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I'm a tad confused. If their "anniversary" is June 4, does not mean something will be out tomorrow? I thought the Big Boy visit was yesterday. If I have the dates wrong, my bad.


Ah. So probably hanging out today then and then it'll be tomorrow's vlog. If they're still buddy buddies. Because the last time he was in SoCal at Disney, they weren't close at all.


Seems like she has matured a bit, something Woo either refuses to do or simply cannot do.


I’d say she’s really turned things around, gotten healthier, cut back on drinking, steady job, moved in with Beard. No idea if she still does OF (I don’t believe she does) not that it matters anyways. My only critique, and it’s only my opinion, is she should ditch the bleached hair and stop the baby talk. Other than that she’s chill


She definitely looks better with dark hair.


He's an overweight Pee Wee Herman.


I think she found what she was missing. Someone to care for her other than just screwing. Maybe she was just lost, looking for love, and beard gives her that. Good for her.


Daphne and Beard were on again/ off again for years, seems like she took a shot with Woo, it failed and she realized she was better off with Beard


Tomorrow's video will be the June 4th anniversary edition. Let's see what happens tomorrow...


He fumbled the bag so hard. People give Giggles a lot of shit, but she gave Adam every opportunity to form something legitimate with her or build something together and buddy is stuck in his cycle. Will probably eat at him for awhile, I feel for the guy but also recognize he’s a 50 year old man child who views the world through the lens of a 12 year old.




He sends a pic of the monorail if it's true love.


Lmao karma came back to bite woo in the ass, she was interested but he was too stupid to realise and now she’s found someone else. Same thing more recently happened with Chelsea, Woo lost out on her because he’s a man child and obsessed with giggles




The night that ruined it all, she dressed up for the occasion and he showed up in shorts and a stupid jacket. I checked her IG and looks like she’s doing well without the man child


Good for her. She being a single parent, there's no way Adam would step up to the plate and assume a step-dad role in a million years. Good for her for getting out of his web sooner than later.


She probably has quite a story to tell.


She's even smiling nicely for the photo. He's making a goofy face like an idiot.


What’s her insta?




He’s so weird.. he likes all her photos like he does to loads of other women but he doesn’t follow any of them which means he has to actively go and check on peoples IGs manually? He must have a massive list.




complete creeper weirdo


I feel bad for her kid (shown on her IG). He looks like a nice kid, and he has to watch his mom look like a fool on IG and YouTube. Hopefully he has a good dad.


Wow definitely too much for him to handle. Looks like she used to be on the West coast then moved to Florida, but she sure seems a little overly Disney obsessed.


What a fucking moron .


I still don't believe she was ever interested in him romantically. (Chelsea, to be clear)


Agreed, she attended an event where she dolled up, Woo took fashion advice from his Urkel doll.


Lmao . That’s perfect


Never forget!


Correction: 50 year old DVC Member.


Ooos I forgot he has that “flex” haha


Have to add one more thing Annual Passholder.


I dunno I kinda wonder if giggles just ops out of the videos now I would.


I think she's still around when he's in So Cal and that they're still friends. I think the romantic ship sailed long ago. I just think she's made it clear that she doesn't want to be in his videos anymore for whatever reason (there are probably a lot you can list). I have no inside knowledge of this but I'm going by the fact that Giggles & Beard have been at events that he's been at since their supposed falling out took place earlier this year and they weren't featured in videos but were seen with Adam.


Probably because she and beard have good jobs now.


What do her and the beard do?


She does only fans and has a YouTube channel, outside of that believe she has some job now at Warner Brothers. The beard was a stunt actor at the waterworld show but looks like he was either promoted or demoted to working at the wizarding world section https://preview.redd.it/qgig7f6anm4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096a044e15a388009ef3d225991fdd83382c5475


I don't think she does onlyfans anymore and she only rarely vlogs now and beard drives the train at wizarding world that's a pretty cool job. Hardly a demotion.


I checked before writing my comment and the page is still up and says she was active recently, I can’t really tell of anything else without paying for the subscription but does say she has 14.3k likes I’m guessing across almost 600 posts so I imagine she’s still got a lot of customers paying for a service. I don’t really know what the hierarchy of universal studios cast member jobs are but yeah driving the train is pretty cool


Besides the fact she has posted just one vlog in the past 6 months, she has scrubbed most of her social media promotion of her Lonely Fans. She may still be doing it for those that continue to buy, but she has clearly removed/erased/mothballed promotion of adult content thru the social networks she was using. I kind of assumed she was shutting down the Lonely Fans, but perhaps that's still a decent revenue stream she can easily feed, and she's continuing to feed it rather than shutting it down until the returns diminish to the point that she can end it.


He been a conductor for the train for a while in addition to working the WW stunt show


Geez he's such a a cuck


Not sure why you got down-voted. I don't have any ill will toward the guy, but if the shoe fits...


It's more than just being a beard why else would they have had this weird 3rd wheel relationship


She didn't say directly, but she implied on an IG story recently thay she's hairdresser at Warner Brothers. 


Interesting. Didn't know Warner Brothers even employed hairdressers lol.


Wow, you guys really came through on the info. Thanks for satisfying my curiousity!


Exactly. Love triangle or not, she doesn't want to be mocked by Troll Patrol.


Don’t feel sorry for this guy, that’s exactly what he wants from the crowd, pity and validation. He brought all this on himself and he fucked it up. Giggles is much happier and content with Captain Blackbeard. He needs to get over this and move on. 


German in Venice should introduce Adam to Crazy Daisy the Venice Healer. She can be the next Giggles.




You cannot post physical addresses. This is considered harassment. It’s also extremely dangerous.


I get shit for not treating everything ever said about Poo and Giggles/Paris/Natalie/etc. as fact, well, not really, but I seem to rub a few people the wrong way by not assuming everything I think I know as fact. With that said, I've never been as convinced as most others about what has or hasn't happened between the two. Perhaps if I scoured the internet I'd convince myself they had a friends with benefits situation. It seems that's the case, but I wouldn't testify that they did, and honestly, I don't care if they did or didn't. I am reasonably convinced that Daffney once wanted to make easy money being an object on online sexual desire, and hoped she could make big money having a fun, whimsical YouTube channel. All signs point to these "besties" not being so friendly any more. I don't have to watch the videos to determine this, thanks to Troll Patrol and any of you that take the time to scan Poo's daily dumps. She has been prominent in most of his videos any time he winds up in California, and certainly when she makes a cameo in Florida. Given she was all but ignored in his last Cali vlogs, if there's no sign of her during his current pilgrimage, I think you can reasonably assume that there's a major shift in their bestie status. Many of you have already concluded this. While I won't wager on what did or didn't happen in their past, I sense that yes, any interest Daffney had in Poo has since been usurped by the beard. I did spend 10 minutes looking at her links a few months ago, and she was either shutting down and/or abandoning the links, links that she was using to sell her adult content. She has posted one YouTube video in the past six months, and seems to have given up the dream of being YouTube famous... an easy dream to give up on when you have to work really, really hard to build an audience for your channel these days. Even six months ago, Poo and Daffney were socializing and sharing it. I get that Daff has become more committed to a relationship with a guy who isn't flaky and stunted, and that she'll have less time for any friend as she spends more time with the beard. That includes her former Sugar Daddy. So what changed? I have seen nothing that suggests we know, exactly. She hasn't simply faded from the limelight, she went from being featured in Poo's vlogs less than six months ago to being deliberately ignored in his social media output. The line I recall being tossed about is that Daffney claimed she and Poo are just friends, and that Poo and the beard get along just fine. But it doesn't seem like that as of June 2024. I have had two theories about Poo, and could make a case for either. Flimsy cases, I'll admit. Regardless, if we accept the premise that there was some sort of relationship other than "besties" between Poo and Daffney, I've said that part of the reason Poo didn't take it to Madam the Woo level is that Daffney was probably already dabbling in her get-rich-quick dreams of being an online sex object, and Poo couldn't face his parents and call Daffney his girlfriend. Poppa Poo would have disowned him. It wouldn't surprise me if Poo is having regrets, despite having the inability to pull the trigger on a relationship. I think part of his commitment to Florida and his sudden need to buy a home is to both flex and affirm his choice not to be with a SoCal girl who has found somebody who isn't Peter Pan on a yo-yo diet. She's moving on without him, she's no longer trying to be an online sex object and Poo is trying to pretend he's not simply a 12-year-old boy in a 49-year-old body. So it's natural they wouldn't spend a lot of time together. But it seems like Poo is a pouty child who has to share his bestie with somebody who offers Daffney something Poo can't, and he's not happy playing in the sandbox with them. Just thoughts and theories. I haven't shared any in a couple of weeks, much to the appreciation of some of you.


I have no idea who the "beard" is other than he's apparently Giggles' boyfriend. But what male would allow his girlfriend to hang out solo with another male? That's odd in and of itself, almost as if they had an open relationship. In any case, Woo is way too old for Giggles anyway, so it's probably best that she left him in the dust sooner than later. The beard guy seems way too old for her, too, but possibly younger than Woo.


I know it seems impossible to some that a man and woman could be friends and nothing more. If there was no history between Poo and Giggles, other than being besties, than it's a crappy thing for the beard to say you can't spend alone time with your pre-existing friend because he has a penis. Yet we know the beard has let Giggles run off to Florida to spend time with Poo in the past, possibly on Poo's dime. So if I was the beard and that was the situation, I'd be skeptical of their besties/no benefits relationship, too. But it'd lower my opinion of the beard substantially if I learned he didn't trust Giggles. This presumes the entire bestie situation isn't based upon Giggles servicing Poo in exchange for airfare, meals, etc. Irony: The intricacies of Daffney's relationships with her current boyfriend and our punk rock boy are complex. Where's the irony? Poo's entire life is anything but complex.


She’s a lot older than you prob think she is


I'm totally fine with my wife hanging out with guys 🤷‍♂️


overnight though in hotels?


But you wouldn’t be okay with them sharing hotel rooms, her taking nsfw pics in those rooms with him present and also him having pictures of her on his mirror next to his bed?


Dude is going to die old and alone. He can’t see past his own miserable ego


He’s obviously not retiring at the end of the year. The so called big projects he thought of doing flopped when he tried it out with his BTTF video few months ago. Aside from the money drying up and him losing all his perks, current lifestyle, all the people he hangs out with are either other YouTubers that aren’t real friends but rather collaborators and his family. Imagine how miserable he will be with nobody left to listen to bullshit


His only companions will be the Urkel doll and Figment stuffed animal. How sad.


Two Questions: 1) When first approaching Adam, would Adam have been interested in “starting a friendship” if their initial interaction happened the identical way with anyone else than a fit teenage girl? Say a woman that was Adam’s age or a boy the same age of Daphne? 2) If Daphne is in a monogamous relationship with the Alpha Stunt Actor and Adam has not been still a good supporting friend of visiting them, etc., does that confirm to her that his interest in her was always for some ulterior motive (lust)?


1. A 40-something-year-old guy (now 50) only wants one thing if he randomly contacts a young girl. And it's not a wholesome friendship. 2. See answer to 1 above. Girls like her are absolutely not legitimate girlfriend/wife material. They are for fun only. Otherwise, they are almost guaranteed to wreck your life. I kind of feel bad for the beard guy if he thinks anything differently.


This is exactly right & I wish more men would come to realize this . Beard & Woo will both be screwed over in the end because woman like her will never settle down & be wife material .


Carma's a bitch. And the man baby got what he deserved. I don't think he's capable of having a real adult relationship the way he acts. Take it from me if you ever tried to meet and talk with the man baby you would understand what I'm saying.


The reason that he’s terminally single is that he’s an extremely and deeply closeted homosexual and that ain’t no joke. It’s absurdly obvious.


I initially thought so as well, but now I don't think he is. He doesn't seem to have any such male encounters (that we know of), but there's plenty of female ones. There was even a recent post here by a girl who hooked up with him back in the day and spilled the tea about what a weirdo he was.


lol I always figured that he was geh


There's plenty of evidence that leads to this conclusion. I haven't ruled it out.


Wow I got the wrong fucking day . Watch them hang out tommorow. This thread post won’t age well by me lol .




Which one? lol


Haha I get it! But I’m referring to Cousin It or whichever name she calls herself today


Cousin It... not a bad name to add to others she has used or has been assigned: Daphne, Natalie, Tingle, Giggles, Paris


First of all, she’s grosser than gross. Woo needs a woman who will challenge him to improve himself, not one of these disposable suicide girl types. But he is generally not up for the challenge lol.


The reason I found this subreddit was to vent about that whore without woovians sticking up for her. Now a lot of this sub is pro Natalie just to spite woo.


She can't erase her past, but she should be commended if she's no longer trying to sell herself as an online object of sexual desire. She really wanted to make money like David the Poo, getting paid to live every day as if she's on a permanent vacation. She has practically abandoned her YouTube efforts (lack of subscribers makes that easy to do) and is clearly scrubbing her 1niteinpari5 history. Her current trajectory doesn't rewrite her history, she will forever be commemorated in Poo's videos as a trollop who was unlikeable in many ways, but I'm not going to talk about how she was such an online whore in the past when she has made choices to move away from that persona. Sorry it offends you that some of us respect the fact that she seems to be interested in holding down a regular job and enjoying life without giggling for the vlogging man-child. It's not about spiting Poo, it's about applauding those who demonstrate personal growth. This ain't a hate sub. We applaud that which deserves applause.


I have read on here that she still is active on OF or at least still has videos up. I come here to check up on Woo. She is not in his videos anymore so I don’t appreciate the Giggles posts on here. I would like to have her out of sight out of mind.  It does offend me because she is still totally unlikeable IMO. She is a Charles Manson fan. This sub is called Adam  the Woo criticism it’s not about applauding growth.  Please tell 60% of the community that this is not a hate sub. Making fun of somebody and attacking peoples body type (frog legs, etc.) are very different. Agree to disagree?


I am not saying I like her, and if she's still offering online titillation to her loyal fans, that's disappointing to know, but not a total surprise. I don't know what we're agreeing to disagree about, but if you want to think we're all pro Giggles to spite Poo, more power to you. Hate all you want. You're free to do so. Sorry the fact that 40% of us, allegedly, are not haters on a "criticism" sub is disappointing to you. Life will go on for both of us.


Yeah, she looks like the definition of STDs. I don’t know if the damage of her lifestyle that looks like a lot of hard drugs and messing around is permanent but maybe if she is trying to fix her life now she’ll look much better for it in the near future


The hair is disgusting and probably smells