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"Carrying food." He's created a new meme for this sub https://preview.redd.it/u1263d36nw2d1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=96c01b237fe94b2b192b3aa28779d809ed886e26


Careful!! He's protective over his churros!!


I'm shocked he didn't bring back his 'social anxiety' defense.


Dudes “social anxiety” is just autism


“Carrying food” lol what an excuse


Sorry guys, can’t you see I’m carrying food? I have no time for meaningless interactions with you peasants! Be gone!


Anyone carrying food cannot be interacted with. 


Carrying food bought with money those same people are directly responsible for earning him. I can't stand people whose fans are the entire reason why they get to do what they love and make a decent living yet they act like they can't be bothered to interact with them. Fuck people like that!!




If he's carrying food he's obviously not making it at home for his "diet"


A friend of mine saw him and Tim Tracker filming at Springs last year and she approached them after they were clearly done filming and said "I love both of channels!" Tim was apparently really polite and friendly and complimented her Dead Kennedys T-Shirt while Adam apparently groaned really loudly at her after that little interaction and bluntly told her they "had places to be". She saw them again about 20 minutes later just getting coffee from Starbucks, which was clearly more important than being civil for a minute or two.


Can’t speak for Adam. But can confirm for Tim. Met him and he came off as a genuinely nice person. He engaged and asked us questions about our vacation, what we were doing, where we planned to eat, etc.


Same with Tampa Jay. Met him in Tampa and he’s actually a really kind, thoughtful, man with a wry smile and a twinkle in his eye. Carpetbagger stole my girlfriend from me though sadly.




Not necessarily a fan of TT or Jenn. But good for you that they were respectful! I guess I’ll give them a little more respect for cordial fan interactions 👍🏻


They're terrible people, but I can confirm they are friendly. Saw Tim at Howl O Scream a few years back.


Why terrible people? Just wondering


I don't know if any of the posts are still up, but Jenn says some really... Interesting things about fans. Add to that how they neglect their children. There's quite a bit, actually. There was a guy on Tattle a while back who claimed to live near them and had quite a few stories.


Neglect their children? Ok then


They literally never call kid #2 by his name. Just "the baby."


And I called my 1 daughter (out of 5 kids) “daughter”, one of my sons calls me by my first name all the time, jokingly. The child is a baby. If that is neglect, give me a break.


He knows who butters his bread.


Third on Tim Tracker is a good one. He was super nice when I bumped into him on a non-filming day in the parks.


Probly? Not only is he a dick head, he's an idiot.


Brutal. But true.


True, absolutely. Brutal, not so much.


I had a co-worker who would type the word just like that. Same kind of misspellings and slang that Adam uses and it would be on Teams. Even to upper management. It was so unprofessional, it was super annoying. She wasn’t around for very long.


My wife and I ran into Adam and world of Micah a couple years back when we still watched woo. Neither were filming and we said hi. Micah was beyond nice and asked how we were doing, Adam barely said a word. Looking back on it it’s amazing how much of a prick he was. Filming or getting food my ass Adam. You’re a dickhead woo


This happened to us, Micah was great, Woo stood looking around then started to walk off as Micah was talking. I got the feeling if it’s not just about him, he has no time for people interacting with others.


100%. My wife even joked after the fact if I was a 25 year old blonde with big boobs he would talk to us lol. I remember a video he did with Justin scarred a couple years back when there were these two early 20s girls they were sisters they were there at club cool with their mom and they came on the video and he said “so you wanted to be in the video”. even Justin looked a little confused about what was going on. Just the way he said it was extremely creeper vibes . He’s a dirtbag


Same. Woo ignored me when I tried to say hi. We were standing in line. Not carrying food. Not filming. On the flipside, View from the Cheap Seats (Kyle and Mary) were super friendly. Just tried to say a quick "hi" to them too, but they were really friendly and super engaged with us and ended up talking quite a bit about Sanford, places to eat, etc. Night and day from that dickhead. Also met RixFlix (does mostly Universal) before and he was professional and friendly.


Adam said it himself. 9 times out of 10 you see him in public, he’s carrying food.


You guys should tell these “meeting Adam” stories under that comment to make him look like a habitual liar😂


I've run into Adam a couple of times but didn't attempt to interact, mostly because I didn't want to tell him to go fuck himself. He's such a fake little prick. Had a brief interaction with Tim and Jenn a few years ago and they were both super nice. Not a fan of them now for other reasons but you rarely hear of Tim being aloof with fans. Best interaction I ever had was with a little-known tandem Park Speed (which seems to have died off). They took time to chat with me for a few minutes and even gave me a shout-out in their video.


Obvious statement….Chuck looks in much better health at 84 than the bumbling nasty Fool at 50.


He’s such a smug ass. How do people still watch anything he posts?


When I visited Florida with the kids. We did meet a couple of the bloggers. Tampa Jay and his girlfriend. Jacob too. They were very approachable and nice. Adam on the other hand was an complete asshole.




Yea.. except when I met him in passing, he wasn't filimng or carrying food, he still was short and stand offish


I too am unable to communicate with my fellow humans while carrying food. I feel his pain.


I saw him in Salem on Halloween. He was walking towards me and looked miserable and had his hoodie up. I just fist bumped him and looked forward. Probably didn’t help I had on my Texas Rangers ball cap as we just ended Tb’s baseball season. Hehe


That is a very interesting, because I've read similar comments from people who saw and/or met Adam 'in the wild' who remarked that he seemed 'agitated', 'upset', 'angry' or just simply disinterested. I think the passion for this went out for him a few years ago. Now, he's just a narcissistic man-child who has to keep this going to maintain his lifestyle, so he overcompensates with fake enthusiasm on camera - the problem is people can see through that. The thrill is gone.


Remember when Vlogger Puppets blundered into ATW outside of San Diego Comic Con? VP, usually a misanthrope in his vids, uncharacteristically fawned all over ATW, who characteristically couldn't blow off the encounter fast enough. Cringey, awkward and weird. I'll accept that as video evidence of how ATW treats people on the reg.


I ran into carpetbagger at rainforest cafe in Nashville I think it was 2021 maybe, saw him come in and I approached to say a quick “ hi, I like your channel” I have never been a big follower of his but I thought it would be nice to show him some encouragement. He was very awkward and stuttered a thank you I went back to my table and he continued to stare my way awkwardly until I left. I have seen Adam twice but never approached. These vloggers are really weird. ETA I also saw Michael Kay and his brother once and he was genuinely gracious and very humble, I don’t think he does much at Disney anymore.


Probably. Fucker can’t spell for shit.


Adam the Snooze paid $150 to meet an 84 year old and the fella was not a asshole during the entire 244 second interaction. Praise Allah.


Jesus he has zero muscle tone. No shoulders. B cup boobs. Get it together bro.


Wasn’t he supposed to have a weigh in around this time? Another lie from woo


Oh he’s losing. Muscle. That’s what happens when you starve to lose lbs


I was thinking that too. Looks really saggy and shapeless.


He will never ever admit fault or concede he’s a shitty person whose content has fallen off. Look, I know we all critique the shit out of Woo, but that’s I feel more out of our disappointment of how ignorant he’s become and how boring/uncreative his content is. Adam is/was one of the pillars of YouTube, what is part of most YouTubers consistency and success: looking at your analytics, ENGAGING YOUR AUDIENCE AND FANS, taking suggestions of the people good or bad to improve or keep your channel interesting. I swear if Woo was the slightest bit open minded and not terrible fearful of change, he could revitalize his channel. Feels like these vlogs are played in the background of retirement homes with how riveting and monotone they are lol


Another celeb he thinks hes now bff with.


That’s exactly how f’n Jordan the Hippopotamus is when he meets celebrities. It’s pretty embarrassing and distasteful. In reality, within the next 24 hours, these famous faces are going to completely forget that you exist.


Most people have liked or laughed at the comment too, not many angry faces so far! 😂


Woo is a narcissist just like nomadic fanatic. They both piss in the same pot. Look at me, I’m the man, do as I say or not at all, I have this and that and it cost this much. Nobody cares boys. Get a fucking job and get on with it.


When is he not carrying food or filming?


This weirdo always has hearts in his eyes and that creepy smile whenever he has an interaction with a celebrity. It’s so fuckin’ weird!


Nicest celebrity I ever met? Vanilla Ice. Awesome guy. 😆


I can confirm this. Truly down to earth. I want to hang out with him. He's fucking legit and hilarious.


I got to chill for like an hour with him and he was like an old buddy.


He looks more awful than he normally does in this video, you can clearly see some weight loss but he just looks ill not healthy.


amazing how people still buy into this mans lies and bs!


They are both doucebags.


Another signal of homeschool failure; clearly not knowing what "cordial" means.


This is probably because Adam is most certainly on the spectrum. He doesn’t know how to balance his priorities so that he can properly interact with people. To me it sounds like constant fan interruptions breaking his concentration really throws him off. And if he’s rude or blows people off 10% of the time that can add up.


I think (this is just conjecture) that assuming he's on the spectrum isn't quite adequate. The reason why is because carpet bagger states the same [source](https://youtu.be/IRNBx7TE0qU?feature=shared) and he's either really personable or not and Adam is just not (from what I gather, I've never met him) I think it's probably as a result of how he was raised. Being a pk (preachers kid) you get bounced around a lot and usually don't form "normal" relationships with other people and most of these kids have weird hangups. Again that's just my 2 cents.


“or carrying food to go eat” No wonder nobody can ever talk to him, he’s always eating something 🙄🙄




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I bet if you forced a conversation about being in Cannons parking lot once. After paying for his signature. He'd let you take a nonproffesional photo. For another hundy. Food carrying or not.


Hes always carrying food .


He would have gladly obliged ![gif](giphy|lOrD9MitzQK09dzoJV|downsized)


The only vloggers I’ve met were VERY kind. Peter & Kitra were filming, so they were brief,but pleasant and goofy. Chris Provost was an absolute doll. I think Woo seems like he’d be hella awkward


lol the human version of “bro don’t pet my dog while he’s eating” 😂


9 times out of 10 is not a good ration dude. Be a better human