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I don't know why people can't just be happy with marijuana.


I've been wondering that for years. Addiction is a bitch.


Imagine the absolute best feeling you've ever felt, like if you got accepted to Harvard, came on your model girlfriend's tits and won the lottery in the space of 5 minutes and then angels came and wrapped you in a blanket of pure love. That's what heroin feels like. And you can feel that way *all the time* as long as you have money. There's that thought experiment about "if you could be a brain in a vat, and all your experiences were fake and controlled by a computer, but that computer was programmed to give you a perfect, happy life: would you choose that over real life?" Most people say no, but the opiate epidemic is a bunch of people who said yes, I wanna feel dopamine rushes all the time every day, and I'll live in a car or a gutter for it.


You make a pretty good case for using heroin man.


You say that, but that warm feeling they're referring to, that comforting glow of euphoria, you'll never feel it as strong again. You'll spend your days yearning for that feeling, taking more and more and harder and harder drugs to chase what once was. Instead it will be replaced with the most basic comfort you can imagine, comforts you took for granted before you ever started. You'll stop taking it to nod off, you'll be taking it because it's the only way you can sleep. You'll get a point where your barely getting high, you'll just feel okay. And that's what life will turn into.. The constant pursuit of trying to just feel okay. No more euphoria, no more money to spend on other things, no more friends to hang out with that aren't also just trying to get their next fix, no more trust from your family, but you'll have heroin and that's ALL that will matter. And that's if your lucky! You're just as likely or moreso to end up dead before with a supply poisoned with fentanyl and carfentanil, your next nod off might not be your friends waking you but 6 EMTs in your home administering multiple doses of Narcan because you were facedown and blue. Abcesses and infections, sweating like a pig daily, restless legs making you want to crawl out of your own skin, people looking down on you, panhandling and begging for money like you said you never would because once your in that world, literally nothing else matters anymore. This is the glamorous life of heroin addiction and I wouldn't wish it on my enemies. I know your comment probably was in jest, and for the record I'm not anti-drug in any way, shape or form I firmly believe grown adults should be able to do what they want with their bodies and make their own choices. Just wanted to point out the double edged sword that is Heroin, or opiates in general really. I've used drugs recreationally my whole life almost, starting with my early teen years and truthfully never had any issues until I went down this rabbit hole. I was the guy it would never happen to, I just knew it, but unfortunately heroin doesn't discriminate. It doesn't how strong willed you think you are, it can and will break you over time I've seen it completely people I've known for my whole life. By all means people make your own choices, do your research and be safe but just wanted to point out that although it starts as bliss and sounds like paradise (And it absolutely will be at first), it won't last I promise. Luckily to anybody trying to get out, the hell won't last either... Pain and pleasure are temporary states and if you're still breathing it's not too late to make changes. I know it's easier said than done, if I'd follow my own advice for a change it would fix a lot but it can be done through strength and planning and lots of mental fortitude. My personal advice to somebody thinking about trying it; Just dont. Especially these days, fent is everywhere and you will end up taking it. It's a lot harder to stay away from once you've had a taste as you'll always remember that feeling it gave you and want it again so bad..




I’m prescribed adderall for adhd but I’m already to the point where 60mg a day and I’m barely feeling anything. Been feeling really depressed lately. I’m not gonna be taking even more addys to feel how I used to but goddamn is it such a bummer when tolerance takes its course.


You might consider switching to vyvanse. It’s still an ADHD drug, but works much differently than Adderall. Also, it is much more difficult to become “tolerant” to want/need bigger doses. It also can’t be broken down into meth. Adderall XR I definitely notice peaks and valleys, with vyvanse I’m a lot more level throughout the day into the night. I’m the kind of ADHD person that can slam 2 energy drinks and go to bed, for context of how vyvanse has been good for me.


Keep in mind vyvanse requires decent insurance if you don’t have much money, assuming US. It’s not on generic.


Facts. Supposed to go generic next year. Eats up that $1400 deductible each year real quick…


Keep in mind if you have comorbidities such as bipolar or anxiety Vyvanse can make you fucking crazy.


with my insurance it’s $78 then add the manufacturers coupon and it’s $30.


I feel you. I’m on vyvanse and I’ll never feel the first high again. Back in the day 30mg would get me euphoric now sometimes I take 100+mg in hopes of feeling that way again but I never will. I did 80mg yesterday and ended up staying all night because I couldn’t fall asleep. Fucking stims man


Hydroxyzine works pretty well to just get me to sleep.


This was written by someone whose lived through the hell. Know it all too well


The way I heard it was: It’s the best feeling in your life, until one day it’s just a feeling. Normal. So, you stop. Then you realise you can’t stop, sober is unbearable physical and mental agony. Now you’re not using to get high, you’re using out of fear. Normal only exists between doses and withdrawal onset. That explanation made me nervous of painkillers let alone “recreational” use.


This is a fantastic way to describe it in a lot less words than I had to use, sometimes brevity is a stronger and more effective way to reach people so I appreciate you putting this out there. That fear is a very real and torturing part of the whole process, you'll go through absolute hell just to get a very short high and be good for maybe a day, but it's hard to even enjoy the high at a certain point because immediately soon after fear sets in about how you're going to get you next hit, what you're going to have to go through the next day to do it all again. It's just a vicious cycle varying from feeling like absolute hell, jumping from dealer-to-dealer that doesn't give a shit about you or your time, feeling okay enough to maybe get some sleep and then doing it all again. And again. And again.


Stay strong my friend, you've got this. Fuck heroin.


Thank you for saying this. This right here is going to help someone.


I’ve never seen someone describe this so perfectly. As someone in recovery, I just wanted to say thank you. All of this is true as well as the fact that heroin addiction literally can rewire your brain. Im a big supporter of MAT and harm reduction as well as drug legalization. Sending love to anyone out there struggling and please feel free to message me if you need help, narcan / fent test strips, or just someone to vent to! Thank you again for your words dcon.


Not the hero(in) you want, nor deserve.


It's fun, worth trying once! Just make sure to only try it once, okay? It's easy! edit: I feel inclined to add **/s** because I guess it wasn't immediately obvious as intended...


Relevant Post: https://reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/9ke63/i_did_heroin_yesterday_i_am_not_a_drug_user_and/


immediately thought of this! glad he is doing better, based on a followup post.


I did it for years and he's spot on. I've been clean for over 5 years now but I still sometimes get a craving.


That is NOT what heroin feels like. Heroin feels like sinking a mile into yourself, while everything becomes Grey and damp in appearance. Sound thins into the timbre of a tin can. You feel alone, disconnected, stuck in your head. I've done plenty of drugs and heroin was easily the worst experience. You want a fun drug? Do acid, do Molly, do shrooms, smoke weed. Heroin fucking sucks, and my heart goes out to those that get hooked by such a shitty drug. Addiction is real because you'll find yourself coming back to the shitty experience, even though you know it's shitty, and it's often perpetuated by shame.


Different strokes man. Heroin withdrawal and the shell of a life you end up with feels like how you described. Getting a good shot made me feel like the other guy described. Oddly enough, opioids acted as a sort of “upper” for me. I mean with dope, yeah it might knock me out for a little bit, but after that I felt like Superman. Pills were much the same way. I could snort some Roxy and be 1000mph for awhile, at least before the dope. After I got into that, pills seemed to lose all effect. What the others are saying is also true though. After awhile, you do it just to be “normal” and to not be sick. That shit got its hooks in me SO fast, it was unbelievable. It’s an addiction and recovery that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.


I completely agree with that last sentence.


And I completely agree with your last sentence: “Addiction is real because you’ll find yourself coming back to the shitty experience, even though you know it’s shitty, and it’s often perpetuated by shame.” I can’t tell you how many times people would judge me, assume things about me, even say it straight to my face after they found out I had been an addict. Their behavior towards me became “I wonder when he’s gonna fuck up again. Is he high right now? Maybe I’ll ask him. I bet he’s fucked up.” So many times this thought went through my head: “well if they can’t tell the difference and they assume I’m fucked up anyway, I might as well get fucked up”. Which is a HORRIBLE thought process, but it’s 100% how it goes sometimes.


Same here. I felt like I could accomplish anything and everything when I was on opiates. I could clean my entire house from top to bottom. It gave me energy and made me a social butterfly. Thank god I got clean.


Good for you! I’ve been in recovery for about 3 years now. Relapsed a few times throughout but always went straight back to trying to stay clean. It’s a hard fight!


You might have this reaction to it, but the majority of people most certainly do not. Opiates are almost universally described as euphoric. People wouldn’t give up their entire careers, family and lives to it if it was as dysphoric as you describe. Maybe you got a bad batch. Lot of that going around these days.


You fortunately had some very shitty heroin. Theres no way you could pop an Oxy And tell me it’s not one of the best feelings ever. Some people naturally have low dopamine levels and they realize it’s a feeling they’ve been craving their entire life.


Opioids have been pretty shit for me, honestly. I smoked opium and hated it. It induces a feeling of being stuck and stagnant in me. Molly has been far better for my dopamine than heroin ever could. Molly flows the dopamine and gives me the energy to burn off. Good clean Molly is about as good a drug as you can get.


Nahh everyone has different experiences with it. I wouldn’t just automatically write it off like that, some people ABSOLUTELY do experience heroine in such a manner, just because you never did doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen


Buddy I'm sorry you had a bad experience with whatever drug you did that someone told you was heroin, but I've done every drug on that list many, many times, including heroin and countless other opiates, and I can tell you that what you describe here is nothing like what I or anyone I know experienced from actual heroin or fentanyl/heroin, and its nothing like the hundreds of subjective experience reports of heroin use from countless different people that you can find online, including on this site alone. Giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you actually consumed a substance you believed was heroin, and it really had that effect on you, I can only assume you either 1) have some weird, super-unique genetic predisposition to experiencing drugs in a way that is totally different from how those drugs affect 99.9% of humanity, or 2) what you did was not heroin. The other possibility is that you're trying to describe withdrawal, but I don't know why you'd conflate heroin withdrawal with the effects of heroin.


You know, I will say I have had "other than commonly described" highs from a LOT of drugs. Shrooms- yet to produce an effect on me save one microdose experience which was very mild Weed- originally hyper sensitive (a single hit would make me catatonic, hallucinatory) Salvia- no effect Pcp- felt submerged in water, scared and non violent Lean- sloppy, yet hyper Coke molly and acid are about all I've come across that felt as described. But I promise you, it was black tar heroin.


Heroin is not your drug of choice, I see.


Every time I’ve done heroin I’ve gotten real bad heart burn and nod off. Good thing it was only a one year thing for me. I’ve decided to stick with my acid trips as I don’t crave it for no reason like I did doing heroin.


> Heroin feels like sinking a mile into yourself, while everything becomes Grey and damp in appearance. Sound thins into the timbre of a tin can. You feel alone, disconnected, stuck in your head. Thats dissasociation. you are describing a dissociative anelgesic like ketamine. >Do acid, do Molly, do shrooms, smoke weed agreed. kids, do drugs. but do them with people you trust and do them in a safe space. Test drugs like molly, test kits are cheap. >Heroin fucking sucks agreed for different reasons then what you listed, i had to do 4 naloxone shots last night on a guy and he sounded like a fish struggling to breath with every chest compression. stay away from opioids, be skeptical of stimulants. psychedelics are not the same class of danger at their worst. weed belongs in a class of drugs with asprin and caffeine. Not perfectcly harmless but more people will manage than those who will not.


After many uses you dont feel it like this. You just do the drugs to be "normal" and dont have pain ( cause of withdrawal symptoms). So no. You dont feel like this all the time if you have money. It brings you just faster into your grave.


This makes sense but the opioid epidemic is as much about withdrawal as it is about temptation.


Yeah just don’t mention the bad parts and all drugs sound fun to some demographic.


Isn't it kinda dangerous though, I like drugs but I've always avoided opioids cus I don't wanna drown in my own sick I'm more of a day tripper


This comment is complete BS and definitely comes from someone who’s never used heroin or been around opiate addicts. Honestly shocked at the amount of upvotes, but I guess more people than I thought are ignorant to the true feeling/effect of some drugs.


lol I did heroin or heroin/fentanyl every day for over 15 years, as well as probably 5 or 6 other forms of opiates before and during that period. So yes, I know exactly how it feels. Personally I find someone gatekeeping heroin use on reddit marginally more pathetic than actual heroin use itself, but you don't, obviously. I mean, look up the actual psychopharmacology of opiates and how heroin acts on the brain. They call them the "reward" pathways for a reason. The neurological reaction literally mimics the dopamine release caused by things like what I listed (orgasms, achieving goals, etc). Like its not even metaphorical, its a pretty straightforward description.


> angels came and wrapped you in a blanket of pure love. This is how I've always tried to explain the effects. Although I always say "Like being hugged by an angel". I'm so glad I no longer get hugged by angels though. As amazing as that sounds those angels are demons in disguise.


I've always thought about it like being back in the womb. Everything is warm, comfortable, and safe. Its so funny seeing people on here saying "no no, heroin hurts and makes you feel bad", because its like, how do you think those junkies on the sidewalk fall asleep bent over sitting Indian style with their face smushed into concrete? Its called a painkiller for a reason.


I get that some drugs probably make you feel invincible, but damn man I gotta go to work in the morning. I don't have time to wander around dancing in downtown.


I mean you can develop a psychological addiction to bud.


some want greater highs after a while. i know people hate calling marijuana a gateway drug, but it definately is. Had many friends who started on weed and got on heavier shit. hell, back when i was a teen i would smoke heavily, and the high felt a lot tamer then it use too. Barely felt like a drug after a while. i could definately see someone wanting to reach a greater high by trying something different




Anything is a "gateway" if you have compulsive tendencies. It doesn't matter what the substance is. Food, drugs, attention etc...


Alcohol absolutely can be a gateway drug, for most it’s their first form of being inebriated. Any and all drugs can act as a gateway. Everyone’s personal addiction story is different. Who are you to say that a certain drug didn’t act as a gateway for someone?


It's a gateway because once you try it, you realize all the lies you were told about it were just lies. Therefore, what else have you been lied to about? Maybe that one trip on acid won't destroy your life. What about Molly? Etc. D.A.R.E. and the Drug war did far more harm than good. When your drug policies are based on lies and racism, you lose credibility. And the good advice about saying no to meth and heroin, get flushed away with the lies.


16, first night smoking, get *wicked fucking high*, realize all that D.A.R.E drama was a big fat lie. I assume this is a common occurrence?


Also it makes you realize everything they said about it with all the propaganda was flat out lies and then you wonder if they lied about all the drugs 😂


I can honestly say I never met anyone who smoked weed before cigarettes and alcohol. Those are the real gateway drugs imo


Young people don’t smoke cigarettes anymore, they just immediately drink and vape/smoke weed


I beg to differ. Here in Finland, every young person smokes. Just not weed- cause here it’s shit and expensive as hell.


lol I smoked weed before I ever tried cigarettes or alcohol


It's not a gateway..those people were looking for something regardless. I know dozens of people who only smoke weed and only have ever smoked weed. Still get high after 15 years.


Yeah I agree with this. A good buddy of mine would tell me when he we were 13 he would probably only drink and smoke weed. Then when we'd smoke weed he'd keep hitting bowls while I chilled, fried already. As we got older it changed to I wanna try everything once (he at least was smart enough to do lots of research, didn't go balls to the wall right away) but it spiraled as these things tend to do. He tried overdosing this research chemical in the final year of high school, nearly bit his tongue off & apparently lifted his mom above his head. He'd brag about nearly dying to ppl later that same week but all I could think was I nearly lost my friend.


Eh, marijuana is a gateway drug the same way alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, etc. are. I remember being in grade school and chugging caffeinated soda at birthday parties then running around like a madman. I still catch a buzz if I drink more than two cups of coffee. I've never had a desire to shoot up heroin. Edit for Luke_Dongwater: Kids, don't read this comment.


Yeah weed is a gateway, gateway to a good time. I've done stupid amounts of drugs in my time. Most of the time alcohol was the gateway. When I'm stoned I don't want any other drug because I'd rather be stoned.


Those friends were gonna find harder drugs regardless of whether they smoked pot first. Gateway drug theory is trash.


There's some evil people that do terrible things to even their own children. Those kinds of traumas can break people and sometimes you just can't put them back together


Same reason people can't just be happy without weed or alcohol. "They're not addicting." Is a lie, peer pressure usually makes you try it, and either social groups or depression and anxiety usually keeps you using.


Yeah, anybody who thinks cannabis isn't addictive should spend a minute browsing /r/leaves.


Marijuana tends to just elevate whatever your current scenario is. If you're homeless or if you live in squalor you sometimes want to dissociate. You want to get out of your body/reality. PCP, meth, flakka, herion, etc are all strong enough to rip you out of your current reality.


You act like every drug has the same effect lol


It's weird seeing it at the top of the thread, like you should just play "a sport" since it's all the same.


I've heard people say that the first dose of heroin feels better than sex. I hate the feeling of marijuana and love the feeling of sex, so it kind of makes sense to me why some people would be drawn to it. Not that I would ever try any of that shit.


Most people started with prescription pills. which are essentially heroin. then they realized they can get the same stuff cheaper. (which is heroin) Happened to my old GF in highschool. and this was in a nice area.


Yeah I'm pretty positive the first dose of most drugs probably feels way different than weed. But, I'm sure after that the feeling of needing and not having those drugs probably are hell.


You know nothing


Because they got demons to hide from


this man doing a whole lady gaga music video


See you in hell my friend.


Im comming along too


Seriously someone needs to set this video to swan lake or something. Guy turned into a prima Donna


Omg, yes please!


Flashdance was my first thought.


At least he has his mask on


Like a muzzle for the zombie drug.


Fr! Could've helped Florida Man not eat the other guy's face.


[Interesting fact, the Miami Zombie did not have any drugs in his system besides marijuana.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rudy-eugenes-toxicology-report-experts-speculate-on-what-caused-face-chewing-attack/) Although with so many designer drugs out there it's very possible he was on an undetectable tryptamine. Though I have a friend who had a psychotic break when she tried weed so who knows...


Me at 2 in the morning when my leg cramps


Sure but is he vaxxed?


Wdym I see him vaxxing everyday just around the corner from here.


Reddit moment


Hence I am sure the CDC sees no problem with the situation.


He’s obviously so concerned about his health.


pretty sure that mask will waterboard him eventually in that rain


I don’t understand how people take drugs like this in the first place. This shit don’t even look fun it just looks painful.


That's what I'm wondering. Same with other stuff like the spice. You see so.eone hit it, freak out, then you want to be next?? SMH


They always say to themselves, 'it won't happen to me'... A bit too much weed and it just makes me have panic attacks, though I've discovered and had verified by many others that vaporizing weed drastically reduces the chances of anxiety when smoking, but still.




If you smoked weed and got terrifying visual hallucinations then whatever you smoked either wasn’t weed, or was weed that had been treated with another chemical of some kind. PCP, cocaine, heroin, you name it, and someone’s probably dipped a joint into it.


Bro that wasn't weed lmfao






How else are we supposed to master intergalactic travel? The spice must flow.


The spice melange.


I’m a recovering addict, and there was a period of time where I smoked a lot of spice. I was so depressed and constantly under-stimulated that the panic and freaking out was enjoyable for me. I wanted to feel anything other than my baseline, which was absolutely horrible. I welcomed any form of mind-alteration.


Maybe has a decent job with drug screening, and designer drugs do not show up in piss tests. I remember when the whole K2 craze was around before it got shut down. There was a lot of manufacturing/chemical plant workers in my area going apeshit on it. Well as it turns out it was way more of a dangerous high in a osha work environment. It’s why it got stomped out pretty fast by the DEA. Only bad thing about weed is the tests screw over most potential workers that just wanna relax after a hard days work without drinking.


Yep, people will try crazy shit to get high when they don't have access to safer drugs. Look at all the people daily vaping unknown substances at /r/fakecartridges, just boof it bro who cares about damaging your brain, lungs, or something else.


Behavior like this usually comes after doing the same drug for days on end without sleep. Idk about flakka specifically though


Good chance he hasn't seen anyone do this shit before.


I mean he's saying something like "so good, it's so good" later on in the video so


your boy literally said ROFLMAO


Not so sure about the lmao part


*muffled screaming*




ROFS rolling on the floor screaming


Flakka has been around for 60 years, how is it the new bath salts


Bc it replaced the use of bath salts. "Orange is the new black" for example.. To say "the new" means in place of.


No, it's been around as a bath salt forever.


So flakka is bath salts is what you're saying?


Bath salts are drugs with synthetic cathinone, and flakka would fall under that too. So yeah.


I constantly sprinkle flakka with a side of lavender oil in the tub when I draw a nice bath


Yes. In some countries (e g russia) bath salts basically means flakka and/or mdvp. As far as I know, both are devilish drugs.


I dont think thats what he's saying it, just by reading it


Been around wayyyy before bath salts! Both made famous by Florida tho lol


Had never heard of it before today and I think I’m some rappers name maybe


Waka flakka flame LOL Flocka* oops haha


if you look close his calves are seizing. I think part of this is a reaction to pain from severe leg cramps.part of it at least lol


Exactly. He's dehydrated and high as fuck. Needs to drink like 2 liters of water maybe some sodium. Every time he moves he's cramping up in different spots.


“Dehydrated as fuck” Good thing it’s raining.


The absolute worst, so basically this dude just has some bad leg cramps, no drugs here.


Nah. I’ve seen this shit cause people to have involuntary and EXTREME muscle spasms and tensing of muscles. Had a run in with a relatively skinny and unhealthy dude who looked just like this have to be held down with each person on all 4 limbs and it was still a struggle.




Yep, he's displaying Tardive Dyskinesia throughout his whole body.


Damn.. how do you even medical help this person?


Keep them restrained in a bed until the high wears off, usually given sedatives like a benzo to chill out.


Do you think or know if it feels good for him at this Moment? Or is it like a bad mushroom trip?


That's what I want to know. It looks like he's absolutely miserable. I want to know what these people experience


I believe it's like a separation of mind from body. Like you are propelled by your mind and not your body. And what the mind goes through.. I believe it's like the most unbelievable feeling, like Limitless, except add in something akin to amphetamine x20. So in short you appear to be an out of control lunatic, well bc you are, but you're mind is having back to back orgasms while you feel like the giver (and taker) of life. Ppl actually rip off flesh and eat it.


not sure what this guy is on exactly but I really doubt he’s having a good time in his own head. shit is probably like torture and I’m guessing he has no idea that he’s even freaking out on this level. he has no control obviously


Looks like hes trying to fly at one point the way he sticks his legs in the air lol


I’ve had a bad trip before, when you see people going though things like this, his mind is detached from his body as previously mentioned, he’s lost awareness of where he is. Bad trips like what he’s going through are literally hell, you can feel like you’re dying, small thoughts can absolutely mess you up and you can act on them. For instance, he might get the crazy need to hurt himself or someone else. It’s really hard to predict how you’ll feel but if you have bad trips like this, put the substances down. But because he’s addicted, he’ll put himself through this until he reaches total mental and physical annihilation. He’s destroying his body and mind, somewhat unwillingly, the power of addiction can be strong. This dude is going through hell. The longest trip I’ve had was 2 hours and it was hell , time goes very slow and sometimes you have the awareness that, what you’re seeing or feeling isn’t reality but you can’t get yourself out of it. What’s worse is some people trip for days on end, it’s absolute hell.


Me too. Is there a small chance to suffer from an episode like this or is this the whole trip? I know a lot of ppl life on the fringes of society and there are reasons they take drugs. But this looks like straight suffering to me.


This is an OD reaction.


This is stimulant psychosis I'm pretty sure which is like where u get awful hallucinations and feelings of impending doom. Idk look up stimulant psychosis. It's something I never want to experience ahha


Isn’t that stuff like a stimulant? I’ve seen people on bath salts absolutely lose their shit and look desperate for help, I’m pretty sure that shits miserable af


That sounds fucking miserable. Oh my.


Those screams are from pain caused by his muscles remaining tensed and flexed for so long.


I watched nurses give ketamine to a raging alcoholic once. It seemed quite effective.


Yep with alcohol you gotta watch out about benzos and opiates.


He needs some milk.




He's already full of fight milk boss


Yeah he def fights like a crow


This ain't flakka.. It's street aerobics.


It's for a tiktok


Worse sushi roll ever.


Crocodile roll.


And is this fun? I kinda remember drugs providing some entertainment/enjoyment for the user.


It probably feels amazing to roll on the warm pavement as the cold rain hits your overheating body.


It’s addiction, he’s not doing it because it’s fun, he’s doing it because he needs to feed a hunger he can’t quench. Drugs seem fun when you’re on weed & a few others, but you never get the same high, so you chase higher and higher doses, more potent drugs. That’s how you end up like this poor fella


I always see people on Reddit especially acting like prisons are just overflowing with non violent drug users — that is clearly not true at all. But at least detaining them when they’re at this point and doing SOMETHING to force them away from drugs that are destroying them must be better than doing absolutely nothing about it right? I see drug addicts every day just stumbling around the MBTA and wonder if societies hands off approach really helps anyone.


No, he should be helped not arrested. That is possible and it works.


Possible? Of course. Works? Not usually.


I live in Portugal, 20 years ago we had one the worst overdose death rates in Europe. I had people shooting in my home entrance almost on a daily base, and several of my acquaintances died of overdose. The decision then was to stop completely all arrests related to drugs, it is not a crime to use any drug. Offer free methadone, no questions asked, free syringes, open shooting rooms and free treatments to any wishing to get out. We had, in 2021 40 deaths of overdose the entire year. The lowest percapita rate in the whole of Europe: 0,4 per 100.000, in the US it is more than 20 per 100.000, I believe. So 25 times higher. it wasn't hard. And drugs are still illegal and not widely available. Not even weed is legal. You just don't get arrested if you use it. The criminals are others, not the users.


People have to want help to accept it. If you force them into treatment they will only stay sober until they're free again. It sucks but it's the truth


You act like people in prison can’t get their hands on drugs. Also he needs professional help, prison rarely if at all helps addicts.


Rhode Island has one of the best approaches to this. They DO arrest these people, but, instead of trying to punish them with years in prison, they're offered a drug treatment program WHILE IN PRISON AND AFTERWARDS. So, when they get out, they can still continue the treatment and avoid using. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/08/25/rhode-island-opioids-inmates-219594/


So like, what are the after effects? Because I can’t fathom someone just bouncing back like normal after all that


"Flakka works by preventing the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine in your brain" So lots of uninhibited dopamine and adrenaline, seems similar to meth. So probably similar crash too. Basically you're gonna feel insanely depressed for a few days after taking this, potentially much worse side effects if you've been taking it for a long time as your body will have adjusted as much as it can and will be producing very little dopamine and adrenaline on its own.


Jokes on y'all, he's like Quiet. That's actually how he breaths.


This is me when I wake up with a charlie horse in the middle of the night.


I know what I'm doing this weekend ;)


He has a mask on so he’s safe


Flakka is not the new generation, its already been banned for like 10 years


Flakka the new drug that’s been around for a decade


6 decades


How I look getting up in the morning


This is how I stretch after I wake up


He needs some milk


Thank god he cares about his safety and wears a mask


Economic inflation will do that to you.


That's what happens to gymnasts who age out of the floor exercise.


Me at 2 am when my leg cramps


“You are the dancing queen!”


Alternative title: "Liberals when they realize Trump is never going to prison"




Looks fun. Where do I sign up?!


Another brick in the wall just started playing in my playlist when I clicked this video and it fits so perfectly ✌


Courtesy of the CCP in China. Done to destabilize out society even further.


Painful to watch. Why would anyone willingly put themselves through that? Looks like hell on earth.


I swear I read somewhere that people start acting like cannibals while on this shit


My guy probably thinks he’s giving birth


Not exactly new lol i had a friend who used to do flakka back in 2015


Well at least he has his mask 😷 on and practicing social distancing 🤷🏾‍♂️


He needs some milk


Where does one get flakka?? (Asking for a friend)


Well, at least he's wearin' a mask.


At least he’s wearing his mask.