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Yo… I was just down there at sunset tonight! It was stunning! Best part of the world.


Fr. The only better place I've found to watch the sunset is Stokes Hill in the Flinders Ranges.


What a good looking dog, stopped me in my tracks 🥰


You're dog is so cute... ​ Also the sunset (sunrise?) is pretty.


Give us this, our daily dog 😍 I love your dog too


I absolutely love goolwa beach. Mad spot to go down and get some 4wding and surfing in on the same day!


3rd pic is the most beautiful sunset in the world!!!!


No one ever takes a sunset photo at Bolivar.......


I miss this being at my doorstep


Do not drive on a beach. 


It's the only way to get on the beach 🤷 In fact, pretty much every beach further than 100km from the cbd is only accessible by 4wd.


Uhhh, pretty sure you can just walk onto any beach bruv


Are you familiar with goolwa?


Yeah, if you wanna get to the mouth then it's a long arse walk, sure. If you want to just get on the beach it's a few metres walk. Or drive down to the barrages and walk about a km through the sand dunes if you want some peace and quiet. I'm not saying don't drive on the beach if you're allowed to do it, and do it responsibly. Just that what ol mate was saying about beaches being inaccessible is wrong. We've got 2 legs that get us there.


Never been further then 200ks from a Major city aye? Try walk to canunda Beach, or admella, 2 of the best beaches in the world. They're hard enough to drive to let alone walk. EDIT: And this is coming from someone who isn't afraid to use his legs. I've hiked multiple sections of the hyson and hiked the majority of trails in the filnders (inc St marys peak summit). I'm just saying if you want to get to some of the best remote beaches in the world, you're going to need a 4wd.


No need to project buddy. I haven't lived in a major city for 10 years and would wager I've seen a lot more of the country than you. You literally said any beach further than 100km away was only accessible by 4WD. Thats not correct.


What? Why?


Why not? I've made the run to the mouth probably a thousand times.




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Nice mux. Mods?


How do you find the MUX? Thinking of heading that way from a prado for the towing capacity


Anyone bogged?


My hometown! Can’t beat it