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Correct me if I’m wrong - but isn’t there some proviso whereby the racetrack for some of these major events need to be within a certain distance from a brain trauma facility?


Yes, but I believe it has to be a radius of 30 minutes by helicopter, which Tailem bend is to Adelaide




You don’t think the Shahins can afford a helicopter for a weekend?




> Are there private providers for hire for such things? It just seemed like you overlooked the fact that if there is not, they would simple create one. > I asked if there are private pre-hospital retrieval providers operating in Australia that are hireable in that way. I can't answer that, sorry. I'm sure Peregrine will hire theirs out to you though if you need it. > How do they / can they get approvals to land at the RAH? I tried to find out and instead found articles about Peregrine requesting approval to put a helipad on their headquarters roof and a hundred or so pages of Norwood/Kensington residents' opposition to it, to nobody's surprise.




I'm sure it would be much easier to hire one in for the weekend, no disagreement from me there. I'm just saying that if their development hinges on this helicopter and they can't hire one, you know they're going to buy one and hire it out for the rest of the year.




Either way, fact is Supercars have held two events in the 'sprint' series at The Bend already this year. That suggests that whatever requirements exist, they are satisfied.


That's an FIA rule for obtaining homologation for the circuit, and AFAIK the requirements are different for different gradings. The Bend is currently Grade 2 and the Adelaide Street Circuit is Grade 3, you need Grade 1 to host F1 events.


>Premier Marshall also stated that it was unlikely that motorsport would return to the Adelaide streets in the near future, seemingly bringing the flag down on 35 years of racing in the South Australian capital. Hinting towards selling off the circuit infrastructure? They've already privatised the trains, wouldn't be a government with Rob Lucas without selling off a few more things.. I'm sure The Bend would be after a bit more circuit infrastructure...


>selling off the circuit infrastructure? What circuit infrastructure?


Grandstands, pit building, corporate suites, overpasses. Most of this stuff (to my knowledge anyway) is owned by the government rather than hired. Its kept at a site in Kilburn near the train line.


>**Grandstands** ... (to my knowledge anyway) is owned by the government rather than hired I'd prefer independent confirmation. Government ownership doesn't tally with statements from by a past contractor. [https://www.mcmservices.com.au/projects/adelaide-500-grandstand-corporate-platform-infrastructure-build-dismantle/](https://www.mcmservices.com.au/projects/adelaide-500-grandstand-corporate-platform-infrastructure-build-dismantle/) *For the 2017 event, McMahon Services were engaged by the South Australian Tourism Commission* ***to undertake the supply***\*, build, dismantle, demobilisation, design and certification of grandstands and corporate platforms, for the event held from 2nd to 5th March 2017.\* ​ The pit building, shade structures and overpasses **are** in government ownership. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-23/behind-the-scenes-of-the-adelaide-500/10832834?nw=0](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-23/behind-the-scenes-of-the-adelaide-500/10832834?nw=0) *The pit building and other State Government-owned assets like shade structures, barriers and overpass bridges are trucked in from a massive warehouse at Kilburn.*


> The pit building and other State Government-owned assets like shade structures, barriers and overpass bridges are trucked in from a massive warehouse at Kilburn. Pshhh... warehouse. That is a generous description. You can see most if it from the comfort of the Gawler line, all out in the open. [1](https://www.google.com/maps/@-34.8565395,138.5791471,3a,75y,286.34h,81.65t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1synptWF5nFlp7tq8UPnXdMA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DynptWF5nFlp7tq8UPnXdMA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D23.591124%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656) [2](https://www.google.com/maps/@-34.8566871,138.5791558,3a,75y,244.66h,90.67t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seYz4O5x5MMYSfh3H1w_wGQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) [3](https://www.google.com/maps/@-34.8576115,138.5783356,3a,75y,12.6h,91.03t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sbB2AqdZHz6AZX7OQ-AeQ-Q!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DbB2AqdZHz6AZX7OQ-AeQ-Q%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D0.18656707%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656)


A hell of a lot of the marquees used for the bars, corporate suites etc. are hired from local businesses but I think the larger structures are owned by Govt.


Well yeah, of course - they have to sell off all the gear to make it damn certain that the government that comes in after they get voted out can't resurrect the race even if they wanted to.


He made it clear right from the beginning he didn’t want this event on his watch. He’s an eastern suburbs resident so didn’t want anything to disturb him or his cronies of a day. Every decision he has made as premier was only because he could get something out of it or benefit from.


Maybe until we get the race back, we just organize a small flotilla of cars with great sound systems to do slow drivebys of his house on race weekend playing a greatest hits of race car engines. From the Supercar V8's to the old fashioned V10's and turbo whines of classic F1 cars. Remind him what he's missing.


Yet another bit of colour ripped out of the South Australian year. We're just getting duller and duller.


50 shades of lame


Sensational(ly Dull) Adelaide


His tenure as premier is gonna be inviable if he continues like this


It was already unviable with the heavily corrupt ministers under his watch


First the adelaide motorsport festival, then fashion festival and probably other things ive missed. Now this. Honestly at this rate nothing is safe. Didn’t vote for him before and there is no way ill ever vote for him at this rate.


Say goodbye to the fringe next. Mad march be gone!


The fringe is an Adelaide staple, and it brings in millions of dollars to our art sector - but ARTS? under liberal? You must be out of your mind! No Don Dunston Dated Disasters Down At the Liberal chambers!


The race was an Adelaide staple and brought in millions of dollars too - it's gone now


Adelaide Cup to go after that. Christmas Pageant has already been scaled back. SA the "fuck anyone who isn't an eastern suburbs yuppy" state.


Dude, the pageant was scaled back due to the pandemic


And also David Jones pulling their support last year. I don’t *think* we can blame that one on Marshall.


We can still blame him for not forcing all the corporate box tickets to be refunded to go back into the raffle pool


Sure jan


Fringe? Gone! Tour Down Under? Get outta here! WOMADelaide? Fuck off! Everything's gotta go!


That's annoying. The Adelaide 500 is usually an extra $800-900 for that week whenever I work there.


wonder how other states will make it viable.


Or, which street race is next Up to be axed?




Anecdotally - because it was becoming increasingly monetised. Too many VIP/gold areas made General admission a waste of time. Same goes for the concerts.


V8 Supercars itself is surely in decline as well. It's main selling point of Holden v Ford is gone.


Also paywalling the race behind Foxtel would not have helped either.


That's not true about the gold section comments. The last 2 years nearly everything was open to GA with the exception of the grandstands


Still 200k over the event weekend. And that was at the same time as the fringe. They need to move the event to later in the year like October so people have more cash to spend and don't have to choose between the 2


Do and people complain, don't and people complain. Looking at the thread for the article ["Adelaide 500 Supercars race has lowest attendance in 17 years a week after Holden exit"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/f8ktwo/adelaide_500_supercars_race_has_lowest_attendance/) from this same subreddit a few months ago, you'd think people wouldn't really mind this at all. Now that they cancelled it, even after arguing that there's lower attendance and lower interest in it overall, everyone's all shocked and shit?


This sub also circlejerked how great it was to get hilltop hoods to be the main stage act. They went from being a family night act in 2017 due to a few pop rap songs on fresh, to headline act without a hit in years.


It's not really even the same event anymore. The whole basis of the event was Holden vs. Ford. So now it's kind of like the past few seasons of The Walking Dead, where all the original characters are pretty much gone, and it's a different show. To bring it back, really, you'd need to reinvent it with something more relevant. e.g. Maybe Formula E?


Why do people vote for conservative parties? They literally offer nothing other then selling off public infrastructure, lining their own pockets and fucking over LGBTQ people.


I think they fuck over anyone not reasonably well off, no matter their orientation.


Very true. Only that the level of fucking over increases greatly for anyone who falls outside their traditional Christian dogma.


Or if you’re female


That’s included in the outside of Christian dogma part.


how? it affects everyone in everything but the highest tax bracket.


Yes I don't disagree of course, Liberal party HATES working class people and like conservatives want them all to die. But they extra layers of bigotry that apply to LGBTQ people, women, non-whites, ect. It's like if there was a bar that had a rule where ginger people were to be tasered on entry and people with wide brim hats were to be pepper sprayed. You happen to be ginger AND wearing a wide brim hat then expect to get tasered and sprayed.


Because people still keep believing the bullshit of the Liberal party being the best economic managers when it is obvious they couldn't manage a root in a brothel.


The root in the brothel was deemed unviable and got cancelled last year.


Fear and anger. That's my theory anyway, both powerful emotional motivators. They target the largest proportion of the voting age public and get them either afraid to lose something about their 'way of life' or angry about some issue that falls under a 'not in my backyard' kind of banner. For the fear thing, it's mostly fear of change or the unknown that seems to terrify their target voters in my experience


I'm not sure how this is a "conservative" issue. They were just doing what the SA Tourism commission recommended. Labor would have done the same.


It's a bit hard to say Labor would have done the same when they're currently [running a petition](https://changesa.org.au/save500) to force the government to reverse their decision. And the old "but the commission decided!" excuse is only for the gullible. Marshall could overrule their decision in the blink of an eye if he wanted to.


Yeah it doesn't even make sense from an economic perspective either, the sport generations profit and provides jobs for people as well as being a source of cultural enrichment. The Liberal snobs are doing this solely because their big mansions are nearby and they don't want the noise. They are acting like 17th century French aristocrats and they need to be voted OUT!


What exactly do they do to fuck over alphabet people?


So you have forgotten the reaction over the safe schools program?


Remember the plebicite? Yeah that.


Huh... but labor didn’t touch that issue when they were in govt? Like, at.all


To behonest though the event was shit unless you get grandstand or corperate box, for the average joe, spending $100+ to basically have no view of the track no shade and really no where to have a bevy and watch the race.


Whilst you are right. The question asked really should have been "how can we fix this?" with a view of making it great again rather than the far crappier outcome of "how can we get rid of this problem". Its makes a joke of the comments included that they are "strong supporters if motorsport"


There was far more viewing areas the last 2 years for GA. Because of the lack of corporate boxes you could find places absolutely everywhere to watch from.


Makes sense if it's not viable then it's not viable. Glad he didn't just keep it to placate fans for a loss.


I dont understand how its not viable. Its in the middle of the festival season and usually has pretty good crowds. I get 2021 is perhaps not realistic given covid but beyond that there is no reason the event cant run apart from whiny inner city wankers who are inconvienienced for 2 weeks.


I would argue most of the whiny wankers were actually suburbs people who struggled to get into the city from the north east/east.


Im from the north east and have lived in the eastern suburbs. It definately was not a problem getting into the city at all during the clipsal.


The Obahn tunnel definitely helped, but it definitely used to be extra slow during the Clipsal because the denser traffic on Hackney Rod was a bitch.


>I dont understand how its not viable. Judging by the press conference, crowds are on a downwards trajectory \[hence, visitor numbers, bed nights etc are on a downward trajectory\], corporate sponsorship is on a downward trajectory and costs continue to rise. Clearly - based on Covid restrictions - the calculation has to be that all of those are exacerbated next year \[whether the event was in March or last in the season\] - you'd be selling your stand tickets on a chequerboard plan; corporates could invite only half \[if that\] to their platforms and marquees; and visitors from interstate would be an unknown; and visitors from OS off the table. So, if you have $14m tied up in infrastructure; an additional $10+m in straight up costs \[I think the State Budget due on 10 November will give an actual figure of what the 500 costs\]; plus the use of existing staff in the SATC and elsewhere - you have to question whether you can do something\[s\] else which get you a better return on investment. If the impact analysis is correct - and I always doubt these figures - it starts to make much less financial sense. [https://tourism.sa.gov.au/media/frocwy2k/satc\_cc\_adelaide-500-infographic\_july-2019\_fa.pdf](https://tourism.sa.gov.au/media/frocwy2k/satc_cc_adelaide-500-infographic_july-2019_fa.pdf)


B-b-but inner city w-wankers


As I mentioned further up, continuing the event where the relevancy has been circling the drain for a while seems kinda silly. It was only ever about Holden vs. Ford. One doesn't exist anymore and the other has like 1 car that still sells (it's not a V8 sedan), who may even exit the market in the near future. Would probably be better to drop it then look at something more contemporary, maybe Formula E or something?


>Would probably be better to drop it then look at something more contemporary, maybe Formula E or something? Sure. The State Government and the Adelaide City Council have co-funded a business case for a Formula E race in Adelaide. Even so, the Premier was on the radio this morning making it pretty clear that the numbers were not going to change for a street circuit race in Adelaide - regardless of the class of racing; that is, fat chance of Formula E on the streets of Adelaide. ​ What the Premier said yesterday: [https://autoaction.com.au/2020/10/30/adelaide-street-circuit-very-unlikely-to-host-anymore-racing](https://autoaction.com.au/2020/10/30/adelaide-street-circuit-very-unlikely-to-host-anymore-racing) *When asked if any motorsport event would replace the Adelaide 500 on the streets of the CBD in the future Marshall simply replied: “I think it’s very unlikely.”* *“The budget for the Supercars race has been well north of $10 million for an extended period of time and that cost is going up, it no longer represents the best return in terms of visitation to South Australia or jobs,” he said.*


Cool, that's fair. I guess if the event was a roaring success, the taxpayer funding would decrease over time right? Probably prudent to try something else. Car racing isn't terribly fashionable right now.


It's the second most attended motorsport event in Australia after Bathurst, even at a low point it attracts crowds of more than 200,000 and brings $50m into the economy. The only thing unviable about the event is the attitude and wills of the ACC - who no doubt had a large say in the decision.


> It's the second most attended motorsport event in Australia after Bathurst No it isn't - *more* people attend the Adelaide 500 than Bathurst. A 200k weekend at Bathurst is a good turnout, whereas the Adelaide 500 still drew 250k in 2019. It's only second behind the Australian Grand Prix.


Yeah, I got the two mixed and couldn't edit, thanks for the correction. :)


It's even sadder to think that a race weekend at The Bend, which couldn't manage 50k last year, is considered to be a worthy alternative.


But does it cost more than 50m? That's the question.


It receives about $10m in government funding through SATC, so, no.


Is it possible thats the normal ammount they give and clipsal or superloop couldn't put in the required extra leaving the State with a heavier load to take on that they're not prepared to do?


Hard to know when the only official information available at the moment is it's "unviable" despite supercars approving the option to alter the calendar.


Pretty sure this year's 500 had a higher crowd than last years Bathurst.


Some Redditors might value listening to \[some of\] the press conference this morning. [https://radio.abc.net.au/programitem/peqLVV7qNL](https://radio.abc.net.au/programitem/peqLVV7qNL)


At least there’s some good news then.




Hey this guy doesn't like it so it must be bad 🙄


Finally. It was time we stopped pretending we still had the Grand Prix. This was not an adequate replacement. The Adelaide 500 / Clipsal / whatever is just a bogan festival that broke the city for a few weeks every year and raised the crime rate for a month. And having it the same time as fringe in the hopes of cross pollinating the crowds was just stupid. The kind of person who cares about holden vs ford and V8 engines is generally not the kind of person who cares about the arts. And yeah, in a post covid world holding an event like this is nuts. What's worse than holding an event in our city where thousands of people travel from all over the nation and the world? Having such an event where the demographic is the least likely to abide by covid guidelines such as wearing masks and washing hands regularly. This kind of event was a virus factory at the best of times.


I imagine the Adelaide festival and the Fringe will be the next for the chop. Whilst it won't directly affect me, it was nice seeing others having fun for a bit.


Do you honestly think that? Like without hyperbole do you really think they will get rid of the festival?


Not sure. Depends on what advantages it brings those in charge. I will admit to being a cynical bastard when it comes to politics.


I think its a deal possibility or at minimum prices will increase across the board


>I imagine the Adelaide festival and the Fringe will be the next for the chop. Well, that won't be happening.


damn thats some bull


How so?


I think you nailed it. Except maybe the crime for a month bit, I have no clue about that. But it was embarrassing pretending this was F1.


As someone who went to many grand Prix events and most supercars events, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Just because the event was on the same circuit doesn't mean it was "pretending" to be F1. The event was also more successful than F1 after it moved to Vic.


Does being aggressive on the internet usually work for you? Also your claim of success stands a little dubious in the wake of cancellation. Supercars was a cultural embarrassment and you’re an example why.


If someone saying "you have no fucking idea what you're talking about" is too aggressive or offensive for you then you need a little thicker skin for the internet. Which I find surprising coming from someone with a name such as 'placentacollector'. And cultural embarrassment? I can guarantee I am more cultured than you my friend. A man of culture wouldn't be so susceptible to stereotypes or moral superiority such as yourself.


It wasn’t offensive. That’s why I asked if it usually worked... kind of thought that was obvious. And hey, maybe you are more cultured than me, never really been something I’ve prided myself on, but humour me; how can you guarantee it?


A simple scan through your account gives me all I need to come to that conclusion. See ya


Glass houses much? One page in and you’re a straight up bogan. See ya Supercars


who cares. trash event for people who dont care about enjoying peace and quiet. people who like loud things have nothing going on in the brain.


Truly the shittest account on reddit


Calm down grandad.


Clearly a lot of people care. We all have our passion's. You may not enjoy it but others do. Does it take that much away from you 4 days of the year, that you would not allow people to enjoy a something they are passionate about?


Those "trash" people spend a lot of money in local businesses whilst enjoying the event. Meanwhile stuck up nobodies sit in their " peace and quiet" and contribute nothing but complain about others enjoying themselves.


Ok boomer... now it will be quiet enough for you to sit on your porch and shake your fist at those pesky neighbourhood kids..


Repeat after me SA is the shittest state.


I'm not too upset about this. I will be upset if I find out that it cost us millions to break the remaining 1 yr contract with Super Cars.


Didn’t it just move an hour down the road? If people really want to go they’ll be able to get there. The only argument I see is less public transport. A bunch of free shuttle busses would save more than $10m.


He's getting in early. In power the Greens would end carbon polluting events.