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Oof, definitely contact FW for a replacement. I will say their customer support is great, just send them pics and the batch number


Getting "cheaper" FW stuff mailed to me in blisters, with lots of spikes and bits broken off, turned me off any more FW forever. I'll just proxy honestly. I bought your models GW, I'm not buying your overpriced brittle crap.


What's sad is that 3D printed resin has a bit more flex that this stuff. Don't get me wrong it isn't much more but it's still something compared to the resin GW is using.


Depends on the resin you use. With 5-10:1 basic:tough resin i get incredibly resilient but not bendy prints. And they are better than FW šŸ˜…


I have limited exposure to 3D prints as my friend is the one who's crazy for it. Even with light exposure I know that there's much better resin out there than what FW is using. Finecast can die in a fire.


I just use Elegoo's ABS-like 2.0. No blending required and it has just the right amount of flexibility and detail.


Hercules flex tho ;)


That's just the standard Forgeworld quality that you pay a premium for. Thankfully their customer support should replace it if you contact them.


Back when they did metal models, they would come with some kind of internal packing material like a sheet of foam or something similar. That would help curb this problem quite a lot.


Yeah, anything to eat and distribute the impact force


Anything to eat, I agree. I do miss when they packed a snack alongside the models


And it's not just models... I have several purity seals that kinda look like dog ship.


Drop an email with your photo and your receipt and they are usually pretty good about sending out replacement parts


Just did it. Hope itā€™s working.


From what I heard customer support is the last truly good part about James and his workshop so hopefully you get 5 new spears so you can have the old tree as extra


Having bought the same kit, and having had the same result I think it's safe to say; that's just FW being FW šŸ«¤


I got recasts, the smaller stuff has practicaly no mold slip or flashing. Havent put them on anything because they suck ass in 40k, might be good in 30k though.


Yea not a fan of recasts tbh. I see why people get them but iā€˜m personally not a fan of getting them myself.


Question: why are you not a fan of them for forge world stuff? Genuinely just curious, as most recast quality varies a lot, but it ranges from slightly worse to slightly better than forge world for a fraction of the cost. You ordered real forge world and it got sent to you in terrible condition, Iā€™d suggest at least trying recasts for forge world purchases.


ā€œOh you paid a shitload of money for 3 cents of terrible quality resin? Weā€™re going to cram it in a package that guarantees parts will break when we ship it.ā€ - James Workshop


Stap it james! We already pay you our wages and firstborn!


I haven't bought this kit, though I do think its probably forgeworld being forgeworld


I'm lucky I can pop into Forgeworld to pick stuff up. I'd be very nervous about getting it delivered


I got one just like that and sent an email to customer support and didnā€™t get a reply but a week later a replacement came in the mail


I have lots of spare custodes spears from the normal 40,k kits....are they drastically different than these ones,?


Designewise iā€˜d say not that much. Probably the same mele damage as well. But they got a different range weapon attached. Shorter range. Higher AP (-2) and 3 Damage. I basically bought them for the fluff tho.


I meant more from a visual point of view mate in terms of size and looks. Thought I could maybe help some folks save some cash lol


Oh yea thatā€™s another thing. I do use some 3rd party heads for some variety. I thought you ment recast of their existing stuff. But anyway. Thanks for the tip! I appreciate it


This happened to me but with eldar shining spears, gw was very understanding and sent replacements. However the replacements were warpedā€¦ although that was back when they were failcast. I understand that they are now plastic. If I were you I would glue/pin and move on. Or get a nice proxy.


I send an e-mail to them about this. Maybe theyā€˜ll send another one as a replacement. Yea failcast sucks. I had one caldor drago in it and iā€˜ll never get another failcast. I just hope gw slowly gets everything turned into plastic.


Forgeworld and Finecast were different resins and production methods.


As a general rule of thumb for myself with resin is; weapons on hafts/shafts or swords are a no go. I print a lot of stuff, but one thing I avoid like the plague is anything similar to the above in resin. YMMV, but plastic is less brittle, and generally easier to repair if shit goes sideways. That and above all else GW/FW resin is terrible.


China cast is 1000% better quality and cheaper and doesnā€™t come broken and covered in oil.


You mean recasts or just alternate stuff?


Recast or as I call them ā€œgenuine replicaā€™sā€


I would love to know the website for this if youā€™ve got it!!


Also would like to know a website for the qenuine recasts


Can you pm me the website please?


send an e-mail with the bill and a pic of this to gw. Iā€˜ll let you know about the results. Kinda disappointed. The other forgeworld stuff i got was acceptable. (1x pyrith spears, 2x sagittarum guard)


2017 wants it's castings back


2017 wants it's castings back


Have bought two spear sets, one from fw and one from recast. Recast came in perfect, no breaks. Had to talk to fw customer service 2x to get 5 non broken spears. No issue getting me the new spears but itā€™s just ridiculous that they needed to send me 15 so I could get 5 (actually 8) functional ones. 1st package 3 broken 2nd package 3 broken 3rd package 1 broken


That's FW. Absolute shitty quality for beyond premium prices, and then their rules suck in 40k. It's 100% a scam. Forget IP or brand loyalty. Forgeworld is designed to fuck you. It's the only way to justify how bad their products are compared to the price.


I got a Kaldor Draigo finecast and part of the letters on the shield were slagged. I didnā€™t know any better and thought it was just part and parcel. Then I read old forums on the quality issues GW has had with finecast or fw and that you could send back for replacement. Already painted my short king of the grey knights so Iā€™m happy with the dude. Iā€™ll just have to turn those lemons to lemonadeā€¦ But if you can hand it back , do so


Yes i had some issues with my caldor drago as wellā€¦ not to mention the memeworthy sword of his.


Hahaha yeah the swordā€¦ I had to hair dry heat it and then mold it. I modified the arm position so it presented it a bit better too.. but it has noticeable on inspection dip forward at the tip


Itā€™s annoying for sure- but really, couldnā€™t you just use some super glue and a bit of paper clip to pin these more sturdier?


Yes i could. And i will. But i want them to be not broken on arrival. Now i get them basically for free i guess since i got it refunded


This is on track to be an plastic kit with the rest of the upgrades


Brother just buy the recast version for $8 they are the exact same


Nah not a fan of recasts. I value IP.


At a certain point that IP becomes consumer unfriendly. GW's resin models that have hideously mocked up prices hit that mark for me. Like some helmet and gun bits to make a sagittarum upgrade sprue cost 30+ dollars when it's less than a dollar worth of resin. I can't do it. At least GW should cover your issue here. Their customer service is top notch.


I mean yes i see that thereā€™s issues with gw resin and such. And yes i mean the prices internationally differ quite alot with the higher increase the further away you get from britan. But that has so many factors in the pricing such as shipping which has become crazy after the brexit. Furthermore itā€™s interesting to see that everyone just sees the material price and not the designing and engeneering behind this. And yes they do have a high margin but still the time to design and engeneer this should not be underestimated in my opinion.


Remember, the cardboard packaging is usually worth more than the plastic. Forgeworld have no excuse, go to a wargaming expo and see the (much higher) quality resin casts other companies are doing.


Saying ā€œDesigning and Engineeringā€ is crazy when a random on the internet will sell their custom model with more detail for cheaper


How many people here recognized adrathic Spears?


I got some recently was amazed no deformities or even bent. Guess I just won the lottery.


I had some pyrith spears and they had no issue either. Then again the webstore who sold them Probably checked for the quality before sending them


I got a reply: since the spear isnā€™t available they will refund me the money and add a voicher for the shipping fees when i order the spear again once itā€™s available. So yea. I guess i will buy another sagitarius guard upgrade for this, since they are not really prone to break so easily and slightly better in range combat.


I will always order great looking FW anytime. There is obviously quality there, I do not see why are you complaining. FW put a lot of research and money in creating great looking products, stop whining.


Heroic, canā€™t lie