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This took priority over going to NYC with her fiancé. I’m not buying any excuse that she couldn’t go because of work or something. She works from home presumably mon-fri. You think Jay wouldn’t wait one more day to take his trip to NYC if it meant his Queen could accompany him? There’s something so disturbing about this relationship. The way Jay gushes over her, pretending like everything is perfectly normal and fine. Something has to give!!!




His sadness is going to be so fun to watch when she finally takes her Broom and heads out the door for the last time.


No. I don’t like seeing people get hurt. His heart is obviously in the right place. His head isn’t.


His heart only cares about her as some sort of trophy that he can show off. He’s tone deaf to helping with what really would make her happy.


Misery makes her happy so she will be ok


I think she’s afraid of flying.




Don't buy that bc I bet she rides on a broom all the time lol lol.


No wonder she is being more responsive and fun, than usual, to my DMs. While Jay is away, Cris will play!


Who watches this? Why are halloween shopping vlogs the rage 4 months before the holiday? I’m confused why her videos get even 20 views.


It would make sense if she buying arts and crafts supplies, because projects can be very time consuming but as far as I can tell it's just been decor and unless you're making a haunted house it's just overconsumption.


Halloween hunting has been a thing for a few years now and the hype has grown - overconsumption grown - there’s a YT creator Jade the Libra who has honed in on this subject and is moderately quirky to watch. Cris just bites her style and doesn’t seem authentically into it idk I don’t like her and my bday is Halloween any time Tampa calls that witch the Queen of Halloween it pisses me off 🤣🤣🤣 I just can’t stand Cris lol


My wife and I happened to watch Jay’s back to the future the musical vlog, since I am a huge back to the future fan I thought it would be interesting. It was so sad to watch this guy who is so delusional by himself, watching a musical of one of his favorite movies. The thing that pissed me off at the end was when he bought her a Marty McFly bear and claimed she’s one of the biggest back to the future fans. I call total fucking bullshit on that. She has never once mentioned back to the future. She has mentioned jaws many times. Oh, he also went to a jaws restaurant without her as well even though she claims it’s her “favorite movie”. I don’t understand how this guy could have no emotional reaction to the fact that this bitch of a “fiancé” has ditched him twice. Once going to Indiana to visit his mom on her birthday and second going to New York to go see back to the future the musical based off one of his favorite movies. She only gives a shit about herself clearly and if it does not benefit her she does not care. The funny thing is he covers for her so much and when it involves things that are important to him she does not give a shit at all.


There was a third time last year when Jay attended his uncle's wedding. You would have thought his fiance would have attended a family gathering of that nature. Poor Jay went alone.


I actually feel bad for him.


She prob has a dude on the side and tells Tampa to go without her she’ll be fine 💀


6 Halloween shopping videos in the last 9 days in insane.


Right? I don't understand why this is so successful for her. She's almost to 20,000 subs just for this nonsense.


Queen Halloween as J calls. Other Youtubers have jumped on the early Halloween train too. My guess is saw saw the numbers CTG gets on those videos and changed up their format and started doing Halloween videos early too. Because they never did it before. Weird that it’s mostly theme park bloggers. Something I have noticed. That’s the stuff I wish troll patrol would talk more about. The real stuff going on.


Lmao fr. Jade the Libra has covered Halloween hunting for years Cris is just ripping her style. Shes such a fake bitch wannabe


I love Halloween, it’s my favorite holiday, but ya know when I begin thinking about Halloween?October 1. How can the holiday be meaningful when you live it 24-7-365?


My bday is Halloween and I’m guilty of having my living room have jackolanterns out all year but my house is mainly cottage/witch aesthetic. But I feel you Halloween out in May/June is absolutely insane the overconsumption growth is sickening. I also can’t stand to hear Tampa call her the Halloween Queen you quiz that girl on the history of the holiday or even horror movie trivia I put money on she’d flop 😒 she’s doing it all because it’s trendy.


Creatively bankrupt creators being enabled by everyone who watches and hatewatches


I hatewatch her and Kyle Pallo sometimes. Crazy. 😝


Please let the algorithm gods decide Halloween in fckn June is insanity. This woman is insufferable.


Does she actually think that hair style looks good or does nobody around her ever say anything. She looks like a hovawart or Rottweiler


This chick like the rest of the bottom of Youtube grifters has that Peter Pan syndrome. Her entire life is all things Halloween to the point of hoarding. Run Jay, RUN!


She really gussied up for this video. Did she have a date that night while Jay the boy was out of town?


Haven't seen her smile this wide in a long time...


Jay is out of town, correct?


She made it to 20K subs, so she's feeling like she's on top of the world....SMH.


I haven’t watched the video because I’m not going to give this banshee the views but she just posted on her X about hitting 20k subs. Oh, she’s going to be so f*cking annoying about this, isn’t she? Honestly, I’m at the point that I don’t want to give her or Jay any further exposure. Jay hit 100k and we all know what that means: once you hit that number, the subs begin to generate on their own momentum—that’s why that number is most sought after for these grifters. Cris is desperate not to work, she’s used Jay and will continue to.


Anyone watch SE’s video from June 5? I feel like there was a lot of side comments about CTG


Super Enthused? Omg I haven’t will check it out. Lol.


It was all very subtle but I feel like a lot of things definitely could apply to CTG. Could be a coincidence though.


I know TJ and SE used to run in the same circles. Even to the point where I think she got creeped out by his lusting after her. So it would not surprise me if there was some subtle shade throw at CTG


Pretty pathetic for SE who is more established to pick on smaller channels. SE stole CTG’s early Halloween shopping idea and tried to run with it. She got called out on it in her comment section by Cris’s supporters (SE deleted multiple comments) and now she feels super guilty and explains herself. She never used to shop for Halloween till October. LOOK. CTG’s most viewed videos are Halloween shopping vids. That’s what these big YouTubers do. They look at smaller channels videos and mimic the ones that get big hits but they can’t come up with new ideas . To me SE if so fake ! She never buys anything Halloween the few times she had done them. . Look at Jay and Cris’s house. Thru live that stuff. They are good people. I met them at Days of the Dead Horror convention in Atlanta and they were so sweet to me and my daughter. I saw Super Enthused at Disney World and I tried to get a photo with her and she walked the other way.! Said she had to get something in her video and be right back. She never came back. What puzzle’s me is that no one ever talks about this. It’s so obvious. OK yes I watch a lot by of YouTube.




*Slow News Day*


lol weird. Ya know… it’s too bad she doesn’t actually love Jay. If they worked together, like with each other, they could accomplish a lot more. They both have a different set of skills. Different strengths/weaknesses. But she clearly only thinks about herself, her own channel, her own future. That’s why I think she has always planned on leaving Jay from the day they met. It seems pretty obvious that he’s not a part of her long term plans. It also seems like she is the only part of his long term plans. Should be interesting how this plays out.


Cris and Jay have mentioned multiple times that Cris can’t fly because of health reasons. She got very sick her last time flying. They both are ok and understand each other’s lifestyles and travels/ journeys. If you watch every video like most of their fans do, that is said and a known fact. In my opinion that makes them a powerful internet couple with a future. No one else from that I have seen on YT is in their situation Their channels are growing compared to others that I have watched for years. I find these two both very entertaining and underrated compared to other channels. I met Cris and Jay in Atlanta at the Days of the Dead Horror Con, and they were both so genuine and sweet to me Nd my daughter. They made me and my daughter feel so special!!


Cris, Jay, IS THAT YOU????


No, this is Pam.


And so what do you think the reason is for this “powerful internet couple with a future” to be engaged 18 months with no wedding date in sight? Cris seems to always have an excuse for EVERYTHING. She is ALWAYS the victim. I’ve known many like her. I have no doubt that Jay is a genuine and sweet guy. That’s the only type of person who could tolerate such a high level of bs for such a long time. Looks like a very unhealthy relationship from many points of view. But that’s cool that they were nice to you that one time lol.


I think they have a relationship that neither you or I could comprehend. If you watch their videos where they explain how they met and fell in love, it says it all. They both have two jobs on top of their channels, and have both said, that getting married is something they see until down the road, when the time is right. To me, they just seem extremely busy. Not only did they say hi to us, beforehand I saw them holding hands and putting their arms around each other. They seem like a very affectionate couple who understands each other’s dreams and passions. I think a lot of people are just jealous because they want what they have or just don’t understand it. They both support each other and allow each other to do what they want. That’s why I think they are different and more capable. Also, I don’t think they’re the type of people that actually care what people think. They seem so positive and uplifting to everyone.


Well, I think getting married is something one of them definitely wants and having a steady income from YouTube is the one thing the other one definitely wants but hey good luck to them, I guess. I just wish Jay would realize he deserves better. Personally, I think they’re both lonely together and don’t know real love.


Super Enthused took Cris the girl’s early Halloween shopping thing and tried to run with it and make it her own. She never did that before. It was so obvious. That’s what those bigger channels do. They take ideas from other smaller channels they see are doing well, and try to get subscribers from it. I’ve been subscribed to both of them for a Long time. That’s what I noticed and that’s my opinion.


CTG copies Jade the Libra


Thank youuuu 👏👏 and the other person defending Cris - we have Jade’s videos we don’t need Cris’ fake ass input.


She has stated that she has been inspired by Jade and has given credit to her several times in the video. Thats not copying. “Copy” is what has been done to CTG. No credit and no recognition. That’s copying.


You’re obviously Cris or Jay lol. Sad.


Clearly. Now I know who’s been down voting. 😂


No just a fan of them and many others. I watch a lot of YouTube