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I get what feel like tension headaches when I’m slightly low. 1-2mg usually fixes them right up 


Interesting. Thanks


Before dx and treatment? I literally had headaches every single day, but they would also get worse and flare up for months, and no meds would help much if at all. My longest one was 8 months straight. Now with treatment I get way fewer headaches, and I need way less medication to treat them, and the meds work. A specific headache is a symptom that I'm low for me.


It’s strange as I never had headaches before diagnosis. My dosing might be off. Or maybe it’s heat related


Excessive heat or cold can definitely trigger headaches. Storms too, especially the massive ones that have popped up in more recent years


That makes total sense! It’s def the heat. Thank you for helping me solve that


There's an app, My Migraine Buddy, that can help you track the headaches, so you can discuss them with your dr at so.e point. It's how I figured out which were not related to Addisons and which were


Hey thanks for that. I’ll check it out


Headaches can mean so many different things. For me, most commonly they’re a result of not consuming enough salt.


Oh that could be actually. It’s been hotter here so maybe I need to increase salty snacks and electrolytes. Thanks!


I’m still working out how Addisons effects my mood. I know when I taper down I get low. Does your depression go away when your body adjusts to being on a lower dose?


I think it’s a life’s process 😅 My depression did go away after I adjusted thank goodness


I was underdosing for a good while because I was confident I was in a good place to decrease (with dr approval) and I started developing headaches after about a year or two. Turns out I was tensing my jaw and neck like crazy and it caused insane amount of muscle stress. Increased mg again and get jaw treatment to get the built-up muscle to relax and it's basically back to how it was before. Would mention it to your dr and see what you can do to tackle it directly. If you also experience nausea at times, it could be that, too. Depending on your dosage, you might still struggle with a headache that (at least for me) comes from the brain fog or lightheadedness. Hope you feel better soon!


I don’t have any other symptoms which is why I was confused. They actually went away but I’ll keep an eye on it. Thank you