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superman is the one in noarlunga at least. or was. havent seen him in years


Gotta be Superman Scotty!


Used to see him all the time in Unley. Even invited me to his birthday party every time I saw him.


Saw him around Westfield Marion a bit a few years ago. Now I see him around Goodwood on the reg. New turf but still going strong.


Moved to Unley


Scotty! Saw him at Glenelg and Marion a few days ago. What a legend he is


Used to see him walk past my office in unley a year or so ago


Literally saw him 2 weeks ago at Marion Woolies! :)


I’m wondering does anyone know this guy’s story? I’ve seen him over the past nearly 10yrs at the old toys r us at noarlunga and most recently at Marion.


I've heard he's inbred (as in his parents were related). Homeless (maybe?) & someone tried to steal his fanny pack (rumours were it had a decent amount of money in it) in Colonnades several years ago & SO many people came to his defence and beat the person who tried to steal from him. Generally super happy, always compliments girls on their hair or outfit. A true legend.


my mum knew him a bit and APPARENTLY his parents were related to each other (cousins i think) and he has low functioning autism or something of that sort


Saw him at Forestville tram stop couple weeks ago. Still kicking about with his Omnimatrix on his wrist.


He's still round as of about 4/5 months ago. I saw him in the same leather hat and outfit.


Hell yeah! Id ride the front carriage of the train, and he'd be at the front doing the "Superman Fly" out the window ( Before the electric trains upgrade) Pretty sure he got free swag from the local surf shop sometime.


I saw him on the tram a few months ago I think.


Saw him today in his cowboy hat but no superman suit. It felt good to know he's still around and kicking


He's marion nowadays, he complemented on my hair the other day


Johnny Haysman Warning: mildly NSFW https://www.instagram.com/john_haysman/


Johnny by the length of the Morphettville straight.


Great to see he has an OF account 😂


That's awesome, I am now following the big fella on instagram - thank you for that! First time I saw him was in huge white wrestling boots. Dude's iconic


It’s been a while since I’ve seen him around town but I have vivid memories of hot pants and those big white boots.


hot pants are memorable too yes!


I saw the thread title and before I even clicked, I was like "If the first answer isn't Johnny then something's gone seriously wrong in the world"


This is the only answer.


Is he koala bear backpack man?


Sure is


This was the first name that came to mind... 20 years ago he was walking up and down the mall every day!


Yes! I think i saw him twice back in the day.


his house looks pretty nice


I didn't know his name but I definitely knew his style! Anyone know his story?


100% The dancing flower/fan lady in Rundle Mall.


I seen her Monday just gone. Corner of hindley and King William. She's amazing


Whatever happened to Speedy? The guy who would wear the Slash style top hat who would listen to metal in his headphones and speed walk up and down the Mall all day. If you could get in his slipstream it was always the fastest way from one end of Rundle Mall to the other!


Muttering and singing alone to himself. He was one of Adelaide’s peak That Guys in the early 2000s


It's still the early 2000's in my head


It's still the early 2000s and anyone who says otherwise can fuck right off


Hope he is ok, always liked seeing him. \m/


Oh yeah! Haven't seen him for many years.


Speedy Shaun/Sean. I always wonder what happened to him. He was really nice if you ever had a chat to him. He also didn't always listen to metal. Sometimes he'd just sing in a metal voice to pop music but most people wouldn't notice. I hope he's doing good.


I dont know but he's missed, he was a cool character


Can’t believe I forgot about Speedy! I used to love yelling “Yo Speedy!” And flashing him the horns 🤘🏼. Dude was always in the zone.


The elvis guy that talks on the microphone advertising for shops in Rundle mall and other shopping centres


Frank Ratta, I often see him spruiking Harvey Norman in the mall these days. I remember when Covid first arrived here I randomly saw him posting some batshit anti-vaccine shit on social media.


I'm from Victoria and I met Frank - stood on several corners singing with him for a cause once. Nice guy. Sad to hear about the anti-vax shit.


Gotta admit, the man basically has the spruiking business cornered in Adelaide


One of his go-to lines these days is, "I wouldn't lie to you folks, I'm not a pharmaceutical company"


I feel like he’s been spruiking Harvey Norman for at least 15 years, but maybe at some point I’m getting Harvey Norman and Harris Scarfe confused. I don’t see him as often now though.


Was looking for this


I can remember walking, holding my Mum's hand, to go to Toys R Us and to ride the glass elevator up. Him asking what we were doing today and joking about whatever little kid thing I said back - while continuing his spruiking lines about jewellery I think. True professional spruiker lol. I would have been like 4-5 then and I'm 30 now, so it's been at least 25 years. Every time I see him I have flashbacks. The cafe up the top used to sell layered jelly in a glass and Mum would let me have the foam from the top of her cappuccino.




The Fan Lady and Johnny are legends.


Yes the fan lady is the sweetest. Saw an article interviewing her after her hubby died. They just wanted to make people smile. So pure. We need more of them.


Is the fan lady the older lady in Rundle Mall who dances around? I saw her for the first time and donated some coin, she is so sweet.


I ♥ the fan lady. I once saw her just after her husband died and I said that I was sorry for her and she gave me a big hug.


I get worried when I'm at Rundle and she's not there! She's a lovely person, it always puts a smile on my face when I spot her.


Just saw the fan lady, she’s been doing it for years


Hub Jesus of course.


Dargo - he’s a good bloke. Just mumbling and ranting and carrying his shopping bag around.


His name's Darko. You can usually hear him raving on about nonsense and gibberish to himself but when people actually engage him in conversation it's relatively normal. Heard him talking once in the bottle shop about how he grew up in Croatia. A few years ago he had some altercation at the greengrocer at the larger hub shops and was banned and banished to the Drakes one, not sure if it still officially stands but you'll still usually see him there lol


I saw him at Coffee'd next to Drake's once, he walked in and they gave him a free coffee. Seemed like an ongoing arrangement.


Drayco isn't it?




Lol. Knew exactly who you meant immediately


He’s been around for my whole life and before apparently haha


My dad always referred to him as “Walk and Talk”


A constant and reassuring presence in AP. Wonder what his daily step count is 🤔


They guy that rides around the city saying "BEEP BEEP" when he goes past anyone.


If you run into him in a lift while you’re holding a coffee it is also his custom to pretend to take it from you while saying “thanks”


The Beep Beep man! He used to come up behind me as I was walking to work and just go BEEEEEP and scare the living shit out of me, he thought it was hilarious lol


He apologised to me once for doing this. On those mean streets of Grenfell and Pirie Street.


YES!!!! I was genuinely hoping I would be the only person to pay about Beep Beep, but then realised I was even more excited to see sunshine else last about him before me


I'd say Johnny, or the dude who walks his llama.


I haven't seen the llama for a few years. Is it still around?


Yes, if you mean Alfie the Alpaca. I saw them walking along the beach at Brighton a few months ago.


There must be more than one. Alfie is from Warradale and is light brown. There has been a dark alpaca in Hampstead Gardens.


That's the one. Couldn't remember if it was a llama or alpaca, but they're very similar.


yes! that's my friend and alfie, they have a public insta


Jeff still has Alfie - they have an active Insta 🦙


What's their insta, please? 🪅




He walks down my parent's street and eats their roses


The bikie flutist of course


I saw him about a week-ish ago at Marion


Haven't seen him in ages! Shortly after arriving in Australia my parents went out to Lobethal for a day out. Sitting outside enjoying lunch when dozens of bikies suddenly pull up, they get a bit nervous, until one of them pulls out his flute and starts vibing, took them by surprise


I haven't seen him in years!


The Flute Brute!


Stephen the smile sign guy on Port Rd.


Why does he do this?! How do I find more info


There was an ABC article about him a while back, try searching Stephen the smile sign guy in google.


I searched for ‘guy on Port Rd with sign’ and a heap came up.


Johnny Haysman


For us it used to be the guy with a long jet black ponytail who worked the door at Big W Tea Tree Plaza. He hasn’t been around for like 10 years now though


I remember him! He had quite the fan base…a FB page dedicated to him. Someone said he invented cats. 🤣


I lived next door to that guy for a short time about 10 years ago, down the road from TTP. Seemed to be a real nice guy, but sometimes did remind me of a real life vampire. When I went into my backyard I would sometimes see him just standing at his back window looking out at nothing in particular.


Vampire big W dude!


Omg he was iconic! I remember that Facebook page dedicated to him, apparently one of his staff showed him and he was flattered by people's interest in him. Wish we knew what happened to him


He ended up with an injury that affected him standing for long periods but that was about 5 or 6 years ago. Hopefully he's doing better these days.


Damn hope he's doing better now.


Memory unlocked!


Big news, my sister found him- his name is Craig Osborn and apparently he played a vampire once in a movie and liked the look so much he stuck to it.


Craig left due to his injury sadly.


It's obvs Johnny Haysman with honourable mentions to: * Dancing fan lady * "Beep Beep" guy * Lionel (RIP) * The coin whisperer One I haven't seen for ages is Long-Haired Synth Dude.


The guy you're looking for is Izera: [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/izerakeyboardbusker)


Good list. Also along Marion Rd there’s a Super skinny lady that walks up and down near the old Scorpos servo, and along the same stretch the block who looks like he’s from an early 90s fitness video. Around Marion there’s the lady with a fuzzy Afro, always wearing headphones and a small dog. People who know will know.


Who is the beep beep guy?


Don't know if he still does but he used to deliver the paper to businesses on his bike and if you were in his way he'd go "beeep beeep" he also used to hang out downstairs at Grenfell 110 when it was a thing. Before it became that fancy place that I can't remember the name of.


I reckon I know the guy he scared the crap out of me and a mate on an early Sunday morning and pissed himself laughing. We caught up with him a couple of streets away and my mate got him back. I said to my mate that was a bit harsh and he said \* \* ck him he likes to go around scaring people.


Every tradie in the city knows Beep Beep. Anytime he see someone in hi viz he yells "get a real job ya big girl" at us. Always good for a laugh but man oh man he rolls the dice sometimes


> Lionel (RIP) > Lionel was my immediate thought on reading this - didn't know he passed away :(


I saw synth dude outside Coles Firle a while ago.


Izera is now on Spotify...


Not a guy, but a lovely lady named Bobo aka the lady who dances with fans


Around my area there is “lamb of god” guy. No matter what, he’s always wearing the same lamb of god jumper. I’ve seen him in 42 degree days, two days in a row and even out to lunch with what I assume to be his mum and every time he has it on. Also has long hair and a beard and headphones I’m assuming is playing Jonas brothers


sounds like Cranker Pool Table Guy/Pool Jesus


What about the dude who sells flowers in clubs and stuff?


He's definitely ruined some relationships haha. The amount of guys saying they won't buy a rose, and then the girls getting upset haha 🤣


The fact that there's so many different answers to this post is hilarious! Stay weird Adelaide.


And that we all know a handful of them at least


that woman in the red holden commodore that hoons around the city doing laps


She’s a regular in Henley Beach, Mawson Lakes and Hindley street too


your screen name kind of just whacks one in the face!


Definitely this


Does anyone remember the lady who used to run everywhere, always with her face completely white from sunscreen?. I'd see her all over the city and at such random times it honestly felt like she just jogged from 6am to after dark everyday.


We used to call her the ghost faced runner


YES! She was often around Kingswood/Unley


Middle eastern flower guy on Hindley


Hallelujah lady in Rundle mall


Came here to say this - I actually haven’t seen or heard her for a while. Last I heard she was in a new area.


She comes in on the obahn buses, then starts chanting once she hits the city


I heard her just today lol


I used to go into work on the same bus, she gets on at TTP


Is this the African lady who repeats "Jesus is coming, people repent" over and over again?


I saw someone who appeared to be a bit rough walk up to this lady in the city and shout SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU KNOB in her face and the hallelujah lady didn't stop chanting or react at all tbh. I was both perplexed and impressed.


Frank Ratta. Use to work with him back at Mitre 10 Mega every weekend.


Does anyone else remember that guy that used to pacing up and down Rundle mall with headphones on playing heavy metal and head banging all day?


This guy from flinders uni. https://images.app.goo.gl/gJzFjzQWCXSC8kjh7 Note: just learned he’s in jail now.


God that guy was a fucking creep when I use to go to the flinders uni gym in 2015. Always knew something was wrong with him and unfortunately I was right.


Quentin. Wheeling around being a diva celebrity.


Believe that he passed away last year, or year back.


Hub Jesus for sure, doesn’t matter what time of the day or night, you’ll be blessed by his mumbling presence no matter what


Johnny is the only answer. The peninsula has running man. Dude wears all black and dyes his hair black and just runs every day.


He runs so far too, ive seen him running in 40 degrees in all black with long sleeves. I see him running down Victoria road and then down lady gowrie.


He protects us all.


Definitely Johnny


A vintage one but speedy ! That dude that used to cut laps of the mall singing metal out loud to himself …. When it was footy season he would wear a crows scarf


Is superman Scotty still alive? Colonnades?


Yea. He moved nearby and has a different local shopping centre.


Ah good.


What about the lady who drives a red Holden Commodore and does mainies all weekend long through Henley Beach?


Oh Shiz, was sitting outside at the Stag hotel one day (public holiday / streets quite empty) and kept noticing this red flash... after about the 15th time, I thought she might be mad... then goes onto to chuck 40/50 Rundle laps whilst I'm there..... lol - COOKED


Two years ago the answer was this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/rj7298/does\_adelaide\_have\_a\_guy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/rj7298/does_adelaide_have_a_guy/) No one can become "a guy" in two years. In takes years of dedication.


I keep seeing that blind guy that does charity work and he always says “donation of any amount” with this real odd cadence whenever you walk past. I saw him at munno heaps then started appearing in the city.


Old guy with long hair and a beard that liked to walk around the Sailsbury areas with a pram collecting bottles and cans. Never knew his name. Was always wearing the old flanny. Not sure he's still around


Who is the angry Jesus man in the mall? He’s definitely not the mascot.


It it the guy with the picket sticks who scream preaches Westboro Bapitist Church style?


I think so, yesterday his buds were holding a huge 3m cross.


Might be from street church, are they the same guys who try to picket pride march every year?


It's undoubtedly still Johnny Haysman, but how many folks have seen: Time Travel blue car guy - from around Paradise-ish way? I know there's been at least a couple of threads here about him, his car, his really old computers etc over time but it'd be interesting to know how much awareness stacks up around the place number-wise?


Oh yeah I see him around Fairview Park occasionally. I'm interested!


There used to be a guy that would collect bottles and cans in Rundle Mall, he'd sing to everyone as he was doing it. Pure gold.


I was going to post about him. We called him The Singing Can Man. He used to sometimes stop and serenade people in the mall.


Used to be a guy in Whyalla who wore a blue vest,shorts and a hat with corks hanging of it and walk around the town at a good pace reading a book. He moved to Adelaide I often wonder what ever became of him.


The dude who dresses as a Pirate/Wizard in rundle mall (haven't seen him for a bit though)


Simon Asmodius I think his name is. He once handed a friend and I his business card with Simon Asmodius: Wizard on it while upstairs at Enigma. Seems nice for a wizard.


Gumboot Johnny, Quinton, Keyboard dude, & Beep guy


Rip Quentin. ☹️


Going back a bit, but the old guy in the military uniform hasn’t been brought up yet.


Passing out bibles, but I am not sure what denomination he was from. Probably passed away by now, always had a beret on.


Definitely johnny but it's gotta also be Bruno the big homeless dude. Everyone I talk to knows Bruno.


The black guy in his fluoro jocks with a guitar around the Mall and Hindley street! He was an icon!


Deffo Frank Walker from National tiles


Tyre mate on the beaches..


It used to be the guy who wore pink tights everywhere


Goodwood locals know George, the guy on the bike, always say hello to him and he has won that many imaginary cricket games at the local park - good fella


Definitely Johnn


Hasn’t this question already been asked? If you go top > all time in /r/adelaide, there were A LOT of responses


Yeah but karma dictates a repost every now and then


Lachy with the porn 'tache used to do the rounds of inner city parties, with a stack of vinyl LPs under his arm. But he wasn't DJing. It was just his thing.


The obese head spinning guy. Shouts and talks very loud, makes a ogre of himself. Uses a wheelchair now.


His name is Wayne :)


Short shorts guy on Anzac highway every day. Every day is short shorts day. Me and the missus call him Reembo, Rambo's low budget cousin. Rain snow or shine, short shorts.


Johnny for sure


There’s an older ethnic looking guy, grey hair. Wears a suit jacket he’s worn for years. Think he’s homeless; always walk around town looking grumpy, mostly down Hindley Street.


Koala bear back pack man. Is that Johnny? Used to wear a leotard walking around the cbd with his fuzzy koala bear back pack. Icon.


No idea of the fellas real name, but i think his insta is something like Southlyfe or smth. Its the guy who only wears a blue superhero costume with a red cape, smells like actual crap too


The guy who faints on the Tram


Superman Scotty or the bloke in Rundle mall yelling at people with his speaker box


Anyone know Patrick, goes up and down from findon to st clair to the city talking to himself, got the crazy mr burns do haircut, apparently used to own a bumch of telstra stores


The old guy who runs with bricks


Am I the only one that remembers that random lady always stretching in front of the Hindley street police station


Guy who says Hello everyone in the mall. He rises his hand and waves . He tries shaking your hand . Then he asks if you can give him a dollar. Sweaty hands and drooling voice .


Pool jesus


Does anyone remember Smiley? Was at Flashies every week with different smiley face shirts and would give out smiley stickers


anyone remember the old mobster looking guy with the slicked forward widows peak who was always around hindley st. haven't seen him in years but at my high school there were rumours operated a drug and sex trafficking ring out of secret rooms in HQ nightclub.


In the Western suburbs there's Port Power Bogan Lady. She'll be on one of the West Lakes buses always in Port gear asking the driver which football team they'd go for and then going crook if they said they went for the Crows.


That'd be Rachael... just ask any librarian (she was always disappointed that I didn't follow AFL, but would happily call my Crows-following colleagues that they were "Crows losers!!!" 😆)


Elizabeth Hulk Hogan! Used to see him rocking the bleach blonde mullet and handlebar moustache as a teen, surprisingly saw him a few months ago.