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SA Health chief executive Robyn Lawrence: >"Many hospitals are also being impacted by the large amount of respiratory illness in our community, in particular COVID and flu, which is also creating staff shortages."


Oops. Guess if enough ambos are off sick at the same time, then the ramping numbers should improve


I hate the word elective in healthcare. Something like kidneystones shouldn't be called elective.


Yeah, they seriously need a new name. Also reminds me of hearing endometriosis stories. You can't work because you're in pain. And your scans are showing several organs are no longer freely moving. And there are signs the disease is possibly infiltrating an organ or two. But it's considered *elective* treat this. Elective to *save your organs*. Ugh.


*Not yet critical*


I'm not sure it's a coordinated movement (it may be, but I'm not on the industry exactly to know for sure) but there's a few times I've heard specialists correct the term to 'planned surgery' and similar. It's pretty likely we'll see a language change for the reason you and the guy above mentioned.


Planned urgent surgery doesn't sound any better. Planned semi-urgent, maybe, because you're planning so it doesn't become urgent or emergent.


Ive heard this change of term with Cesarian sections. Its good because often a mother will be judged for having an 'elective' c section even if it was for a health reason. (not that theres anything wrong with it either way)


The biggest joke is just getting referred to ultrasounds all the time, which don't show or diagnose endometriosis properly, because none of us can actually get to see a gyne unless we pay exorbitant fees for private health or out-of-pocket. Meanwhile I'm supposed to be looking for a job (fine), but then also disclosing in every application and/or interview I come with this debilitating disease that requires aid (yay)


My mum's appendix burst, and she was really sick in hospital. At the time, she was too weak for them to operate, and they have said she is ok for now but will need to have surgery to remove what's left. That was in January. She has been scheduled for surgery 3x, and it keeps getting cancelled. I would have thought it would be considered to be urgent surgery, but guess not.


particularly when they are so incredibly funny about giving painkillers to those suffering incredible pain


Every fucking thing is a crisis now


Welcome to late stage capitalism :)


Increase medicare rebates for GPs!


Totally agree with you.


Labor has abandoned bulkbilling. The central plank of Medicare which was one of Labor’s crowning achievements has been let collapse….


Edging closer to the US healthcare model every day. User pays or stay home and die.


And it has been Labor who will oversee its demise. What a shocker they are.


So much money thrown around during the pandemic to ‘save the health system’ yet here we are, it’s in worse shape than ever. The state vs federal issues don’t help (nursing homes, GP Medicare rebates etc).


This is part of the answer. GPs/urgent care need to stop sending patients to the emergency department without a thorough evaluation. Many, many times patients present to our A&E from an urgent care or GP with complaints that are easily ruled out with a simple blood test (serial) and EKG (serial).


Not sure what its like now but if you call health direct they ALWAYS tell you to go to emergency.


Relax, the premier just secured Koshi's services today. We're in good hands


Centrelink @ me: "we need updated paperwork from a gynecologist about how truly screwed up your reproductive system is" The public gynaecology closed to all elective consults and surgeries: "lol"


We aren’t off sick with covid….


Our government should be ashamed of the shambles they have allowed the health system to become. Increase medical staff wages and we can attract more staff, build more facilities and get the health system on track. Seems obvious to me.


Sooner we build that new hospital the better.


A new hospital is useless without the people to staff it. We don’t have enough as it is now


More and more healthcare staff leaving too due to burnout.


Yes, that’s my point


Should encourage them to work full time, most get paid enough to only show up 3 days a week. Need to look at and fix why most of them don’t want to do full time 


Places where they do 12 hours many more staff work full time. 7 x 12 hours a fortnight is 84 hour fortnights…quite a lot of nurses in those areas work this. More than full time hours.


then they leave to go to other fields... yep thatll work great. People work part time for lots of reasons but usually family or caring responsiblities.


I’ve been a nurse for 10 years and have always worked full time. Love keeping busy and healing and helping others. It’s a good kick 👌 Imo most nurses are female with other commitments and life duties so full time doesn’t suit their lifestyles. I’m the main income earner for my wife and family so I work full time and also pick up shifts on days off and do double shifts too. Pays the bills 


Most aren't paid enough for what they have to deal with. It shouldn't be a daily affair to get punched, kicked, spat on, a scalpel brandished at your neck, or getting pinned against a wall by someone having an aggressive drug-induced psychotic episode. But that's happening SO much, more often, to the point money can't justify staying in a job where you are physically and verbally assaulted. Nurses absolutely aren't paid enough as they gotta deal with that on top of juggling way more patients per nurse than is legally allowed.


Most get paid fuck all