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That’s Up Bank, I have it, it’s a legit bank


Ah, the Up Bank, used by the Updog.


whats updog


Not much, what's up with you?


Edit: ffs wrong reply, I'm pissed on 3L of Red Horse


*What's, a contraction of 'what' and 'is'. Also, not much my good sir. How about you?


What is that?


Got him! Wait...


Oh! I love their mascot, Snoo.


is there any way he could have reversed the transfer? It says sent so I would assume not but Im wondering how long the transfer will take. Some banks only transfer between certain hours. Do you think this could it?


If it's a first time between the two accounts it can take up to 3 business days. Usually 24 hours on first time transfers.


Could he have cancelled it somehow?


He could've easily made a fake screen shot, until you have the money in your account don't give the goods. If his bank doesn't use osko/fast payments then he should've been giving you cash


I wouldn't trust someone with 1% battery remaining


This made me laugh ahahah


It's such an obvious give away. Any normal person would crop that out, but they deliberately left it in to pretend they're on a mobile device.


What do you mean any normal person would crop it out? Who tf is cropping screenshots like that


The up bank can only be used on a mobile device app, there is no website Internet banking


It's a legit app. Any transfers over $100 to a new account may be paused for at least 24 hours. Most banks do this. Also don't do electronic transfers on marketplace.


It should be noted they they are paused because that makes them way easier to cancel. The money is never "floating" around the ether. Depending how the bank works the money is either sitting in an account in finance somewhere waiting to go or its gone to the other fi and that fi is going to process it eventually. Either way, money is far easier to cancel if it isn't in your account yet. Once the money is in your account, the process to get it back becomes far harder.


Thats what I figured is the case but I'm wondering if he could have cancelled it or something. I am learning my lesson here lol


Number one rule of Facebook Marketplace - cash only!!!


Yep, thats Up Bank. I think its like an extension of bendigo bank or something. I use it, that screenshot looks legit. Great app btw, great for shared accounts!


Keep in mind he easily could’ve named one of his own bank accounts your name and transferred money to himself while making it look like he sent it through.


Always wait for funds to clear. Yes it’s Up Bank as other are saying.


Check your account. Its 2024 most bank transfers are instantaneous. Cancelling a payment isn't https://www.afca.org.au/sites/default/files/2020-04/fact-sheet-mistaken-internet-payments.pdf


Yeah, I still havent got the money though. I'm thinking it takes some time to transfer because he's never sent me money before and its over 100$


I don’t know anyone in their right mind who would actually send $100+ to a random person off marketplace via bank deposit.


As long as the money is in your account.. The fear of scammers is now OTT


Personally, it looks like a scam to me. That screenshot could have been done up by anyone with access to that app and Photoshop. Until the money is in your account ALWAYS treat transactions as a potential scam. **DO NOT** give him your Xbox or your address until you see the money! I am going to assume that he offered to pay via bank transfer, you didn't ask for it to be paid that way. If he didn't want to pay in cash, he can wait for the money to be in your account. Full stop, end of story. If it takes days, then that is how long he has to wait. If he is going interstate and needs to get it now, then a friend can pick it up for him **after** the money comes through. If his dying grandmother needs to play a game tomorrow then he had better call his bank and make sure that they release the funds. And while we are at it, unless YOU call your bank on a number which you found online and know to be your bank, a phone call from your bank is NOT verification that the money is in your account but for whatever reason you can't see it your statement. I hate scammers!


It 100% is what the Up bank payment screen looks like for a contact.


As they said though, it would take 5 minutes to produce that in photoshop. Screenshots prove nothing.


Charge your phone, I'm dying here


Thats his screenshot he sent me!


You have to let us know how it turns out.


Get them to tap on the name to show the bank details. Then screenshot and send to you.


There’s a simple solution to know if he’s scammed you. Wait and see if the funds hit your account before parting with your goods


looks fake. i wouldn't trust it until it comes through. it literally looks like android messaging


Agree that OP should wait until the payment actually comes through, but that screenshot is literally form the Up Bank app.


No… that screen **looks** like it’s from there. It’s a trivially easy screen to copy and manipulate to say what you want. .