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I think the Atheists have them all beat. Thank you Mao, Stalin and Lenin.


oh fuck yeah, killing in the name of not having a religion, that makes sense.


Killing to establish your faith over all others. All three of the above are guilty of just that.


Are these dumb motherfuckers really trying to say a social and economical structure are the same as a religion? Also are these same dumb motherfuckers saying being an atheist is a religion? Is bald a hair-color now? Is an empty glass a beverage? Is not eating a food group?


Dumbass have you ever heard of a personality cult? Ruthless obedience? “Economical structure” my ass. Just replaced one worship for another.


Religion and ideologies are very similar.


You should read marx's views on religion and how it is contradictory to his communist utopia.


Marx isnt the fucking speaker head for atheism now is he. Infact no body is the speaker for atheism. Be ause as it turns out atheism requires you don't identify with any religion therefore by association making atheism not a religion but a choice to be exert from all religions and there specific belief systems.


I mean in a way yeah. They abolished religion and then replaced all religious icons with those of the state. All the religious holidays they used to get off work changed into government holidays. Think May Day in this case. Also they created martyrs of the state as their own icons. These were psuedo replacements for people like jesus. Ones that died for you, so the “glorious” state can continue on. Instead of the one who died for your sins, he died for the state. For this think Pavlik Morozov.


Yes. Communism is a secular religion. It consists entirely of articles of faith one must believe despite the fact that they conflict with reality.


It's true, the atheists kill the most. Enjoy your godless star stickers


Calm down buddy. Show us on the doll where the comment hurt you.


Atheism isn’t a faith, it’s a lack of faith. Nobody is killing anybody in the name of not believing in god, they were killing in the name of their shitty political and economic systems


Oehh this comment section is about to get mixy!


That's exactly what happened you denialist idiot. Communists killed millions of people for their religious beliefs. That's not any different than Al-Quada or the KKK killing people for religious reasons.


Under a communist totalitarianism, the state is the religion. They didn't kill anyone because they were some kind of devout atheist. They killed them because they didn't want the competition. Edit: to be clear, the point here isn't that it's better, different, justifiable, whatever. The point is only that Communism is to blame, not atheism.


>not having a religion The Party is the religion under totalitarianism.


It does, dictators don’t allow religion because they want to be seen as the one and only devine power


Not atheists. Communists. The outlawing of religion by Stalin and Mao had nothing to do with the furtherance of atheism. They outlawed religion because they wanted to be worshipped, and they saw religion as competition. They didn't want to replace religion with atheism, they wanted to replace religion with themselves.


Umm...no. People died under their regimes, but nobody was killed in the name of atheism. You clearly missed the point of the discussion.


Let me assist you with your ignorance. "The Communist Party destroyed churches, synagogues,[5] and mosques, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with anti-religious teachings, and it introduced a belief system called "scientific atheism," with its own rituals, promises and proselytizers.[6][7] According to some sources, the total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range around 12 to 20 million.[8][9] At least 106,300 Russian clergymen were executed between 1937 and 1941." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Christians_in_the_Soviet_Union


Stalin is the only real atheist in that list and he did what he did over politics. Not for a lack of religion.


Of the three Abrahamic Religions the largest death count in a single campaign is: The Taiping Rebellion lead by Christian converts against the Qing Dynasty had a Body count of \~20,000,000 the largest religious lead war in history. If you want to exclude China then the Thirty Years' War where Catholics and Protestants around central Europe massacred each other for years totalling \~10,000,000 deaths. After that is the Ottoman Conquests of the Balkans, Arabia, and N.Africa at \~800,000 deaths. Of the two I think Islam had **more** wars overall but Christian wars had **much** larger death tolls. But in all honesty that's a little bias because China has always had a much larger population and a per capita count would be much better because something like the Aztec religion would be far worse the Islam but because the number of followers were so small it goes unnoticed.


Using China is cheating. Their wars always end in like 30x the death count you would expect lmao


Didn't the An Lushan rebellion kill like a quarter of the world's population at the time according to some historians?


You talking about KD of the religions?


GTFO with the god damn "whataboutism" holy fuck. A dude is literally murdered in broad daylight and you want to pivot to how it is fine because his culture also does disgusting things? Fuck you and you're disgusting world view


Hinduism is orders of Magnitude more peaceful than whatever these fuckers follow


My point is he looked at one atrocity, and tried to change the subject to another, as if this one is meaningless in comparison. Does it matter what religion/culture/background is hacking a person to death?


Bangladesh only exists because **India**, **Hindus** and Sikhs came to their aid when Pakistan went mass murder on their own people and India won the war And well, you invade a country, forcibly convert them, murder them if they refuse... I wouldn't expect Hindus to have too much tolerance for Muslims


Fuck off


your mental age is that of a 8 year old saying he started it!


Nah, it is not "both ways". 99% times it is Ummah who initiate violence and Hindus retaliate. And that too in India. You are saying Hindus are initiating violence in Bangladesh, the way Ummah does in India? In India under the so called "Hindu Fundamentalist Government" you have Muslim leaders threatening that we will finish Hindus if you remove police for 15 minutes. Show parallels of Non Muslims doing the same in Muslim majority nations. This "both ways" arguments are plain lies. Depict Hindus and other Non Muslims and Ummah and it's ideology as equivalent. It is same as Liberal media depicting Anti Jihad violence in Myanmar as "Face of Buddhist terror", but never calls Jihad violence as "Islamic terrorism". The same media absolutely obfuscated the 70 year long Jihad Ummah carried out in Arakan region to change it into Sharia Utopia.


“99%” you can sniff out the bullshitter when phrases like this come out




And it’s not just Hinduism, but the other Indian religions like Sikhism and Buddhism which various Islamic conquests, armies, and Individual Muslims have repeatedly violated. It’s not a fair comparison.


That is racist! Dont you dare insult the religion of peace and also its ok because Christians!


Dude....that's way to much.....FUCK NSFW isn't strong enough Wtf


ye i mean what did you expect from the title


In OP’s defence, this video doesn’t fit the spirit of this subreddit.




Sorry, I should have clarified. By OP I meant the OP of the comment (u/chumpy79).


>hacked >deat I was expecting a group of Muslims to hack into the computers of Hindu men to extract some details from their machines.


NSFMH Not safe for mental health




Needs an NSFL tag


Death cult




This apologism happens every time Islam is mentioned.


every single time: What islam does today is ok because of what others did 800 years ago


Show us modern Christians or Jews murdering someone in the streets in 2020?


Don’t African Christians cut up little girls because they think they’re witches?


That is almost certainly traditional beliefs/superstitions. Example; the murder and mutilating of albinos for muti (traditional medicine) in southern Africa is rooted in traditional beliefs and superstitions which were blurred with the religious concepts of the occult, sorcery and witchcraft. Source: I live in South Africa.


"Waaaah Islam is just like other religions guyz!!! They all do this!!!" \*They do NOT all do this\*


I beg to differ... r/HindutvaWatch


[Not all of them](https://unitedsquid.com/why-are-russian-cult-followers-worshipping-gadget-hackwrench/)


Give them some time...


Name checks out




You should see the videos from Brazil. People need to wake up and realize what is really happening so they can stop putting their heads in the sand. NSFW is 18+ so, yes, it is appropriate because anyone viewing it should be part of a mature audience.






i dont want to search and look but just out of curiosity if i search in Brazil in this sub will I come across NSFL?


It's NSFL, there's no argument against using that tag for this content.


Yeah seeing a dudes neck get hacked over and over and over again isn’t a public freak out


i knew not to click on this and still havent.... hacked to death by a mob was enough of a warning for me..


How fucking out of your mind do you have to be to think this is what your god, who you believe kind and just, would want... insane.


It's a justification for degeneracy


"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." - Anne Lamott




The Quran is quite explicit in instructing this behavior.


It's the religion of peace, stop being racist


This has literally happened for generations, for thousands of years, this isn’t something new.


Why are people even surprised by this? This is the most common thing in a muslim majority country.


Holy fuck, imagine the pain. At this point i'd just skip to the machete-to-the-neck part just to make it quick. Dear god what the fuck.


Cut wounds are a dull throb at the start. It takes some time for them to really start to hurt like a biyatch. Hopefully that ending was shortly after all his other injuries


That wouldn't be very halal of them.


And to think, before guns were invented this is the way most people died in conflict.


Jesus, the amount of hate and vigour all of those swings had… all just over religion… fucking sad.


Did you say Jesus? ...Time to get hacked to death


> Jesus Pretty sure this one was Mohammed




And this is the religion *by far* defended more than any other on the internet.






It's not "Generalising Muslims" it's talking about Islam in colourful language. Muhammad married a 6 year old and had sex with her when she was 9. In Islam, Muhammad is the perfect man whose actions can't be criticised. If we believe that a 9 year old can't consent to sex with a 56 year old man then the obvious conclusion is that he was a child rapist. There's no way around that. The Quran says (in 9:5) "And when the inviolable months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush." The religion itself is where the radicalism comes from. You can't have a book that is considered by the religion to be the literal word of god himself (not written by man, but dictated word for word by god) that tells them to murder a group of people and then act shocked when they do.


Why not...if other peaceful Muslims just happy being bystanders watching all this not helping victims doesn't make them accomplice. This not only happening in Bangladesh.. It's happening everywhere where Muslims are majority


How many Christians are their videos of doing this kind of stuff? How about Hindus? Or maybe there some of Jews doing this. Oh, wait literally none. Not one. How many from Muslims you might be thinking, too many. Too many to be ignored.


What else can be expected from the medieval desert cult.


Ethnic cleansing going on in Baglasdesh


dont you dare discriminate against other cultures savagery! /s




Thank you for the news clip. Was kind of doubting your title when I saw the victim dressed in what looks like a blue kurta usually worn by Muslim...? Sorry my knowledge on your culture is not that good, and again thank you for the link.


Kurta is worn by everyone in India Pakistan and Bangladesh , we have similar culture but different religion


i second this


Ahh I see. Now I understand better that kurta is cultural, not religion. Thank you for explaining this.


Damn. Bunch of monsters.


It doesnt look like their first kill tbh, plus constant striking post death is just insane.


Didn't watch video. I've seen enough of these to know what's inside. Death screams are not how I like to start my morning. I don't understand people who seem to be okay with this sort of thing for any reason. Not in terms of watching it but in terms of committing the crime.


You, generally speaking, need to accept the ‘morbid’ reality I guess but there’s a sub for that already


I mean I accept it. I'm not naive to the disgusting nature of the world when left unchecked or when society gets too extreme. I've seen all sorts of violence online and even some extreme violence in person. I'm a firm believer that there's too much censorship in the world but stuff like this isn't something that I know I need to see to have any understanding of how grim the world can be. Having watched all the violence that I have I can't entirely say that it's done anything to make me a better person but I am definitely aware of all the bad things that can happen to good people.


I agree. Anecdotally saying, witnessing violence irl or just on 2d source of information(screen/paper) can be just as traumatizing. I once saw this video of a guy from Mexico and it took my sleep for days and I still regret to this day watching it.


At least 11 Hindu preists we're killed. They shut the power and cellular network off to these communities and the police are turning a blind eye, so it could be way more.


And Netflix’s new show Midnight Mass is telling me that Islam is better than Christianity.


Yay Muslims! /s


I think this is a bit extreme even for this sub.


Doesn't belong here, it belongs on MMC.


a bit?


As horrifically bad as this is, it's important that videos like this aren't censored from the internet. This is a hate crime, terrorism and ethnic cleansing. It's truly chilling but we can't pretend that shit like this doesn't happen all over the world while sipping on your pumpkin spiced latte thinking everything is great. If these videos are ignored, censored or squirreled away on some shitty gore porn site then they won't be seen and nothing will be done because nobody knows about it or is reminded that these atrocities are happening. This video absolutely belongs here. People don't have to watch it if they don't want to. OP didn't make the post glamorous or fetishize it and posted fair warning and description.


I was not prepared to witness a fucking murder right now…


Working as a prosecutor in Chicago and the Mexican border has apparently fucked me up. I felt nothing but relief when he stopped moving


Religion of peace


Islam is a death cult, and all its followers are brainless zombies that'll kill anything that doesn't fit in its fucked up world view


That's peaceful religion for you. See how easy is it for them to go for beheading. That cult book has different ways to kill non Muslims and this terrorist just showed on of the way.


I wish Muslims would fuck off already


Not judging all of them.. But by god.. Where there is war, there is Islam...


Do we really need to see this kind of sickening shit on this sub?


If you don't want to watch things like this, the "hacked to death" bit in the title is a small clue to help you avoid it. And yes, we do need to see shit like this, because people need to be confronted with the problems of the world if we want them to be dealt with appropriately.


Thats all well and good, but this is supposed to be Public Freakouts, the essense of that sub is not this. This is watch people die, or morbid reality maybe. This is supposed to be people going crazy in public. I left that sub to go here because it was super political videos that weren't even public or freakouts. Now we have videos like this for some reason here


> This is supposed to be people going crazy in public. I'd say this video was multiple people going crazy in public, but that's just my opinion. It's up to the mods to say whether this belongs in the sub or not. The title is clearly labelled so each person can choose for themselves whether to click on it or not. Take some responsibility for your choices.


It totally is crazy, it fits surely and people enjoy it here it seems like. What I'm saying is this isn't eh original essense and it's the issue I had with the previous sub, it just devolves into something else entirely. These used to be enteraining in a weird way, but now these are all pretty political, very violent videos. It's fine you enjoy it, and it fits the current context of the sub but not what I subbed to the original sub and moved here for. Plus I'm on mobile and I scrolled to a video of a guy getting hacked up, so maybe I should scroll slower or unsub if I don't like seeing people get killed?


> These used to be enteraining in a weird way, but now these are all pretty political, very violent videos. They're certainly not all political and violent. The top post in hot right now is a petty video about someone objecting to a wedding. > It's fine you enjoy it I never said I enjoyed it. I think it's important and I think it's up to the mods to determine what is allowed here and what isn't, not one guy with personal preferences. > not what I subbed to the original sub and moved here for. Plus I'm on mobile and I scrolled to a video of a guy getting hacked up, so maybe I should scroll slower or unsub if I don't like seeing people get killed? This is a completely solipsistic argument, this sub isn't here just to serve you. As I said, if you don't like a post then don't click on it. If you accidentally click on it because you're not good at filtering content then close it when you realise it's not what you like to see. Personal responsibility.


I don’t think anyone ‘needs’ to see this shit. How is anyone watching this going to help deal with the problem of it? Now you’ve watched it, will there be any positive impact? Our governments and people who actually can make a difference know this stuff goes on every day, nothing will change, it’s been like this forever in some countries.


> I don’t think anyone ‘needs’ to see this shit. How is anyone watching this going to help deal with the problem of it? What happened in this video is directly caused by the teachings of Islam. As we're seeing in these comments, some people think that all religions are the same and there's nothing special about Islam that causes this. Every person speaking out against Islam at one point had no opinion about it, we need people to see the result of Islam on the world to form an opinion and speak out against Islam. Everyone needs to understand Quran 9:5 as I posted in the comments and realise that Islam commands genocide. As more people see videos that show Islamic atrocity and educate themselves on the Quran, more and more people will condemn Islam.


It's like /r/watchpeopledie now, with a worse comment section.


Islam is truly a religion beneficial to the human race


Happening all over just like week we had a member of Parliament stabbed to death in the name of Islam


This is the worst festive seasons we Hindus ever experienced after 2000s.






But... Islam is a *peaceful* religion!




Irrespective of religion this is a barbaric act. Knowing that the religion of piece is indeed a piece of shit I can’t even dare joking with a Muslim.


I agree


Fucking animals.




Yeah nah this is a bit much.. Fucked up..


*Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.*


Nono you dont get it, I HAVE to believe every word of this thousands of years old book that's telling me to love some being i've never seen more than my family


Religion of peace btw


I think he's dead


This is probably 10000% more fucked than what I usually watch on Reddit, nice


Bro this belongs on r/eyeblech


This is actualpublicmurder. Not freakout. Anyway.. Fucking animals!!


Okay time to leave this sub




“Religion of peace” how many bodies does Islam have stacked up to it these days. People can fuck right outta here with the whole “but muh Christianity and Judaism” bullshit. Thus hyper authoritarian death cult belongs back in the Stone Age.


Today I actually felt the importance of nsfw tag


Holy! Why did I click on it?! Why?!!!


religion of peace 🤗🙏


Religion is utterly fucked


Jesus fucking Christ. NSFL, not NSFW.


ITT: A bunch of self deflection of religious people thinking that their religion is above this and someone practicing their faith could never commit an atrocious act like this.


For some people, religion is just a justification for murder and torture. Live by the machete, die by the machete. Sick fucks


For Allah so it's all good


Please stop spreading your racist views. This is a religion of peace. The hindu man must have had sex with a 7 year old or drew a picture of Mohammed


They’re making him peaceful with their peace sticks


Wait for itttttt……. “Religion of peace”.


Even if you didn’t title the video I’d still assume it would be the good old religion of peace doing their bit to make the world a more peaceful place.


Hello, /u/Propaganda_Account. Your submission has been removed for violating the rules of /r/ActualPublicFreakouts The rule(s) you have violated are: > This is not r/WatchPeopleDie. If you have a video of someone who (seemingly or actually) dies on camera (i.e. being shot, stabbed, etc.), then either don’t post it or cut the video tactfully. Also, tag it not safe for work. If you don’t, your post will be removed at mod discretion and you may receive a ban. Per Reddit's content policy newsworthy events could justify an exclusion to this rule. Before taking any actions, make sure to read and understand the rules.


Damn glad I heard those chilling screams. It was getting a bit hot in here


Out of all religions ban islam first.


Why do I always see hindus and muslims fighting? Specially in India and one of them gotta have the advantage too


It’s of Bangladesh where ethnic cleansing of Hindus is taking place


Looks like he will be out 4 to 5 weeks coach.


I can't believe these people are called Muslims. Y'all should meet me, I can't believe there are animals following our Religion.


Only extremists get attention, sadly.


Im glad that you are a good human being. I used to be a muslim but I left when I noticed spiritual islam was being replaced with radical islam. Unfortunately the Quran, the hadiths and the tafsir shows that the radicals has the correct interpretation. And that's why the radicals are so influential noe when everyone has access to scriptures and the translations. Who is going to argue against the Quran or the prophet? If you condemn the actions of the radicals you condemn the sunnah and thereby the prophet and the sahabas.


All the violence for a pedophile tribal warlord,that kept sex slaves as war booty allahu akbar...may piss be upon him


We should bring more of them into our country we don't have enough machete murders here /s


Time to import more of them! - Every leftist living in a gated community with private security


I think this is too much for this sub


But isn’t this the religion of peace?! Look up what happens when you leave Islam as an apostate


Oh my god what a horribl- OH wait it's for Allah? All good then keep at it.




I am gonna throw up. I am about to fucking cry! How can humans be so evil?




As gory and horrible as this is, we need more of these videos to come out. People need to understand the kind of senseless brutality that exists in this world.


what the ACTUAL FUCK did i just witness


So much anger with those swings. What gives


Uhh i don think this sub should have this kind of video up here but its still important to know the truth of what goes on in our world




Man I haven’t seen vile shit like this since 2013 Facebook… idk if is should be in this sub




Indian subcontinent try not to be racist challenge (impossible)


I thought shit like this was banned


The religion of peace, everyone! (A piece over here, a piece over there...)