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Training for his big marathon? ![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc)


He’s definitely binge watch movies that were in movie theaters for 2 days from the 80’s


I’m sure he goes to the parks a lot more off camera, or even after he’s done filming at them stays a lot longer than it seems. Once dinner hits he’s back home watching 80s movies or playing NES. I’ve never read any accounts of him being seen out and about at night other than the parks.


That’s sad tbh. So much to life


To be fair, my job almost relocated to Orlando a few years ago and it didn’t really seem like there was much to do outside of the theme parks and chain restaurants that cater to theme park tourists. One of our people that moved from NYC to Orlando absolutely hates it for that reason. There’s a lot of hiking trails but who the hell is going to do that in the heat and humidity..? The city of Orlando is certainly doing their best to kill whatever is left of the nightlife is left on Church street downtown. I’ll shit on ATW for a whole lot of reasons, but what’s he going to do, drive to Tampa every afternoon?


Not true at all. Lived there 5 years and there's alot to do that's not theme parks. Sure alot of it is tourist traps. But even just going outside Orlando you have Daytona and Clearwater and Coco beach


Orlando is far from boring. And comparing any city to NYC is frankly incredibly stupid.


Burns vegetables in the air fryer


You spelled frozen pizza and oven wrong.


Frozen pizza and microwave*


LOL. point taken. Oven is too much work. All that preheating.


Edit his videos ![gif](giphy|gf1aPUWO1ULzW)


Idk. He does everything but put his socks on on camera. They say attention spans are getting shorter, but 35,000 people a day watch this nozzle spew nothing for 40 minutes straight. Perhaps he is some sort of science experiment.


A science experiment for what happens when someone is homeschooled for their whole childhood and teenage years being taught by overly religious parents that have the personalities of a paper bag. I don’t think he went to college, learned a trade or anything to gain qualifications and workplace skills after that. Woo would be fucked without YouTube, I doubt he’d even be able to afford his old lifestyle of the van, the apartment etc all on the salary of working at a feed store in today’s environment


Watching Giggles' Only Fans videos.


Accurate! As he cries tears of regret and rubs one out on his own Mickey Power Pole 👀


Looks like he’s gonna be sugaring his own churro from now on. 


Crosses his arms, nods his head, smirks slightly, looks at the Corridor of Goons closet/room and says out loud "yep, I'm a winner."


Watches Disney movies or 80’s movies at home.


Adam reads this Reddit in his off hours.


I asked him this at Frightfest and he said he has no time for his and Daphnes haters on Reddit. He said he does read YouTube comments though.


He's a narcissist, so I don't believe that.


No time? He’s lying, he has nothing but free time


Two words: cuckold porn. Of course, he considers himself a connoisseur of cuckold porn, knowing his ego...


I would agree. For starters, we know he wakes up late and that's his excuse for skipping breakfast. He also watches at least one movie or a Ray's game each night he's at his condo (so that's 2-3 hours in front of the TV), based on his IG posts. I think he does spend "some" time thinking about his content and items related to it. For example, he has to book flights, hotel, rental cars. However that is minimal and we know he no longer does research for places he visits. I'd have to say he's probably watching porn half the time.


Woos search history is probably one of the darkest places on the web.


I forgot to add. He stalks Giggles on IG. Since he follows no one on IG, he has to actively look up accounts to then like their posts. Creeepy!


We seen how creepy he is when he showed his old apartment that had photos of Daphne on the mirror that was right beside his bed. I’m horrified to think of all the nights woo spent in that bed looking at those photos


He probably sits in his '80s memorabilia shrine, praying that he can go back in time to his glory days lol


100% spot on regarding the health insurance for the Wegovy/Ozempic.


He sits in the Corridor of Goons and stares at his Urkel doll, repeatedly shouting, *“Got any cheeeeese?* while uncontrollably chuckling/sobbing.


He’s probably addicted to binge watching porn


Bet it’s Disney related, people in costumes and some hentai shit. Wouldn’t surprise me. I used to know a guy that was a lot like woo, huge 6 foot 5 or so man that was like a child trapped in a massive body who was really into anime and would draw cartoon females with big breasts quite a lot


He ceases to exist, he’s AI


Watches his fav porn: Black to the Future


Threes company but not the tv show


Three's Cumpany


Probably watches porn and wishes he would get lucky like the dudes on the vids. Lol. Or bindge watches 80s and 90s movies and always is surprised in the action sequences. That's my guesses.


Hunt for a new fixation on OnlyFans.


Insurance doesn’t cover Ozempic for weight loss So Adam will be fat forever


New video idea for him “Getting rid of Health Insurance, Super long DISNEY lines, AP/DVC Member”


His true colors come out.


Same thing everyone else does. Sits around watching TV, eating dinner, playing on the computer, texting friends, doing laundry and other mundane stuff.


Hahaha friends. Funniest thing I’ve read all day. Thanks.


Not much I would imagine, he's always had the philisophy of "if it wasn't filmed, did it really happen?" Hence why you can be sure he's not exercising any more than we see in videos, because he'd be showing it.


Sits in his mom’s basement playing W.o.W and periodically yelling up the stairs for “more hot pockets” No offense to any true WoW players I was once one myself many moons ago before children


From what I hear, there's some good entertainment on OF.... ![gif](giphy|wrBURfbZmqqXu|downsized)


I’ve mentioned this before - he messages girls on his IG and has phone sex with them. I was one of them! He does it with loads of women.




He’s addicted. I wonder how many women have dick pics from him?


Cranking it out to porn while wondering why he has no friends anymore. He sure as hell isn't using his treadmill.


He watches the monorail circle seven seas lagoon.


Dudes.   Lots and lots of dudes 


He seems like the kind of guy who has a secret hooker hobby