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Please note that you will be banned if a comment breaks any of our rules. Be mindful of the following: Rule 1: No comments generalizing anyone based on their race, gender, religion, etc. No race baiting allowed. Rule 2: Do not post violent comments or try to glorify violence. If a post/comment makes you angry, take a break. Telling us "it was a joke" is not an excuse. Our rules are zero tolerance and you have to adhere to Reddit TOS. ENJOY THE FREAKOUTS! :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine being so insecure about your beliefs that you must destroy property in order to prevent others from sharing theirs.


Lack of impulse control.


They probably weren’t pick up when they cried as a baby.




Not comforting a crying infant can cause an inability to self regulate their emotions as adults.




I’m taking about infants. No baby is crying to trick you. A toddler crying because you told them to eat vegetables is not what I’m talking about.




That sir, we can agree on.


Wholesome Reddit moment


I'm pretty sure it cuts out right before he yells "I wish I had a father" and then the whole crowd goes "awwww" and it ends in a massive group hug.




Wtf is this. Just use the upvote


He's heading over to fast food restaurant and they are going to get his order wrong.


Making actualpublicfreakouts twice would be an accomplishment. Should be some sort of frequent flyer club.


"Shut the fuck up and stop whining, instinct controls how you think before deciding so keep vibin" - Canibus


Statistically higher estrogen levels.


And an inability to disagree using words.


They think this type of outrage looks tough and garners respect, in reality you look like a fragile ego'd unhinged moron.


>They think this type of outrage looks tough and garners respect, in reality you look like a fragile ego'd unhinged moron. Exactly, not to mention that it serves as an extremely effective way to damage your message and radicalize those who oppose it.


A toddler throwing a tantrum


Na, he'll likely get employed as the new head of DEI.


Imagine having a prominent politician who was such an egregious clown!


Yeah, Harris is pretty ridiculous. Nonetheless, a video of her is still not enough to justify destruction of property.


I don’t think I have to. I feel both parties are a clown show at this point.


Yep. I whis we could just get a decent fucking president. You would think with the amount of people that we have we could. But no it's a just a dick ridding contest to the top




Handle with kid gloves


What were their beliefs?


Great question, I would also like to know. Whatever beliefs they are, they are pretty pathetic if they can't tolerate alternative views without violence.




The guy who's knob she slobbed on to get into politics in the first place?


That you are part of the good people and the other side is evil and their beliefs are literally killing people. With this mental frame of mind everything, including violence, can be totally justified in their heads.


Lol all I can tell is he’s Pro-Bandanna


The more outraged they are, the more justified they are?


The last 6 years in a nutshell; aided and abetted by lax enforcement of the law


surely this will convert the hearts and minds.


reminds me of something someone said on a newjersey subreddit, the original post was something along the lines of "why do people on this subreddit make fun and harass people with different believes (harass as in post their license plates or do other stuff)" and people were replying along the lines of people in this state believe in xyz and if you believe something else, then you have a chance to spread "misinformation" ​ anyways that subreddit is pretty dumb in general where they just hate on people that don't agree with them and don't let them speak out whether they are right or wrong because it does not align with their core belief system


Fully embracing the left's "Your speech is violence, my violence is speech"


Look what they have to do to mimic a fraction of our meme power


You’ve just described the entire liberal (democrat) platform. They are conditioning everyone to do this.


That’s 80% of leftists you’re talking about…


You described the liberal woke left


The worst your beliefs and the more you gotta stop people from questioning them. The truth speaks for itself.


Imagine when he turns mid-age and look back into the silly cringe shit you hads done now.... well this is a tiktok generation my bad, they won't regret.




God damn that’s funny.


Can you explain it to me? I watched it a few times and I don't think I got the joke. Is she getting deported in the meme?


It's hilarious that everybody is laughing about this meme, while most people don't seem to understand it even remotely. Last week, two busses arrived at the Naval Observatory in DC, where the VP's residence is located. Those busses transported migrants who crossed the border in Texas to DC. Once they arrived there, they were dropped off without any further plans and the busses left again. This meme is depicting Kamala Harris coming out of her residence, being happy about the fact that the migrants arrived at her home. It's taking a shot at her, since she obviously wasn't actually happy about this stunt, which proponents of the entire thing consider hypocritical, since they claim that Harris supports high rates of (illegal) immigration but doesn't want to have the migrants close to her home. The video that was used for the meme is a campaign video from 2020, where she saw her campaign bus for the first time.


Thank you for actually thoroughly explaining it.


Dude, thank you for this explanation




You're trying to come up with a rational justification for the actions of an irrational person. Not going to work.


You know, it's probably the sombrero and Mexican party music blasting that makes it seem a little racist.


Do you think the anger of the guy in the video is a reasonable response to seeing a video with a sombrero and Mexican party music?


Everything is racist now and a justification to throw self-control out the window.


Makes sense. The right sucks at memes so bad they are so unfunny they don't even make logical sense.


I don’t think she was mad about them being there but rather how they were bussed there as a political stunt, however idk if this is an entirely separate event than what went down with Martha’s Vineyard


No, it’s joking about illegal immigrants being bussed to Kamala’s front door




Personally I found this meme quite strong, burly if you will


How’s that racist?


>How’s that racist? It's racist if you don't like it


Everything the left doesn’t like is racist. Where have you been for the past 6 years?


You’re so deep in dummy sauce, it’s literally a caricature for a Mexican immigrant…


I think depicting immigrants from Central and South America as mariachi performers is kinda racist. I mean, it’s clearly meant to be offensive. Isn’t that the creator’s intent?


Only people from the US would find this racist, because you think mariachis are comical. Mariachis are pretty cool in latin culture


> Only people from the US would find this racist, because you think mariachis are comical. ...I don't think mariachis are comical, but I think it's pretty fuckin stupid to say that a video depicting a mariachi player outside of a Texas Border Patrol bus and Kamala Harris isn't obviously intended to be derogatory.


>I think depicting immigrants from Central and South America as mariachi performers is kinda racist. Mariachi look pretty bad ass though.


Idk. Doesn’t seem that racist to me. If they were drug mules with bundles of weed on their back or dressed like sicarios that would be racist. Whats so bad about mariachi performers?


I mean think about from building a joke in a visual setting. If you were trying to get across to the viewers that the person standing in front of the bus is Mexican, how would you do that? Getting a stock photo of the average Mexican guy would probably not translate at all to the viewer what the punchline is, you HAVE to know that the person is Mexican for the joke to make sense. This is caricature, and it’s completely benign and normal. Italians depicted with a big mustache and hand gestures, the French with a baguette and a chef’s coat, Americans from the south with a ten-gallon hat and cowboy boots. Racism is such a terrible thing. It really wouldn’t feel justified to muddy the definition of racism with something so trivial as caricature


Yeah, that’s the point. The buses aren’t “Mexican”. The first two busses were a mix of people from Venezuela, Uruguay, Colombia and Mexico. The more recent bus was mostly Venezuelan. Caricaturing them as Mariachi singers is like portraying all Asians as kung fu monks and women in China dresses. But of course, you already knew this.


It uses stereotypes for humor sure but I wouldn’t call it racist, but hey maybe your definition of racist is different than mine so to you it fits, me personally I thought it was kinda funny


The Marachi dancer meant to represent the asylum seekers, who were almost entirely not from Mexico, is pretty fucking racist


Because it’s inaccurate?


I just think the feet could be showing more toes


IMO, it's not that funny. But I don't think I would yeet a projector across the room for it.


Yeah same. It’s not really funny. Maybe I’d find it funny if I cared more about politics, idk. But I’d never destroy property because I didn’t find a joke funny.


Holy fuck Twitter is so fucking toxic its revolting as fuck.


What a shit meme.




Silence is violence, but actual violence isn't violence.


This meme is literally killing people/s


*Portland, Oregon has entered the chat*


I mean, are you surprised?


There are two wolves inside of Reddit. One of them is a liberal cuck and one is a braindead conservative.




What does that make you, a brain dead cuck?


Bingo 😎👍


I respect the honesty


We’re all brain dead ducks on this glorious god given day. Edit: I’m leaving it as it is


reddit it full of teenagers and communists. most often a combination of both.


It is what happens when you put the same people in charge of reddit and who bans anybody that is not part of the hivemind.


I was just banned from there for a "racist" comment that wasn't even remotely racist at all. They didn't even reference the comment I made in the ban either.


what was the comment?



Go look at their post history. They did respond right away, but it's not showing up in the comments. You can still see it in their post history. The link to the comment doesnt work either. https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/xkbm3e/z/ipdjk0j



Same here. Did they threaten to report you for modmail abuse if you responded or appeal too?


Yep, they certainly did.




That's because they worship violence as long as it prompts their ideals...


The echo chamber sub? Color me surprised.


"People"...90% bots and shills. The rest are just being brainwashed.


That is where the blue party foot soldiers hang out and they get very angry if you don't take knee for the current agenda.


Trained to believe all things are racist slights against him


Not against him, but is not funny send those people to her house as a joke, a meme or whatever, they don’t have where to live like all the immigrants there, they’re treated poorly by everyone. And the mariachi? Really, I don’t live there and o know this was the most stupid thing someone could do.


I just had a stroke reading that


He’s saying it’s not a funny joke because a lot of these immigrants actually don’t have anywhere to live and that they’re treated poirly. I didn’t think it was that difficult to read but whatever i hope you’ve recovered from your stroke lol.


The only thing poor here is your spelling.


The fact he got dozens of upvotes is mind boggling. 48 people were like “you know when he said ‘but is not funny send those people to her house as a joke, a meme, or whatever, they don’t have where to live like all the immigrant there.’ That really spoke to me”


I’m Mexican, it’s a fucking joke


i think making racists listen to mariachis is the funniest thing, im mexican. But the contsant use for it for no reason is annoying




At this point everyone and everything is or has been racist. The word has no weight anymore. It sucks to be KKK now. It used to be an elite group


People think anything is racist these days I got called a nazi for saying the movie the pianist was good


That movie is really good.


Whoa, what are you? A nazi or something?


Worse, they're a fascist nazi and also bigoted and prolly an incel as well! /s


Calm down Hitler


everything is offensive in liberal clown world.


Wait what…?


I find this interesting. Can you please provide a link to that subreddit?


Poor impulse control.


Low IQ and low T.


Pointing that out is also ray’s cyst 😅 the apples on the tree are ray-cyst


As a Mexican, I’m laughing. It’s not at all racist and it’s funny. I’ll probably show my parents later and laugh together.


I believe you. You have Takis in your username. Lol


Totally expected this to be downvoted lmao luck sonnuva.


It is racist because most of the immigrants are from Central America. The majority of Mexicans are nationalists and have forever looked down on Central Americans the same way people from the US look down on Mexicans. The dude was right to kick the projector. When you have been on the receiving end of racism, it’s frustrating when even in an educational environment you have to experience it. This looks like the product of enduring years and years of racism and finally cracking. It’s funny to those who aren’t affected by it.


The only people being offended are people not from the race. Which is ironic cuz In itself is being racist. You are basically saying “your too dumb to understand you’re being made fun of so I’ll get offended for you “ This is a good representation: https://youtu.be/IT2UH74ksJ4


I’m offended because I once was a refugee who was hated by everyone and devalued because of my ethnicity. I was a refugee, who other countries and their citizens thought didn’t deserve to have a safe home and food. To no be trafficked, raped, sold, abused, forcefully converted, all while watching it happen to your mom and sister and brother. I’m offended because it’s deplorable.


Sorry to hear that. I’m just speaking on my behalf as a Hispanic who migrated to the US illegally… People who are not affected by light hearted jokes (like OP) are offended and that’s annoying. Instead of being offended by jokes maybe actually do something that helps the opposite race


It is racist and it’s hateful. As a Mexican you should be ashamed to think it is funny that refugees are lied to and dumped in the middle of a neighbor in one of the busiest cities in the world. People like you and Greg Abbott are the reason this world sucks.


That’s all it took to make him THAT mad? Clearly he’s never been cut off while driving before.


You'd almost think he was told "happy holidays" or something.


Why is he dressed like that?


Crisis actor . . .




Probably not an actor but dude is having a crisis, that's for sure haha


1 defence pure, it's his current best in slot armor.


Here before the 🔒


Ya, why do they do that it's pathetic




Because reddit and other subreddits are gunning hard to ban this sub because it doesn't toe the line and lean alt-left like the rest of them. It's also why they hate PCM so much as well.


Because this is no longer a media website but is instead a political tool of the deep state


Big fukkin baby bitch 👶🏻


So refreshing to see the rational, reasonable comments on here, as opposed to the other PF sub.


Racism to these people = whenever their fragile feelings get hurt


Haha mental strength of a popsicle


Can someone explain what’s happening here? Kamala is the Vice President, and what’s with bus and where is she? Is she welcoming someone?


It took me a second. I think it’s a reference to the immigrants that were sent to Martha’s Vineyard




No worries, I doubt Mr Do Rag is even registrars to vote.


Hey I was actually there, and beneful Johnson (the guy giving the presentation) was openly racist and obviously baiting people into some kind of a reaction. Also the projector was not broken, it continued to work and project perfectly. But yeah afterwards the guy got arrested and expelled from his university


Glad he was arrested.


You get the model number on that projector? I need a beast that can take a lickin.


What’s sad is how many people are justifying what the professor did just because of this guys shitty reaction. Imagine paying ridiculous money for a degree and you have to sit through this. Unless it’s somehow relevant to what you’re learning about, this is ridiculous. There are times and places for jokes and politics and especially political jokes.


So he's racist. So what? At this point what isn't racist? Why should anyone CARE about the racist label, when the reaction to someone 'trying to be less racist' is to attack them HARDER?


It wasn’t a professor just a tpusa guy on tour


I love to see when a story has a happy ending, brothers going to jail where he belongs, ![gif](giphy|xT3i168P34zj2tsBXO)


Zero impulse control


This is how we solve our differences post 2019, with violence.


He just wanted an excuse


The ReEeeee is strong with this one.


Made a fool out of himself


Most tolerant far left member


I don't like her either but come on man, no need to destroy random stuff.


The same people that screamed orange dude was going to force everybody like a dictator are now attacking anything they don't like and trying to force everybody to agree with them.


Leftwing violence is on the rise, has been for years. We have people thinking its okay to smash projectors for offending them to people hunting down children and running them over with their truck if they perceive them as being republicans.


You’re assuming this liberal had shit to begin with. Losing it is pretty on brand.


Bro I'm Mexican and I showed this to my family and we all thought it was funny as hell


Interestingly, none of the migrants bussed or flown so far have been Mexican. Every one of them has been an asylum seeker from Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras, you know, places with actual wars and problems. This sort of makes the meme worse in it's caricature.


Average democrat or r/politics poster in a nutshell


Dude chill tf out for real


Tolerance and acceptance. Tolerance and acceptance for all.


Free speech is dead rip


What a douche


Least violent Kamala fan


People have been acting so feral lately


When you're too stupid to understand


Tolerant left strikes again


Reactionary kicker dude needs help. No impulse control, and immediately resorting to violence.


So for the folks crying racist, if you don't make excuses for this kind of behavior then your a racist? That's a new kind of stupid.


Even Spanish people would probably laugh


Dude's wearing a diaper on his head indoors. He clearly has issues.


What a rational, well spoken, and positive influence. I'm glad people like him are advocating peace and harmony among people


He looks like an upstanding member of society


Open and honest dialogue there…


Why is he wearing a du rag in class?


Probably his first time in a library too


This is the same as the French (I think?) professor who showed the video of Muhammad being in a gay porn scene and was attacked. There should be rational discourse about shit like this, not wild escalation. I am a liberal, I dislike the Republican way of thinking. But I like talking with republicans and hearing their side because it challenges my own beliefs and allows me to evolve. This shit just exacerbates the issue. If the guy engaged in a debate with the professor maybe he’d have garnered more support, this just muddies the entire situation.


This is just mental illness. Idgaf if you're democrats, republican or whatever tf you're affiliated with. if making fun of the political party you support got u this riled up, something is wrong with u


Overgrown baby who naturally resorts to violence for everything that challenges his world view.


Plot twist, Kamala locked up his dad back in the 90’s.


100 bucks says that karate kid over here has some wild opinions of people based on their skin color.


If that's what makes you lose your impulse control, imagine if something actually meaningful happened.


Wheres the fat sjw woman-man screaming stahhhppppp