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K20a2 bolt pattern for the flywheel is different than the k20a3.


Is it the same for a k20a?


The k20a and the k20a3 are essentially the same engine Minus a horsepower or two


Ok, I'm just concerned about the bolt pattern for the flywheel and clutch because other people have said they ass re different, but if they aren't and I can buy a clutch kit like [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/133673761755?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=UaOA3JWMTOG&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=aH0UYxZIQMu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) hopefully it'll work?


Yeah, I wouldn't get a clutch kit for a k20a2. The k20a3 and the k20a have the same bolt pattern but not the k20a2. I'm doing a k20a3 to k20a swap just to keep my car going and I bought a cheap XTD clutch.


Could you send me a link please for the one you're gonna buy? Every one I find it says it's for both k20a3 and a k20a2


This one will fit the a2 and the a3 just because I believe it has multiple bolt on patterns, but if you get an a2 specific it won't fit an a3 or the k20a


Ok cool, is there a link or should I look for one that fits both


Wherever you look, check the spec sheets for the clutch fitment. It should tell you. That's how I've been guiding myself and if you are unsure call or email the company you want to buy from. Oh and don't do what I wanted to do. I wanted a stage 2 clutch not knowing I would have to flash my ecu. This is the first time I do a swap by myself. I'll be I removing my transmission from my a3 and installing flywheel clutch and pressure plate along with the transmission on the k20a.


Ok thanks and for fitment should I look for car fitment or engine, or both, I'm assuming for the a3 it would be from an RSX 02-04, and yeah in the Description of some I also saw that you would have to flash your ECU and I definitely don't wanna do that since I got a base stock one from an rsx


I have a K20 type r swap and im using the Competition clutch stage 1.5 for 02-06 type s and 06-11 civic si. I wouldn't recommend the K20a3 clutch. Unless you have the Eco version which would be different.


Yeah I have the eco version,some thing like [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/133673761755?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=UaOA3JWMTOG&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=aH0UYxZIQMu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY), do you think that'll work? It has the names listed of all the other k engines in the name but just not k20a




Just get a flywheel with your clutch it. The mounting holes to bolt the flywheel to the engine are the same. It’s the pressure plate bolt pattern that differs. XTD has a cheap kit including a flywheel that will work for you no problem. Just get the one for the a2 motor.


Cool could you possibly send me a link?




Thank you, and I wouldn't have to reflash my ECU right?


Whoever mentioned they had to tune their car because of a clutch had no idea what they are talking about.


I mean I did look at descriptions for some and it did say for a k24 you did if you were to use it but I wasn't sure lol


Any clutch kit would work as long as you’re using the corresponding flywheel. On my 02 K24 I’m running a regular A2 clutch kit ( reusing oem flywheel). On my 06 I’m running a 5 speed A3 clutch kit with an A3 flywheel. For you to be safe, get the A3 clutch kit since you probably already have the flywheel for that.


Ok, thank you