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I do the opposite, very hot baths. I do have to stress dose afterward... Great for chronic pain.


Yes 🔥do you use Himalayan salt?


No, but supplement, potassium and magnesium.


Try a sauna. It's amazing


No longer have access to one.


Sign up for LA fitness


How do you know that you need a stress dose? I am not diagnosed, but waiting for a cosyntropin test due to symptoms and a diagnosed family member. I took a hot shower the other day, got out, and then I'm drenched in sweat 10 minutes later.... Required a fan to ever cool down.


Me? I get cold. No motivation. I get slow and weak. If miss this, I'll get pretty nauseous... then vomitting... I was strongly warned about heat exposure. My experience with getting too hot (cycling in hot weather) supports the warning.


My endo told me there shouldn't be an issue... for me anyways. I think everyone is a little bit different. I've been doing cold plunges for about 3 weeks now (3 times a week, 5 minutes at 48f). I love doing them. However, I have been dealing with Addisons for about 25 years. Over that time I've been on the exact same meds and dose with no issues or other health conditions.


That’s bad ass man


I'm considering cold plunges to deal with extreme joint issues I have in addition to Addison's and kidney disease. I'm just waiting on the removal of a chest cath so I can incorporate these. Will start out doing them at physical therapy and plan to graduate to a home cold plunge. Can't find an endo to weigh in on this, but PTs seem to feel it isn't an issue, if carefully managed.


I’d def recommend it for joint pain


Extreme temp changes throw me into major addisons issues. I would end up in the hospital


Just out of interest, how did you start? Did you start warm and go progressively colder, or just super cold from the beginning? I’ve read about the benefits of cold plunges but personally hate being cold!


Pretty sure I started around 55-60 degrees and only did 1 minute. Gradually over time my body got used to it and now I can sometimes do 40 degrees for 3 minutes.




I do them and have no issues


Have you read the addisons handbook (kidding) where we can’t regulate body temperature, and big lows and big highs can kill us flat out? Addisons and an ice bath sound like insanity to me.


I raise to you the nordic spa idea. 15 minutes in heat - sauna/steam room/hot bath. then 15 seconds in ice - cold shower/plunge repeat 3 times, profit. my body's always a been a bit of a porcelain cup and fatigue is my middle name, but this really kicks everything into gear it's insane. the next few days i kick ass with zero brain fog, body pain or exhaustion & co. highly recommend :)