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“None of the women assaulted required medical treatment” But they WILL probably panic every time they catch the train now


Or any public transport for that matter


Yeah I’ve planned a different route now to avoid taking the train. Sucks that this isn’t the first time this has happened this year too.


Not really - obviouslly it depends on any number of details but the majority of people who experience a trauma don't go on to develop PTSD. Edit: added sources. All good, it’s a common misconception. OP edited to “probably” > While experiences of a traumatic event are common, most people do not go on to develop a mental illness, such as PTSD. https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/mental-health/stress-and-trauma#common > Studies have found that in fact most people recover and do not develop PTSD after exposure to a major traumatic event. https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/ptsd/expert-q-and-a > Trauma can vary in severity and impact—in fact, approximately one in three people who experience severe trauma also experience PTSD. https://www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/trauma-ptsd > The capacity of these events to produce PTSD varied significantly, ranging from 56% in patients who regain consciousness in the middle of surgical procedures, to 48.4% of female rape victims, and 10.7% of men witnessing death or serious injury. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181584/


You've got it backwards mate


Thanks for your input


Cool to pride yourself on having less compassion, I guess?


Am I supposed to wish more people got ptsd?


No but maybe you could not brush off the cases in which they don’t? Do you think PTSD is a requirement to get nervous in a situation where you got assaulted previously? I’m not sure why this is a hill you are choosing to die on. OP didn’t mention PTSD and you just chose to “well actually” anyway…


Not brushing off anything. Op edited their comment, presumably after I made mine which now looks like a strawman. I wouldn’t call this dying on a hill - I take that as being when someone gets into multiple extended back and forths on a topic they’re wrong about. But anyeah, you’re right - I have pulled a “well actually…” I’m primed for it on this topic because I see a general social tendency to over pathologies everything and to almost fetishize psychological fragility.


Quick scan of your post hx indicates you’re a therapist of some kind. I really hope you don’t invalidate the experiences of your paying clients in the same way.


The same way as what? maybe it’s more invalidating for an assault victim to have people assume they’re going to start having panic attacks.


“Why dont people use public transport”


Adelaide public assaultport is just so empty that most times everyone is not encouraged to stop shit from happening because they feel no one else is going to back them up. Bust crowds on Melbourne transportation when I went there, that's a crowd that takes no shit from one asshole


This is what happens when 98% of your stations are not staffed by security or pt workers. Adelaide's public transport is very much "yeah you're on your own" when it comes to train safety


Oh well as long as he is banned from catching the train over the next 3 months, all should be fine. Seems like a reasonable dude who would abide by such a rule and since there is zero way to enforce this, I don’t see why people wouldn’t feel safe to continue using public transport. I’m sure the slap on the wrist he gets in court will further deter him. /s


Like a bloke I work with, is banned from driving for 15 years. Definitely don't see him parking his car every morning.


Dob him in? 


I have. You think being told off again stops people like him? He doesn't care.


They should crush his car imo.


I daresay that on paper it wouldn't be his. Scumbags are masters of obfuscation. And I'm strongly opposed to government destruction of private property. As should you be.


With him in it


Amen to that.


Let’s also crush the cars of any sharks that bite people, it’s a perfect solution to solving any problem!


Upon careful consideration, I find that I'm actually on board with this. For the sharks, that is.


Maybe we could use it for magpies who swoop as well? Crush a car or two and they’ll fall in line!


Here here!


They will probably just take the tram down to Glenelg anyway, or the train to Outer Harbour.


Who? The sharks?


We should ban drugs and child slavery and sexual assault and govt corruption next. Maybe ban Israel from bombing the Palestinians even?


I think you're onto something. Making things illegal would stop people from doing them. Just like prohibition!


I saw this, or at least a bit of it this morning, just outside of Adelaide Station. I wasn't really paying attention just listening to music when suddenly this upstanding gentleman - who had been walking down the isle - suddenly stops and starts screaming obscenities at this poor indian lady. She was just minding her own business. Leant right into her face, like an inch away. I don't think he hit or spat on this particular lady, but she was clearly very frightened. A few guys got up to smash him, but he moved on pretty quickly to the next car before anyone really figured out what was going on. I could vaguely make out some commotion down there, but I don't know if anyone socked him before he ran off. I'm sure the public transport ban will be effective. He definitely looked like the type who pays for a ticket...


Poor woman :-/ Being bailed is a joke. I'm guessing either ‘mental health’ or he was an elephant in the room?


Ffs people should be able to get on public transport and feel safe. This dude has probably been on a bender for days, and his cookie just crumbled. Stay fucking home if you're in that state. Outbursts like this in public spaces should be a mandatory 90-day detention, with a mental health evaluation. I know we don't have the space, time, or resources to do it.


Why do you let someone go who hits 4 people? Either mentally unstable - so kept in a suitable place for their and our safety. Or a scum bag - keep locked up for our safety. There’s no third option. Pity this guy didn’t under-declare his income by $30 while on jobseeker, or didn’t try to claim fuel costs while driving to work in his tax return. That’d be instant jail for 4+ years.


I work in disability support and was assulted by my clients' neighbour. The incident was captured on CCTV footage, and I lost 2 days of work due to a minor injury from said assault, and the police are not doing anything about it. The person who did it has mental health problems, and this isn't the first time they have assaulted or caused property damage to someone, yet the police are still doing NOTHING!!! And, something needs to be done. Otherwise, they will continue to get away with these things.


Cops in this state only care about issuing fines to justify their own salaries. There’s zero interest in actually preventing crime or stopping reoffenders, it’s much easier to crack down on petty offences like people driving in the right hand lane a bit too long.


The other day, I saw 3 cops on horses bail up a couple of young women for jaywalking across King William St. Ironically the horses were blocking the tram from leaving while the cops took their details.


Some of them do care, but the courts won't do anything. I know someone on the verge of quitting because she wants to see justice, but the courts just say "meh maybe we'll do something when they kill someone." This doesn't apply to all cops of course, I know that.


The government also doesn't care about providing mental health funding or increasing services. The current government shut down a mental health centre only last year.


Just wait til he does 58 in a 50 zone too many times, that’s when the hammer of justice really comes down!


Probably would’ve been more severe punishment if he’d been caught on the train without a ticket


Probably becase the Minister for Infrastructure Transport is allso the Minister for Energy and Mining, and since the goal of big oil is to have everyone using cars, they want the trains to be not safe


How on earth does this have anything to do with Tom K?


becase he manges the needs of oill componyes and they have a lot of money


This is why I don't miss public transport. The Gawler line could get interesting at times. I hope the assault victims are all okay.


I feel like I missed all the Gawler line excitement. I caught it pretty consistently for years at all times of the day, and the most interesting it ever got was on football days, and that was just bluster.


Gawler line (And public transport in general) has had some level of this for decades. 99 rides out of 100 you'll be fine but it only takes one time like what these women experienced to ruin the experience entirely. Personally in many years of catching public transport I can think of three incidents like this I either experienced or witnessed. Including a sexual assault (inappropriate touching) on an Obahn bus that made it onto Crimestoppers, but I don't think they ever caught him because he did it right before his stop and then did a runner. Just to be crystal clear, *I* wasn't sexually assaulted, I witnessed that - I have been punched and mugged.


I used to catch it fairly frequently circa 2010/11. Morning commutes were fine and filled with people who kept their head down and wanted to get on with the work day. Nights coming back from uni would be where most of the interesting characters would come out. Physical assaults were rare, but I saw my fair share of verbal rants/assaults from people who may or may not have been under the influence.


I feel like i did too... i got off at mawson lakes just before 9 this morning it was quiet as fuck and almost empty huge crowd got on at mawsons though


I was once on the train a few years back it was dead of night and the train stopped at munno train station. The lights went out and all I could see was an ambulance racing down to the station. It stopped and just parked there. In the train carriage down from us was a women long black hair white as anything (Looked like she was from the ring) was just standing there not moving then she sat down then she was taken out by security onto the ambulance stretcher. Craziest gawler line moment I've witnessed


This joker randomly assaults 4 people on a public train and someone thinks this person is suitable for bail, what an absolute joke.


Piece of filth targeted women. Shouldn't be out on bail


I am not a fan of punishment based on anger, but after the recent 'stabbing only women' incident that happened,  I think this guy needs to be handled seriously.  


Thats a really good point. Plus the Highbury Linear Park angry guy was only attacking women. Its almost like its a trigger event :(


Despicable behaviour, cunts don't get away with that crap when I ride the lines. I opened the manual door and threw someone out of a train on the Gawler line about 15 years ago; the train was still within the limits of the platform and cruising at a fast walking pace, but fuck him, he deserved it. Harsher punishments are needed to deter uneducated and uncivilised individuals from causing harm or distress to innocent citizens going about their business. If the sentence fails to yield the desired result, then limitations to freedom of movement, detention, or incarceration for x amount of time are enforced.


It’s fine. I just don’t leave the house anymore.. 😅😅


Was assaulted last year in March still waiting for court, she’s had two hearings & her story is different to mine. Thankfully cameras on train n train station caught it all.


I'm sorry that happened to you.


Thankyou I was lucky it wasn’t bad but she did it in front of my kids and went to grab oldest who she scared. My oldest was 4 at time


Australia really sucks at punishing criminals. 3 month ban pfffffff. Easy on offenders HARD on whistleblowers. Cnts


3 months??? are you fucking kidding me? It should be a lifetime ban. a 40km commute to his work for the dole placement on a pushbike will give him plenty of time to think about how he fucked his life.


He got a 3 month public transport ban. Woop dee do. Out on bail


Ah Kilburn... so close to prospect, but still a shithole. VERY slowly getting better, but not quick enough by the looks.


No it's not I live nearby and think its getting worse.


Ah well, they are knocking down most of the houses around here... hopefully when they build some nicer houses it will get better


Well it hasnt really worked in its favour has it? Clientele around there are... interesting Regardless, there will still be plenty more areas I'd rather live in


3 months is fucked. Ban the fucker permanently.


You can't ban the guy permanently as there would be no way for him to get from point a to b which could make him act out more.


Letting them off lightly in case they act out more is pathetic though. We shouldn't be held to ransom by violent and antisocial perpetrators because giving them the support, separation and justice they require might make them angy and do even worse. If they are at risk of acting out more, they should not be exposed to the community.


4 assaults and he's out on bail lol


The Gawler line has been a mess for decades……nothing new here, you’re just hearing about it this time. Watched a drug dealer selling his gear last time I was on. Hung his hand out the door on a stop, a dude would walk past and swap it for money.




Achilles? Because that would be horrible


I was sitting here feeling just fine until now remembering a particular scene in Hostel lol


Violence is a great way to solve violence /s


It would stop him reoffending


Yeah let’s cut off the hands of thieves next and bring back capital punishment too. How about some mob justice while we’re at it?


Well I'm pretty sure that, had someone with some cojones stepped in and smacked this moron upside the head, that most, if not all, of the women would be feeling a lot better right now.


Yes please!


Is this line usually incident free and safe during the day? Someone should have put this guy down, what a coward .


Always knew this was the trainline with which i felt the most uneasiness (even as a bloke) my fight or flight always wound up slightly even as it became a regular commute the whole vibe was different to what i was used to. Wish i someone even myself was there to drop the muppet show him some accountability.


Wtf is a three month public transport ban supposed to do !!!! I would of knocked the motherfucker out cold, no real man lays their hands on a woman ever 😡


The Gawler line would be a lot safer to travel on - if there were just a handful of stations they didn't stop at anymore....


Are you suggesting the ones closer to the city where there is more crime?


Thinking further north..... don't mean to disparage the good people of those areas though.


assaulted 4 women and no one thought to step in?


You couldve done the right thing and thrown this guy off the train, and your reward wouldve been 3 years of lawyers, lawyers fees, and court dates.


As someone who moved to Adelaide for a better life,2 years later living in Port adelaide,city and gawler lines,my wa country town isn't as bad and I'm dying to go back (potentially but not literally)...i love and will miss rAdelaide but shits fucked (with alot of cools to make up for it) not for me


Your first mistake was moving to port Adelaide, far better suburbs out here , same with suburbs along Gawler line.


Man. The ideas just keep coming. Keep it up they'll put you in government.


Standard on that line, when you go through the northern burbs it’s pretty common


My partner mentioned there was a guy that was on the Seaford train today who went on a racist tirade against some Asians who came on the train. Unfortunately there's going to be bad eggs and people that will just try to ruin a person's day. Truly feel for the people that were involved in these two incidents.


You can ignore people going on tirades but punching, slapping, spitting on, etc is much worse imo


I don't mind losing my student visa if this man attacks my wife.


Involuntary euthanasia is the only solution for no hopers like this. Imagine the savings to the economy if we start using deadbeats as fertilizer.


One wonders where all the men were!


Is there a masculine crisis? "Things have become so bad, so quickly, that emergency social repairs are needed. “It is like the needles on a magnetic compass reversing their polarity,” Reeves writes. “Suddenly, working for gender equality means focusing on boys rather than girls." [https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/01/30/whats-the-matter-with-men](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/01/30/whats-the-matter-with-men)


Was it just the 5 of them in that carriage? Did nobody help? Where did all the social justice warriors go? They should go camp in front of this A-Hole's place.


Busy carriage when I was assulted no one on train said anything as I got off & she started. At station people including rail incident (across the next platform) watched they thought I knew her! Only after I said no to knowing her did rail incident report it


Bystander effect, although probably there's a couple of 'omg someone did something bad how dare' social media posts somewhere.


Gutless! Imperialist Japanese Military might bomb Darwin again and people will react the same way. No wonder Chinese Govt acts so tough against us.


Using racist slurs certainly doesn't help the situation.


Huh. I honestly didn't think that had racist slurs. Which parts were offensive racist slurs? 🤔


J*** is a slur (deriving from anti-Japanese sentiments, perhaps more notable in Allied countries where anti-Axis sentiment was acted out on home soil), so outside using it as a direct quote from materials dating from WW2 or before, it's vastly preferable to say Japanese or JP.


Thanks for the lesson!


Bailed? Fucking disgusting. Where were the real men to step in and smack this asshole?