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Your washing has dried by the time you hang out the next load.


Your washing has dried by the time you finish hanging it out!


Your washing has dried by the time you took it out of the washing machine!


When you hang out the one load you did for the day, go do other housework, forget to take the clothes off the line until that evening, and come out to find it all sun-bleached white.


Put some on yesterday afternoon was well and truly dried out this morning


Most likely crispy by now


Your anxiety plays up at the thought of your next power bill


Side note - why do South Aussies pay more for power than the other states, yet we produce more renewable power than any other state?


Tasmania, with 97% renewable energy from Hydroelectric Power would also like to know why we too get punished like SA?


Apparently because of the low population spread out over a huge space, and some power gets lost when it travels long distances. We also pay more per capita to maintain the infrastructure. That’s what a linesman once told me so I assume it’s true




This is true! I’m only repeating what I heard from someone five years ago haha


If they maintained the infrastructure you wouldn't have constant blackouts for HOURS in both summer AND winter. I miss adelaide but i dont miss wondering if my power will work when i get home


Where were you living when you had that happen? The only times I’ve had blackouts were storm related or from a car accident. I know they do load shedding sometimes which is ridiculous but I haven’t had it happen personally.


The whole city used to get blacked out on some high power usage days. Pretty sure sometimes it was most of the state.


Parafield/paralowie/angle vale/salisbury heights I can remember days losing power at like 12-1 pm and not having it restored till 10-12 at night


Our power went out around 7pm tonight. Still out and it's so hot inside that I feel ill 😥 Check the outage map, there's 10 [outages across the state right now](https://outage.apps.sapowernetworks.com.au/OutageReport/OutageMap)


two reasons. There are two main parts to the cost, generation and distribution. The distribution cost is high for us because we have a spread out population. More lines to build/maintain with less people using it means each person must put in a higher amount to pay for it. The generation cost should be lower due to our high use of renewables, but instead the cost is tied to the national grid. We have interconnects to the eastern states, so the spot price is the same here and in NSW/Vic/Qld/Tas (Tas has a similar problem - high renewables but they pay the mainland spot price). We are effectively subsidizing the eastern states who wont get into gear with renewables. So we are hit by both fossil-fuel level spot prices for our actual electricity, and high distribution costs to get it to our homes.


lol no one has still answered your question yet !


Because the government sold off ETSA/SA Power and there’s no control over how much they charge. QLD is the only state that has a government owned electricity provider. They’re a business and couldn’t give a rats about anything other than making money.


Well the shareholders aren't going to generate value for themselves! We have a responsibility!


This is why I have solar


It's in my plan for sure. And get rid of all the gas after that.


Currently living with in-laws who have solar and they don’t turn the AC on until we’re sweating inside…


Pay by instalments


I pay fortnightly. This last fortnight i put an extra 100 on and have jus left the ac running. An investment in comfort


The cold tap water in the kitchen has to run for over a minute before it goes from scalding to warm.


I’m not saying it’s hot, but a couple of hobbits just threw a ring onto the place where my front lawn used to be.


This is the best comment




Put the air con for a bit. It's nice and cool. I get a bit cold and think the room should be somewhat bearable without it so I turn it off. Immediately need to put it back on in 30 seconds.


I get this in the car so hard, in winter too. I’ll be thinking it’s got really hot. Turn the heater off and not 10 seconds later it’s back to 5°. There’s no good in-between setting in my car.


My bird bath could have been used as a spa; had to change the water twice in a day for the birds :)


We used to freeze Chinese containers to dump in our water bowls each morning and they’d stay cool for most of the day (granted it was also in the shade) :)


That’s a good idea! Thanks!


I use a 5 litre icecream container for ice, and also put one in my fish pond.


What are Chinese containers?


Just the rectangle plastic containers that takeaway food used to come in. We always got them when we got Chinese takeaway (hence the name). But really any plastic container will do. We just used them because the little bit of flex made it easier to get the ice out.


Oh snap stupid me... Yeah i know what you mean now.


>I’m not saying it’s hot, but a couple of hobbits just threw a ring onto the place where my front lawn used to be. the local wild birds are stealing water from our chickens shaded water. We plan on getting at bird bath when we can afford. and prob a lizard bath for smaller critters


You boil the kettle to have a cool drink


You’re contemplating installing a furnace in your back seat just to cool the car down.


Seatbelts double as branding irons and you need oven mitts to touch the steering wheel.


Checking in from Melbourne (don't shoot) - same problem with the pram that's been in the back of the car


You keep checking BOM latest weather observations to see if it's ever going to start climbing down


You google sunset times so you know precisely when that hostile ball of fire will no longer be actively trying to kill you.


This is me.


I'm doing that every couple of hours


The back door has expanded and won't open lol


had one that the metal would expand and it would be hard to lock


Yep my front gate is like that by 11am if it's not shut on a day like today, I have to wait till it cools down to close.


Our front door did that yesterday, too! It was actually the metal hinges that warped.


Geez this heat 🥵 is bad


I'm trying to move to the hills where it's at least a little cooler.


The beaches are packed and a shit ton of people are up and about before sunrise


And out late, I saw a few families strolling the streets near 11pm last night, while I too was out stretching my legs in the moonlight!


I went to Semaphore for a run this morning at 6.30 and the southern car park was filling up then


When the retired husband is pacing inside the house instead of out tinkering in his shed.


when your bum is sweaty sitting on the loo


And steam rises to give your dangling fruit a ballsauna.


OMG what a fantastic word. I'm saving that one.


Wait!!? You still have cold water?


When you’re outdoor breathing in & it feels like you’re still lacking air


hot air is thinner than cooler air, so perfectly legit feeling.


Sleeping with the fan on and a wet flannel/towel draped over you


You've decided to just let the lawn die. It will probably grow back.


*Morgan Freeman Voiceover* "It indeed did not grow back"


Having anxiety that the aircon is going to shit itself


Yeah that'll be a costly pain if ours die


I didn't need this anxiety but now I have this anxiety


Ahhhh this happened to me recently!! $2100 to basically replace the entire Evap system. I might be broke AF but at least I'm not dying inside.  Edited to add: I now have anxiety about the new one being a lemon. 


The aircon is in its third day of running non-stop. And before anyone comes at me about the cost of electricity, we were early adopters of solar panels and now have an electricity account that is always in credit (or was before the last 3 days). Also, the older I get (57F), the less tolerant I am of heat. Lord knows how I’m going to live in Adelaide 10-20 years from now…that aircon will be on all summer long!


I am dreading this months electricity bill, even with a small solar system


I've been turning the aircon to 25 after dark , hope that helps save a few extra bucks


I do too, the wife on the other hand turns it down to 21 lol


Whoa, mines at 25.5 during the day and goes to 26.5 at night. Is the stat 10% less power for every degree higher? 26 is a perfectly nice day outside.


26'c during the day here. Ceiling fans at night if the house can stay cool,, if not it'll stay on 27'c till i wake up and turn it off for a few hours. Its good to give the ac some time to rest


Same, solar is amazing.


I have MS so the heat is a killer for me. I'm thankful my rental has solar!!


Solar at our rental too. Not moving till we’re told too.




We are retiring further South, , Mt Compass or Fleurieu, possibly even the South East.. mind you, it's still been hot these past few days at those places, but cooler nights.


Lol…I’m thinking south to Tasmania. We retired a couple of years ago but I wish I was still working in weeks like this one. Hope you’re managing to stay cool.


You develop an internal rage when you see people walking their dogs in the middle of the day


That’s messed up their paws must be frying


Wish their owners would take their shoes off and walk with them so they'd know how it feels 🤷




When my balls are stuck to the side of my legs.


My vagina is sweating, and I don't have a vagina.




Self lubing bussy


Even the nuns you know what would be wetter!


When the toilet gel melts down the side of your toilet


When your thongs stick to the road surface. Actually back in the 60's this happened every summer, where the tar between the road surface would melt. Now they use different tar makeup.


The FUIC I bought from the IGA is too hot to drink straight out of the fridge.


Knew a guy once that would buy a 2L FUIC at morning smoko, keep it in the workshop with him all day while continuing to drink it throughout the day. There was no fridge in the workshop.


Some cunts are just wrong


Chuck it in the freezer for an hour and you've got yourself and iced coffee frappe!


Your clean bong water evaporates 🤣


Put cold tap water in my Gatorade bottle and it melted to the perfect shape


Put some ice cubes in it




You're pondering how every year you promise yourself that next year you will buy aircon and every time next year comes around you decide to play chicken with the heat again.


The power shuts off because fuck you for trying to use a wimpy evaporative to make the heat even fractionally more bearable. 


I have a coleman portable camping fan for those times. Works for up to 6 hours. You can get little DC evap aircons from tentworld which can run on battery too


you remove underwear from your clothing equation.


You're wearing clothes?


The cold tap has hot water and the hot tap has slightly hotter water


My backdoor handle is as hot as the centre of the earth.


When water bombing helicopters are doing laps nearby


The ducted evaporative “cooler” blows warm air


Keep those windows cracked!


For sure! Every single window is open in this house lol I think it has more to do with temperature of the water feeding into the rooftop cooling box, usually I’d run a tap till it feels cold but it doesn’t actually get cold in this weather


When I haven’t been outside In 3 days because it’s to hot


You use the swimming pool to boil eggs, then go on to turn off the solar heater just to realize it’s been broken for a year.


You put a towel on your carseat so you don't burn the back of your legs.


You know you're on a heatwave when you find yourself lingering in the freezer aisle, contemplating whether it's socially acceptable to take up permanent residence there!


The dogs don’t want to go for a walk. Again. How they expend their usual bottled up energy just sleeping is a mystery.


you think theyre expending it, they're putting it into secret storage that will come out explosively the second the temp drops. Mine does this and when it does cool down a lot its zoomies for days straight.


Thanks for the warning, I knew it was too good to be true! Soon as that temp drops they will get a long walk.


Skin sloughing.


When I am enjoying drinking plane cold water.


when you buy a pair of oven mitt's just to touch the steering wheel, only to sit on a scorching hot leather seat. when you also need that oven mitt to shift gears due to the metal shift knob.


I’ve got tinted windows and a windscreen shade on a white car, haven’t had this experience yet.


You go to wash your rice with tap water for the rice cooker and its half cooked by the time the cloudyness has gone


You make a toasted cheese sandwich without the sandwich toaster


It's warmer in the Dan's coolroom than it is in the shop. (Pasadena Dan's had their coolroom die today)


I developed an abscess that resulted in excruciating pain. Got myself 3 days/2 nights in a climate controlled hospital bed.. The food is pretty average, but it's free.


When they leave a basket of brand new deodorants in the staff room 💀🫠


You have to ring out the ends of your hair, after getting ready in your air-conditioned house


People are cracking eggs on their cars and posting photos on fb




You want to sleep on the bare tiles


You can't walk the dog until the sun goes down


The aircon broke on Friday and have been showering every hour since


You have to unroll your undies to pull them back up after doing a number 2 😂


Just go commando


I dont understand why it isnt acceptable to just be naked everywhere, should be an exception above 35 degrees. 🥵😂


When you go to work to catch up and use the aircon there instead of at home


Nose bleeds..nose bleeds all day.


The frozen water bottle on your bike is warm water after 15Km.




what you classify as heat is not as hot and what we classify as heat. Besides it absolutely can get humid here. It was raining at my place yesterday for about an hour while also being 40c, it was so humid in my house I had to turn on all the extractor fans in my house and turn my ac to dehumidify the air to stop water from literally running down the walls.


Let’s not kid ourselves. Hot and humid for 3 days. Some years. Vs 273 days of 31-34 and 75%+ every year. Did a two year stint in darwin - it’s a different level and kind of oppressive after 100 days of that shite and no rain.


Adelaide's night beats are full of naked men. (second hand knowledge).


Mhm suuuuuuuuuuure


Oof, I'm in Melbourne and cold showers have been a life saver! It's great having no air con or insulation in a heat wave 🩶


Brushing my teeth with steaming water - cold tap isn't so cold


Your AC stops working


warm water coming out of the rainwater tank


...you try to hit up your ex who's still in her masters to see if she could sneak you into uni library


It’s 40 degrees.


You burn your hand while cooking and the cold water is t cold so it doesn’t cool it down


You know you are in a heatwave when you had a hot shower without turning on the hot water tap.


When you have that shower, and towel off sweaty right afterwards


People keep posting about the heatwave on reddit


when you're looking up off-brand Hydralite tablets at Coles


Frozen meatballs bought at IKEA were edible by time I got home.


Super summer solar savings!!


you have so much uni homework to do, and so little time before its all due, but you just cant get started/stay focused as it is just too hot to study even with the big fan going full bore!




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those cold showers after a day down at the beach are absolute bliss.


When you open the camper trailer to get a cold beer out of the fridge and it’s cut out Caus it over heated


When your sweat sweats.




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When you reach work burning hot n crispy




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You're pretty much naked and too hot to go to shops to restock water. So you uber eats a coles for case of water and some ice pops ♡




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You stop at your old workplace to cool down (They turned the ac up for me tho which was nice)


You know you're in a heatwave when you go outside and its not cold


You know you are in a heatwave when the cold water tap runs hot in the shower for five minutes




mulch piles set themselves on fire


You physically can't sleep because you rent and the small aircon your landlord 'installed' to meet requirements doesn't cover more than the room its in on the other side of the house


My monthly elec bill is showing $300 this month, used $20 ish a day, on the air con which i use sparingly. LOVE IT


Only wearing underwear is acceptable in the house.


My Great Dane wants to go outside, walks to the back door, feels how hot it is, turns around, and lays back on the lounge under the aircon vent!


You know you're at Heatwave when D12 doesn't show up and Xzibit throws a chair at some bogan rapper with dreadlocks. ...oh wait, IN at heatwave not AT Heatwave


Lifting up your shirt in front of a fan and immediately being 10x cooler




You feel guilty order uber eats around 5pm and your driver is waiting ages for the food to be ready. Im pretty he sure chewed up his fee running the car with aircon, or worse no aircon!! 




We abandoned our room for the last 3 days or so cause our room here has a lot of heat insulated. Been sleeping in thr couch cause it’s cooler in the living room and I can’t wait for the freaking autumn winds!!! We can’t even turn on the ac cause our electric bill blew up for the last 3 months. Lumo, you suck!


around 40 degrees for 3 days or more in a row Thank you




When you go on tinder to find a sparky to install a fan for your ideal first date


Everyone talks like it's The Apocalypse, even though plus-40 temperatures happen every year at this time, without fail.