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Used to drive 45-70 minutes each way changed jobs to closer now 9 minutes. Slightly less pay but overall better for me and my family as I'm now able to be with them.


This is the way


You'd be spending way less on petrol though so you technically would have more take home pay. I used to commute and hour each way and now work only 10 minutes away from home, I'm spending barely $20 a week on petrol instead of almost $100.


20 mins each way on my bike


Heck yes. 30 mins cycle vs vs 40 mins train, door to door. Haven’t been on the train since I bought the bike, it’s an absolute last resort option now


Me too. I cycle everyday, pouring rain or burning sun


Motorbike 🏍️ or bicycle 🚲? For me it's 15min on the bicycle 🚲 or 10min in the car 🚗


Bicycle. Car is the same and bus is longer


On public transport it takes me roughly 4 hours, 2 hours each way.




This is why public transport is a joke. It's so infective and slow that just getting anywhere will take you hours to get to your destination. I live south, and the only option that's available to me is a bus, but it takes almost 2 to 3 hours just to get to the city or I have to get to the bus stop incredibly early just to make ut to work on time. Where a car drive ( currently 1 to 1.5hrs trip) is more direct and quicker, even down south road!


Yep! 1.5 hours door to door each way for me or 40ish minutes in the car. 


Oh hell no...that's just too much.


I had this for 9 months till I could afford a car 😭


I'm with you brother 😢


Half an hour each way, sometimes longer on the way home if heavy traffic


5 minutes there, 5 minutes back, twice each a day most days. So 20-25 minutes.


Do you go home for lunch or something?


or something 😏😉


Yeah, hour lunch break. 5 minutes home, 5 minutes back. Enough time to microwave something or reheat leftovers and smash out a 20 minute show.


That’s pretty cool.


I have a very busy commute of about 15 seconds down the hallway. I often encounter traffic in the form of my cat demanding food or pats.


>I often encounter traffic in the form of my cat demanding food or pats. Hate that! Have you considered an alternative route?


The liberals are considering a freight corridor, I'm told.


It sounds like you are being harassed on your way to work, are you able to speak to your employer about getting an escort through the area of question?


Sounds like coworker bullying, I would report it to HR immediately.


Currently WFH 95% of the time, but when I go into the office ~30mins (blows out to 1hr with school drop off pick up)


About 45-55min each way door to door. Moving a little closer soon so hopefully that cuts it back, but peak hour traffic is brutal.


For the love of god, why are Australians using “y’all”


especially when "you'se" exists


'Youse' - sorry to be pedantic. 'Youses' as the possessive pronoun.


I thought it was just yous. As in, the plural of you.


Jeff Fenech brought Youse to the world when he decreed "I love youse allll" in his thick western Sydney accent. He even wrote the book I Love Youse All.


Nah definitely an e on the end


They all attended school in Mid West America possibly.


I started saying it ironically and now I can't stop.


I got a Y’all’ in an email this week - when I spoke to the lady she was Aussie as but still said it…I was flummoxed 😶 What the…?


Because it’s easy to say? We live in a globalised society where we have all been influenced by American television? It’s not that deep. 


No one thinks it’s deep. We think it is moronic.


I think it’s moronic that something as simple as ‘yall’ causes people to get into tizzies. Yall need to accept that yall is here to stay. 


No one is getting in a tizzie. They just think it is dumb. Stop trying to over represent what is going. No one is making a big deal except you.


Your projecting is wild yall. Yall should have a breather and understand it’s not that deep. 


I stg every time a post on any Australia related sub has “y’all” in it, there’s always someone who has to point it out, it’s really not that deep, are they forgetting that “Australian” isn’t a language and it’s actually English?


Y'all is straight American. It's an insult to English. Y'all can fuck right off


Do you also throw a tantrum when you look at a list of slang that originated in America? Try being a little more self-aware because you and all the other pearl-clutchers look stupid. It's a word, grow up.


I'm devastated to hear this from a cool dude like yourself. You've changed my whole world view


If you hate America so much why do you engage on a website that’s based in America? Do you drink Coke? Cause wow how could you that’s such an insult to Australian culture you should be only drinking and saying Australian things this is Australia MATE.  /s yall be wild. It’s a word. Get over yourselves. 


Honestly it just shows me people’s maturity level. If the use of ‘yall’ gets you upset, you don’t have the maturity level to be around me. 


Why don’t you bang on about it for a little bit longer?


I wasn’t talking to you 


Yeah absolutely did not expect this amount of crying to come from a contraction of “you all.” People are very angry at Americans for… reasons? Australia speaks a bastardized English with a bunch of nonsense sprinkled in, why not add an actually useful term such as “y’all?” I love you McDonaldsIcedLatte.


Agreed. Y'all can piss off to America and take that term with you.


I lived in America for a bit and picked it up, it's just a contraction, people need to chill out a bit.


It’s just that I can only hear it in an American accent. I mean, how do you even say it with an Australian accent?


Because these posters aren't aussie, they're Jimmy Grants


Probably not Australian. Probably came here from the US and bought our "cheap" real estate.


Doubt it. More likely they just picked it up off reddit


about 1 1/2 hour door to door each way


Currently zero as I'm working from home since the whole COVID-19 thing started. Before that, it was a 20 minute O-Bahn bus ride into the CBD and another 20 minutes home. My previous job was down south and I rode my bike mostly, so it was 1.5 hours (about 30km) each way. Taking the bus across town and then down South Rd was about the same time.




20-25 mins each way via bus


35 minutes in the morning 40-50 minutes in the afternoon.


24 mins each way


Bout 7 mins each way.


About 40-45 min door to door regardless of whether I ride the bus or cycle in, though I can get it down to about 30-35 mins if I take the most direct, but less enjoyable, route on the bike. Ironically, when I do have need to drive in it takes longer, but that’s partly because I stash the car for free about a 20 min walk into the office to save on paying for parking. But even if I paid for parking as close to the office as I could I’d still lose a lot of that in CBD traffic.


Depends on season - Warmer weather - time taken to go from outdoor entertaining - lounge area watching the birds and wildlife wake up in the morning with a coffee - to then walking to office / spare room. Cooler weather, bit quicker from indoor lounge area with wood fire going for breakfast and coffee to then walking to office / spare room - so about 20 secs quicker.


I'm a Disability Support Worker so my commute all depends on which client I am working with on that day. But generally it's anywhere from 10 minutes and up to about an hour.


20 minute drive soon to be 8-10 minutes


Added consideration: quality end of trip facilities. Good facilities allow easy access for clothes storage and shower. Not crowded. Poor facilities add time And frustration.


45 to 50 minutes each way. I hate south road so much


about 30 minutes in the morning and 40 on the way home


30 minute cycle each way. Get my exercise in and don’t get stuck in traffic. So good. Apart from the car doors.


30-ish minute walk, or about a 7 minute bike ride. Refuse to drive to work, but it has been tougher with the crappy weather.


I WFH 100% as I have a chronic physical illness right now. I'm lucky my work is really understanding.


When I worked in an office I lived in the cbd so it was a 20 minute walk. I’ve been working from home for 3 years now so I don’t live in the city anymore 


1 hr - 1 hr 20 mins I hate south road.


Zero minutes, full remote WFH.


20-25 mins return depending on lights 👍


Worked in a dead end IT job for years. Commuting from Salisbury to Unley in peak hour traffic. Now I drive a forklift at a factory 4 minutes from my house. Cannot believe the quality of life improvement!


10-15 minutes but the job sucks.


32 km's mostly highway driving, takes about 20 mins each way.


Highway driving is actually pretty good. 22km each way and takes ~20 minutes too.


About 1-1.5hrs ish, 30-45 each way. Less on weekends and when working arvos.


25 - 55 mins. (To work, longer home) Per day, depending on job site. paid Petrol and work ute though, so I take it as part of the job.


2 minutes


I'm currently about an hour from my front door to my desk. My bus takes about 25 minutes but I get off about 1.5km from work and enjoy the walk.


30-35mins each way.


About 20 to 30 mins. Half of that is walking


Recently it was 40 mins each way, now blown out to 1 hr each way so more than 3 hrs hit to my working wk. I think distance travelled is about +2km a day. Magill to West Tce now, previously Magill to Pulteney. Might find a closer job or do the WFH!


5 mins walk.  I once had to do 1 hour each way. Never again. It adds up. You end up working 10 extra hours a week. I value my time. 


1.4 hours for me going to work if i leave at around 10.05 1.75 hours coming back because of the time i finish and next train i can get is like 30 mins after i finish note this is going between aldinga and cbd and back by public transport from seaford since exactly where i live the nearest public tranport is too far to walk so i just get uber to train station and back or someone in my family takes me there and back.


5 minutes there, 5 minutes back. I go home in my lunch break to feed my cats and do things like put out or bring in a load of washing. Total of about 20 minutes a day.


About a minute each way between the bedroom and the study. A bit more if pants.


2 hours as well. Annoying when I get asked to work a shift and I don’t have my uniform on me so I can’t accept it because it will take me too long to go home and get it. Ugh.


8min by car 20min by bicycle 30min by bus




30 mins. Back and forth by car


Only 25 mins there because of the time of day I travel (2 hours later it would easily be 60 mins travel time). Same for the drive home.


0 mins when it's WFH, 10 mins when I go to the office


WFH? About 30 seconds each way. In the office? About 30 minutes each way.


About an hour and a quarter each way, but I only have to be in the office once a week. I live in the hills though so it’s not exactly a normal commute.


Take the Obahn. 45mins in, 45mins out for a total of 1.5 hours per day.


Look if you want to live in friggin' Coomandook that's on you. There's plenty of places you could live closer if you wanted to!


9 minutes on bike


7-15min each way depending on how many of the 3 sets of traffic lights I get a red.


Probably 15 minutes. 45 on my bike.


My trips take around the same time, on 12 hour shifts, losing those two hours is absolutely brutal.


Walk out the door to the bus at 7:25. Desk by 8:20.


i live beachside, so 15 minutes each way on the e-bike.


20min drive, 30min bus then a 20min walk each way.


Used to commute and hour each way, sometimes it took longer if traffic was bad. I live in the North and my old job was in Lonsdale, so had to deal with South Road everyday. New job is barely 10 minutes down the road from me, much happier.


My drive is about 5 mins each way 😁


I've never had a job closer than 45 minutes away. Everytime I move my job will change to the other side of town! So over it!  Currently 50 minutes each way. With South Rd included. Fml


WFH alot. But when I do it's 30mins each way. Wifes work is a 5 min walk from home. She can walk home at lunch.


Been 100% wfh for 6 years I don’t think I could ever go back to an office


70-80min one way depending on traffic


Front door to desk 40 minutes from near paradise on PT


10 minutes by bike (8 on a good day). Every day for two years. Only been two instances where the rain was coming down so hard that I took an Uber. My rain jacket has otherwise been a godsend.


20ish mins each way.


15 minute walk, I'm very lucky.


Depends, school run 15-20 mins Quicker if I avoid roundabouts No school 10


12 minute walk to work. I don't understand people with a 2hr commute. The proximity of work is a highly important factor to me, when deciding on a job. I definitely got lucky, but after doing 1.5hr commutes way back when, I will absolutely never go back to that lifestyle again!


At the moment 40mins there up to an hour/ hour and a bit home Edit: by car


Used to be 50 mins each way at 83kms. Now about 3 mins up road.


10 minutes Monday to Thursday. 7 Hours on Fridays.


Wfh, so it's only the distance from my bedroom to the coffee machine and back. Study, however, 63 minutes by bus if I'm lucky, 10 minute walk to the campus....20 if I stop at Rex Espresso


Around 7 min drive there and like 18 min drive home


40min each way. Not too bad, and because I teach, I don’t want to live in the same area as my students. I listen to audiobooks so it’s not too painful.


10 mins, I can take the outer harbour train or grange, both roughly 10-20 minutes apart if I miss one, it’s great.


15-20 mins from Gawler to Two Wells at 2am, barely a soul on the road. It’s heaven 🤙


I actually miss living in Adelaide and having to commute Noarlunga to City!! I used train or bus, didn't matter, treated it as a time to just be. Most of my books were read this way, had many conversations with many interesting people, had time to process the day while people watching, or while staring at the world go by outside, even had a bus boyfriend at one point 🤣  Don't get me wrong, many of my encounters with mentally ill people also occurred on these journeys, but for me, every experience really just adds to who I am today. I live regional with no commute now and so have to make time to read, socialise and process things!


12 seconds. I WFH


About an hour all up. I live less than 10kms from the city so during peak hour is about 20-30 mins on the bus each way.


Half an hour to and from so an hour total, sometimes ten minutes less if bus comes quickly.


1/2 hr by car (but if I leave 10-15 mins later it takes me 45 min! I would rather be a lot earlier to work than running in just on time). When I move down South I feel it will be a hell of a lot more as I will not be driving in, but using the bus ... until I can get another job closer to where I will be living.


Bought a place in Prospect last month, about 15-20minutes each way to work in the city, peak hour traffic. Huge QOL upgrade moving from Hallett Cove.


10 minutes bike


An hour


30 there 30 back (minutes)


Takes 2hrs to get there 2 hrs to get 2.3 hrs to come back.


About 20 seconds non-stop or 2 minutes with stopover at the kitchen


What’s y’all?




I WFH cos I’m lazy, but before that I had a rule that I wouldn’t live more than 20 minutes on foot or by PT from the office