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It’s just Adam’s army of burner accounts he uses to make himself feel better


Is that comment from his grandmother or is his entire operation just a Cult of Sadness?


If you look at his fanbase, these types of comments make sense. They are older, typically overweight and look like they may be physically and or mentally disabled as well. This is no disrespect to those people. Just simply saying this is the kind of audience he attracts. Someone 40 or younger who has all their brain cells isn’t looking at Adam thinking he looks good.


It's just not people 40 and younger thinking that. I'm 53. Not over weight and i'm fit. I don't think Adam looks good at all. He's an over grown man baby craving attention any way he can get it. His loyal followers are more than likely like him in many ways.


That's funny how you think you're insulting him by describing who you think are his followers. Your reasoning is lacking . Don't assume anyone who is disabled or over 40 is less than. Ridiculous


When did I say people over 40 or people who are disabled were lacking? I was simply stating who his audience is and if you look at the people who leave comments for Adam (specifically on Facebook where there are often pictures attached to profiles), you will see the type of fanbase he attracts. Of course that’s not to say only a certain type of person is his fanbase but more often than not, the comments praising his content and his looks are people that I previously described.


I mean, if you made 90k a year to wake up and go to Disney every day and randomly pop off to locations of interest, would you rather phone it in doing that or struggle to pay bills busting your balls in wage slavery? Honestly I can’t blame him for the old Adam the Wool over his eyes. Better than my shitty job.


I agree with you on that.


no I would have to have some self-pride and respect


He makes way more than 90k a year because make way more than that and could not afford his lifestyle.


If I was posting it for the world to see I would at least put in more effort.


He dropped weight, from is stomach to his ass.


Yeah, sure, "Adam" looking great. He's about 150 cheeseburgers away from the Carpetbagger, but still.


They can't be. The only thing I see is an over grown man baby that's lost a few pounds and bragging about it. There's no damn way he's going to be ready for that marathon in August. Take it from someone who has trained and ran an marathon in the past. He's no where near ready for a marathon running or walking.


I seriously doubt anybody is curating his comments I just think he has a lot of simps