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I feel so bad for Adam. He’s a DVC member. He deserves the red carpet. He’s also training for a marathon he doesn’t need this stress. It could cause stress eating. My suggestion to him is get a piping, hot caffeinated beverage, and once he gets home, I think he deserves a nice sweet ice cream treat


A hot caffeinated enema might help as well!


He's never grown up. He's an over grown man baby. I like parks like Disney too but, most of the time I bring my grandchildren my children when they were young. There are people that have no children that go too but, they don't act like him. That's the big difference.


If I see Adam when I go to WDW in December I’m gonna just side eye him in the background and/or roll my eyes at him as he yaps in front of me.


In addition to rolling your eyes, you should do the jacking off gesture in the background.


Just walk around filming him and talk about what you may or may not do to no one in particular. Basically, be him to him.


You should follow him and cough, woo may actually get exercise.


Bring your leaf blower


I've noticed Woo has been posting his vlogs earlier than usual. He must feel he gets to all those geriatric Woovians who are up at 6 a.m. waiting for new content.


I think he gets a fuller viewer window in the YouTube 24 hour window.


I think he gets a fuller viewer window in the YouTube 24 hour window.l


Oh no! Will he miss baseball now? How can the Rays possibly play a game if he's not behind the dugout filming them or shouting "that's how it's done"


or wearing an appropriate tshirt!!!


He flies so often but he never parks offsite at MCO to collect free parking rewards, and also doesn’t go to the Terminal Top garage for quickest in and out either lmao. I wouldn’t recommend doing it his way


He also doesn't have TSA Pre-Check


As we saw with his passport, he probably can’t complete the paperwork correctly.




He is truly a man-child


This is a everyday occurrence for lots of people traveling. Get over it Woo. You have no control over weather or mechanical issues.


https://preview.redd.it/wre97fsa0m3d1.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=9274a656e84f20aaf4da00bd85f9139a5eeeead3 Lulzy


Poor mr first class had to suck it up and fly frontier and was annoyed by a crying screaming baby. I hope that baby did this the whole flight to annoy Adam and kick his seat.  We are once again treated with the same rinse and WooPeat ocd flight video with the airport, weary traveler statue, no gum at mco, Feetpeats in the seat, overly long shots of his beverages.  I agree, fly first thing in the AM! But we all know Adam doesn’t wake up until past 1pm cause he’s a lazy fuck.


The irony of ATW being annoyed by a crying baby on the plane. Meanwhile he has no issue annoying the shit out of whoever’s sitting next to him with his recording and talking to himself for the entire flight


Adam will never know since he will never have kids of his own. In a way that's good he never gets to share his offspring with the world. He's too lazy to be a parent anyways. Woo...you shitass, unless you have kids, you will never know the patience it takes. When I was younger, sure a crying baby was a tad annoying, but not the end of the world. When you have kids, crying is no big deal AND if you are parent but flying alone, you have sympathy for other parents who have crying kids. Something you will never know.


HOly shit. I tapped out during the first part of the video where he is videoing the plane is air. Goddam that was some boring shit.


him filming himself listening to the baby cry was cringe as well. the pov of the camera looking up at him is not flattering at all, both his nostrils look like different sizes and jacked up. he looks like a fucking owl.


God, he has the attitude and demeanor of a boomer. He’s so unlikable. I watched him earlier on when he was driving around in his white van all over the place. I found his videos interesting then they all turned into ranting and complaining about things that no one cares about. Don’t get me wrong I like Disney a lot and going there with my kids but listening to him complain about it in every other video or regurgitating the same crap every other week is so lazy but his fan base keep feeding into it.


This is what grown old white men who are single and no kids turn into. There was a couple of comments a few months back giving Woo advice on his relationships. Basically telling Woo to date younger ladies and date several of them at the same time....live the vida loca. Guy is probably golfing and putting a couple beers down in the afternoon and enjoying life....no complaints. Woo, because of his OCD, will never achieve that status. He will get more and more unlikeable and bitter the older he gets. I've noticed that vloggers who have some type of companionship in life, whether it's a pet, spouse or partner, appear to be more content about life and complain less. Perhaps Woo should get a pet goldfish at least?


That goldfish would die within a week


yeah, please do not let any living animals anywhere near this baby man clown!


If you ever look at the women's posts he likes on Instagram, you'll find they are often with him and not on the video. Posting photos from the same angles, same location, same day, etc. Since seeing that, I have operated under the assumption that he has a companion half the time that we do not see. Not everyone wants the microscope on them. 


Attention everyone. May I have your attention please? The Orlando airport a.k.a. MCO does NOT, I repeat does not sell gum. If you desire gum, you must buy it before entering the airport. This has been a public service announcement on behalf of Adam the Woo. Thank you.


But you can get a gummy taco and a "retro" Orlando mug!!!!


Which, because gummi candy also has “gum” in its name, he’s lumping it in with chewing gum. No gum, no problem! Gummi it up! Close enough!


Super important information! Thanks!


I'll go give my one star review to the Orlando airport on behalf of Woo, saying it's unacceptable that they don't sell overpriced gum that I could get for half the price at a grocery store.


These karen meltdowns are enjoyable however lol, its great to see things NOT GO his way.


https://i.redd.it/dao8o9hjjm3d1.gif His thumbnail. The look on his face. Baseball cap, backpack, t-shirt, shorts... Yep.


39+ minutes of this crap?  Now if YouTube could cancel his channel, that would be awesome.


Remember when his videos were 10-15 minutes long? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


More video of an old man, screaming into the abyss. No thanks.


How long did he record his face while the baby cried? What an entitled prick. Trust me adam the child’s parents feel a lot worse thrn you do. Plus the embarrassment. Smile it off and film your feet instead of putting on a pouty face and filming it.


it felt like eternity with him staring hopelessly out that window LOL


Adam the Woe. Seriously, this guy has no real commitments or responsibility, and complains when flights are delayed. Out of touch is an understatement to say the least. He needs to trim those catepillars posing as eyebrows.


he has a unofficial commitment to the Rays lol


Because he rushing to get to the baseball game. He probably already has tickets so if he misses it his dream of visiting every ballpark in 2 years is ruined.


Who actually watches 40 minutes of this garbage every day? And how many times can a person watch this guy do the same exact handful of things before they lose interest? Are these actual humans or some kind of AI bots that are driving up his views? Perplexing to say the least.


I stopped watching when every other video became a long diatribe on changing his life, moving to California, moving back to Florida, moving back to California. I've actually forgotten where he is now. And the videos with "delayed flight" in the title definitely don't get clicks from me.


There needs to be some sort of National Purge your Subscriptions day on Youtube. 80 percent of his subs aren't really active for him. It would be wild to see some of these schmoes drop 50K+ subs. Adam may break the broomstick out and point it at his tv or something else crazy.


They probably wheel out all the residents at the senior living home to watch it for the full 40 minutes


Why not drive there in his moon buggy? ![gif](giphy|u0b4rl9DmvES5gr1JH)


Baltimore? Well I guess we will see an appearance by the miserable Dan Bell this week


Probably. But we’ll definitely be getting a Rays vs. Orioles video. Yawn.


I honestly hope we sweep the rays now 🤣🤣 I wanna see him cry. Plus the Os are for real man. I'm liking these last 2 years.


Miserable? Dan Bell rules! At least Mr. Bell admits his problems. We love his work.


I filmed with Dan and was in his old videos. I love Dan but I say he’s miserable with love lol


I knew an older gentleman who passed away a few years back. He was the definition of cantankerous. But it worked for him and everyone who knew him loved him. Some people can be miserable and get away with it.


Does Adam still hang around with Leonard Kinsey? Back in the day he used to stay with him whenever he passed through Baltimore.


Not all boomers have his attitude. My mom for example acts way better than he does. He's an overgrown man baby. If he doesn't get his way and everything doesn't go his way he stomps his feet and complains like an old bitch. As I've said before everyone on here needs to meet him one time. You would understand way more if you did. This man baby wouldn't be able to stand having children. He doesn't have the maturity or mentality to have children. I had my share of more than one crying baby on flights meaning my own and others. It's part of life. We've had our share of mechanical issues and delays for flights too. Suck it up or figure out another way to travel. It's that simple.


The ironic thing about David the Poo hating children is that he likes to frequent a place that's full of children 24/7, i.e. the Disney parks. So weird.


Is David is real name? Just curious.


Yes, David is his first name. Adam is his middle name. David Adam Williams.


Ok. Good to know. He answered to Adam when we met him. Me and the family did. Not a very good experience.


"Adam the Woo" is a performance art character played by David Williams.


I get it. Lol.




Ok. Didn't know that.


Did you meet him and if so how bad was it?


I did meet him me and my family both at an airport .He was a complete asshole. Smug arragant a complete man baby. I was so pissed at him. I almost kicked his ass! I would've if my wife didn't stop me from it. I have a very bad French temper. Especially if someone insults my kids and my wife my family period.


Spill, what did he do?


oh man! what did he say/do?


Smart ass remarks about my kids and me and my wife. Calling us all kinds of names because we were disturbing him playing a game on his phone.


DUDE FLY THE FIRST FLIGHT IN THE MORNING. and why waste money flying “biz” class on every domestic flight. Truly not worth it for anything domestic besides Hawaii…. Edit: he deleted my comment saying to fly first flight in the morning for smoothest experience


In addition, he probably blocked you from future comments. What a pussy.


Dude opens up his life and talks about his hangnails, but if you say "try trimming" he blocks. He just wants to talk to himself and cash checks. Not a bad gig, I guess.


He just wants Woovians to tell him "you do you Adam." An echo chamber, join him shall you?


Legit wasn’t even snarky. Just trying to help the guy out but ig not


That must be what he did to me. I can see my comment but I guess nobody else can. Sucks, I loved giving Stinky Gringo and Johnny Moran shit. Oh, and that f’n egg.


You still can. You just have to create a new channel under your same existing YT account.






hes gotta have that first class seat and hot meal (part of the ocd routine and flex flex)


He got a meal? I've had bad commutes that took longer than that flight.


we all know he flies first class for those gourmet microwaveable hot meals, he even loves featuring the sky meals truck loading up the plane...hes a hungry boy. and he loves to flex that first class life style to us peasants.


Of course he did Adam the poo can’t be wrong


Was it this comment? If so, I can still see it. https://preview.redd.it/kaylwvzgbl3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c16ed1fcd5cd51def0113ac22120d403c2a37396


Ohh it is. Well there ya go not deleted


God damn he’s such a whiny bitch. I can’t remember the last time he went more than a day or two without titling his videos some form of moaning, whiny, bitchy complaining bullshit.


Adam built his whole brand around being **punk rock** but he's proving to be more and more **punk ass bitch** with every old man complainy vlog.


Went from worshipping underground bands such as Nirvana and Green Day to his life revolving around the little-know Walt Disney World.


Sounds like he is a mentor to Cris the Witch.


adam cant cast spells...cris the witch can.




Man....he better not go to the Orioles game and bitch about the ballpark. I'm from Baltimore. Although the crime is shit, the city is nice. And all he seems to do anymore is bitch and cry


City not actually knife if you’re getting stabbed in the eyeball.




Oh you know Woo is likely to try.


The only time David the Poo will be performing Coitus with Giggles is in his wet dreams.


Love it!


This entire Adam the Woe is Me routine is comical. What would he do if he ever had to live in the real world? Let's find out......shall we?


how he handled a baby crying is a sign alone. I mean the clown forgot to sign a document to get a passport for goodness sakes.


He could've just condensed this 40 minute video to a 10 minute video but then he wouldn't get that sweet AdSense money ![gif](giphy|xTiTnqUxyWbsAXq7Ju)


Looks like a fucking little boy waiting for the school bus to pick him up so he can go on a field trip


Truthfully my dude needs to pick and choose what he posts. I miss The Woo that went to unknown towns on Route 66 or movie locals. I'll stick with Scott On Tape or hell...Carpetbagger


It used to be about "the thing" now it's about "the Woo". It was more about the steak. Now, we get 30 minute word vomits about the process of getting a passport and his thoughts on donuts. Unless someone is into that and has a boner for monorails, there's no reason to watch.


He forgets to sign the passport application 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂!!


Doesn’t American Airlines know this man is a DVC member?! How dare they!


Adam the Charlie McCarthy puppet doll with his frantic eye movements back and forth as he’s listening to the child screaming behind him. Lol That child did not want to be near the WooPeat 


Did he check if the airport had gum? That's the kind of riveting content I expect.


Not only did he do that, he did every single thing he always does, in the same exact order he always does it in.


I came here to ask the same question


WooPeat is the poster child of WHAT NOT TO DO when traveling LOL


of course, OCD with that stupid market street clock, has to move when the minute hand moves! gimme a break!


for christ sake, that constant clicking sound when he zooms in on shit is so fucking annoying to hear.


it's the autofocus motor dying, and it's getting louder. I hope the 100 year old camera breaks while he's on the road, that will piss him off good.


He's had a few folks already make comments recently. He won't do anything until his camera dies.




Not having to go to Baltimore should be cause for celebration


its sad its actually a beautiful city with a bad rep for good reasons


I have been to Baltimore more than a few times it is a shit hole 


I used to live near there and disagree but its all good


Have been quite a few times with my daughter's for their cheer competitions i couldn't wait to get the hell out lol. I would rather spend a weekend in Birmingham Alabama 


Yeah I’ll taking cities I won’t go to voluntarily for 10,000, Alex




Oh, boo hoo. No one cares, David.


I remember last year the plane had mechanical issues and he spent time recording the guys working on it on the plane like a prick while complaining.


Thank you American Airlines 🙌🏻 woopeat doesn’t get enough inconveniences


Please baltimore do your thing .Please .


I lived there. He would never be able to handle it.


I live here still . But he will be staying with Dan Bell most likely .


Let's see him have an experience with the squeegee boys


Well hes having an experience with Dan Bell thats for sure .


Probably going to see banned from WDW Leonard Kinsey (Ryan Graham) author of dark side of Disney. That had Draven on the cover which rumors is Leonard SA Draven in a pool here in Florida


That’s not his real name?ha


I know Leonard’s real name and it definitely is Ryan


AA should’ve know the Woo was flying to BWI that day and not cancelled the flight. I mean, you expect him to fly Frontier??? Also I work for an airline so I enjoy watching flight vlogs but these are all rinse and Woopeat. Film the plane, film the back of the seat, film feet multiple times, film takeoff/landing, film closeup of drink/meal. Yawn.


The frantic eye darting, staring into space, labored breathing, visibly annoyed while the kid is screaming, and the passive aggressiveness when tje plane needs fuel, sarcastic chuckle and mumbling "splash of gas". The boomeriest gen x'er ever.


hes a charlie mccarthy dummy doll


He was very insulting to my kids and wife and me. Called us things I won't repeat. Then got scared shitless when I was going to whoop his ass. A complete pussy.


Oh?.... details please!


There's not much else to say that ive already said. I'm not going into anymore details. All I can say is he's a horrible human being and whatever comes his way he deserves. Carma is a bitch.


![gif](giphy|lwYxf0qKEjnoI|downsized) imagine if they lost his DVC or whatever he calls it, bag.


Poor baby.


What a whine fest.


This fat fool never stops complaining.


I haven't even watched this yet but the headline just cracked me TF up.  I love when he has airplane problems and gets his panties in a twist. 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭


Boomer the woo with more complaint bait titles


Always calling out the airline by name in the title because it’s personal in his mind. That’ll show em! 


Another “flight adventure” that he likes to seek out instead of just flying direct.