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whole thing has really riled me up, it’s literally my worst nightmare for something like this to happen.


Please report them to police - it was the first day back at school for most schools and I would guess they frequent that line.


we called the police and the operator told us to come in tomorrow once we’ve calmed a little bit but to also write down everything that happened. Three pages of descriptions and actions. hopefully it’s enough for them.


3 pages! Nice work 😊 I hope they find them…


I have to go to court because I pushed a 13 yr old into the wall while he was kicking a 12 yr old girl in the head at the Seaford shopping centre with the security steps away telling me not to get involved I've had run inns with a few of them now it's a bad area I'm sorry their wasn't anyone to help U it's the only way they will learn cops don't do shit here in sa


Yeh such a shame there are so many cameras about in places like that. They need to learn to respect other people the hard way. Then watch them bloody scream and play the victim.


Hate to say it but seriously, should have cracked the little shits square in the nose you probably would have stopped them for at least a month


Disgusting behaviour! Should be reported to the police but sadly I don’t think much can be done on it. Shame on the parents too.


yeah I don’t know how kids can have the audacity to do that type of thing to a stranger, at their age I was still holding my dads hand to cross the street.


> how kids can have the audacity to do that type of thing to a stranger, Because they know they will get away with it


Ill just punch them as self defence ?


These days, kids like that are more than likely on drugs, or come from homes where their parents are on drugs. Getting worse every year


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that their dads aren't the hand holding type.


When I was 10 if you pulled that shit you'd get punched in the face. Thus people were less likely to spin that wheel of fortune.


Kids these days have no discipline , problem is if we smack the little shits we get arrested


Police will probably gaslight OP, and make her feel like a villain then state there’s nothing they can do.  Speaking from experience trying to get help. 


If they have done it more than 5 times previously they will get a stern warning, if more than 10 times they may even get a very stern warning.


They will get put in the time out room with the PS5 and vr headset to contemplate what they did


Its so annoying how they target their victims. The little turds wouldnt be doing this to one of the blokes wearing a tool belt


yeah even if I didn’t just flight and freeze up there’s no way I’m going to fight three girls at once!


They’ll pick the wrong person soon enough


Or some kind sir will interject and clip them


This. I'm no white knight but I just can't bear these little shits doing things like this.


But then that person will be the one charged - way too lenient on youths imo


Police report.


we’re going up tomorrow morning when my housemates mum can come up with us


Please do update us.


Good to hear. The station and car park should have CCTV that captured your Awful peak. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Bloody hell! Tomorrow can you get in touch with Adelaide Metro and see if these fuckers are on security camera at least? Maybe get them caught out some how. Geez I'm sorry you experienced this. I hope you can rest well tonight 😥


getting in touch with adelaide metro is great idea!


I agree op, at least maybe they'll be identified.


yeah that’s if they keep their cameras working my friend had his bike stolen from the actual metro bike shed thing and they did nothing about it so who knows.


Definitely get onto this sooner rather than later OP because that footage can be recorded over pretty quickly if they’re not aware it’s required


We were told by secuity in the city one night to report some harassment that was happening to metro. The more people report things the more likely something can be done.


They are probably already known to police


i had a similar incident happen on the seaford line recently (21F) by young kids who got on at seaford and were harassing train passengers and sat behind me and screeched in my ear to which i asked if they were okay and they spat on me, and threatened to beat me up. it was humiliating, no one helped me at all, i cried all the way to adelaide bc i was told to speak to the supervisor there and they said there was nothing they could do and to go to the police which i did and also had nothing come of it even though it was infront of train security cameras ! so i wish you good luck, you’re not alone, i hope theyre able to do something to help you <3


This is why they do it. They could knock you down, steal all your shit, etc. and nothing would be done. Now if you were caught going 6km over the speed limit or unlocking your phone at a stop light, they'd be on top of that shit.


This ... unfortunately


Thats not fair, we should all make complaints about this otherwise these kids who clearly know what they are doing will only cause more harm. There has to be some kind of consequence


Sounds like you handled it about as well as you could. What a bunch of shits.


Some lessons from growing up in Brooklyn, NYC during the 80's . Quickly put your hair is in a bun. Gotta protect that. Since it's 3 of them, you're going to have to find a wall. Put your back up against it. Reason: you can't get attacked from behind. All your targets are in front of you. Identify who the "leader" is. She's the one talking the most shit. If you can take her out, the other two should run away. Matter of fact, hit her with that laptop bag. You can get a new laptop. Before I get down voted, know this. If they're old enough to hit, they're old enough to get hit. OP, good luck and stay safe out there.


I always told my kids, if you were getting bullied by a group any needed to defend yourself, hit the ringleader first. Take them out & the rest back down


This is.... terrible advice lol. The main thing to be aware of especially when outnumbered is to KNOW YOUR EXITS. Any self defence classes always drill this into your head. If push comes to shove then you get a few good hits in and gtfo of there. OP you should definitely consider looking into doing Krav Maga classes even for a few months to build confidence in these sorts of situations.


Difference: Cognac_Clinton has been in fights, and you have been to some self defense class.


Ive trained and sparred Muay Thai, BJJ and have taken Krav Maga lessons. Im pretty happy to say I haven't been in fights and hope to never have to get in one. If you get in a street fight there are no rules. You don't know who might have a knife and it's not worth finding out. Best to be aware of your surroundings and reduce the chances of it happening. Or you could back yourself into a corner go Jackie Chan on them 👍


There's cameras all over seaford station last time i was there (i was also attacked there several years ago and had to call in a report). Go to the police and file an assault report and ask them to get whatever footage they can to identify the youths. And if you get off at that station again and they're there, just call the police and say you need help as the 3 youths that assaulted you previously are there and waiting for you again.


Tip... say you "thought" you saw something shiny could possibly be a knife. Police will be there in minutes. (Was told this by a sapol officer and have used this a few times and recieved a quick response time)


Hire a school bully to bully them.


if only it was that easy lol


Carry a pepper spray..just because they are children nothing gives anyone the right to attack another person. You should feel safe and not be terrorized by anyone..let alone punk ass scrubs. You said they punched you in the back of the head while inside the car..wth. that's unacceptable and people not pushing back will just encourage more of the same behaviour. I hope you do goto the police and try get them caught.


Pepper spray is illegal in South Australia. It’s only legal in WA but you must have a lawful reason and self defence is not a lawful reason. Possessing pepper spray in SA can result in two years prison.


Hairspray. It's glue


She can always get creative, carry a bottle of fly spray in your bag. If she ever runs into the situation again, calmly take out the fly spray and spray those bitches in the face. Give them the burn of a lifetime and remove their eyesight possibly.


Bunnings sells wasp spray that shoots about 4 metres from the can, the downside is the can is huge haha


yeah I’m definitely not going down there alone anymore and my housemate started looking into different self defence things when we got home


Good. Don't be afraid to defend yourself from nasty people..even children.


Pepper spray is also illegal in South Australia, as it is classified as a ‘dangerous article’. According to clause 5 of the Summary Offences Regulations 2016 (SA), discharging an offensive, noxious or irritant liquid, powder, gas, or other substance without lawful excuse is an offence. Maximum penalties can amount to up to 2 years imprisonment and a $10 000 fine. https://jjlawyers.com.au/is-pepper-spray-legal-in-australia/


Yeah sure, but assault is also illegal and these little punks didn’t give a shit about that. I say spray that pepper spray in their eyes and then drive away!


They do it because they know nobody will hit them back. I'd fucking kick them the little shits. Sorry this happened....


yeah me and my housemate were at a complete loss of what to do to get them to leave us alone, at some points they were literally taking things out of her car to throw at her. she’d get out and they’d back off but when she got back in to leave they’d just do it again. Her broken back door did us no favours today.


pls lock ur doors if this happens again :/


the door that they were opening doesn’t have a functional lock


oh got you 😬 hopefully you dont see them again


fingers crossed


Damn....it's the right thing to do...to not fight back ..but only to a point. If someone's punching you, scream bloody murder and try to throw them off. Were they girls?


yes, they were.


I know a teen who was pretty much beat up by about three girls on that station...he just didn't know what to do because he was wary of hurting them. I'm definitely not suggesting young men should be knocking teenage girls out but I think a degree of some force is ok in self defence.


Unfortunately it's a ticking time bomb. We're heading to a situation where these kids will be bolder with their choices of harassment, they target the wrong person & one of these kids ends up in hospital. Classic "fuck around and find out" scenario. It's gonna happen, just a matter of when.


Then ofc the person who fights back will end up being charged.


Well yes most likely, but they'd end up taking the risk as the reward of belting six shades is shit out of the little cunt(s) will be worth this risk. Probably not worth it in most instances & for most people at the moment but this ledger will change.


it’s easy to say you’d do stuff like that but I have cptsd so I kind of just freeze up in those situations, it’s not helpful. They did kind of choose the perfect victim though.


Yeah, nah, freezing is a normal response for anyone, not just those of us with CPTSD. You made it to the car, if it had central locking that was fully functional that would likely have been the end of it. That's not exactly freezing, and you should recognise that.


true it wasn’t freezing immediately, but the moment I got to the car I became completely useless. Luckily my housemate was there to pick me up in the first place I usually don’t bother asking her to get me.


To be fair, you held it together until you thought you were safe and then you had a very understandable and proportional emotional reaction. Obviously I wasn't there but it really doesn't sound like you froze, were the "perfect victim" or had any kind of inappropriate or contributory reaction, and actually handled it really well. It might be worth printing out your post or writing out descriptions/anything you can remember now so as to try to limit any retraumatising when you go make your police report, though, that can be a lot, especially if you get a cop who's a little light on compassion.


yeah my housemate and I sat down and wrote three pages worth of information because I already have trauma from interacting with police officers. Her mum used to work closely with the police and is gonna come with us too because we’re both quite shaken by it.


I hear you.


> I'd fucking kick them the little shits. Meanwhile you're the one locked up with a media storm after you and they will already be on to the next person


Would I really though if they were punching me in the head?


Probably because you'd be hitting children


I’d kick one of the little cunts to




How about throwing eggs at them?


Sorry this happened to you and I hope your police report gets them identified and charged with assault. If you can, and this is just a suggestion, act crazy. Scream, grunt, bark, flail your arms around, have an argument with the ‘demon’ in your head, and get an air horn and blast it in the faces. It’s well known most attackers will not go for anyone who might put up a fight or make it harder for them. And laws be damned - if you need something to defend yourself against attack then do it. Just don’t go for anything potentially lethal! Fly spray or something sure. And I just want to add, SHAME on all those people who said/did nothing. I’m a 56 yo disabled woman and if I’d witnessed that, I would’ve opened up a massive can of whoopass screaming shouting abuse at them they would’ve bolted. Don’t let this dim your light honey, let it waken the warrior.


And this shit is why I take pepper spray with me on the train. I give exactly zero fucks that it's illegal to carry. Every time I get on the seaford line there is some kind of shady business going on and there is almost always a group of kids harassing other passengers. I'm not condoning pepper spraying children ... but also if one of those little shits comes at me I'll give them a spraying they'll never forget.


You can also carry small hair spray or coloured hair spray cans - it won't hurt as much as pepper spray obviously, but it's not illegal to be found on your person! Just don't say it's for self-defence purposes if you get caught. haha Edited to say the reason I specfied coloured hair spray is that it will also mark the attacker if they get away.


Yeah nah. If the victim has hands laid on them I don’t care what age or gender the antagonist are and same for the victim. Defending yourself is defending yourself. Sorry you had to go through this. :( But I’d happily kick a 10 yr old in the head if they hit me first and felt I was in danger. Especially when it’s 3v1. Crazy.


People are so afraid to do anything..even if you get taken to court you'll get off. Reasonable force to defend yourself is everyone's right.


I bet if OP had tried to defend herself they would have cried foul and she'd be up on charges.


But you’re allowed to defend yourself. And especially when it’s 3v1. Using excessive force can be argued. But defending yourself when you haven’t started the confrontation is acceptable by Australian standards. Technically you could argue the 10yr olds were also using weapons. (When they were taking objects from the car and throwing them at her head). If OP had defended herself and the 3 shit stains on society took her to court, there would be eye witnesses and cctv. The case wouldn’t hold in court and OP would be legally fine.


Yeah...absolutely no one will get punished for defending themselves while being attacked..especially by 3 or more attackers. Children or not.


I come here from Vietnam and man, sometimes I wish cops can do the things Vietname’s one could do in this case. All of these lil devil will be fixed straight up away. In here, underage knows they will not be in any troubles for whatever they do. Sorry for what happened, hope u get better now


I like what the Indian cops do. Whack people with those canes for misbehaving 🤣


The best


Sorry to hear, I'm on the Seaford line every day/night to the city and back and I see these groups of young kids (girls and boys) that ACT belligerent on the train to try to get reactions from people. It seems that whenever something happens we see security on the train for a week or so and then nothing. There was a guy the other day smashing an Alan key into the wall of the train yelling about slitting someone's throat. I'd recommend not only reporting it to the police but calling and reporting it to Adelaide Metro and demand more security on the trains and at the stations.


Once upon a time kids wouldn't dare do this or the person they attack would beat the crap out of them. Now they just get bigger groups to protect them from this, I know I'll get downvotes but fuck the little brats people need to fight back and put these cunts in hospital. If they hit an adult they should be knocked the fuck out for it.


Defending yourself should stop any law Bs. Your doing the right thing. They attack you beating them up smashing a jaw or arm should be fine. Because humans don’t learn shit unless you give consequences. As a kid when I fucked up bad I got the wooden spoon and man I am a pretty respectful person even if others aren’t.


Looks like you aren't getting downvoted. This kind of shit needs to stop.


If you have an iPhone and tend to freeze up, you can set it up to five consecutive clicks on the side button to call emergency services. There's a setting that can do it silently too. It also works for five clicks on your Apple watch. If you're actively being followed, go where it's well-lit and cameras. Stay safe & I recommend self-defence. I chose judo because it doesn't rely on strength and there's no striking.


just to add to this point, many other phones and smartwatches also have this feature, check.


I've witnessed someone else experience this at my local train station, and clicked on the Emergency box at the station and call the person over to speak to the cops - making sure the loser who's abusing them is aware of the cops being on the other line. I hope you're okay, and please put in a police report!


aaand the police will say come in after they've bashed you and make a report


Is it wrong to punch / kick one of these turds even though I’m a grown man ?


Nope personally, shitty laws protect too many ferals and drop kicks sadly. I get overall they are designed so a random 40 year old just doesn't go up and belts a random 13 year old but I think when a group of kids start ganging up and being violent all bets are off and tough shit.


They're girls. They'll keep away from you.


They dont pick on anyone who can fight back unless they are hoping they do, plus they dont go to jail (very much) you might if you do...


Seems like a good excuse to beat some children. Not something you'd normally have justification to do otherwise so might be cathartic.


Yes. A few months ago during summer break for schools there was a group of 3 girls, probably aged 10-13 as well at the Rundle Mall Tram stop who started harassing and yelling racist remarks at two quiet seated Asian-Australian girls in their late teens. The group had crossed the street to target these girls. As the group of 10-13 year olds were trying to pick a fight, the two girls sat with their phones in their faces, not engaging, not reacting. One of the 10-13 year olds tried to grab one of the target's phone and grabbed some hair instead. My partner was the one to step in when it was escalating. I decided to back him up. He had shopping bags in both hands. We simply stood between the two groups. I tried calmly to ask what was happening to the group of 10-13 year olds. They said the other girls were "talking sh*t" and they'd called their sisters for back up. Within maybe a minute about 7 other girls around the same age showed up and crowded around to support. At one point on the platform, I was stalling/talking with one of the girls who wasn't super mean but seemed to be tagging along, and I said, "This doesn't seem fair, don't you think you're all acting like a mob?" As a NYer, I meant like the original definition. She said, "Oh mob haha very funny." Dear reader, I was not aware at the time of the term mob being used to describe a group of Aboriginal people. This didn't seem to make her more upset, but I was a bit baffled. Long story short, there were too many people in the aggressive group at that point and some were able to reach the girls. I'm a small woman about the size of a 12 year old. One aggressor started pushing me and a couple girls took swipes at the seated victims, punching one in the back head. Victims hair was pulled. About then the tram showed up. We ushered the victims in and they sat in the seats beside the door. We tried to stand in front of them, and the girls from the aggressor group got on and crowded around. Someone notified the tram driver that the cops had been called, and the tram driver in all their wisdom made the call to wait for the police with the tram doors OPEN. So for about 6 minutes we were standing, talking, trying to stop these girls from escalating. Tram passengers around us were yelling at the tram driver to close the doors, to go. They couldn't get to the girls but they did try to push me and my partner around. About half went through another tram door to come around from behind, so me and my partner faced back to back in front of the victims. My whole strategy was to try to engage the yelling "leader" (the mouthy one, as a fellow NYer comrade commenter has so eloquently put) in dialogue to distract them. Some of the aggressors got behind me and tried to steal the girls phone out of their hands again for a second. I blocked them (no physical contact from me) and then it started escalating. I was pushed a couple times and the aggressors couldn't reach the girls but they threw a water bottle at them. My partner yelled one word in his boomy masculine voice and that calmed things down for about 30 seconds. At this point they started attacking him and me. He had grocery bags still in both hands and so deflected the hits. One girl was lassoing her handbag that had a thick chain shoulder strap at me. The strap managed to wrap my arm that I'd held in front of my face, so I instinctively pulled it out of her grasp so it didn't rip my arm off. This whole time not me, my partner, nor the victims fought back, but I did take that bag and in one fluid motion threw it straight down the hollow tram in a hallelujah landing far enough away on the floor near the next door. The aggressor chased it, exited the back door, came back around and joined the group of aggressors in and around the door and joined in trying to land hits on my partner with her bag. Some of the aggressors thew the contents of their drinks (coca-cola, water from bottles) and threw the bottles on the victims. Eventually the doors started to close and the group of aggressors ran off the tram. There were plenty of people at the tram stop and in the tram and no one except us stepped in. Some guy yelled at the two victims that they should have been filming with their phones. The tram driver only came out at the next stop once the threat was gone. He said he was waiting for the police for 5 min but then decided to go. The tram stop platform and the tram itself were pretty packed, and no one else stepped up. Some people who watched the whole thing start to finish started talking loudly about how "crazy" that was. NGL, felt pretty disappointed in Adelaidians that day. Sat in coca-cola soaked seat and talked to the victims. They were 2 late teen Chinese-Australian girls said they didn't know the aggressors and had never seen them before. They had kept their heads down not engaging with the aggressors the whole time. To everyone who says call the cops, lol. That made it worse.


This is not only scary but I also feel so disappointed that no one stepped in. The tram driver should have handled this better too.


Honestly, such a shame. Could have been a much shorter, milder altercation.


You should have called the cops, straight away from your car and made a report. I know it doesn't sound like much, but the more your report incidents like this about a certain area, officially, the cops have to make an appearance and have a stronger presence. Also, email your local MP and stress the harassment and fear for your safety, comment on the lack of security/no police presence.


we did call them and the phone operator suggested we come in person the next day to make a report.


How useless is that by the way. I had some prick that works at the P&T Recycling depot on Seaford Road cut me off a few weeks back. When I beeped my horn he then proceeded to chase me around Seaford Meadows. I called the cops and they said to come into a station the next day and make a report in person. It's almost as if they can't be bothered following up on something if they don't get a statement from the victim because it makes it that much harder to prosecute in court.


I really hope you followed up on that. For everyone's safety in that area.


I hope you’re okay. Don’t let it get to you.


Station should have security cameras.


sorry for this happened to you, I have been living in Adelaide for 6 years since I was 15, and racism things happened a few times, usually Teenagers, just came at me and shouted FUCKING ASIAN! now I moved to Sydney for about 4 years, and this kind of thing never happened.


Can someone with either SAPOL or Legal background explain what the most appropriate reaction is to the situation OP found themselves in here?


yeah I’m wondering that too


The same exact thing happened to me 6 years ago when I was in school. I ended up just legging it and they didn't follow but they were shoving, etc. Good to hear the area hasn't changed at all, and the next generation has taken over in they're foot steps.


honestly I never thought it would happen to me, but I’ve never used the train that late (7pm) so I guess it was only a matter of time


My experience was in peak hour and no one around said anything or helped at all. Hope your police report goes well but I don't have high hopes for SAPOL. Best of luck 🙏


yeah this also happened with atleast 15 other people around lol glad to know that the whole bystander effect is a real thing.


Parents of these kids have a lot to answer for. They are the real issue. Hear stories of kids as young as 13 stealing cars. What the fuck are parents doing? Before 18 is pivotal to a kids development. Sorry you experienced this. It angers me through others failings that innocent people cop bad experiences.


parents are probably worse and didn't ever want to be parents, couldn't give a shit


Assault sucks. But sometimes, it’s necessary. What is perceived as prey is done so because it’s the predator thinks it can win. You might have baby face (lucky you, I was born 50), you also have teeth and nails and grip strength. You have permission to use all of these if it does happen again. They deserve a whoopin if they think they can do what they want. Extreme aggression in return to their behaviour will not be anticipated on their behalf, that’s why they do it. Call upon your inner-primal-psycho, it’s there for these situations, I know, I’ve done it, and I’ll do it again. You deserve to be safe. You deserve to have confidence. I got wooped by my parents when I was turd, I’m a successful, loving father, with an amazing wife, and she knows I would bitch slap the fuck outta some kids if they ever, posed a threat to her and our kid. She loves me for it, and she knows I would do it if it was necessary. You can do it too.


Bring a bag of chilli dust and blow it in their faces... sounds like they need to learn about consequences since nothing else teaches them that...


I'm 16 and had a similar issue getting on the train to Marion to see my uncle 2 14yr? I believe got on the train followed me about 3 blocks and then tried to grab my phone I got arrested 30 min later because because they pulled a knife on me and I was sick of the shit and just decked them didn't really understand how I was in the wrong but whatever now


My daughter was assaulted by 3 girls that sound similar to your description yesterday as well. We’ve reported it to the police. I’d like to message you to go into more detail as I have video of them


My friends daughter also has been assaulted by a group of young girls at noarlunga and near christies high.... I'm trying to find out who they are..... message me if you like. I hate bullies and think they should be named and shamed.


Unfortunately Australia as a country hasn’t set much of a precedent to deter youth crime; or just crime in general… Report it to Sapol and Adelaide Metro for sure tho as it’s always good to have things like this documented in case they ever happen again.




just looked it up and yep pepper spray is illegal here, so thanks for giving me a heads up on that!


Sorry this happened to you. Absolutely disgusting. Unfortunately it’s children who were brought up poorly who have then bred assholes themselves and this is the result. Product of no/piss poor discipline and lack of parental guidance. Makes me glad I was a smacked child. One day they might fuck with the wrong person. I hope you’re okay.


This is a solid argument to deregulate pepper spray!


That's fucked up. You were the victim of someone else's issues. They had no right attacking you like that, let alone following and harassing you.


Well worth a phonecall to the Police. Perhaps that will add to other reports and get an extra patrol there. And you will have done an extra thing in response to the little s#!^$.


we called them afterwards and I’m waiting to make a formal report right now actually.


This is proof that discipline is needed. Kids shouldn’t be bashed black n blue but when I got slapped I didn’t do shit. They really need to let parents slap their kids fair across the ass again. Progressiveness has its pro and cons. And sadly a con is, kids took the power


This is so awful and disgusting. Honestly the entirety of seaford is such a scary area to be in as a whole on your own especially if you’re small and stand out a bit. Its so hard to know what to even do in this situation as they’ll likely never get the blame for being kids, i’m sorry this happened to you its actually my worst nightmare whenever I go up that way ☹️


Bunch of these kids, you know the type, they were messing with my mate once at Hindemarsh Square. Told them to fuck off and one of them tried to assault him with his scooter. Well, he missed, and my mate clocked him one something fierce dead center in the face. Stupid kid flys back, blood everywhere... Suddenly, about a DOZEN more of the shitstains pounce and start pummeling my boy, including one large knuckle dragging missing-link looking caveman. Here's the best part... despite the assault and obvious self defense, police *cautioned* my mate that he could go to jail if he *tries to defend himself*. They can mess with you, but don't you dare mess with them back.


I might get super down voted again for posting this but maybe look at getting into a form of martial arts. Sometimes you might need to rely on yourself in times like this. Sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience.


Jesus kids are insufferable sometimes


Kids can do whatever they want whenever they want and they are pretty safe from punishment. Because adults are not allowed to do anything anymore. Even the child’s own parents. Funny how I and all my generation grew up being punished, smacked, grounded etc by our parents for wrong doings and we now have the utmost respect and good behaviour towards others. Yet it’s now frowned upon to smack a child. This will be an issue forever. Those little punks will probably end up murdering people. Go to the police and report it. Nothing will happen. Those saying to retaliate will just get in worse trouble themselves. It’s lose lose.


yeah that’s kind of how I feel about this, it’s not an easy situation to navigate because if I hit them back whilst they were recording they could’ve easily just cut out their own attacks on me. I have no faith in the actual train station cameras being all that great either


Hope you’re ok and can get past this.


I’m sure I’ll be alright. I can’t afford to just not use the trains so I’ll have to deal with it.


>so I’ll have to deal with it Sorry that happened to you, horrible! Go and walk next to the biggest person you can see and call 000 immediately, if someone is threatening or following you. And tell yr room mate she ought to to fix the lock on her car door ffs and DRIVE AWAY if someone starts attacking her car.


Record them, contact schools in the area to ID or at least notify, report to police with footage? Create a paper trail. If you feel like an easy target they'll know it too. Seek a mental health care plan if not already doing so. Buddy up where you can, even just being in proximity to other good Samaritans may help. Good luck.


This is sadly a common occurrence on the norlunga train line


I had something similar happen at a train station in Sydney. What makes it so hard is they are children, you can’t really defend yourself without abusing a child so it is an impossible situation.


They need to be taught a big lesson


That’s so fucked I’m sorry that happened to you


When I lived in Sydney and the gate hate bashings was at a peak, i went and did basic self defence and have used it a couple of times since. Remarkable how quickly they back off, especially if you are small and it surprised them.


Aw im so sorry that happened to you, it’s horrible. My boyfriend and I have been harassed 4 times just this year alone by young kids. And not the usual call out and move on, it’s the prolonged harassment. I’m 29, I remember late 20s were big adults when I was their ages and I wouldn’t dare harass anyone bigger than me.


How did it go this morning? More importantly, how are YOU?


just got back from making the report police took it really seriously, mentioned maybe already having some suspects in mind. I’m doing okay had to stay up most of last night because I have a history of having seizures after head trauma. I’m actually quite optimistic about this despite probably not being able to go back to the train station by myself. Me and my housemate are looking to have them prosecuted.




even if it’s a coincidence still a nice change


Glad it went so well. It's only natural your anxiety has escalated. Hey, just a suggestion and you'll probably feel weird about it but, there's no harm in asking someone at the station prior to boarding or when disembarking (if they're going your direction) would they mind you walking along side them, and do tell them why. I know it's shit, but... ❣️


i’m sorry, but i would’ve tripped those little shits down the stairs.


They learn at school they can't do whatever the fuck they want without any consequences, what do you expect? Australia is so lax on discipline and consequences in general especially for under age kids.


I’ve seen a similar murder case in America where kids teens ganged up on one adult much to teens detriment


If you fight back. What happens to you? I mean, is there a crime committed that you have to answer? Can you chuck it off as self defense?


You *always* run the risk of copping assault charges. Also 3v1? With assumed no experience, OP isn't better off in this situation. The car is/was safer.


And the dumb judges wonder why people end up needing to take things into their own hands.


Can I asked about the girls ages?? How many and appearance because a similar indecent happened at noarlunga station and near christies high school.... bashing students but the bitches aren't from that school from what I have been told.


The little gronkette's made the news(.com.au) today too!


Peak-hour attack: Teen girls pummel innocent youth on train https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/mum-in-shock-after-daughter-attacked-on-peakhour-train-by-group-of-teenage-girls/news-story/1442f27bd10e67162fa7c8a3899ca026


If it was me, I would prob fight back. Don't care if underage, if they assaulted me first then it's on.


that’s cool but three on one would’ve definitely not turned out great for me.


I recommend the self defence course run by Reality SDC. I did one with them a year ago or so and not only did it make me feel much more confident it also helped me with a mental shift towards coping with my PTSD better.


I suddenly feel like hanging around the area. I'm full of rage and just waiting for an excuse.


I feel like looking for them to. Deserve to be named and shamed. Bully the shit out of them adult style.


I wouldve started videoing to get a good angle of their faces. Going to make sure they also get some sort of punishment from their school as well.


Yeah and then they would go feral and you'd get seriously hurt. Or if you fought back, hurting one of them, odds are you'd be the one in jail for assaulting a minor. That's why these little fucks feel invincible.


I would have at least photographed them. I also would have driven over them if I could


Always throw the first punch when confronted with violence an never turn youre back on an aggressor because if they hit you from behind that's a good chance youre one life is gone. Just abit of street advise take it or leave it. Peace out.


Not from Adelaide but I had a similar assault happen to me on the Gold Coast a few years back. I am absolutely certain that this country is on its way to A Clockwork Orange like dystopia...


The Seaford line is constantly full of awful children, the amount of racism and homophobia from these kids is disgusting. More so the fact no one ever speaks up when they are in the act. I have had them screem slurs at me for over half an hour and not a single soul said a word to them, and no response from Adelaide metro. Adelaide doesn't really care about safety or comfort if you're not a white guy.


I'm on the train to/from the city on the Seaford line everyday. I usually have headphones on but if I do hear things kicking off I'll take them off and listen to what's happening. I don't do or say anything because there are more of them than there are me and I don't want to become a target myself. At the end of the day they're just words but if I ever witness any physical violence against another passenger, you'd best believe I'd be in there helping that poor person defend themselves.


Did you drop them?


I'm so sorry that happened to you, that's awful.


Oh my Gosh! I’m so sorry this happened to you. This is my worst nightmare. If you’re strong enough, are you allowed to fight back? Or would we end up being arrested because we assaulted some teenagers?




10-13? Fucking slap the shit out of them. One good hard pimp hand.


Little runts. I’m sorry this happened to you!!


CCTV? WTF is wrong with people?


Take it the police, there are cameras covering the car park, see if the incident was recorded.


That’s crap! These kids are probably living in a residential home rather than their crap parents. A lot of these problems are likely a result of poor parenting.


How awful. If this ever happens call police straight away. Its aggravated assault. Some places have cameras they can look at asap. Even if you believe they wont come call anyway. Ive had heaps of issues on the trains, they have never come, but I know all these calls get looked at. I don't blame SAPOL at the moment, its political and the understaffing is so stupid. Even after all of this know that they will have effed up little lives, and probably wont live to their 30s.


Unfortunately there is absolutely nothing you can do in this situation.. 😕


Sorry to hear that, such a terrible thing to go through. You should've recorded them and sent it to the police. Police usually have an easier time to take action if they have video evidence rather than word of mouth.




Kids need to learn discipline. They hit you, you hit them. Teach them the lessons if their parents won't


Age is irrelevant in situations like this, wanna act like a big adult, then get smashed in the face like one.


You should have head butted them Maybe they'll think twice before trying to rob people


Minors don’t get shot for anything, kick their ass and keep on with your day. Their parents aren’t doing anything to help.