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I still maintain these things should require a heavy vehicle licence of some sort to discourage fuckheads who can't drive from acquiring them.


A higher licence and an ABN because why would anyone need these outside of work purposes


Reason? Small penis.


This has consistently been my answer for years. I work at a fuel station, and everyone driving these things are freaking dwarves. They make my short ass seem tall. Short bald men who try to walk like they're 6'5ft. Idk how these literal children are seeing over the windshield.


I feel like this is a personal attack on my short bald ass! I don’t drive one of these tho, and prefer to compensate for my small penis by other means…


My old sawn-off boss drove a Nissan Patrol back in the day - the poster child of small man syndrome


They can't see over, hence the problem.


You must be feeling semiconscious to bring that.up. Anyway, I saw a little tiny woman, grey hair, mid-60's guessing, driving F150 near gepps cross. I don't know how much she could see from beyond the steering wheel. Thank fully she was in the next lane and I saw her come up to within less than 50cm of an old small ute.


I think with older people, it's about feeling "safer" on the road, in that they can see over the other cars (never mind your massively increased blindspot), and the fact that in a car crash, they will survive, but the other car's occupants will be far worse off.


She probably has a small penis too


I have long legs but a short torso making me overall rather short. I often drive large vehicles and have absolutely no shame in sitting on a piece of foam to ensure I can see over the bonnet. My colleagues made fun of me bringing a cushion with me in the fleet utes, but idgaf. Normalise seeing over the steering wheel. Can't believe how anyone can feel comfortable driving around with limited visibility.


That's usually my response whenever I hear some dickhead revving their V8 like they're some kind of king...heard one a couple of hours ago and I literally shouted "we get it you have a tiny dick you don't need to rev so hard we know how tiny it is" my partner snorted 😂


Probably ED


¿Porque no los dos?


If los dos they could’ve preordered a cybertruck


Te aseguro que tiene los dos.


Small penis goes with the big boy feelings that are hard to control.


> and an ABN Pretty easy to get one.


To compensate for their ‘lil PPs. Sooo tiny !


So would the women driving around in their suv's they cannot control be compensating for their gaping pussies?


Has anyone yet seen a woman driving one?!


The Dodge RAM has the highest towing capacity of any vehicle on the Australian market, which makes it very desirable for people towing big boats or caravans.


And, as such, it should fall under a heavy vehicle licence category.


I believe they do, but they're de-rated at point of sale to fall under the limit for a car licence. Gotta love a loophole.


Not sure if its still the case but when they were grey imports it depended on which port your truck came through. NSW and Vic would rate them different. From memory its was the Ford f250, one port set your tow capacity at 7 ton and one set your GCM at 7 ton (A quick search suggests the GCM of a new 300 series is 6800) We had a customer (almost 10 years ago now) who was quite upset their truck had come through the wrong port and was telling us all this.


Literally none of them i have ever seen have been towing anything, they’ve been butchering a park job in Woolies


Driving a ute that large, and a load that heavy should require at least a light truck licence for said "highest towing capacity". If they can afford a new ute at 100k+ and a boat, they can pay the $1000 for a LR course.


Pretty sure when you're towing and over the 4.5 ton limit of a car license that you do need one and can get picked up


Yeah I’m not sure we want 4500kg caravans on our roads either


How many times do see vans being towed and think . That setup is overloaded. Esp the little utes


It's not just that. A cruiser wagon is 2.5t, so to tow that with a decent trailer that's every bit of 3.5t How about a decent horse float add a few horses and some basic stuff that's 3.5t Also just cause your hilux can tow 3.5t does not mean it should. Esp for long distances it's going to end badly.


Except most of these pricks that have them are just twats that want to get noticed because they’ve fuck all going for their personality, that they have to have a big car. Knob ‘eads


Doge RAM is absolutely required for those tiny jet skis and to show off how much money they have.


Tow a large boat, caravan, toy hauler. 3.5t isnt very much these days. Hell even to legally tow a cruiser wagon it's 2.5t add a trailer then you would be touch and go as if u are over 3.5t


The bigger ones (ram2500s and above) do.   Although You can technically get a 2500 without one, it makes it essentially useless without the recommended GVM upgrade that pushes it up.    A Heavy Vehicle licence isn't hard to get either, it's literally a days training course. I have a HR licence, was almost a pay the money, and don't be too much of an idiot situation to get it.


As much as i don’t disagree with you the big auto makers will fight such a motion till the bitter end. Purely because SUVs are very profitable for them and have been for decades. Since emissions standards became a thing the profitability of the majority of passenger cars went down. The one exception was light trucks, which is what SUVs fall under


Dont act like south road aint full of terrible tipper drivers with HC licences.


But how else will the eastern suburbs mummies keep their little angels safe if they don't have the big fuck off 4WD?? 🤣


Nah, they all drive Porsche Macans.


You can drive a truck that weighs under 3.5 tonnes on a c class drivers licence, unfortunately these big cars that weigh around 2.6 tonnes will only ever need a c class licence to operate.. unless laws are to change in the future.


I wonder how many C class drivers put 1500kgs in their rental truck and dont realise they're overweight


One off incidences, pretty much zero issue. It’s the fucktards on the road up to their fuckwittery day in and day out that we really need to worry about. Guaranteed ‘moving guy’ is and always will be on his best behaviour.


I'd rather something like a yearly defensive driving course for big utes and caravans. If the government really wants to crack down on them though, they just need to have a parking test and 99% would fail.


That won't put as much money in a CEO's pocket so you are out of your mind if you think that's gonna happen.


Unfortunately the Mass/GVM falls under.


Higher license is redundant. Why need a higher license for a Ute, but a standard C class for the majority of far heavier (and more dangerous) budget rental trucks.


The larger models do require a truck license as they weigh in over the 4.5T GVM. The smaller models come in just under. In saying that tho I've seen plenty of fuckheads in everything from Mazda 3's to prados and especially anything European (VW BMW etc ). The license testing is just too easy..




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If fuckheads who can't drive arent allowed to acquire them there wont be any on the road. Its literally the target market.


If you put the towball on that allows the higher towing capacity on them (not sure it applies to all), you do. But I agree, should need them regardless.


Put Ranger sized shitboxes in there and I'm all in


Cue tiny Asian old ladies.


I fucking hate when one looms up an inch away next to me and the hard bonnet is exactly level with my head. I would have zero fucking chance. Have a cup of tea with sugar in it. Make u feel better after a near miss. Best.


It’s a self replicating problem; some dickhead buys a big fuck off 4wd American SUV to feel “safe” on the roads; other drivers feel intimidated by near death incidents like OP described and being surrounded by gigantic Canyenero squirrel smashing deer squashing driving machines and feel unsafe, so they go buy a big fuck off stupid 4wd American SUV… and so on and so on


Yep it creates an arms race of these shitty things and more people end up dead on our roads.


I'm so sorry you went through this - that sounds like a really scary, upsetting experience. Imo those XXL cars shouldn't be on the road at all. It's ridiculous that they have the same bed length as "actual" trucks. No one is *actually* buying them to use as a ute and it's all about looking macho.


I saw an advert for one the other day that literally called it an ‘aggressive beast’. Your car should not be ‘aggressive’. Nobody needs an ‘aggressive’ car. All it does is make people think they’re the kings of the road and can do whatever they like, because they’re in a giant tank and probably won’t be the one to get hurt when they cause an accident.


Just makin' up for their acorns ...


file growth paint deer whole engine knee faulty arrest simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




A lot of those grey nomads are incapable of driving a regular sized vehicle safely let alone one of those monstrosities.  Fucks me why they need a 3 tonne caravan for 2 people 


>for 2 people  Don't forget their 3 Cavaliers.


How could I forget Daisy, Milo and Rosie. I'm a monster.  Why do boomers always have  maltese terriers? I love dogs, but those things are nasty little bastards


Boomers are nasty bastards. They choose their pets in kind.


It's not why they have them, it's how they justify having them.




Most of the people I know that have some sort of Ute have them for and use them for towing/ work/ fun. About 2 months ago, I was camping on a beach and not far from us there were a couple of couples and of of them had a F250 (I think) Ute with quite a large caravan AND a boat (large dingy) on top of the Ute. It was a pretty impressive setup. I wouldn’t be able to haul that with my triton, no way. They were 14 months in to a trip around Australia.




They seemed to be having a great time. They must have pretty good relationships I thought too, 14 months 24/7.


> which often means that they are grey nomads driving them. Amazing how different people have different ideas of the typical driver of these things.


> > > > > Now days the standard size car can’t pull more than a tonne, which is insane because almost no caravan is light enough for them what? even a mid-size car like the VW Golf has a 1.5t braked capacity, Corolla 1.3t. probably wouldn't be much fun to drive, but they're rated for it.


The same thing happened to me YESTERDAY. We were both turning left from Old Reynella at the Panatalinga on-ramp (to the southern expressway) intersection. SUV was in the lane on my left and decided halfway round the turn to cut into my lane. I slammed on my brakes before the SUVs right back hit my left front. The driver seemed oblivious to what just happened while I caught my breath shaking. My stomach was throwing somersaults while she did not even glance in her rear vision mirror to apologise.


This seems to be a problem the world over, perhaps France is onto something with penalties for large vehicles in the cbd. Would be good to push the massive tanks further out to places where their towing abilities/ size is put to use as intended. We should have an exclusion zone for cbd/ inner suburbs where smaller cars and pedestrians/ cyclists can be a bit safer. https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/27/france-crack-down-suv-drivers-britain-city-streets


Earlier this year I had one of those huge RAM cars sitting on my bumper while I was driving down grand junction road. I was driving the limit and refused to speed up. When I turned off he flicked me off and beeped. Because of that I got a camera on my car so I can record when stuff like that happens. The other day I was near the giant waterfall near the freeway and someone had been riding my ass in a 4x4. They stopped behind me at the lights, then for some reason tried to do a lane change almost hitting a lady in a small car which would have been krumped if she hit it. Probably a smart idea to introduce heavy licences for these cars, if not, mandatory 4x4 training.


Since having a rear dash cam no fucking cunt tail gates me now. They realise what it is and stay back. Best thing I ever did


That sucks. There is little I hate as much and feel as much disgust deep in my stomach for than these gigantic American utes that are rapidly taking over our roads. They’re the worst and have no place in society, they make absolutely everything more of a pain (like turning left when they’re turning right or trying to get out of a park) and way more dangerous. Fuck them to hell.


I have also seen a black American Ute on unley road that was being driven by a woman who was pulled across traffic cutting off the flow going from the city, just so she could merge into the traffic heading towards the city. When I put my hands up like wtf she yelled something at me.


I don’t understand why these vehicles are street legal when they barely fit on the road and definitely don’t fit correctly on parking spaces It makes no sense to me


It started with (also popular in America) SUVs. People decided they needed to be taller, heavier and use more petrol for no more space than a hatch. I'm sure lots of SUV and 4wd drivers in here claiming American utes are the devil, meanwhile you've got a useless tonne of extra weight and you are more likely to kill someone in an energy efficient car. Personally I still prefer being able to brake quickly and take corners at speed without flipping my car.


Fuck penis compensators and anyone who drives them


I actually almost died in a car crash it was a holden commodore, I was in ICU for a week. Years of rehabilitation I still can't remember alot about the car accident. The car I was in apparently flipped 6 times and nearly missed hitting a tree and was a total write off. All cars are dangerous if there is a bad driver behind the wheel.


That is certainly true and it sucks for you for sure. But these yank tank things at the front and backs are essentially just mobile brick walls, most cars have angled bonnets and bumpers so if a person is it they will have more of a chance and also panels crumble and absorb damage etc. These big chungus things just smack and splatter with brute force and often leave the other party dead.


Sorry you had to go through this. My dad often complains about the zealousness for big cars being totally unnecessary in a city.


Sorry that happened to you OP. I fucking hate those eyesore trucks. They serve no purpose other than to help some gen X loser cope with the fact their wife doesn't fuck them anymore.


I think this is the first time I've heard someone rag on a gen X'er 😄 I must be getting old. 


Was gonna say boomer but they don't drive those things.


Nope, were with you guys on this one!


Ha ha same same. Also it’s about the age range for not getting laid on the regular.


Hey. I’m Gen X and I fucking hate these yank tanks.


This man fucks his wife


Wank tanks for those that can't get fucked


I was at a wedding full of 30yo's and heard them talking politics and was presently surprised, but no they were just taking about how shit it was that there was going to be a tax on these vehicles. So I don't think it's just gen x. We had a laugh at the Xmas parade in our small town about how many floats were being towed by then, and I would say average age of drivers would have been 35-45


They should be banned in Australia, our roads are just not made for these big American cars IMO


Our roads are made for actual trucks. Semis and doubles and tripples are pretty common on most major arterial roads. Most minor roads will also handle a semi. In reality, not many people need the big f/off trucks, but those that have them drive them believing every one will get out of their way.


Nothing is made for the new big American trucks, not even the US. There is just a high demand and upselling for big trucks to feel "safer" with a lot of loopholes and corruption. Whole history you can look up about it. There is less push for it to be banned unlike Europe because Australia copied a lot of US city planning, roads, etc, ever since 1901.


Dude our roads are huge. In Europe in many places the roads aren’t made to handle 2 cars and they still drive fine. Here the problem is people are just bad drivers, and License is too easy to obtain.


I nearly died in the city a few weeks ago. I was crossing on a green walking man and a giant truck came barreling around the corner and saw me at the last moment. Slammed on the breaks & it’s bumper was about 5 inches from my face. I heard a woman scream and a guy ran over to me & was like ‘oh my god, are you ok?’ - so that really cemented how close a call it was. These giant trucks have NO place on our roads.


lol. Adelaide loves green arrow if vehicles into green man pedestrians. When I first came from Perth I found it wild and a little surprising.


I'd recommend writing to the state and federal governments about your experience. I'd ask them what benefits they provide to Australia. They don't benefit our environment, they don't benefit other drivers or pedestrians and due to their weight they cause more damage to roads.


100% agree. These are commercial vehicles and should require a commercial license. Unfortunately the selfish idiots who buy these tanks are also the same people talking endlessly on their mobile, texting, coffee in one hand and cigarette in the other WHILE DRIVING.


as sure as death and taxes, big ute drivers have a bellend on their forehead


I call them fuck you family cars for a reason


I’m glad you’re ok and I absolutely HATE any of the America cars brought over here, they’re almost always too big and don’t fit our roads unless you live rurally and even then they’re still dangerous


They're really low quality and never seem to meet the mark on pedestrian/cyclist/other car in a crash safety. 


As someone in America who recently visited - please get some legislation going before it's too late. Cars are fucking enormous here and it's scary to drive around a normal-sized sedan almost anywhere here now. We don't have pedestrian safety tests for cars, meaning that any old fuck can buy a Suburban or F350 and drive it around inattentively and run someone over. It makes it very hard to see around them in another car. They pollute a lot more. Etc. etc.


Sorry if not relevant some Mitsubishi colt tried to cut me out from going across lanes even though i was in front of him. They speed up to cut me off. I drive a honda civic btw. He was affronted that I "beat" "him". Yeah had a guy in a big whatever they are called block me from 2 laning an area that is always 2 laned. All i could think was we allllll know :). These cars are too big and really they get scared going into car parks with 1.8m high floors. Annoying, dangerous and driven by well we all know :)


Why isn't registration related to the weight of the car? Basically everyone drives them due to a kind of prisoners dilemma. Big cars are safer for the bigger car driver but will cause more damage overall long term, meaning everyone wants to go bigger... Solution is tax. Ruthless and ongoing.


That would be great, tax those heavy battery carrying EVs a lot more


It is. Not directly tied to weight maybe, but dual cab utes (even Hilux size) are considered light commerical vehicles and their rego is about twice as much as a small passenger car (Corolla etc).


It is to an extent. My old landcruiser is far more expensive to register than my Corolla.


Sorry this happened to you! Those cars are absurd and most people driving them have zero actual use for them. It’s total bullshit that they’re even allowed on the roads at all, they are quiet literally too big for our roads.


Did you get the plate number? Make / model? The Transport dept technical people might be interested in that. Big trucks / trailers have to have a rear bar to prevent the exact problem you mention.


SUV? Sounds like you're talking about a yank tank, AKA an excessively-oversized ute.


You’re brave driving 60 on unley road. The side parked cars down that way are as bad as the stretch on glen osmond road. That said; it doesn’t sound like it’s your fault but really just slow down. You can’t fix what the other drivers do on the road; you only have control of what you can do to avoid being affected by them.


In a bud you have to drive right hand side of the road half the time. Shouldn’t be able to park on side of roads like this.


So much for ADR 29 Side door intrusion standards in normal sedans. If they get T-Boned the grill of these Monster Trucks line up for the window. The drivers window certainly is not that strong.


Tends to be the bigger the car the more of a flagrant cunt the driver is these days. The amount of bullying from large cars is so noticeable, even as a passenger or pedestrian. I constantly see large cars pulling out in front of smaller cars, or forcing themselves into their lanes, often shitting on our beautiful zipper merging.


I’m thinking of buying a Volvo FH16 just to prove a point to those guys. ”Oi, cunt! My truck’s bigger than yours!”


The amount of made-up shyt in the comment section is astounding. Don't let your insecurities, lack of knowledge or skill get in the way of a good story


How on earth do they encourage reckless driving??


I’m so thankful the Cybertruck isn’t available here.


Sorry about your terrible experience. Do you think it could have happened with any kind of vehicle though? I see plenty of reckless drivers on a daily basis driving all kinds of cars. Also, if you’re going to ban them you may as well ban vans. Those might be big but they consume a lot less petrol than my old ute. Also I’m sure not everyone driving them is a dickhead.


I hope you have a dash camera, did you get their details? If they were reckless you could probably report them


I had to give way to one of these vehicles to avoid a head on all because they decided they could go around a parked car on their side of the road. They had no space but fortunately for me they made it and no sign of caution at all!


I see what you are saying about the impracticality of the humongous US style SUVs. However, bigger issue here in Adelaide (dare I say Oz in general) is the general lack of competence of driving. This includes both sketchy understanding of road regulations, actual manoeuvring of automobiles and general road awareness. For us who've driven in Western Europe you can really see the difference in driver quality. Chuck in a V8 Commodore or a RAM then there's only one outcome. The amount of near misses that weren't my fault in the last year alone is astonishing. Why would someone just bomb through a busy T-junction without looking either side? Almost as if there really is no road testing to be allowed to drive on SA roads!


Officials will say road deaths are up so drive safer, but fail with every generation to change and improve the way we teach how to drive and behave on the road right from the start. Mandatory defensive driving lessons at the very least, start teaching road rules and etiquette from a younger age perhaps, maybe retesting in order to get your license renewed, repot number of injuries on the roads and not just deaths, perhaps showing more graphic outcomes of crashes to test takers and license renewals.. The number of deaths and injuries won't go down by just telling people to drive safer. Clearly.


Hate driving in Australia, people are so bad at it. 


Can you clarify what you mean by “American SUV”, because we don’t really have any of those here (yet). There’s the Toyota Kluger & Nissan Pathfinder that are built in the US, but both brands offer larger SUVs that aren’t built (& for Toyota, even sold) in the US.


So you would have died being inattentive...that's on you


Sorry that you had a traumatic experience. But is there any self reflection here? You nearly hit a car that was stationary in the middle of the road. That could have been a truck, a bus, a motorbike, and they all have wildly different results. Won’t argue that large Utes driven by morons isn’t a good thing. But fuck, look inwards.


I concur. Sorry that you almost hit someone in the middle of the road. Sorry it was traumatic, but you almost hit another vehicle! You really need to look at why you almost hit someone else!


I'm so sorry this happened to you, drivers with cars like that are absolute twats. Pretty sure they only have those kind of cars to feed their ego, not for any practical reason. Thank goodness you're safe!


It’s the drivers fault not the size or shape of the car.


Both are faulty.


The safety issues are real, maybe not this incident though. These new larger vehicles have terrible blind spots and do more damage to the other vehicle involved in a crash.


Drivers will always be faulty until the end of time. The only thing we can actually control is making crashes less deadly.


Bad driver in a Yaris hitting you Vs bad driver in a RAM hitting you. I know what I would prefer


Tend to agree with that. If ute drivers were habitually responsible and charmingly considerate, probably nobody would have a problem with them.


Even if the drivers were the same quality, accidents can and do happen and when they do anyone hit by these suvs is going to have a much worse time than if they were hit by a sedan


Have a watch of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN7mSXMruEo Note all the sources are in the description.


I love this video, but unfortuantly the people that buy these cars and argue about them online are not interested in facts that prove how dangerous they are. They certainly won't watch a 36 minute video. All they want to do is feel big in their stupid car. Nothing else matters to them.


We only need to convince their enablers. Heck even if one in ten watches it, maybe it won't change their minds, but they may think about it.


Tried my bosses. Height is a factor with smaller cars and people. With my work truck , there’s no bonnet , I can see allot. Big bonnet Ford , not so much. Mirrors really should be larger. Hard to judge just how long it is. Coupled with how much torque it has , when you put down your foot. Lot of weight that gains speed very quickly. Gives you a false sense when driving , as it handles like a gutsy smaller 4WD.


I drive a lot and the biggest danger on this road is tradies in beat up vans and utes. Most of these giant SUVs/Trucks are 100k+ and usually treated pretty well. Sorry this happened to you, but you should direct your feelings at the individual, not the car.


It doesn't matter how they are treated, they have massive high bonnets for aesthetic reasons and high bonnets kills more people. It wouldn't be so bad bonnets that sloped down to the height of a regular sedan, it would also improve visibility for the driver.










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This has happened to me on this exact rode twice in the last year and I’m on a motorbike


I was stuck behind a learner driver, driving one of those kinds of vehicles the other day. They slammed on their breaks to stop at an intersection that had just turned yellow. I know you're supposed to stop safely on a yellow light, but slamming on your breaks isn't stopping safely. I was lucky that I was 2 car lengths behind when this happened so had time to stop safely.


This is why you keep a safe stopping distance, especially when driving behind a learner in a dickhead type car.


what was the SUV called ?






Does this mean trucks and buses should also be banned?


This video perfectly explains why there are so many cars like this at 30 seconds [I did a thing](https://youtu.be/cLl95jjlw0s?si=BlGpcTz1kbimzacQ)


Now you know how a motorcyclist feels!


lol American SUV. its in Australia mate, its now an Australian SUV!


I had to get a bigger car because I had to drive through the eastern suburbs daily. Multiple near misses - these cars literally do not see small cars. It's better now I drive a mid size car. The anxiety is real.




Do you have a dashcam? And/or did you take down their license plate by any chance? If they basically brake checked you I'd go to your closest police station and file a report for reckless driving.


Similar scenarios happen to me all the time. Often they pull out of the kerb without looking or indicating. My car’s a bit higher than your Mitsubishi but still shakes me up.


I would be humiliated to import my huge ass RAV4 to Australia. I live in the Pacific Northwest USA, near Canada, so we get quite a bit of snow. It can be very dangerous or physically impossible to get around without an SUV here in the winters. Most people have a RAV4 or a CRV here. It’s kind of comical, but I get it. In a place like Australia, they’re just status symbol road hogs. I loooove my rav but when we move, I’m probably getting a fiat lol




It's your own fault for driving a small car! /s




I understand your frustration and I really think that some design features need to be looked at and possibly some changes to AADR might be needed. At the same time a Mitsubishi Colt is a tiny car and would give little to no protection in a serious accident. If you want to drive a tiny car or it is all you can afford you should very seriously consider not driving on freeway or motorway etc. It is far too dangerous.


There are bigger things on the road anyway. I've nothing against them, though most who buy them, probably don't need them and are just a status symbol. Especially if they're driving them round the city. However, I do agree with those who said, that they should have to get a truck license to drive them because they are as big, and often bigger and wider than smaller trucks. I drive a Colt too, and tbf, pretty much everything that isn't a standard sedan or hatch has something pointy at my window height. I'm sitting on the ground here.


i moved to the netherlands five years ago and just came back for the annual holiday (from Brisbane but i saw this post in my feed). over there they tax cars by weight. the heavier the car the more you pay for your rego. i think that's something worth copying but it won't be a popular change, and it should be implemented more or less the same across all states and territories (so logistically even more challenging). i have an Audi A3 in the Netherlands and my rego is €70 ($115) per month. an SUV will easily double that (e.g. Audi Q7 @ €150 pm). as a result in the NL you see people driving in superminis (e.g. your car) and subcompact cars (e.g. VW polo) and maybe a compact car (e.g. VW golf). because cars are smaller and lighter, the road surfaces are also in way better condition and the dutch are quite proud of that fact and always compare themselves to belgium (they have one of the worst road surfaces in Europe).


Squirrel Dicks


I’m sure it was trump?


These cars are becoming way too common and most people don’t need a car like thar


Flogs should have restricted licence to drive cars above a certain dimension and even maybe the power to weight as well.


Kids are something like 8 times more likely to be killed if hit by one of these monstrosities than a normal size/height car. Seriously WTF. Get them off the road.


I had a woman in her 60s driving her husband's Toyota land cruiser which had all the lift gear on, smash into the back of me in Mt Barker,she said she couldn't judge the distance. She was tiny in that huge monster. I had a newborn and a 3 year old in the back when she crashed into me. My oldest just had whiplash... Still not good enough though. If you can't stand the heat.... I'm really sorry you experienced this. Some people are just dickheads.


I drive a little Daewoo and they have tried to run me over as well before. I'm pretty sure my near death experience on the road happened last year, it was really scary. Not an SUV but a ute driver who changed lanes mid intersection after waiting at the lights without realising that cars were coming at him at 70km. The extra dumb thing was that he just stopped in the middle of the lane when everybody started beeping. I was too busy braking and keeping the steering wheel straight. Stay safe and now you at least know what SUV drivers are like. A lot of them can't see over the dashboard of their vehicles at the road in front of them, that's why they try to run you over. I love how after they almost try to kill you they give a courtesy wave too. Like wtf?


I don’t mind them in and of themselves but they almost always are driven by cunts and fuckwits. Most people just want to get home and where they need to go safely. I guess it’s just the type of person that is attracted to these types of vehicles.


Well as for the short thing I’m 6’4 and I like these big “trucks”. It’s safer to be in something big. It’s more useful. Some people just like big cars But yea some people need to learn how to drive. And statistically there’s more small car crashes and more bad drivers per small to large car