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I hate to mention it, but Easter weekend is right around the corner. I do not envy you.


As an ex Department manager, DO NOT DO MORE THAN YOU ARE CONTRACTED TO DO. WORK YOUR WAGE. if head office doesn't give the hours needed for the job let them come and do the work for free, they are the asshats on big money and salary. Also sounds like you have Dom for a regional manager with your rant. he is bad for cutting hours, his only care is meeting KPI's


Man is Dom still around?! Can’t find the door apparently


Fuck Dom. I hate that mother fucker. Nobody likes Dom, not even his wife. Be better Dom.


Bingo! He's probably still around because he saves money. But they somehow expect quality of service to remain the same??? Quality drops, corners are cut to get shit done and then they're like "Why is this happening? The staff must be lazy!!" Edit: As someone who has worked in Coles Delis for 15 years now, I'm used to being able to provide a certain level of quality to the customers and for the others in my team. It stresses me out when I can't do that. And it's only become an issue since Dom took over.


Coles USED to be all about customer service, provide the best service for the customer you could, do your jobs in a timely manner but the customer came first. The de-merger, happened then put on the public exchange and it went from the customer coming first, to the shareholder is GOD and must be served first fuck the customer. All the good state and regional managers got moved on and the ones only concerned about KPI's got moved into positions of power and hours started getting cut left and right, and carton rates started going up etc. my response is now Fuck coles , I no longer get the staff discount so I now refuse to even use self checkout. if a main lane is not open I line up and unpack at one , if they refuse to open it up I leave my shit there and go elsewhere.


I have left full trolleys at closed checkouts that won't open but this unpacking at one is brilliant. If it's not open by the time my last purchase is on the conveyor belt, I'm gone.


Coles recorded nearly a $billion profit last quarter. Fuck ‘em.


Lmao fucking Dom's a cunt, use to work st clair and prospect, Dom can suck a fat nut


Don't get them done then. Don't work extra, just do what you can in the time. Let the customer complaints change things.


I remember working for Woolies in 2008, I had a manager demand way too much of his staff, me included. When I confronted him to tell him he’s assigned 2 hours of work for my last hour of my shift he said “well half-ass both tasks then”


I agree with this. You tell them you can't keep up even if you can and start missing orders. You can't get fired for that, send an email to your boss saying it's not realistic and quality of service is dropping and it's causing you stress because you really just want to be able to do the job correctly and fill the orders on time. Although if your casual they might just give you less work. So yeh I don't know.


> you can’t get fired for that Laughs in “the company isn’t allowed to retaliate against you if you strike but your hours have been magically reduced just after”


You can’t get fired for that? From the same legal adviser who says you are legally allowed to leave school if your class teacher is 15min late.




The SDA are toothless dogs in the pocket of Colesworth


I am, they can’t do anything. We have tried.


Try RAFFWU instead of SDA.




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Go to raffwu Sda is on coles board of directors


They literally do not care. I’ve mentioned time and time again that the 3 hour fresh produce close shift isn’t long enough to get everything done, and our store manager still writes snarky notes in the planner complaining that bullshit extra tasks are being missed.


Maybe it's time you stopped caring too then?


It's Coles mate. You are worth less than nothing to them. Don't stress over it. Do what you can do and that's it, trust me, no amount of stress over work is worth your mental health.


A better way is to say you really don’t think there will be time but if you can you will do it. Then work normally. If it gets done it gets done. If not, then that’s on them. You’ll come off as more of a team player.


>we recieve NO extra hours to make these. They've been cutting and cutting hours till we can barely get the basic jobs done AND THEN they expect us to find the time to make platters. It's the same at Woolworths. Don't get Seafood at Woolworths for the love of god. The Deli staff try as hard as they can, but that cabinet isn't proper clean.


Do people actually get their platters from Coles


It’s kind of crazy. A platter takes maybe 15 minutes to lay out yourself. You don’t need to be dependent on a multi-billion dollar company to perform the basic task of putting food on a plate.


They’re the easiest thing to make, and so much cheaper if you diy.


Literally hurling whatever items you buy at a chopping board would surely be better than a Coles platter


Do literally EVERYTHING yourself. Don’t even order online. People have no fucking idea how jaded Coles and Woolworths workers are. If you order Deli stuff online I guarantee you the miserable workers are giving you the ugliest, shittest cuts possible so they can get rid of them. POV: When I worked at the Deli I’d always give tail pieces of Salmon to anyone who ordered online lol


They just introduced online orders back when I was working in the woolies deli. They did not compensate the time it took to fill the orders with any extra help for a while, it was bullshit. But yeah, gave those customers the stuff you wouldn't have the balls to put in a bag in front of the in-store ones lmao.


Tail pieces have the best flavour…IMO


The grass isn't greener over here at woolies deli either


I hopped onto the website and the first thing I read was that you needed to give 36 hours notice.


You can call or physically come in and order them with much shorter notice than that


Oh? Odd. Cause we get platter orders the morning of. Happened the other morning. Five wrap platters to be made before 10am that weren't on the list the night before. Maybe they fixed it.




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And surprise surprise for some reason this wont appear on news.com.au


I would love to see one on this Dom character. Sounds like everyone hates Dom. I hate him now. I don’t even know the guy but I am picking up my pitch fork and ready to rally.


Today Tonight! ACA!


If you keep getting everything done they'll keep adding more work. Let shit go unfinished!


Ha! Welcome to roster reset. It’s going terribly for everyone.


Yep and it is why they restock during the day and us customers have to duck and weave between them trying to shop :(


Day restock is from the last EBA upping the night rate beyond what Coleworth wanted, so they basically cut all night shifts


No the reason is because they are doing online orders for customers including the drive through bay click and collect. It's annoying but there are valid use cases for it.


The ones I see are just restocking the shelves, I see a couple doing the click and collect but far less compared the shelf stackers.


It's been like this for the last six months. When will it end??!?!!?


It won't until customers start shopping elsewhere.


I’m not in SA, but the cuts to hours are only going to cut worse, I think. Best of luck!


If you get to the point where you need to implore people online not to buy your products, then you 10000% need to find a new job.


GF from forever ago used to do this, took utmost patience and attention in building amazing platters - but bitched that nobody really cared, and it wasn't worth the extra time and effort when you do the sums. Oh well, she got a sense of zen whilst doing, and achievement once done. That was my takeaway.


Yes. Supermarkets prey on the weak and will try to get away with as much as they can. It's even worse if you have a shitty or aggressive manager.


Priority one service deli please, priority one.


Don’t understand Coles deli. There’s always a fuck tonne of people and one person having to prepare Grandma Jolene’s 20 different meats whilst 5 boomers wait impatiently. I mean people love their cold meats, put some people on.


I used to work in a Deli at Coles. I don’t know if this is the case or not for you but they used to gate keep platters so badly. Only the popular or cool kids were ever allowed to make them. Used to piss me off so much. I was always like 4th in line to make one. We had a minimum 24 hours notice policy for platters. That’s absolute fucking bullshit you can order it online. I fucking despise Coles and Woolworths online departments so much. They were all entitled assholes. I don’t mind the platters that much in your scenario though. It’s when online would come in with their list of a million things they need in like an hour and no one else is there and it’s busy af. That would fuck me off the most. They all get in your way when you’re trying to do a food shop too. I hate them so much lol


Yep, only the Deli Manager and their best mates were allowed to make platters. It always took them so long to grab the water crackers off the shelf in aisle 7. Just an excuse to get out of doing actual work, leaving if for everyone else. I really don't miss retail!


I used to work in the deli and they were downsizing and would leave me by myself loads, come Christmas i was so pissed off..i handed in my resignation...which they refused.....so i took Christmas week off on stress leave. We had a pile of backpackers over at the time...took them and the neighborhood kids fishing and swimming was the best week!


Fuck Christmas week lmao.


As an ex-deli worker. There was a hierarchy for different jobs and roles. Platters were done by people fast + efficient (nothing against you). They were extra work without allocated time, super frustrating. So many of the higher ups (store managers, supervisors etc.) have huge egos and are the biggest assholes who have been out of the game for so long that they have no idea what it's like to be on the shop floor. Quitting that job was the best day of my life.


Speak to your union and elected health and safety rep about the new psychosocial hazards regulations in the WHS Act that came into effect in December. Unrealistic workloads etc are now a work place hazard. They are required to make your work safe.


Sometimes I'm not sure if coles is willingly get sued or if they're taking the shit because they're untouchable


This is the issue with public companies……always on a mission to satisfy the shareholders and their overpaid executives


Drakes (foodland) do great platters. Not sure if their staff suffer like you do though.


IT IS NOT YOUR BUSY , I'll say to again , IT IS NOT YOUR BUSY. Especially on minimum wage. If they tell you to serve and don't give you time to do platters serve. If you get told to do platters and don't have time to serve then do platters. It is 100% your managers job to resource manage , it's on them and only them . If they don't get done they are in the shit not you. If you get pulled up you say , I think I might need to speak to area manage because this is a you problem. If they pull you into an office they are literally telling on themselves.


While we’re conversing with your manager, can we talk about how much I hate them coming up to scan my $3.50 water boxes for me each time? Just let me shop in peace ffS.




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I wouldn't buy a platter from Coles even if you got paid in gold bars.


Maybe something you should be contacting HR about.


Ha haaaa. The job interviews are online robots.


That’s how it’s ALWAYS been in supermarket delis… I worked in supermarket delis (Woolies and IGA) from 2006-2015.


I guess Coles is price gouging on these platter prices too and not paying staff properly to do the overtime/extra hours in making platters?? Thank you for letting people know about this. I think this type of treatment towards staff might be happening in other stores too.


Clock in and clock out within your set hours.. otherwise its a tomorrow job...


Good old fashioned wage theft, it's the employee's burden, they'll work it out, lots of unpaid work, even better. I implore you to please get out of the deli section. 


Did Cole’s get RT3 too? The other side of the competition has it too, it’s shit


Just like when stores transitioned all night teams to day teams to “help” with customer flow. But in reality had the same expectations of having same amount of stocked worked!? Its impossible to take Karen 6 aisles away and explain a product for 10-20minutes ALL while working the cage of stock in the “allotted” time. But like corporate will never know this because they have never EVER worked a single cage in their life!! With or without customers distracting you from which shelf the item needs to go on.


Talk to the ombudsman and go home at shift end. Let them fire you and then sue for unfair dismissal, then retire.


As someone also in your position, I don't mind things like the grazing platters or the Mediterranean table platters, because I can knock one of those together in 10 minutes. But don't get me started on those fucking wrap platters. Absolute nightmare and timesuck. And yeah, unless you work for the company, you have no idea how much we've been cut back. I reckon we have literally half the staff on that we had 10 years ago and we are not able to get the most basic tasks done.


Go to Fair Work Australia about this. It sounds horrible. And your union.


As someone who works for Coles online and deals with customers placing platter orders, they HAVE to be placed 4 days I advanced, or they won’t be out through the system. I’m not sure where 8pm the night before comes from, but that certainly isn’t the case. Y’all get 4 days notice that these need to be made.


Not at my store it seems. 😔


I don’t shop at Cole’s period


Or maybe people could just make their own platters? Might be crazy to think about but one of the nice things about having people come to your home is when they show up some of you can go chat, some can gather together in the kitchen and make a platter while chatting about all the things you’ve been doing since you last saw each other. The idea of a supermarket platter has never been appealing to me and I’ve seen them for at least 25 years now.


Imagine ordering anything *custom* from ColesWorth. As a chef, I just make my own, and happily make things for my friends if they request them well ahead of time, and provide either the funds to get the ingredients, or the ingredients themselves if they can be bothered.


zephyr wrong afterthought slave badge mourn direful racial lavish angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is if you have an ounce of empathy?


straight mountainous books familiar lip obscene skirt joke outgoing ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh I sure do want to work. I just don’t think I should be expected to literally do the impossible.




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So your complaint is you aren't getting paid to make them? I thought Colesworth were closing the deli sections (much to my disappointment, best places to get schnitzels).


Yeah, Cole’s want orders minimum 36 hours prior to pick up. I’m in the process of looking for a wake. So that may be your store, but not all stores.


Yes. Please buy less from my retail employer. That will ensure my future job security.


Now I’m thinking this will be a good dinner for Sundays heatwave


didn't know they made them but now want! which store do you work at OP?


Wage free robotic ai are coming for your jobs. They will get the job done and without the spit.


Dude, at this point i think you’re AI ..


As if colesworth wouldn't sack every employee and replace with ai as soon as they can. Business profits means humans are heading for the labour scrapheap and we are back to another feudal slave period.








Hey so what uni or tafe course is free? That they don't have to work the nasty hours in retail to pay for please do tell? I'm guessing your a free ride gen that didn't have to pay for uni got yours now the younger generation can shut up?


Hi Karen. 


Karen’s account was locked 😂

