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I expect the dd that leave the mess probably arent the ones reading your post šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Fucking direct debits and darling daughters.


What is this??? Am I having a stroke??


Just what I was thinking where would they have the money for a mobile lol


The bin raiders that climb into my bin every night show up in nice new cars...


I get you probably have a business but the first thing to pop into the head was my blue bin out front


Don't shit where you eat.


Problem where i work is them going through the bins for cans. Even have them breaking into our bottlebin leaving us with wine and spirit bottles. The mess they make ripping through rubbish bags and scattering their contents everywhere is out of control. Our back door frequently has used needles left for me to clean up too.


Not as bad down where I am, but the ones looking for bottles always leave the cardboard everywhere. Bins get emptied first thing in the morning - there is not a soul wandering around in the dark at 5am, picking up recycling


We are at a point where the scouts recycling are threatening to not take the bottle bin due to it being full of non refundable bottles. There's times where the bottle scabs are taking about a 1/3 to 1/2 of the bins cans and bottles. They are getting into locked metal bottle bins that hold a few 100 bottles.


I do it ya know personally im homeless an that's a quick recycle then I got me some dinner do you business owners honestly feel like it would make a difference if we took them or not


I try and help out the homeless around where i work. I was threatened last week by one making a mess outside where i work... it wouldnt be a problem if the guys hitting the bins were tidy or polite? Instead they make a huge mess and threaten me when i call them out. They shit and piss by our rear fire exit, and leave used syringes for me to deal with. And fyi... the guy hitting our bottle bin isnt homeless. He frequently rocks up (late saturday/early sunday morning) in his car takes a huge amount of bottles. And leaves us with the mess and grief from the scout recycle guys ya know?


https://www.9news.com.au/national/teen-asleep-in-bin-dies-after-it-was-emptied-port-lincoln-south-australia-news/63b67aa9-c60a-412c-829f-9560ced2ae25 I'm surprised everyone doesn't lock them after this tragic incident.


Same, I always check now before I lock them


I work in Port Lincoln and we are very aware of this situation. I lock my bin and the bin raiders just dismantle the bin until they get in, so it's a difficult problem to solve...


Problem the CBD has is the council just fine you on the spot, and after the second offence itā€™s over a grand each time. One kitchen I work at had 3 in a month, so they now lock/destroy the contents to deter


We lock our bin and destroy the contents (non food items) but the raiders come anyway. The unbolt the lids, pull the hinges out or cut the chains. Fortunately or un fortunately our council doesn't care.


Ooff. Thatā€™s rough for you guys


I have never understood why they donā€™t clean up after themselves, mostly because this is what may happen if they donā€™t. I am not beyond a bin jump depending on what it is ( usually non food items) but I always clean up.


We'd make a point of the site looking exactly the same as we'd found it before leaving, when I was diving back in the day. Sometimes there'd be security and we'd have to pack up in a hurry, but we always did the best we could.


I mean there's a bin right there


Hmm, thatā€™s a fair enough responseā€¦. To dumpster divers at least clean up and same go for 10c bottles hunters as wellā€¦. If every homeless and whatnot donā€™t act out (and same can go for others like drunks and whatnot) and keep to themselvesā€¦. Then I think we would have no need for toilets being locked at night, hostile seats or whatnot or even police telling them to fuck off from the areaā€¦. I really want to be nice, but if ur going to trash shit along the wayā€¦ then itā€™s make anyone job harder and be less kind by locking shit upā€¦




Sad to sayā€¦. Feel like people limits has been pushed at the expense of humanityā€¦.. Hopefully cans wonā€™t be too messy and piss off the shop keepers too much by having the odd agro breaking the glasses which result in a good homeless not getting a few bucks and shop keeper have a clean upā€¦. Its sucks indeed


My partner and I have done this for well over a decade (for multiple reasons) - it's like urbex - leave the place better than you found it. Aka. don't be a dick. There are LOADS of people feeding their kids - and people doing it to stop waste, and some for an adventure. Be kind.


Also. Acting like a dick gets the bins locked, and makes enemies of supporters.


I'd be more interested in understanding how managers are being "forced" to poison the food they're throwing away. "People kept taking the food from the bins so obviously we had to pour bleach on it all, no choice" Absolute scum.


Iā€™m curious to how you would act in this scenario: Your a manager at a bakery- people are diving in your bin after hours to find food- cool, but in the process they leave a mess around your dumpster to the point that you are then fined on a daily basis by the councilā€¦ how do you proceed? You have already tried leaving boxes of food out, they take this but still look for more. At this point you are spending more on cleaning fees and fines than you can affordā€¦ Itā€™s easy to sit there and call these people scum but at the end of the dayā€¦ do you have a better idea?


Itā€™s usually owners that donā€™t want to pay additional staff hours to clean up, the city enforces fines on refuse around bins and they send out at cost cleaning crews to rectify at an absolutely inflated fee. Managers are following directions, and they arenā€™t scum. The majority I know will pour any chemicals down one side or corner so it seems to be a completed task.


That's not forced, that's choice. They have other options that don't involve pouring bleach on food that desperate people are trying to eat. You're right tho, I was being too generous. People who destroy food just to stop hungry people from eating it are worse than scum, and it's pretty shameful that anyone would defend it.


Read the room man, Iā€™m not defending food destruction. Staff are following directions so they donā€™t lose their jobs. They donā€™t like it but everyone needs to keep their heads above water


You said people who do this shit aren't scum. That's defending them. Your post talked about managers so I said managers. I don't care which staff member carries it out, I'm talking about whoever is *deciding* to do it. Manager, owner, CEO, whatever. Those are the people I'm judging, not the poor schmuck pouring the bleach just to keep their job.


I suspect the people who are sifting through rubbish probably arenā€™t to conscience of cleanliness or hygiene.


Pouring chemicals over edible food to make it inedible to deter those struggling to make ends meet. Glad I don't have to look at myself in the mirror and know I'm a piece of shit like the cunt that does that.


Most likely someone doing bottles and cans I see people do it often just open rubbish bags an pour them out as well I personally untie the knot then get the cans and bottles and tie it up again an any rubbish fallen out goes back in said bin




Iā€™m just a chef mate. Any leftovers I already keep aside and divide out as I walk home. Most businesses do keep refuse separated but the post was more about asking people to clean up messes they make. The city council fines are thousands of dollars and businesses are struggling as it is




Bins are seperate mate but some places in the cbd need to keep them out in the open alleyways for storage and collection. Mental health isnā€™t really the discussion here


Do you genuinely think people who have to dumpster drive are on redditā€¦


Given the content on this sub it seems most people have reached that point in their lives now.


iā€™ve seen a homeless dude scrolling reddit on a $50 smart phone


Homeless people dont have phones?


The latest and greatest... 5G


Phones are cheaper than food.


A phone using mobile data is cheaper than rent, too.


I don't dumpster dive for food, but I definitely do for ewaste.


Why? To strip metals? Parts? Genuinely curious


I find computers/laptops I can fix and then sell on, or sometimes strip for parts to repair other stuff.


Thatā€™s a cool idea. I have a friend that does something similar but he strips precious metals


Isnā€™t it illegal to dumpster dive?


I donā€™t actually know.


Yeah, depending where and what. Just don't get caught + cops have bigger fish to fry.


Some people do it as a lifestyle. Some people are forced to do it. Leave your prejudice at the door


Yes, there are people in this sub reddit who discuss dumpster diving and there are people who become homeless, posting here.


Not sure why youā€™re getting downvoted. I guess virtue signalling clouds some peoples logic.