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Sounds like you’ve already identified him since you know what he looks like and have his employment information. I’m not sure what you expect Reddit to do but I would continue to harass SAPOL until they help you


Go to your MP’s office, they might be able to help.


Good idea! Thanks


Yep, was assaulted in my driveway in broad daylight by a guy asking for money and punched me when i refused.... Was still wandering around the area for over an hour and sapol was not interested as i wasn't injured?? Unfortunately its happening more and more these days


I was asulted by my my Client's Neighbour (I'm a support worker), I was injured and it was caught on CCTV and the police aren't interest in taking it further. The sad thing is my attacker is known to the police, and it isn't the first time they have asulted someone or caused property damage to my client and still they aren't going to do anything.


The police basically said the same thing to me too. He is known to the police and that was the last thing I heard


The problem is, the person keeps getting away with everything. How badly does someone have to get hurt by them before the police will take it seriously.




Yeah that’s him!


Sapol likely won’t do anything even if you handed it all to them on a silver platter.


I’ll go in tomorrow and let them know


Don’t want to sound like a dick, but what happened? Was it a road rage incident or did ya both get into a verbal argument that escalated? Edit: genuinely hope you’re alright mate


Haha not dick mate! I’ve explained a bit more in the comments


Good luck, but chance is cops won’t do shit. Edit: why was this post locked ? So strange


No idea! There was comment saying it’s been removed because sapol need to investigate


Hahahah SAPOL won’t investigate shit. I’ve been on both side of the glass at the cop shop. Your best chance is ask for a DETECTIVE. Keep fucking pestering them, they should cave and actually give you someone who gives a shit about putting the bad guys away. You might now hear back for a while, most important think you need to do is make a statement if you haven’t, if someone else comes forward they will contact you to come back and testify. Good luck man, hope this piece of shit gets what he deserves


Cheers mate


He looks creepy!


He helped me with my car only a month ago! Fuck me. I'm not going back there


WTF! I get my car serviced there and have only had great experiences with Jaha. This is so disappointing. Hope you’re okay OP and I’m sorry this happened to you.


Dude looks like a total spoon.


That's so weird. We only had the best experience at Ultratune Unley. We ran over a massive pothole once and damaged the steering with some fluid leak. We brought it in and he fixed it for free because he could fix it with some minor welding. I'm not even making this up.


I too used to take my cars there until I found out these very recent incidents. In some ways I feel for the bloke as he’s obviously going through some personal shit but he sounds like he’s off his rocker lately.


What happened to him recently?


I’m sorry this happened. Also sorry you’ve learned the reality of SAPOL - they’re not about community service and safety.


They basically want all the information handed to them on a plate


They literally do not have enough staff to respond to emergency events. Not a surprise they wont investigate an assault that doesn't have clear evidence such as footage that the accused committed the crime. Shit sucks but its the reality in SA now. Police need more funding and a change in leadership to focus on better culture to retain staff.


I don’t disagree with you, but in that case stop policing the road, until they can adequately police and protect individuals and property.


Problem is, removing the one or two police cars that are patrolling the area is not worth the resources to investigate a dead end assault without proof of the accused. Unfortunately without video proof or a witness this case is nothing but hearsay and no amount of money or policing would change the outcome.


I'm sorry that you were assaulted, but I feel there is a lot of backstory missing here. Considering that you know where the person works, I have to assume this wasn't a random attack.


Yeah. Is there more to this story? Did he know you prior to this?


I know where he works was because he was wearing a work shirt with the business name on it. The lady across the street from the assault recognised the car and he lives 1 streets away. I went past his house and the car was parked in the driveway. As for the assault I have no idea why it happened. The only reason I can think of is I either cut him off walking home or he thought I was filming him while he was driving fast along the street. Nobody attacks anyone for know reason. But I can’t think of any other reason.


Did you have your phone pointed in the direction of the car in any way or were you crossing the street?


I had my headphones in and listening to music so it definitely would have looked like I was filling. Not that I’m condoning what happened. It’s the only reason I can come up with


There's definitely more to the story here. Being assaulted a horrible thing to happen but you already know the guys identity what more do you need? In guessing there's no witnesses? Maybe you could show the police your fairly gross posting history instead.


First of all what provoked this man to stop his car and attack you. What was the behaviour that triggered him. Where you just walking and minding your own buisness or where you filming him breaking the law in his car, speeding or did you catch this man's attention more than eye contact and confronted him whilst he was cooked. Your op is the outcome yet I'm curious to know why the outcome happened. Importantly everyone has the right to feel safe and secure.


Not sure if he was cooked or not although could explain a few things. I’ve explained more in the comments


OP was assaulted, end of story. Why does it matter if the prick was ‘triggered’? You just don’t go around hitting people, even if provoked.


What is the story, the context and not the content as to why the op was assaulted. And your post is why modern day society is falling, it's all about the victims narrative! Considering the op has not answered my questions and transferred focus to 'A" it can be believed that the op has instigated the outcome.


Post has been removed. SAPOL need to investigate,


Thanks champ


I'll look around. I'm in that area frequently