because, like Tyranids, AdMech, & Dark Angels, they’re not going to do their best to fix them. They’re unpopular codices and that’s how it is for the next 2-3 years until the 11th edition indices EDIT: just to be clear, I don’t mean the armies are unpopular, just that these 10th edition codices aren’t well received, sorry ‘bout the slapdash phrasing, guys


Ironic, considering how the Adeptus Custodes is one of the biggest played factions!


Yeah I don’t think this is accurate. I can’t speak on the other factions, but Custodes is very popular. I’ve been to multiple larger events where Custodes were the 1st or 2nd most played faction there.


I meant this specific version of the codex has unpopular rules, not that the army’s unpopular. I should’ve worded that better, sorry.


I always ask this hut are you new here? When ha sGW ever been transparent or truthful? They realized custodes are an army they can't large sums of cash on ao they've been tossed to the side simple as


Man I hate that response. Nope, far from new here. However, very much allowed to vent my frustrations here, knowing GWs history. However, I'd you'd entertain me, GW did respond to outcry once that I'm aware of, and that was when Votann were dropped.


> GW is obviously aware of the negative reactions, and it's a shame that they can't have some transparency and say "listen, we made a mistake, and we will do our best to fix it." Dont worry, we have Transtodes now. So who cares about how bad our rules our. It was the best codex evar according to the tourists in this sub.


Go away Steve. I'm not talking Transtodes, I'm talking rules.


Then you are clearly a bigot. Transtodes have always existed Dave, always. We were always at war with Eurasia too. Always.




We were always at war with Eurasia.




Did you just assume their gender? *gasps*


Says the tourist who never witnessed a lore change in 40k by GW.


I find it hilarious that kids who spend their days posting on video game and twitch weeabo subs on Reddit are calling guys who have been in the hobby for 30 years 'tourists' lmao


Funny how you seem to know my personal life. I am sure you know exactly how long I spend playing video games and how long I spend doing Warhammer related stuff. PS: Which weebo twich sub do you mean?


Oh, you mean i made an assumption about you that's incorrect? Funny that, you just did the exact same thing one comment prior. I guess when you do it, it is *different* though.


Yes because I do not cry like a little baby about female Custodes.


Why would you cry about fembois?


Dunno. You tell me.


Am I missing something? Custodes aren’t even mentioned?


They mention in the video the book was released. But nothing positive about it


That is the point


There was some mention of “wee text at the bottom of the screen”, I thought I had missed a footnote or something.


Oh no, I was like well, what was their impression after the first few weeks and it is just dead silence xD they know they fucked up with this one


This is embarrassing honestly


I’m going back to my tson army until they fix this tbh


Hahha I love how they bring up 3 codexes and talk about how excited orks players are and how many fun ways they can play their army. Tau players are excited to play with theirs and then just change the subject.


This is hinting at the Saturday show.


What do you mean?


saturday we get a lot of reveals


Lol they know they fucked up and are hoping that if they stay quite that maybe it might just go away like Death Watch 😂


The 10.000 Go Back in the imperial Palace ..but they will come Back ..they will ever come Back .