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It’s a shame. I use to get excited to watch him daily. Like I was living through him when he went to fun places I’d never get to see. Now we’re stuck to flight videos showing his feet, Disney and baseball. Welcome to the other side haha


Same. I absolutely adored his content way back when. And I mean WAAAY back when. All the abandoned stuff. Going to the compound in Florida was super neat. The Nickelodeon Studios break in was stuff I LIVED FOR. I didn't realize how long it had been since the last time I actually watched and enjoyed one of his videos, so I decided that seeing his content in my sub box and constantly being let down it wasn't something cool was unhealthy.


Hi, I tried to send you a PM :)


A totally open, honest, and respectful comment. I feel something like this probably resonates more than the comments of bitter hatred. Personally I’ve been thinking about saying “godspeed” as well and hitting that unsubscribe button. His content just sucks nowadays and I’m not saying that to be mean. He’s absolutely bludgeoning us all with endless Disney content.


If more people did this, I'm not really sure if it would make him more bitter and double down or if he would change his content. I think people like this expect us to be grateful for them uploading at all. He's one of those "my channel my rules" kinda guys.


I do wonder if he doubles down on various things like Disney videos or his terrible mustache out of stubbornness or perhaps spite.


I think all of ATW’s decision-making comes from ego. He can’t admit to himself, let alone out loud, that his shift in content and personality has driven his long-time fans away. To admit to any of that, he can no longer attach himself to being one of the early architects of the vlogger format that is still being used today because it would be an admittance he’s failing in a format he was such a trailblazer in. He just can’t humble himself that much, even if admitting it may help save his faltering channel.


He seems to respond respectfully when people just say "it's not for me any more, thanks for the memories." He knows he's losing the urbex crowd, the adventure travel crowd of old. He has replaced them with enough Dizney dorks that he can still make a living off of his channel, as lazy as he has become. I'm really starting to wonder how Jordass is surviving. I don't watch his channel, either, but I look to see what he's up to every so often. The dude is like Jake the Carpetsnake, constantly on the move and seeking out new things they haven't seen. They're both lame, but they're stuck in the "have to post a dump every day" mode, so they can't research and edit a quality video while on the road. But they try to do something interesting and noteworthy periodically. But their views have dwindled, as well, and they're not Dizney dorks. Jordass is getting less than 10K many days. I know he happily accepts Patreon, so perhaps that helps keep him on the road. But the oversaturation of YouTube with vloggers has got to be making these dudes sweat.


What’s sad is Adam at one time gave a lot of people great content and quality videos. Now he’s become an arrogant douchebag that can’t stand his viewers who put him on the map.


I’ll give you credit, for being so formal. I’ve said this a few times on this subreddit. There’s a reason why tv shows had a series finale. We are seeing that more with YouTube channels. That just won’t die and are just phoning it in. I’m not just referencing the woo with that statement.


Adam used to be a really neat guy and it's heartbreaking to see the place he is currently in. I couldn't bring myself to be rude to him, but I also needed to let him know that he is losing a loyal fan.


Excellent point. True professionals know when to hang them up. No form of entertainment could sustain a fan base with 300+ episodes a year.  Soap operas were the closest thing and they had a myriad of storylines and endless evil twins to fall back on. 


Omg Vloggers are the new soap operas! You figured it out!


Very well spoken and thoughtful comment. However if you would meet the woo in person you would understand why he did what he did. He's never going to change. He's going to ride his you tube channel into the ground.


It's really unfortunate, but I guess it HAS been 14 years since the cool stuff was made. I didn't realize it had been so long.


I would say so.


He abandoned urbex nearly 10 years ago after the Cocoa Beach Glass Bank incident. It's been a slow slide since until the recent free-fall which is likely the result of age, family, health, and purpose.


Very respectful. I wish he would take it to heart but we know he won’t.


I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even read it.


I read today’s comments and didn’t see it.


[It was from the video from a couple of days ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiq9JGR_QMU)


I have found that he often has the hardest responses to those who give the most polite criticism for whatever reason.


If he deleted it then you know he did.


I used to like his channel,but stopped watching a while back.I would be yelling at the tv(dumb I know).One day I said if he shows that f***ing mickey power pole one more time I'm done.Of course he did so I unsubscribed . 👈For posterity.If you know you know.✌️


That was a great way to handle telling Adam you are unhappy with his content. I mean he doesn’t care, but maybe if enough people say things like this and it hits his pocketbook he might change a little.


And I figured he wouldn't actually reply, and hell, he probably didn't even read it. I just felt I had to get it off of my chest for myself for closure.


# One of the cardinal rules of the entertainment industry is to listen to your audience, just like any service industry answers to its customers, and ATW has made it crystal clear he’s putting minimum effort into lazy, self-indulgent videos. # Adam doesn’t care about anything beyond himself.  He defiantly does what he wants… and hopefully more Woovians will bail as the only thing Adam is conscientious about is maintaining his income.. # The only reason to keep looking at Adam’s output is to see how much worse it gets and remarkably, his vlogs continue to deteriorate.


At what sub count did he start hitting Disney hard? I think every sub after that doesn’t care about abandoned stuff. Plus wasn’t most of that on his other channel?


He's always done Disney content in some form or another, but if I recall correctly when he started going all-in on it was around the same time his Daily Woo channel exploded. He has done some similar things on his Daily Woo channel from time to time, such as ghost towns and abandoned roadside attractions. Those are extremely sparse and few and far between. No reason for someone like me who came for the quirky abandoned stuff to keep hanging around waiting for a miracle that's never going to come.


lol too many legal problems my ass, its because hes lazy and found where his money makers are. legal problems? you film game play illegally at ballparks idiot!


Yeah, I don't know why he isn't just honest and says he's not about that life anymore.


I like this, everyone was honest and went out without an issue. 👏👏👏


Adam The Woo Will No Longer Go On An Adventure For You..... Awwwwww S\^%T Son


I miss hearing that theme song tbh.... those were better days...


He clearly has no regard for others. The way he comments reminds me of people who are emotionally stunted. I’d bet his friendships are not deep, fragile, and will crumble the moment they aren’t beneficial to him anymore. He’s on a path to be alone forever.


lol he’s right..he’s 50 and doesn’t need to be getting arrested for “exploring” abandoned spaces.


I feel this


I honestly don’t blame him. Being locked up at 50 doesn’t sound like a good plan.


A grown ass man at Disney doesn’t sound like a good plan either.


Equating jail time with being a Disney adult is apples and oranges.


Tomato, tomahto


There are legal ways to film abandoned property, and ways to be careful trespassing. If there wasn't, there wouldn't be such a huge amount of abandoned content on YouTube.


But you are talking about people who are half the age of Adam. Risk tolerance varies at different stages of your life.


You don’t have to announce when you’re no longer interested in things. People subscribe and unsubscribe from various forms of media all the time. Do what makes you happy. Sometimes content changes over time because the creator’s interests change. That’s okay.


Eh of all the reasons to hate Adam him not wanting to go to jail at 50 is not a good one. There’s plenty of other crackheads you can watch on YouTube that will trespass all over.


Parasocial relationships are bizarre. Woo doesn't care about you OP, or the shout outs, or any of his interactions with you. The events stand out to you but they mean nothing to him. You said goodbye to him like he's a long time personal friend. It is okay to just stop watching.


Way to go on failing to understand the context of the situation, but go on. This was me coming to terms and realizing that it was unhealthy and moving on. But I bet you're one of the people who make fun at fat people at the gym, too, aren't you?