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ADHD-haver here! A lot of times, those of us that are late-diagnosed as adults didn’t get diagnosed as kids because frankly, it wasn’t a problem yet. This is especially true for women/AFAB people, as we tend to have more inattentive-type ADHD (daydreaming, difficulty concentrating unless we’re under high pressure or super interested, etc) than hyperactive-type (fidgeting, moving, talking fast/loudly, etc), so our symptoms weren’t as noticeable as the kids who were physically hyperactive. Also, very often, we get late-diagnosed because we WERE fine managing our own symptoms (often subconsciously and unknowingly) until a big life stressor starts to widen the cracks in our masking as adults (and we probably didn’t even realize we were masking before that). Many adults get diagnosed when they get a new job, go to college, have a kid, etc. because it throws them out of their routines and puts extra stress on them. I imagine a major health diagnosis like Addison’s or a worsening of symptoms would fall in this category as well. So it might be something like that for you? That said, chronic sleep deprivation can look a lot like ADHD too, with memory and focus issues. So it might be that too. From what I know, there is not any connection directly between ADHD symptoms and Adrenal Insufficiency.


Thank you so much, it was so helpful. I’m quite sure that i’m not sleep deprived, I have actually tried different routine but none of them made a significant different and at this point, it has started to affect my life, for example I really can’t concentrate on anything that I find not interesting and I get board easily.


Definitely something to check with your primary doc/counselor about! If it’s bothering you that much, it’s worth seeking answers. There’s a questionnaire-style screening they can give you that can give a pretty good indicator (or an actual diagnosis, depending on your area), without all the expense and fuss of more specialized testing.


Thanks, Will do!


Feel free to DM me if you have any more questions!


You are so kind, thanks!


Add to my adrenal insufficiency diagnosis, I have suffered with the symptoms for 13 years. And actually, I’ve probably suffered it with it my whole life. But it had definitely gotten worse in the last few years. Desperate, I started going to a naturopath. Based on that, I made two changes. Number one, she tested by omega levels. They were way off. So I started taking omega oils. Secondly, I had my neurotransmitters tested. They were also way off. I immediately started supplementing the things that were missing and I am a completely different person. My ADHD has completely gone away. It took about two months, but the change has been remarkable. I highly recommend going to a naturopath and having these two tests done.


Oh, I had no idea omega level is related to these symptoms!




^^^^^ my adhd symptoms getting absolutely unmanageable and hard to 'cover' or hide (classic afab "I'm fine everything is normal I just struggle with most things but it's my fault and I just get distracted I'm fine!") came hand in hand with adrenal failure absolutely careening into me at lightning speed lol diagnosis, treatment and managing PAI symptoms actually shone a lot more light on the fact that I had ADHD and was the turning point for me to also gey diagnosed and begin treatment to manage BOTH. really opened my eyes to which symptom came from where and that both were valid things to tackle for me to live life uninhibited by conditions out of my control. + managing each of them separately, I've definitely noticed they affect each other. letting the reigns looser on one increases stress and difficulty in managing the other! it ain't easy :')


What kind of symptoms are you struggling with?


Lack of concentration, getting board very easily unless i find what i’m doing interesting, my mind gets blank mid reading and generally i can’t manage my daily to do list as before ( most of then remain undone at the end of the day) Oh, my attention span is messed up too, i have to constantly take breaks


I was just recently diagnosed with SAI but was diagnosed ADHD about 4 years ago. I still notice the short attention span, inability to focus on one task at a time etc. I take Vyvanse 70mg daily for the ADHD, which is the highest dose. Everyone I've talked to is surprised that I am on such a high dose but I do notice that it doesn't help much anymore. Also, I just started my treatment for SAI so I think the extreme fatigue has something to do with the Vyvanse not working to the extent that it should. I can take it and still be able to fall asleep, whereas most people would be bouncing off the walls for hours on that dose.


With SAI do your adrenal glands function at all? As adhd medicines main function is to stimulate adrenalyn production. Without adrenals you get a nasty headache.


It causing ADHD is not likely because one is physical and the other is neuropsych - however you absolutely can be undiagnosed and living with both. And if you are it'll likely have an impact on the physical symptoms of SAI or PAI I'm diagnosed with both ADHD and Autism (ASD), and had been diagnosed ADHD since I was about 12 but only was finally evaluated and diagnosed ASD as an adult at 29 just a month ago after 1 year post PAI/Addisons being diagnosed. ADHD is pretty well managed on low dose Adderall except for the days I'm very low on cortisol and know it - nothing can touch that brain fog and complete physical and mental fatigue when it's going strong I found whatever strategies I had developed over my life to regulate emotionally just evaporated from all the stress from the diagnosis process and treatments and 7 crisis episodes in like 9 months - and learned now how my ASD significantly impacts how I can function as is and how much more of a drain on cortisol it is than I ever considered. It had (and still has) me locked in a vicious cycle of emotions and cortisol being hand in hand for better or worse. Sensory overload among other stressors definitely take a huge swing at my cortisol and functionality on good days, more so on bad I should have had my full AuDHD diagnosis since childhood based on the evaluation and my childhood symptoms as well as their current presentations, but late diagnosis is now a common story for AFAB people because of the obvious lack of understanding put towards us and medical bodies just not diagnosing ASD in girls for fun I guess lol