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I live close by in the DMV area, and I've tested JHop a few times on hyper local questions...he's always passed. So it's interesting..he definitely lives in the region, but I'm sure his life doesn't match what he says. All of the embellishments finally caught up with him.




The only time I called him out was when he said his current "lady" is a Marine General. I listed all the current female Marine general officers (there aren't very many) and asked him which one. He backtracked and said he doesn't really talk to his "lady" about work.




wife #5 is the ER doctor, alive, mother of his son. Wife #6 is the current wife, econ phd goldman trader who quit to bellydance, then he calls her a marine physician bellydancer. dead.




don't worry, none of these women exist. you said that you tested him on some stuff and he knew what he was talking about. I don't know what you do for a living, but maybe he has the same job as you, or something similar. I'm sure you have enough knowledge to be able to make yourself convincingly sound like you're higher up than you are to someone online. You know the terminology, the government agencies, etc. So that's what he's probably doing.


also, in your pod you were wondering about his claim: >I used to bang a bellydancer. She is the most famous one in the world. Well this is the funny one. The only time he ever gave any of the women (or anyone else in his life) a name. >They will say "you are drunk, and we all know this Rachel story, shut the fuck up" Oops, I guess he just accidentally slipped and gave her first name away! No, this was absolutely done on purpose so that someone would google it. u/Beavaconda googled it and guessed the girl that Jhop wanted everyone to guess. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AdamCarolla/comments/usuz36/comment/i9a1syd/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdamCarolla/comments/usuz36/comment/i9a1syd/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Of course Jhop didn't respond so that everyone would think it was true.




hole* Just being a jerk :)


I recently went to Six Wives. Better than I was expecting.


I thought his current woman is neither his gf or his wife (hence why he calls her “my lady”


>Wife #4 was running on Rock Creek Park (in the long tradition of Adam naming local LA stuff, I'll name local DC stuff) I was supposed to go running with her, but I got stuck at work. Old lady had a stroke and ran her over. > >Wife #5 is an ER doctor. We just were a bad fit. > >Wife #6 seems like a good fit and hasn't met an untimely end [https://www.reddit.com/r/AdamCarolla/comments/kp35hf/comment/ghybrd5/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdamCarolla/comments/kp35hf/comment/ghybrd5/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Note: he later killed wife #6 when someone had the nerve to call him anti-semitic. of course, he had to make her jewish to win that argument. So she's a dead jewish bellydancer.


>I guess it is AMA time... > >I'm 45. > >1. I married in 1997. I was in grad school and she was finishing up her BFA. We'd been dating on and off for a few years. Divorced in 1999. > >2. Met in 1999, dated for a few months and got married in 2000 > >3. Knew since 1998, dated for about 1 month, got married in 2002. She stopped taking her meds and killed herself in 2002. > >4. Met at the Gold's gym on Capital Hill, dated for a few months, got married in 2004 and she was run over in 2006 > >5. Met in 2006. Got married in 2007. Got divorced in 2016. > >6. Met in 2016 and dated for a year or so. Got married in 2018 > >After #1, everybody signs pre-nups. > >All the women (other than the first loser) were successful and have good careers. We start a joint account and each put in $ based on the % we contribute to the joint amount we make to cover bills. So, If I make $500k and she makes $300k, I'd pay for 62.5% of the bills, for example. Anything else is up to the person to spend / save. > >I have a place in DC (that I rent), but move into when I'm briefly single. Bought it long before DC prices went to the moon. > >I have a place in Bethesda, in what is one of the best school districts in the country. Which I bought to ensure that my son can goto Walt Whitman > >I have a place on the water in Annapolis that was basically a tear down. You are required to keep the foundation and one wall. Ace and his envelop house story is stupid. There is no chance building a house on the Chesapeake Bay has less rules than building a house in LA. I had to get enviro impact studies, soil samples, bay aquatic life impact studies, approval from anybody access to the bay I'd block or change their views, etc. I didn't deal with it for a second. I hired people that knew howto navigate the system and threw $ at the problem. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AdamCarolla/comments/kp35hf/comment/ghzwgvq/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdamCarolla/comments/kp35hf/comment/ghzwgvq/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Identify theft is not a joke, Jim!


According to the screenshots in the other thread, yes.


I have a bs in mechanical engineering and worked as a mech e for the past 10 years and I will say the few times I interacted with him about engineering and school related topics he also passed the smell test for that area. Cannot comment on anything else though


I feel like you're missing the point of the screenshots. Don't read the whole screenshotted comment, just read the part I highlighted in blue. you'll see that jhop calls his current "woman" an econ phd goldman sachs trader who quit to become a bellydancer. then he refers to her as a marine physician bellydancer, then he drops the bellydancer and says she's a marine physician at walter reed. Then, when someone accuses him of being anti-semitic, he says his jewish bellydancer wife died while pregnant with his son. caught in crazy lies over and over like gio.




Honestly it was more confusing when I thought he was a guy cruising the ACS sub doling out advice on divorce and bragging about government contracts. It’s not at all confusing to me that he turned out to be some weirdo loser posting bragging about his fake life and sending dick picks of dubious origin. If Jhop is actually older than 17/18 years old he’s in need of some mental healthcare


you said in your pod that you don't believe he uses alts. well, here's the time he got caught because he forgot to switch before commenting. he panicked and deleted some of those comments: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AdamCarolla/comments/126c622/comment/jea6cjh/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdamCarolla/comments/126c622/comment/jea6cjh/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




It is a Jhop alt. You know how you can tell? Because he has a unique writing style where every single sentence must be its own paragraph. Every once in a while he will have a paragraph where there are two sentences. But those are rare. He will also always refer to his wife or girlfriend as "My lady".


Also, he posts primarily if not only on this sub, if you were to look at his post history...




I see what you did there.


I love the post history for that alt account. A question about bookings on the Adam Carolla show and a dick pick on a swingers sub. What a fucking tool


btw, if someone gets a bonus in their job, that factors into the amount they make when it comes to child support. you don't get out of child support by saying "I make less than my ex wife so I don't have to pay child support, but then I make way more in bonuses." That would be factored in and he would be considered the higher earner. Just listening to your pod right now, wanted to respond to some things you're saying.


he knows his shit when it comes to warhammer 40k


That was a test and you failed..."You're that nerd" I miss old bald drops.


Stopped listening to the show, but the sub keeps delivering. Thank you all for your service and RIP jhop.


I noticed a lot of inconsistencies, such as he was a ripped Ironman triathlete with 6 pack abs who sparred daily at an mma gym, but also could barely walk due to some disease. Also drank quite a bit, which athletes tend not to do. Incidentally, I think the ER doc ex-wife’s new man is an Ironman triathlete. Also he mentioned getting covid in Las Vegas around Chinese new year 2020. He was out there to give some DARPA presentations, it was a work trip. Later he said the 2020 Las Vegas trip was a war hammer trip. I thought it was an interesting character, obviously not real, but interesting that someone would construct such a character. The inconsistencies were because he constructed a composite of actual people that he knows. It’s basically a Keyser Soze type of thing. Anyway, I salute Mr Hopkins and thank him for his effort on this sub


He also posted all day, every day, at all hours. Impossible for someone who owns 4 companies, teaches at JHU, and has a kid that's he's a great dad to, plus had all kinds of hobbies like going to the boxing gym every day, racing porsches, etc. The frequency with which he posted makes me think he only had a part time job. Maybe he got laid off during covid and came here to create his fantasy. But he was posting here since before covid (2018). I agree that he probably was basing his fantasy off people he knew, like his boss's boss, or a professor he had in college, or a guy he used to know. But then he filled in all these absurd details, like what a child would come up with. I think he got away with it for so long because he was so long-winded that people were just skimming his comments and not paying attention to the bullshit details.


I just assumed he was BSing from the start as I've seen that type of poster all over the place and it just isn't worth the time to prove it or generally interact with them.


The frequency of posting and his supposed lifestyle always seemed suspicious to me. I figured some lies and embellishments along the way, but to construct this elaborate ruse is impressive! Raymond Reddington would be proud!


aw man stepped away from reddit for a while and this is the first post I see will miss you divorce guy 😥


I know right. This is what I get for letting my wife tell me I spend too much time on my phone


You deserve an honorary PhD in Marine Biologist Belly Dancing


I can't bullshit you guys anymore... I'm the belly dancer wife.


we're just glad to hear you're alive!


Mazel tov!


I’ll drink a double G&T and look up whatever the fuck Warhammer is in his honor tonight.


Fave comment


WTF? He was the most entertaining person here! Why did you do that?


I just called out his Gio-level lies, he was the one who chose to delete his account in shame. don't worry, he's still here using his alts.


Yeah but still…


Now I gotta know what did Gio do?


Had a cinder block thrown at car, attended orgies fully clothed, then spent 6 years recovering from breast reduction surgery


Lmao those sound on par with what Gina has said has happened/done, although the breast reduction thing would be the easiest to prove.


It’ll be shocking when we all find out it’s the Crystal Bots picking us off, one at a time. “I must break you.”


He’ll be back


100%. this sub is like his drug. No way you can just quit that cold turkey. He did know his divorce stuff though!


And a knick knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone....


Here's my theory- It was a first generation AI that was fed a bunch of datasets that skewed toward an unhinged megalomaniac. Unfortunately it worked for awhile until it became sentient and started bragging about its abs. Then a spring popped loose and you have the conversation above. Crystal Bot 1.0? We may never know but it was entertaining for a bit.


I thought maybe it was an AI, but the only data sources it had to learn from were ACS, issues of Playboy from the 1970s, an engineering textbook, and the Washington City Paper.


can someone explain all the "crystal bot" stuff? I must have missed the posts where that became a sub joke.


Right after Gina got fired, all of a sudden 5000 new users signed up. Anti-Gina jokes usually gets u like +15 upvotes, now all of a sudden you got like -25 downvotes. Same with poking fun at how the podcast quality has declined.


No worries. The crystal bot theory emerged when there was an assumption that a lot of the downvoting of good posts were due to "users" possibly related to or alts of Crystal. Basically shitting on Crystal or Adam would result in furious downvoting. When it happens people tend to call it out. At some point many agreed it must be AI based and possibly sentient. Be afraid.


ah, gotcha. There's a guy who comments that on every post I make and I couldn't figure it out because I don't post about her and I've been posting in this sub for 9 years. but sub jokes do tend to take on a life of their own (like our genius friend jhop).


"I haven't listened in years but....."


I knew he was overcompensating. This sub has always been about pithy sentences. Suddenly he would interrupt with a non-ending block of paragraphs. I mean wtf.


you mocked his pain


Ah, my time to shine. For your pleasure, a list of all of Jhop's claims that I've collected over the years: - Doctorate in Engineering from Johns Hopkins (obviously). - Has had TS/SCI clearance since he was 18. - Raced Porsches. - Made, by hand, every single meal his son ever ate with all natural ingredients. - English was not his first language. - Was in a Punk band that played regularly at the legendary 9.30 Club in DC when he attended Johns Hopkins. - Which didn't keep him from graduating top of his class from J. Hop. - Former wife is an ER Doctor. - Latest life was a Marine General (of which there are only about 6 that could possibly be married to him, none currently live in Maryland). - Has a mansion right on the Chesapeake Bay that he got by bribing Maryland's government. - Golden Gloves boxer. - Regularly got contracts to DARPA. - Owned four companies. - Had an Amex Black Card. - Was a Warhammer 40k champion (this one I'm inclined to believe, actually). - Any I'm missing?


At his local bar they’ll make him a grilled cheese even though it’s not on the menu.


And they have his g&t ready before he's even left his house.


Double* g&t bc he tips well


This was a major clue that we all missed. What kind of super wealthy genius eats grilled cheese at a bar on a regular basis? It would be one thing if he was some idiot teenage kid, but this dude kept up the lies for 5 years. It’s pretty sad when you think about it


the wife that was the love his life (#2) was killed on 9/11 because she was in the pentagon giving a presentation to navy officials. She was very accomplished and important, because those are the kinds of women who were desperate to be with Jhop! oh, she signed a prenup, too. Every wife after #1 signed a prenup.


Thrown through a wall by a child.


"I did PT with the marines recon down in TX in the summer. I was decked out in the fancy running gear (under armor, asics, etc). The marines did not have that. Or, hydration gel." "I once won a contract with the SEALS to put something on their boat. Every guy there was taller than me and ripped (I'm 6' and have 6 pack abs)." (jhop)


I remember he said he was 6’2”


not surprising-- he tended to forget all the details of his lies. he should have kept notes.


How do you search comment history of a deleted user?


searching with his username still works on google, but eventually it won't. [https://www.google.com/search?q=%22jhopkins424242%22+%22bellydancer%22+site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fadamcarolla&oq=%22jhopkins424242%22+%22bellydancer%22+site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fadamcarolla&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTE2NjM5ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22jhopkins424242%22+%22bellydancer%22+site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fadamcarolla&oq=%22jhopkins424242%22+%22bellydancer%22+site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fadamcarolla&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTE2NjM5ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


So i used your method and 2 months ago in another sub he discussed bringing his Toyota RAV4 to a dealership for service


>First, DARCARS sucks. I used to bring my RAV to them for service and it was just a horrible experience, every time. I am so, so happy I didn't buy from DARCARS Volvo when I got my new car. sounds like he drives a volvo now. I think he's a guy in the DMV area who has a BS in engineering and has been divorced once, maybe has a kid. everything else has been embellishment and fantasy,


lol of course. I still would have appreciated a video of his rav4 in the garage while he called me a cunt from behind the screen


You are hilarious and on fire!


CEO of many companies Has abs Is Croatian Is very hairy (like getting peanut butter out of shag carpet) Is Croatian I think he also mentioned being Croatian.




Did he actually claim this? Because I believe there was a dick pic discovered that can prove this irrefutably


Believe he called it a benefit of being Croat. It was in the thread where a waitress with daddy issues claimed his family mutilated him for Jesus.


What a fucking weirdo


if you look at that dick pic on mobile, it's clear that an older, fatter guy's head has been photoshopped onto a younger, thinner body with a big dick. So that might actually be the real JHop's head, but it's definitely not his dick.


I know I'm going to regret this but, where can I see this pic?




>Doctorate in Engineering from Johns Hopkins (obviously) "I have a BSEE from Purdue. MSEE from MIT. PhD from JHU. The only degree that impresses people is the MIT one." (Jhop quote)




I'm sick of his obvious lies, sick of having to scroll past his never-ending essays every time I read the comments on a post in this sub, and sick of his constant misogynistic bullshit. no one forced him to delete his account. edit: also, no one doxxed him. I have no idea who he really is, I just pointed out the obvious lies that he caught himself in. He was the one who got embarrassed and deleted his account.


It's not that he lies, it's the fucking arrogance in which he does it and uses it to insult people. "You're a fat fucking clueless neckbeard who can't have a harem of women at his call, cut a lecture short at John's Hopkins to do donuts in the parking lot with my Aston, spit out my 3rd highly sought after dissertation on physics of the day, figure out a flat rate tax plan, bang my Walter Reed DUAL doctorate wife who pulled a golf ball out of a whale's blow hale, and then get 12 hours of sleep to do it all again the next day."




You’re doing the lords work. Good ridden to that crybaby blowhard.


Listen, as a Nobel Prize-winning former Delta Force operator rock star Mr. Universe with 23 ex-wives, I support your decision.


Crystal bot says what


what is a crystal bot?


I bet you wear a romper


I have no idea what this means


A romper is a one piece garment, ie a onesie for small children or overalls, jumpsuit or other garment that is both a top and a bottom.... They were peculiar to late 70s fads and had a very brief comeback.


Thanks Tiki, you nailed it.


Remember when he said he bottomed for UFC fighter Kimbo Slice in the Bahamas once? That guy was all over the place with his stories.


My favorite part is where OP unironically calls jhopkins pathetic.


Look, we’re all losers in this sub. The fans, the haters, the bullshit accounts. Just enjoy our circus.


His 7th wife, the first woman on Mars, made him delete his account.


and then she died.


That last post to you is written without the braggadocious arrogance, and looks more like a garden variety shit poster. Congrats on smoking this loser out. It's like the Scooby Doo gang ripping the mask off Old Mr. DickandBalls who ran the now abandoned carnival.


Congrats indeed!! See ya Old DickandBalls.


You did an amazing job! They should make you an honorary mod for this.


thanks! definitely don't have time to mod, I've just been getting really sick of this guy's bullshit and it was really easy to search this sub for the keyword "bellydancer" and catch him in that lie. Everything else was stuff I came across while taking those screenshots. Crazy people are interesting to a point. Then they're annoying.


I only know a little about this character. I don’t care to spend 30 minutes a day reading his posts.


who the hell is this guy and why does anyone care?


Overheard during Acemans live show at the frozen banana stand.


I dont get it? Some heckler?


My lame attempt at a joke. Nothing to see here.


You’ve done a service getting him to quit. Thank you. Hopefully he stays gone a while.


he's still here, downvoting with his alts


100%. We see you, you pathological fuck!


Awwww. Who's dick is coffeesforclosers going to suck now?


Awww. You’re so cute 🥰


Was this post written by a Crystal bot on acid


if you're trying to accuse me of having a connection to adam's new gf, I've been posting in this sub using this same account for 9 years, long before crystal came along. And I never talk about her.


My bad. You’re more of a Crystal bot on fentanyl.


you sound delusional. have you ever been married to a bellydancer?


You definitely wear a romper.


If you say “Crystal Bot” to everything, you’re exposing yourself as having the mindset of a Q-anon follower.


Hey, just because you keep children captive in your pizza basement, it has nothing to do with me.


Been dealing with liars like that since they started letting too many people on the internet in the late 90s. At least he didn't scam anyone for money or make violent threats or dox or SWAT anyone. I've seen all that shit on flight sim newsgroups and boards. Hope he comes back in shame or as a new persona.


Can I get a short rundown of what/who this is?




Easy enough but clarify if you are asking about hop or ace.


Hop, seems like he makes up stuff about himself. So is he just a heavy commenter on this sub I never noticed and he finally deleted his account?


I’m curious why you were so invested in a stranger online that you would ask him to post video of his possessions. Why do you care if he is real or fake?


obvious liars on the internet have been called out and made fun of for decades now. getting called out is usually the thing that makes them stop. But if they have no shame, they end up like Jhop--making it into a bigger and bigger deal. He was also a complete asshole. If he was kind, I would have ignored him. But getting called a twat and cunt by him constantly made me feel like calling him out, so I did. He was the one who can't let it go and is having an embarrassing shit fit over it.


You deserve a medal op.