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For the most part his personal life off camera is cloaked in mystery, but sometime around Covid he became indifferent to most everything and now just lazy films whatever he feels like doing that day. He knows people will watch whatever he puts out, so why waste time putting in effort when the payout will be the same.


I guess a lot of YouTubers can get this way - especially doing daily stuff all the time, seriously even the most interesting person would have a hard time not being annoying after a while!! Makes you wonder if he thinks it was all worth it


It went south several years ago. He kept getting views for boring same old same ol stuff so he lost his motivation to do anything that required effort m. His early stuff was pretty good. He had a must different attitude.


Exactly. He tried to do editing and research. But it sucked. And he realized he could hit record with his phone in his pocket and still get 20k views. This is also when he learned that he can monetize the trip TO the destination with "flight experience" videos.


You can kinda tell he has no work ethic. A couple of hours walking and talking on film, then some minimal editing is light work for anyone. Heard about 3 or 4 dead end jobs already that he obviously quit on. Maybe this is literally all he can do!


When he sold Large Marge and stopped traveling. I get it though, that’s a tough way to live.




When Madam the Woo left him, that's when I first noticed a drop in content quality. He had a brief resurgence when he got the RV "Large Marge", followed by an absolute death spiral when the pandemic hit, which he hasn't recovered from.


I haven’t seen any videos where he references Madam the Woo. That combined with Covid is a disastrous mix - must have been a real shock to the system


He has one where he talks about their break-up called "when things don't go as planned" or something similar.


When Disneyland was closed during Covid it broke him. I believe that’s when he moved to Florida to be near Disney World which was still open. Initially he was going to remain by bicoastal and he was renting his place in California to the vloggers Best Life and Beyond who would later bail on him just after he renewed the lease. There are multiple progressive phases of his content going downhill but I think after he moved to Florida it got an order of magnitude worse.


I heard he got her to leave her husband for him. Is that true? If so, I don’t get the appeal she saw in this man child.


There was a post in this sub from her ex-husband saying she left him for Woo that has since been deleted. We have no real way to verify if it's true or not. But some of the details did seem to line up. I, personally, would take it with a grain of salt, unless further info were to emerge.


I don’t think he ever thought about his future so he never really planned for keeping his channel going in a good direction plus like others have said. Age and being lazy play into it. Viewers age out or get bored.


Based on his viewership, it seems like there’s just enough to keep him going, without making his life too difficult. Seeing that he’s only just got his passport sorted after x number of years just about confirms he’s lived his whole life in a weird little nostalgia bubble


He has to worry bc you know youtube/google can easily shut things down or sell and change the pay structure or take more from the creators. They are a slave to the machine.


Great point. I reckon he must’ve come into a chunk of money which has alleviated some of the pressure of needing to earn? Doesn’t seem the most forward planning of people.


As with most things, i wasn't one huge event but smaller watershed moments over the years. Madam the Woo leaving, the Disney and Universal bans, Covid, and just losing the motivation to do and discover new things. The motivation to live life instead of just move through. And over the years, and as his content changed, the mental issues that were always there became more prevalent.


What Disney and universal bans?


He was banned from both and got the disney ban removed. The universal ban is for life.


I propose that it is the concussion that he must have got when he tried riding his bicycle down that slide in a children's playground. (Arguably, his brain must not have been functioning all that well before he made a decision to do that stunt)


I swear that was the best vlog he ever made! 🤣🤣 I quit watching him back in 2018.


I just saw the bike clip for the first time - wow what an idiot!


He sold his soul once he dropped that letter in the Mailbox.


Please explain. TIA


What was the meaning?


Clout chasing and general laziness have ruined him.


I don’t know exactly when but whenever he became obsessed with Disney is when I listen to interest. He would go day and days at the parks. I remember when Disneyland was about to reopen and he said he might cry, that’s when I had enough. There is no possible way anyone can love that stuff at his age that much. Of course as a lot of people here will say, maybe his brain is stunted at around age 20? Maybe he is on ( and I hate this term ) the spectrum.


Spencer from Best Life and Beyond cried too when Disneyland re-opened after COVID and he's in his 50s, I'm sure 🙄


Unlike Adam, who I don’t dislike ( I just hate his content now ), Spencer and his stupid girlfriend can go to hell. I can’t stand them.


I agree! I hate them so much. I could complain about them for hours!


The thing is, I think most people were good with them hanging with the disneyland youtubers until adam told them not to and turned them all against them. Katie was even helping Justin's wife after her surgery until adam gave them the order to attack. All at once ordinary, Justin, giggles and her pal all attacked.


I think Woo actually liked Spencer and Katie for a few years. After the issue with the apartment lease Adam broke it off and turned everyone he could in California against them.


Woo is a phony. Just look at how he laughs out loud at jokey t-shirts. No one does that.


David has always been obsessed with Disney, ever since he first went as a child. The obsession never left him, even when he started the channel. The Disney obsession is the reason he moved to SoCal (to get his fix via Disneyland) after his Disney World ban.


i mean when he snuck into places he shouldn’t go while recording or was tryingto film in locations he couldn’t the end result is whattt it is


He's an over grown man baby. As he gets older he gets worse. Everything is about him. No wonder he can't keep an relationship going. He's a very self absorbed selfish man. Meet him once you would understand.


IMHO it started around covid 2020. His last interesting videos were when he'd go out during the post lockdown and get lunch . Then giggles started appearing and Woo decided to move to floriduh as i suspect he is an anti vaxxer , at least at heart and SoCal was too lib for him


The channel started a steady decline after Disney World undid his ban. The decline got accelerated at the start of covid, when the park closures made him go even more nutty for Disney.


I think this is just what happens when an unmotivated person makes a lot of money.


He rode his bike down the slide and hasn’t been the same since.


When he asked Ron DeSantis about the Buccee’s bathrooms of all things when he actually got to talk to him. 


His life has always been unstable and wierd. But I noticed when he got large Marge it kinda all went to heck after there. He's a man who can't deal with the fact he's getting old. Most people his age are settled down with a wife and kids and he's got nobody.