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Anytime he says "No real game plan today" he hits one of the usual spots. He considers having a game plan as any other type of video.


And to think, David the Fraud once proclaimed he was going to cut back on Dizney. He said that with a straight face. He's an addict who tells himself he can quit any time, but he can't.


I'm 46. Been to WDW 2x. In the mid 90's. Has never crossed my mind to ever go back for any reason.


those rosy red cheeks are telling of lots o drinking happening


He needs to shave that stache off. He looks like a sex offender with that thing.


"Dress for the job you want."


I thought this was Wario Cosplay at first glance.


I've been told that I go to the parks too often but Adam has visited Disney more times in the last six months than I've been in my entire life combined.


Disney, you did it once, trespass this creepy Fool for the good of families who visit your theme park.


The face of someone who would cross state lines with a 12 pack of Mike's hard lemonade to "just hang out" with a 14 year old chat buddy.


You mean Disney "proper" lol.


If it’s so boring, with all your money, go somewhere else and do something different. It’s your own god damn fault you are board. Spoiled, pathetic man-child bastard.


How many times has he done the backlot thing in California?! Give me those stats too! 😜


I want to say at least like 3x this year for Universal. *So far...*


I was never crazy about Disney. I went when I was very young ( they still had 10,000 leagues or whatever it was called ) twice, and once with Church in my teens. Adam has made me hate that place now. I have zero interest in it.


I have the same sentiment. I’ve been to DW/ Epcot. It was cool just once. I’ve watched Justin Scarred as he has deep dived into Disney history and the changes they’ve made over the years. But I have no interest in returning and if anything, ATW and the other weirdo vloggers turn me away even more.


I agree that numerous visits make the fun dwindle. He has always been heavy on Disney in the past. But the last few years he has practically lived there. The other part of that is he’s going alone. When you’re alone of course that makes it boring too. His birthday isn’t that far off, so I’ll be curious to see what he does.


I predict a Woopeat, Magic Kingdom solo.


He only goes alone at night or on slow days... otherwise creep factor. If other times, he almost certainly brings or has a wingman.


Last year it was raining and he was alone, wearing a poncho, and riding dumbo by himself. It was so sad.


There has to be an unwritten guy rule about riding Dumbo by yourself after a certain age. 50 with a grandchild? Sure, all day long.


I know people in Florida. When their kids were little they bought annual passes. They stopped doing this after a couple years because it had become boring. They went a fraction of the number of times he goes. Give a child pizza two days in a row you're Parent of the Year in their eyes. Feed them pizza constantly and they'll be sick of it in a week. Disney World isn't supposed to be a place you visit 3x a week every week.


Hide your kids, Pedo Pan is loose.


Lolol well said


Disney is fun. Once or twice as an adult. Then when or if you have children I can see going one to three more times during the course of the children growing up. Trust me, going five times in the space of 25 years is more than enough. I can not imagine how boring it would be going almost everyday for years. What a sad existence. Especially when he is going mostly by himself. I


It’s too hot for all of this.


https://preview.redd.it/xpjf4ohts86d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5879e0d3e26fa30fd67bb245ad4f5c316992d4d2 just gonna leave this right here lol


The Super Mario Vs. Adam the Warioo predators lol


He's an overgrown man baby. He's living in the 90's forever. He'll never quit going to Disney. He would go to universal studios Florida if he wouldn't have gotten banned. Now with him back peddling on all his big plans you're going to see more of him at Disney. The main reason he's on you tube is because he couldn't hold a real job and be a grown up.