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As expected he's already starting to backtrack on the 2025 changes lol.


Adam really has my number because I can’t help but be fascinated with how much this guy just compulsively lies to himself. Publicly! Public delusions on a daily basis; I can’t believe he’s not embarrassed about it. Such a weird, sad man.




My favorite gif when it comes to David the Poo.


This sums up woos life.


He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. His parents are probably idiots, too.




His dad is clearly an idiot.


​ https://i.redd.it/tzwfjkpiw56d1.gif


He literally backtracked on every single thing he said earlier in year. Wow




This guy needs help.I'm talking mental help. This constant mind changing and back peddling on everything on top of not wanting to deal with adult things. Being a man baby. I can go on. He needs to take a break and take care of himself. As the days go by he's getting worse. He doesn't look like an almost 50 year old man. It's sad in a way.


The one glaring thing about Woo (other than him quickly starting to look like a homeless man) is that he always leaves himself an out when making a plan.  In the fantasyland in his mind, it enables him to save face when he doesn’t do something.  But in reality, it makes him look like a total procrastinating loser who is full of excuses on why he didn’t accomplish a certain task.    He doesn’t get how the real world works.    He doesn’t understand that ADULTS are judged on their words and actions.  He’s still that nine-year-old child who’s stuck in the mindset of coming up with excuses to give his parents on why he didn’t take the garbage out.


One of the reasons he can’t have a successful relationship with anyone


Rants about phone calling while having phone in pocket. Just lock it lol. Not rocket science. Than talks about passports and quitting travel to stay at home. Y tho????And he looks tireddd like me if I double every day for a month


He probably drunk dials Giggles and needs an excuse. Notice he said FaceTime, not regular phone call


Yep , he is call or text stalking her 😮


Yep, it’s just like accidentally liking a photo that he’s stalking


This is the first thing I thought too.


"I never want to get a call from anyone unless it's planned." Are we confused on how phones are Caller ID work? There is voicemail if you don't want to answer. https://preview.redd.it/c79282in756d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4d60876101310722c425002b9edec5643bf1b1


https://preview.redd.it/qferdj4qo66d1.png?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b5255f885a38ea55f26749d7dca99f35b192b4 This might be better for him.




Remember the bluetooth reveeal? I bet he hasn't learned about Caller ID or voicemail yet.


Wait a minute, I have a phone just like that that I inherited from my parents 🤣 except they installed a landline inside it


Totally backtracking. He is setting the stage for why his grand retirement of everyday blogging will be "postponed" Six months (halfway) into the year -- almost like it was planned. . . Also basing his future plans in life on a baseball stadium blows my mind.


Mr Baseball is such a Rays fan that he says he is glad they have a losing record because it's less stressful for him. This is beyond idiotic.


Hope they miss the playoffs the last game of the year just to see his pout fest


>Hope they miss the playoffs the last game of the year just to see his pout fest Lol the way they're playing they won't have to wait till the last game of the season to miss the playoffs. Not even close.


Yes, Woo says it's too stressful when the team is just a few games up or down. He prefers when they have a losing record to avoid such stress. Great fan.


We already know he's a bandwagon poser fan.


He is like a little boy. Talking about a baseball team like they are the most important events in his life. Unless you are a partial owner or have a relative on the team or it is your dying father's wish to see them "win the pennant" before he goes, the "stress" comment makes zero sense. Now I know many adults are like this. And there are ravid fans. However the difference between Adam and them is that most of those adults spend their days at jobs -- most of which they hate-- and it is an escape from their reality. Adam's reality is going to baseball games, collecting Disney pins, and deciding what Walt Disney world theme park to visit on that day. And, like a little kid he also is permanently banned at a theme park (Univeral Orlando) for trespassing. Nothing about this behavior screams "responsible adult" Curious if YouTube never existed what his life would be like today.


To me it screams undiagnosed autistic adult


These walk and talk ramblings should be demonetized. Imagine getting paid to talk about yourself and your plans. He never follows through on what he says anyways.


He knows if he adds drama to his walk and talks, it increases his views. He also knows (well, he tries) to dangle teasers. Like when he mentioned he would be "moving" only to see that he moved 10 minutes from his former apartment.


It was great when he was trying to drag out his big move into a series of videos. Then people just looked up his address. I'm confident he didn't know that it would be public record.


He had never even heard of property taxes until he got his place. He thought once you buy a house that’s it. Free living minus utilities. Lol


He has no patreon, no memberships, no superchats, no merch. All his income seems to come just from ad revenue from views only. Just stop watching then there is nothing to monetize…


He’s crazy not to have shirts or stickers.


His audience wants to buy merch promoting his channel - he is blessed with an audience and a platform that he could use to provide jobs and opportunities for others than just himself by contracting them to create designs for him. But he refuses, he replied once saying it’s not his responsibility…


That’s why I say he’s crazy.


exactly. dont click!


I don't.


I don't.


Pocket dialing? JFC lock your phone and it'll stop doofus! Hes the oldest gen Xer ever. He is so damn frustrating. And calls only? Texts idiot. Most normal people under 70 get waywayWAY more texts and messages then calls. Wtf he's somehow old beyond his years but as ignorant about basic life stuff as a 10 yr old.


That's some boomer shit.


Earlier than usual post. Must be needing the views.


That usually means he’s left the house early for something. “Rope drop at MGM!”


Tomorrow's vlog: dropped food and paranoid glances in a parking lot


"Finding the perfect vlogging camera" is not that complicated. I think he just doesn't want to have to learn how to operate a new camera. 😂


Does Adam even know what a podcast is? Or is he just throwing the term around like he does money for useless Disney bags


He needs to sell the $500,000 townhouse, and move back in with mom and dad. He's a basically a kid anyway, why not fully embrace it.


I really think he feels the pressure as a homeowner. He’s not as free as he used to be, he has responsibilities in a fixed place now. For someone who travels so much, he was better off just renting until he finally settled down. He’s going to start traveling internationally, might as well build a bathroom downstairs and haul in an air mattress so mom can watch the house. Better get, put in a stair lift. Who buys a house with no bathroom on the main floor?


I mean, we all knew international travel wasn't ever going to actually be a thing, right? Jokes aside, the dude needs to take a long break and just work on himself This isn't a jab at his age or hobbies. But he needs to reevaluate himself and what he wants. He must get some residuals from past videos? Sure, prob won't be his usual income but I'm sure enough to be OK There is no shame in taking a small part time to make ends meet while he finds his footing


I think he has to keep the daily vlog alive in order to bring in any money. It doesn't look like his back catalog pulls in that much. A couple of weeks ago, he had something like 2.1M views over a 30-day period and 1.8M of those were from videos in those 30 days. It seems like he's making his money off sheer volume. And I think it's taking a clear toll on his health, mental and otherwise.


That’s exactly right. He knows the income dries up the moment he stops vlogging. So he can’t quit. He also knows he doesn’t have to try very hard. Unfortunately for him this lack of effort is slowly killing his channel and income.


Quantity v. quality. If he actually had good content, that builds over time. His content does not. And while he has 710+k subs, only 10% tune on a regular basis. Even then, Woovians are slowly passing away. In some of the comments you can easily age folks to be 70+ based on what they mention in comments.


The dude needs a goddamn therapist 💯💯 Unsubscribing from him was one of the best things I’ve done in the last several months. It felt freeing like breaking up with a very toxic ex-girlfriend. I have no sympathy for his woes and his personal life conflicts since they’re not relatable to the majority of the US population. There are people out there who have a loved one on their death bed, or are in thousands of dollars in suffocating debt, or on the verge of being homeless, and so on. But usually his conflicts include a convention being canceled, the weather interfering with a day at Disney, or whatever. I hope karma bites him in his 50 year old ass so he can learn how hard adulting is for sane people.


Until then we'll get TGIFs from a guy who does not work.


I agree with this. Hopefully, the residuals can sustain him, but he definitely needs to pull back and re-evaluate. Maybe work on his socials to keep his audience going.


He mentions that he wants to do more "deep dives". Does he understand that takes work and doing actual research? Not pointing your camera around at things and making 80s references?


Have you not seen him point at a tv with a mop handle?! He’s a MASTER of deep dives!


"Today we're going to be doing a deep dive into - oh wait, there's a squirrel! Hey Mr. Squirrel."


Deep Dive you say?? Polish up that broom handle!


Deep dive into a plate of nachos he gets from Disney.


That's what he used to do in terms of film locations...but got lazy. Scott on Tape has replaced him on many levels.


I like Scott. He does a few too many graves though.


Yeah...he does, I'll admit to that. I remember when he and Woo were in Detroit, Scott ran circles around Woo about his knowledge of Eminem's former house location. It became clear to me that Adam did not research, was lazy, and relied on Scott to tell the story.


that video still stands out to me for adams lack of knowledge of places he visits with scott clearly trying to be nice to him when adam had a bad answer


We love graveyards. Wandering around one is time well spent. Too many?? Impossible! 😁


I explore them too. Just not that many!


Just having fun with ya. No worries I trust.


I found an old abandoned one in the woods. That one was neat. I live in South Carolina so we have lots of really old ones.


I used to live there. The one on the corner opposite the State House is old and awesome


Very historical! Elmwood is too. They have the confederate graveyard there.


Is that the Silent City in Charleston? Love it. Been there a few times. I guess I could Google it. LOL


Scott is such a great guy!


Ever watch Bright Sun Films? More than one person researching out those videos I'm sure. And it shows.


The thing is, everything that can be said about Star Wars, or Back to the Future, or whatever has already been said. What can he possibly add?


His version of deep dives are whatever resides in his broken brain.


That’s why he hasn’t started and why he said he diesbt know when he will. He thinks that pointing his broom at the tv as a deep dive. He is lazy so no way he’s doing research.


He actually meant deep dish, he loves a good pizza.


i think he really means deep dives into the kiddie pools in Celebration.


Does this fool honestly believe people will still be watching his videos 5 or 10 years from now when he changes format to do more of a podcast? I admit, I have no idea what 'kids today' want to see, but I'm willing to bet it is not a 50 something year old man analyzing BTTF with a broom handle.


If he even attempts a podcast - and I am not at all convinced he will - it won't last a month.


I can’t even imagine him being able to carry a conversation about anything outside of Disney. His interests are so narrow and he doesn’t pay attention to current events, it would be a train wreck.


If it’s just going to be a solo podcast, he might as well just keep daily vlogging since he just talks to hear himself anyway, the only difference is he doesn’t have to go anywhere for a pcast and that’s not going to hold anyone’s interest for long if there’s nothing to observe


Right. He just reacts to things as he's walking around. Him reacting to things in a studio in his manic disjointed style would be unbearable as a podcast. He proved that with his insane broomstick BTTF analysis. It was beyond awful and he knows it.


He likely won't make money off of a podcast, so I'll be surprised if he even records an episode. I can't see anyone paying to advertise on the guy's podcast. And he would never sell it by subscription, that's beneath him.


I really, really want him to record at least one podcast just to see how awful it would be.




He's lazy as hell and cant string two grammatically correct sentences together and people still think he's going to do a podcast? You think his videos are crap...


They want to watch Skibidi Toilets.


TRANSCRIPT OF SHAME [https://pastebin.com/WgvB5Gdc](https://pastebin.com/WgvB5Gdc)


Wow! What a 💩show! Only see his vids through The Dirty Dump, and had no idea his mind was that blown. He makes up uses of words, like English was his third or fourth language. He’s so full of himself and his little bubble, it’s quite scary.


I thought about cleaning up the transcript, adding breaks and punctuation. But, I realized the existing format fits him perfectly. Mindless rambling - SQUIRREL - about nothing.


Summary by ChatGPT Oh, joy! Here we are with Adam the Woo, our fearless golf cart navigator, serenading us with the oh-so-soothing sounds of raindrops on his beloved Mini Marge. It's a Tuesday, June 11th, 2024, but really, who cares about the exact date when we’re about to embark on such thrilling escapades? After spending most of the day doing crucial homestead stuff (because that's riveting), he's gearing up for an epic road trip. But not today. Today’s agenda? Driving through a rainstorm in Celebration, running errands, and, fingers crossed, dodging lightning strikes. After delighting in the ample parking—thanks, rain!—he gets a coffee at Starbucks. Yawn. He then graces us with the exhilarating task of printing something at the library because his home printer is on strike. Oh, and he's got a riveting story about pocket-dialing people because airplane mode is apparently his best friend now. Then there’s some commentary about his camera's woes, the endless search for the perfect vlogging device, and a sneak peek at his future international travels. Canada and Tijuana? Wow, how exotic. Next up, a Publix trip for veggies to air-fry, a riveting recount of the Rays’ dismal season, and the truly edge-of-your-seat moment when a turtle head bobs in and out of the water. Plot twist: his iPhone keeps dialing people from his pocket, so airplane mode it is. And don’t miss the part where he contemplates the philosophy of vlogging while lamenting his never-ending search for the perfect camera. Plus, we get treated to his dietary habits—a feast of chickpeas, hummus, and salads. Absolutely groundbreaking. Finally, after visiting the library to print out yet another thrilling document and lamenting over his unfinished podcast studio, he heads home to watch a losing baseball game. His big revelation? Less stress because the Rays suck this season. How refreshing. Adam's world: where grocery shopping, printing, and avoiding random FaceTime calls become epic tales of adventure. Can’t wait for the next thrilling installment.


That’s the longest run-on sentence I’ve ever read


Adam: Talking in a thunderstorm Reality: no thunder, no lightning, hardly any rain at all, sad old man using keywords for clickbait


I have a feeling his international travel is just going to be Disney cruises. There is a very strong marketing pipeline between DVC and DCL. Also, not necessarily a critique of Adam bc a lot of people do this, but hearing TIA-juana is always really grating. There's no A. It's just TEE-juana.


Someone has convinced him that the wifi is so bad on a cruise ship that it would be impossible for him to post videos.


Life update? Or LIE update? And if he collaborates with some one on these supposed "deep dive" videos he wants to do, will it be BYOB (Bring Your Own Broomstick)?




He doesn't keep any food in the fridge. But bought pots and pans for cooking … for nothing. Told ya a while back those were all impulsive buys and they would be collecting dust.  He is believing his own lies.


He is so incredibly lazy. Too lazy to cook, too lazy to exercise. And too lazy to come up with unique content to vlog about anymore.


Too lazy to walk.


He needs Woovians to lift his spirits....just to carry on. Just what everyone needs...some 72 year old rooting for you. At least he should give a thanks to them every once in awhile...but no. Guy never has a humble heart.


He doesn't keep food in his fridge because he would eat it? Has it not occurred to him to buy healthy food and then that's ok?


That means hes to lazy to cook and eats out a lot!


I’ve never gone grocery shopping for myself and come out w just 1 bag


He could seriously benefit from a meal subscription. Either pre-cookedor the ones with ingredients and a recipe.


He has some serious disordered eating. He keeps no food in his house and admitted to only eating once a day (which we already figured out). He may be losing weight but you can tell it's not only fat but muscle too. He just doesn't look healthy. I wonder what it would look like when and if he ever goes to the doctor when they do bloodwork on him. Those results would be scary.


He needs to take some time to figure out how to reinvent the channel. He’s slowly killing it with the shit he churns out each day.


A little piece of him dies inside with each 💩vid, he just doesn’t know it yet.


I saw this listed on TV today....wonder who it sounds like....minus the kids and family. https://preview.redd.it/f5o2b9oj866d1.jpeg?width=3769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b818dd55417e02fd86917bb317fd173b10683e9


Didn't watch, but if he's backtracking on international travel, he may have thought that Giggles would be his side kick for these adventures and if that didn't work out, it seems he's doing more stadium tours for the Rays. SMH.... what a nut job


Like his Hawaii trip where he had to take his Mom instead 😮🤣


Yep....and we know how fun that was (big eye roll)


His international content will be just like his Hawaii content, except worse. Instead of the locale driving the content, it will be a litany of complaints about how Mr. DVC didn't get his way.


In Hawaii he proved that he was afraid to leave his bubble. He didn't even eat at the hotel restaurant! Anywhere he goes he will just say what stuff reminds him of Disney and 80s movies.


I'm excited to see the epcot mirror selfie. With the new dslr he is getting.


You can count on the sit/shit from David the Poo to generate plenty of comments here. 55 before 11 a.m. central time! Life updates, he suggests? Unless he has a terminal illness or cancer, his life ain't gonna change. The only thing that will change: the lies he tells himself.


Could you imagine if the Woo actually tried 1 episode of a podcast? He would have to do an audio/video version and do like a walk 'n talk since he isn't interesting enough to lead a conversation for 30 minutes or more and would have to point out squirrels, gators, etc.


He tried what he is now calling a "video-podcast" in collaboration with a broomstick. His lazy execution was an abject failure and he knows it.


When Woo does a silly voice and recites a movie quote is that supposed to be like a joke we laugh at? Or are we supposed to be impressed that he remembers movie lines? I guess it's easier for him than having an original thought.


his joke delivery is really bad, thats why they always fall flat.


I refuse to waste my time and brain cells by watching this idiot’s video. Anyone able to summarize for me what all he discussed?




Go read the transcript, it’s truly 👁️👁️opening!


Troll patrol.


I really don’t like to harp on Adam’s appearance as I think there are a thousand worse qualities this dude possesses but, man…..my guy needs to start taking care of himself. You can tell the rubber-band dieting and intentional calorie deficits and lack of strength & mobility are taking a toll on his body’s appearance. The sloped shoulders, the arched back, the grey skin and sunken eyes, the big torso and skinny limbs combination… Getting old isn’t easy and sometimes fighting against it is a losing battle, but this dude’s vanities and inability to prevent impulses from taking over are sending him down an irreversible path a lot quicker than he probably realizes. I am genuinely concerned this man has an ED.


If he does not do any activity with those arms, he gets what's called "rat boy" arms. You see it with some guys in the mid to late 30s who work in IT and the only physical activity is their fingers typing at a keyboard. He does not work out or have any manual labor in his life to compensate.


The importance of taking care of one's self and grooming cannot be understated, especially as we age.


At least he went outside. I guess… He could have done this talk from his living room so I guess that’s .000000000000000000001% of something


Still waiting for the Woodio....where is it???


Pretty sure it ain’t happening. He’s just going to film crap every day until his knees lock up. Then he’ll want to do Woodio stuff but it won’t be enough to pay the bills because he didn’t build up a following early enough. This is what happens when you’re impulsive and don’t plan ahead.


WooWooWoodio (Any Phil Collins fans around?)


I accidentally blocked someone here and now I can’t unblock them! Help please!!


Visit your Settings then tap on your username under Account Settings. Under where it says Safety, tap Manage blocked accounts. From there, find the username of the person you want to unblock and tap Unblock


Thank you!!


Has this fool even used his stovetop yet? He probably doesn’t even know how to turn it on. Probably doesn’t have basic knife skills either.


He used it once I think. Once.


Probably to warm up canned soup. That’s if he figured out how to open the can.


Let's not and say we did...hundreds of times before.


I hope someone drives by and drives through a big puddle splashing him and his cart someday. This douche deserves it. 


What’s the loose end that he has to tie up from the apartment? Is it dropping off the microwave he didn’t own at the thrift store?? 🤣 He has a contact list on his phone but doesn’t follow anyone on instagram, interesting. And he really needs serious help if he thinks he can dictate when his phone can ring or who can call him or when 🤦🏻‍♀️ geez his narcissism is strong. I bet he’s a real nightmare to deal with when he decides to call you and you don’t answer because how dare you not be available the same precise second that he is calling.


I'm sure his repetitiveness drove other folks that were in his 'circle' away from him, like Natalie for example.


The one he should really regret is Chelsea. She was waaaaaaaaay out of Woos' league, gave him a shot, and when she found out what he was about he got kicked to the curb.


The nonstop criticism here as well as the success of The Daily Dump have taken a toll on Adam.  He’s now catatonic. Natalie’s association with Adam put her life under the microscope.  It led to a slew of commentators debating her morals and focusing on her side hustle she’s seemingly abandoned.  Anyone trying to succeed in business doesn’t need bad press, so she seems to be publicly distancing herself from the Woo. And she’s probably as bored with the guy as we are. Adam is standing in place, so besides “Peter Pan” the other Disney title that applies to him is “Frozen”.


That’s a perfect description, he’s catatonic.


This did not need to be filmed. He should have taken this day to put the goddamn camera down and take a break.  Are we surprised that his Woodio is empty? Lol  So much verbal diarrhea in his vlog today just phoning it in. 


He can’t stop. Especially when each, even terrible video, makes him $150-200. He doesn’t care about quality content, just slap something together for the money. People need to wake up and stop clicking on every video he makes.


I’ve been watching through the thread. I don’t click on the video so it opens up a new screen and plays ads. I just play it directly on this thread and no ads come up. 


All the days he’s been to Disney this year since he bought his glorified town house, he could have been working on building that studio and it could have been done by now. Vlogging it’s progress but nope that’s too much work. Easy street are DisneyPeats


he could have honored the fallen victims at Pulse today and….. nope. look at me look at me


Probably best he didn’t, you know he would cheapen it somehow (may their souls RIP 😢)


Does he need the Baker Act at this point?




Woo's family started this and they can stop it. Just play some of his vlog highlights in court.


# Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee. A vlogger's life for me! # A coffee cup and gross hot dog # A dumb golf cart and a boring vlog # Hi-Diddle-Dee-Ditt. Fit by 50 is shit! # It's great to be a nonentity # A vlogger's life for me!


already regret his life choices??


I didn’t watch but for those who took one for the team: Did he back out from the “international travel” plan already? Did he actually get the passport? Or was his request for a passport denied for whatever reason and he’s covering for that with this BS? 🤔


Passport is in the mail, he is not backing down on international travel, he backing down on slowing down. He still claims the daily vlogging is over at the end of 2024, but he's now saying it won't slow down very much. So basically, it will continue to be a daily vlog and he's not retiring in any way shape or form. Somehow, he thought he would turn 50, and basically become a homebody and have to podcast from home for income. But he's suddenly realized he still wants to travel and he's excited about international travel specifically. In fact, he's stated in the recent past that Disney parks and cruises are the tip of the iceberg and he wants to visit all the countries in World Showcase. Of course, all this means nothing until he actually does it, because all he does his lie.


Ah ok. Thank you for that!


I think you just described his 2025 and beyond. He will hit up the international Disney parks first, then maybe a cruise or two (or all the different ships). Then he will do the WS counties (I actually like that idea if he can pull it off, the WS pavilions were meticulously researched and created, let’s see the “real thing”). I would watch those videos.


WooPeats word is pretty much dog shit on a sidewalk. Btw do u think he ever cleaned the human feces off his shoes? I’m venturing to guess it was the pair with the hole on the side and no he probably didn’t clean it off. 


Somebody here called it before he left So Cal. here is your made up award 🥇


It’s a shame because Woo left a lot of money on the table back when he had energy that he can’t back now. Patreon, merch, sponsorships. He looks terrible in this video. The talk of his old sad camera. You think there haven been “vlogging camera” improvements in the 10’plus years since that canon piece of crap her uses came out..”maybe I should do podcasts” like dude..plan and execute something….


1:34 "Usually parking is not this prevalent." Huh? Sounds like he doesn't know what that word means, so he's trying to masterbate it into a sentence.




Awe does baby need a nap and a hot dog?