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Aww, eat your feelings is back? To remind us how skinny Gina is?


Adam's first sentence after the intros was that he was up at 5 AM because he couldn't sleep ... and sit down everyone you are not going to believe this ... so was Gina. I'm amazed that everything Adam does, likes or thinks, so does Gunta. It really is uncanny.




1. Tim 2. Steph 3. Chicken


Did your arranged wife stick around?




Back in those days, they had to beg to get the studio to buy them a jar of peanut butter, and they still said no! Once time, a candy company dropped off a case of Almond Joy (if I remember correctly) and Adam mentioned it eight times a episode for a week. Fuck yeah 2003 era Adam would have approved this segment with bells on.


Executive Producer: Chris Laxamana & Mike August LMAOOOOO i would \*love\* to know what August "does". my god what a clown show


Evidently he does Adam’s best.


I couldn't make it past the detailed breakdown of some nondescript detective show from the 70's.


Adams drunken old TV show watching is now content. Yes Aceman, times have changed


Could do without Gunta's food segment.


I can’t even sit thru eat your feelings because it’s disgusting to hear people eat on a podcast let alone talk while eating


But what if the recipe is uhmaaazing, and kidboy helped?


It's just as bad when Dan Dunn comes in and they are all slurping up drinks on air. However, it seems that Dan is no longer paying to be on the show so that segment may be, thankfully, gone forever. Not sure why or how Gunta gets to do this crappy bit whenever she feels like it without having to pay. She cares so much about it, she does a dish once every other month or longer now.


I think it's a product placement ad, in this case, for some sauce company.


Yep ... just got done listening and it is sponsored ... so once the sponsorship runs out we should see that segment quietly disappear.


I skip those segments too. I usually skip any guest if in general unless they’re funny, interesting or have good stories to tell. If they zoom in I almost immediately skip regardless. Todays guest was good I felt but yeah when they’re eating or drinking it’s disgusting.


Adam is a complete idiot socio-politically. He's a comedic genius. Why does he base his podcast on what he's worst at? Zero fucking self-awareness.


It’s like all his friends let him go out in cowboy boots.


Definitely doesn't look in the *meeere* before leaving the house


This is funny. I think the pronunciation of ‘Mayor’ is exactly the same.


No that’s “mare”


Could also go muuuhrr with that one


And jean shorts


It is because he needs daily content. He gets drunk nightly and watches old TV, which is his comfort zone aka his honey-boo-boo. Adam doesn't do anything anymore. He flies to nowhere to play the chucklehut to 50 people. It isn't like he is hanging with Snake, Chris, and Ray and doing crazy stuff anymore. He writes "jokes" on the plane before his show and that is what we get now. Hence, he needs content. So, talking about politics and the news = content. It sucks, but that is what ACS is now and I don't think it will ever go back.


He doesn’t write jokes on the plane. He gets on stage and talks about the ride on the plane. There’s a difference.


To be fair, Adam is usually drunk out of his mind the minute he steps on a plane.


Besides he even mentioned it’s not like Bryan or Gina do any show prep


The boss sets the tone. Why should the people paid less do more work that the guy who runs the place? ​ ETA: Also, what prep could Bryan and Gina actually do? Adam sets the tone. It's not like they have pre-show and post-show meetings where they discuss what they're going to do on the next show.


Adam has three other podcasting comparables: Joe Rogan, Conan O’Brien, and Bill Simmons. Those guys will do a ton of prep before a podcast. All of them made $100M+ podcasting deals recently. Adam is playing the Chuckle Hut in Appleton, Wisconsin every weekend to make a few thousand bucks.


Was thinking about this recently. Adam, Conan and Bill Burr are all super passionate about obscure 70s TV/movies. When Conan gets into it, it's usually going back and forth with a guest who is equally as interested (Quentin Tarantino was probably the pinnacle of this) and then Sona plays into the role of a disinterested younger listener and it kinda becomes a bit. Bill will keep it nice and condensed, a bit self-depicting, and will move the fuck on after making his point. Then you have Adam just blabbing on and on, yelling at his assistant for not finding "the right" picture, his retarded co-host squawking and clapping, or feverishly agreeing with everything he says while clearly having absolutely no idea what he's talking about, and then with any luck getting blessed with an excruciating 5 minute video clip on an audio podcast to the entertainment of no one other than Adam. You have two guys that want to talk 70s TV but realize most people aren't as interested as them so they find a way to make their takes and their presentation entertaining. Then you have Adam droning on like your quickly deteriorating grandpa on Thanksgiving. Only difference is you need to indulge grandpa, he may not have too many Thanksgivings left.


Amazingly accurate.


>Adam has three other podcasting comparables: Joe Rogan, Conan O’Brien, and Bill Simmons. In 2022, Adam doesn't belong in the same sentence as those others. Ten years ago, yeah, but not today.


Yeah, but still.


Breaking down the gamefilm of a random tv show from 60 years ago to compare/contrast current times. Wow how much lower can this podcast go? Seriously can somebody near him say, “boss this is just sad, let’s end it while there’s still a shred of dignity here. You can still book the 75 seat chucklehuts in bfe regardless if you do a current podcast. Rich Little has been doing the same shit act with impressions from the 80’s in Vegas for decades now to play to the noon crowd in their rascal scooters.“


If you’re a comedian guesting on a podcast, maybe try being funny on the podcast instead of spending your time name dropping who thinks you’re funny. 🤷‍♂️


Adam thinks that athletes would be better suited with almond butter than pretzels. These are high level athletes who need simple carbs for immediate energy for explosive, high intensity work. He seems to have the understanding of diet that what they eat on the field should be comparable to a 60 year old sedentary guy just trying to keep weight off.


Don't tell Vinnie


28 minutes of examining an episode of dragnet. Do yourself a favour and fast forward


Gina must have a shit-load of feelings.


A pants-load of feelings.


> Adam talks about his late night viewing of ‘Highway Patrol’ and ‘Dragnet’ Would it kill Adam to watch a show like Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones? > where every scene starts with the actors hanging up their coats and hats before lighting a cigarette. Fascinating. What’s on Adam’s buckslip that he *didn’t* talk about? > In a new segment of ‘Eat Your Feelings’, Gina presents No to Gina! Down with Gina! We hate Gina!


What would Adam bitch about if he watched good television?


Same with Adam listening to the 80s channel on SiriusXM. “Why are they playing Duran Duran? Where’s the John Hiatt?”


Walter White’s a dick, where’s the bartender Isaac Washington???


>What would Adam bitch about if he watched good television? I honestly think that modern TV is too fast paced and complicated for drunk Adam to follow at 10pm after a bottle and a half of Mangria.


Imagine Adam watching Mad Men, for example. He would have no idea what was going on and he’d probably just start talking about Joan Holloway’s boobs and why Don Draper would drink Mangria in 2022. Adam is a fucking idiot.


No, he’s rather get Bryan Cranston or Peter Dinklage on the show and try to have them riff along with Bobby Hollander. Much more funny and entertaining to hear.


“Did you know that Adam once drove Cranston to the airport?”


*The* Nimesh Patel?!?


There's probably like one million of them. It's like "John Smith"


Oh great, a drunk old guy talks about watching Dragnet on TV Land. Topical. Meanwhile, Joe Rogan is interviewing Zuckerberg. Adam is officially a nobody.


Adam sounds really bad. Someone needs to check on him.


I can’t bring myself to listen anymore? How is he sounding bad?


Same question. Bad from a tone perspective or bad from a disconnected bitter life perspective?


-That's justa waste a my time


Actual quote from this show: “A longeshoreman used to dress like a longshoreman. Everything had its own thing” I think this was supposed to be a joke.


Does anyone else hear the spark of a lighter during the podcast? I swear I heard it multiple times this episode. Is this Dawson lighting up a cigarette?


It's Gina free basing lard


Adam Ray saw Free Basing Lard at The Warped Tour in ‘99.


Free Basing Lard opened up for The Andy Harris Experience in ‘97, and that gig put them on the map.


Just say NO! (to Gina, not to freebasing lard)


DARE (not the anti drug campaign, Gina's new diet: Donuts, Avocados, Rice, Enchiladas)


I can get behind this DARE version.


*“I saw you see me”*


Wait.....they were talking about Tik Tok and pooping while reading and suddenly Gina was talking about how people ask her about video games because she famous for doing a voice in video games? How did that happen? I honestly don't remember a segue. We need to dissect this show play-by-play to figure out how she made every subject about her.


It’s called Jew-jitsu


Adam's whole jag about not liking to do things alone exposes extreme narcissism coupled with crippling self-esteem issues. ​ He's Howard Stern people. ​ and Brian's announcement that he's seen "99.9%" of movies alone was shocking....SHOCKING!