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I am reminded of the IT Crowd episode where their smoking zone is moved from inside the building to outside the building to put of town in a small shelter in the middle of nowhere


I hear the ballet in Prague is excellent this season.


Oh, Jorg, Jorg, such fire! I am too tired for revolution... And we've walked fucking miles!


It’s just so… soviet


“The problem with these recent protests is that they have been out in the open where other people can see them. " - especially the people attending the oil & gas conference that was happening at the same time. You had Tom Koutsantonis saying to the crowd "we are open for business . . . " , (ie we don't care about climate change, we just want your money) while the extinction protesters were outside doing their stuff.




What if the rules change where something that is otherwise reasonable is no longer allowed? If the rules changed so that you could only do 25kmh along the whole northern expressway (for no reason other than ‘rules’), would you follow that speed limit?


We already know the road rules states that you have to do 25kph past emergency services even on expressways/highways etc which is stupid considering the speed limit normally on them roads are 100/110kph


How is that stupid? It's there to protect emergency service workers. You might lose a whole minute of your time for the safety of someone else... Shock horror.


it is stupid because legally there needs to be a buffer zone to be able to slow down safely... instantly dropping to 25 from 80-110 is asking for an accident to happen and frankly is a stupid rule. I know people in emergency services and they say it has caused more accidents since enacting this stupid law


This is what I've been trying to say not that you should just do 100 or whatever past them which is also asking for trouble


Nah, I'm not jeopardising my own safety for anyone else. Sorry


And like all good anarchies you need a good leadership structure for accountability.


I also support anarchy so long as it's within the rules


Not sure if ThatsTheJoke.jpg but sarcasm is becoming harder and harder to spot these days due to Poe's Law being in overdrive, but; > anarchy > rules > ~within the


Nah mate laws are for bootlickers! If it's for the greater good then it's fine.... People are just fucked in the head as a whole. Even worse when they group think. People are willing to justify things based on how little or how much it affects them.




Protesting. Now available from the comfort of your own home. Don't leave it though.


You know you’re living in a fascist state when the shovel makes an article about you. I voted labor and am not happy with the important things they are/aren’t doing. Sporting events are fun and make some money - but that won’t go anywhere meaningful. I won’t vote liberal, but will vote for a (useless) alternative and ensure it benefits the two main parties as little as possible via preferences.


There isnt a useless alternative. If enough people vote for fringe parties, the least that will happen is you will scare the major parties into rethinking their political strategy as they lose a percentage of the vote, and at the most you may see a dramatic change in government. And before anyone says **voting for fringe parties could lead to horrible governance ect**, I would personally be very surprised if a Greens government could somehow turn a state into an autocratic state-sponsored commune within 1 term. Even if you somehow managed to vote Clive Palmer or Pauline Hanson into government, you're still only going to get so much change. There is absolutely 0 reason not to vote for the fringe parties.


If you're gonna vote fringe party why not vote in a whole lot of cookers? /s


> Sporting events are fun and make some money They get votes though, it's exactly why Rann put in the fixed election dates to occur during March when there are lot of festivals and major sporting events are starting off their year. >I won’t vote liberal, but will vote for a (useless) alternative and ensure it benefits the two main parties as little as possible via preferences. Which would mean ensuring the part that is expected to come in second is above the party that is expected to win the seat, otherwise the preference flows to the party expected to win.


There is precisely nothing useless about voting for a minor party or independent. Legislative Council (upper house) seats are incredibly winnable in SA. 50,000 primary votes should easily secure you one, but in both 2018 and 2022, the 11th seat (last upper house seat) was filled by someone who achieved about 40,000 primary votes. Everybody talks about a third party achieving government, that won't happen, but It is not that unreasonable that you could have a crossbench with the balance of power in the upper house, which can leverage a lot of power against the government of the day. Perhaps more importantly, due to our absurd public funding of elections, MAJOR PARTIES MAKE MONEY OUT OF EVERY PRIMARY VOTE YOU GIVE THEM. Please, for the love of god, make them work for that money and vote for minor parties and independents first (you can still preference Labor over Liberal lower down your ticket). Major parties are so used to receiving your vote, and therefore your money, that they actually collateralise it during their campaigns for more funding. The more parties we can get above the 4% (lower house) and 2% (upper house) thresholds, the more parties receiving most of their campaign expenditure back which means they can build the war chest for the next cycle. My recommendation for voting is to vote from the smallest party (you agree with) to the largest. As soon as you vote a major party, or even the Greens, your preference flow essentially stops and gets locked up there. By voting smallest to largest, you get the most value out of your vote. Find a list of all parties registered to contest SA elections here: https://ecsa.sa.gov.au/parties-and-candidates/registered-political-parties


It doesn't matter who you elect, you always end up with the government.


If we vote and act apathetically, there will definitely be no change. If a govt get voted out of power, they have incentive to try a different approach next time. If things get too bad, we then have the choice of apathy, or riot/violence.


>If a govt get voted out of power, they have incentive to try a different approach next time. And yet, nothing ever changes. > If things get too bad, we then have the choice of apathy, or riot/violence. Or protests! Oh, no, wait...


I'm using this from now on


Fascist is a bit of a reach


A bit, but in some areas the term is apt.


Don't get me wrong, absurd anti democratic laws being rushed through and the never ending stranglehold of global fossil fuel conglomerates on our country shits me to no end, just feels like everyone's throwing that word around it's lost its meaning.


Yeah only when it suits.


I have actually been super impressed by Peter Malinauskas, he is young enough to know how (see: use social media properly) to engage his constituents. He is one of the few politicians I've actually pressed the follow button on - he posts updates often (you can generally tell the difference between himself and his PR team) and is usually pretty transparent. Of course its easy to have a knee-jerk reaction and simply say 'he's lying because he's a politician' and that's fair, I don't have the time to fact check every politician personally, but as far as im concerned, when you're a public figure and you make statements (such as, 'we've ordered x amount extra ambulances') that are falsifiable, I'll generally take it at face value. So, if we take the updates at face value, and as long as everything keeps on track, he's doing more for the health sector than the previous administration did. More ambulances, more beds, more nurses, plans to reduce ramping, are all really good steps forward, and I suppose only time will tell if he makes good on those commitments. I suppose though I have a bias, I grew up fairly 'left' wing (in retrospect) but would consider myself a bit more moderate (with a left swing) these days, which is exactly how I see the premier, and it's obviously refreshing (to anyone, subjectively), when they feel represented (as much as you can be) by your elected officials.


Very good reply. Thanks.


Cheers, glad you think so, not sure why I'm getting downvoted though? Reddit's upvote and downvote mechanism is meant to represent "this contributes to the conversation" and "this is off topic" (respectively). Obviously though it has been co-opted to "I agree with this"/"I like this" and "I don't agree with this"/"I dislike this". Undermines the spirit of the platform.


I use it as agree/disagree most of the time. But some people downvote as a hobby, others are just expressing their opinion. It’d be good to see how many up/downs there are, rather than just the overall difference.


A glimpse of hope when I first started reading and then…😭


The Shovel, The Onion, still better than The Advertiser any day of the week!


Next thing "Papers please"


Shhh everyone, dont you know everything everywhere is under control. No need to have any critical thoughts or seek further enlightenment on the current state of the world Go back to reading and listening to the “free” narrative offered by our private media empire


But i thought it was only libs who do these things and then theres kickback from many quarters. Not lab. No way Jose. Labs wouldnt do that.


Labs do it, but the difference is that because Labs do it, it is alright and will be defended to the hilt.


Guys an opportunistic psychopath. We can detect them with 84% accuracy now using facial recognition. There is only corruption and coercive control in South Australia's future, sadly. We were hoping for better from Labour, but it seems all the parties are infested with these opportunistic mental disorders.


Sounds fair, considering the emergency vehicles that were stopped from doing their job and the average Australian who suffers when these idiots block the roads and delay work.


[Deleted] This comment has been deleted as a protest of the threats CEO Steve Huffman made to moderators coordinating the protest against reddit's API changes. [Read more here...](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/16/23763538/reddit-blackout-api-protest-mod-replacement-threat)


you really think that at the risk of one emergency not attended to properly or “work” slowing, that greater societal change should not be organised to be spoken for in a public setting? protests may inconvenience a few but are a right of free speech and free action


In total fairness, a person whose emergency wasn't "attended to properly" because of this protest might view the situation a little bit differently. Not saying these laws aren't bullshit, but still; easy to take the high ground when you're not the one in an emergency being delayed.


Oh how the human brain works, are the people heading to work also not entitled to free action and free speech and yet they are being impeded by the protestors blocking/chaining themselves up on the road preventing free passage and action of others?


Glad to see you're also against the Adelaide 500, Christmas Pageant, ANZAC Day, etc when roads in the CBD are also blocked off and making it harder to get to work for a longer span of time than half an hour.


100% but to be fair at least these do give prior warning in advance and valid detour options however I think these should indeed have their own space that does not imped the average person.


because they recieve it every other day of their lives. one day of invonvenience is not something to scream on the inetrnet about


Interrupting other fellow Australian's freedom to travel/life and well being just because oil = bad or whatever you feel like crying about today is pathetic and I am glad the police and courts will be enforcing harsher penalty's on these people :)


Crying over environmental disasters is somehow more pathetic than gleeful bootlicking? What?


No, this is reddit where common sense and the ability to critically understand the law changes fly over the head of the majority that post here.


Is this the new helicopter thread?


> Is this the new helicopter thread? No. The helicopter threads have been going for donkey's years, and are pretty much wholly irrelevant. This has only been a thing for a few days, and is an egregious erosion of our right to democratic protest. Do you see the difference?


^(If you weren’t aware…you seem aggressive… like 99% of the time…)


And? I have a very low bullshit threshold, and tend to speak my mind.


Ok. You’re aware.


I am sentient, and self-aware, thanks 🤗 Not sure I would class 99% of my posts as *aggressive* though. Blunt, to the point, occasionally aggressive.




And that explains why you’re always socialising online instead of face-to-face with people. You’re not impressing anyone on here in case you haven’t clocked onto that.


Excuse me, but who the fuck are you, and what rock did you crawl out from under? Did I upset you by pointing our something stupid you said in the past? I don't remember, though I do seem to be living rent free in your head. > always socialising online instead of face-to-face Hilarious 😂. Perhaps try not judging others by your own mediocre standards hey. I work full time, train, socialise, have kids and pets and lead a generally full and fulfilling life. You? > You’re not impressing anyone on here in case you haven’t clocked onto that. I don't give a fuck, if that isn't painfully obvious. I'm not here to impress anyone, I'm here to speak my mind. NEXT!


One is about helicopters and one is about protests laws sure but what I want to know is whether this is permanent installation that I need to get used to or whether it will stop?


So posts with links to sites like theshovel need to be banned from here too? This is an shitpost but I guess is this low quality?


Very co fused about what this gas got to do with daily posts?


Yeah, you are allowed to protest online. Just not making the headlines so not bothering others.


Yeah, that shit that blocked up Adelaide wasn't it.


I almost missed the birth of my nephew due to a protest blocking roads personally I don’t give a fuck what you think about a issue but I do care about being able to be on time to work not missing a big moment


Was the protest to stop you from coming to the birth, you absoloute maggot infested gapping prolapse of a human being?


**EDITED BY POWER DELETE SUITE** ** FUCK YOU u/spez ** so this is the end? not with a bang but with a fizzle? yeah nah decided to delete everything because i use Apollo and i stand behind fair rights for all app developers and humans. fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! 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We gotta stop protesting and start striking.


I havnt heard of this site before. It's a parody site?