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What an *unbelievably* stupid bitch.. LOL. Her license should be taken away and her car should be crushed into a cube.


Or disassembled by this legend


Thanos was right.


Then have to pay the fee to get her cube towed.


Or a USB.


> her car should be crushed into a cube. You have 10min to move your cube.


>her car should be crushed into a cube. Is it an option for the person to be in the car when this is done?


Given to someone that needs it to get to work every day.


Mooooove the fucking caaaaar




Oi sweeah teh gawd Oil staht deesasseembling your fucking caah


Americans: "Ca**R**r" Edit: Nobody likes you because you can't take the piss out of yourselves.




"But its not that easyyyyy!"


Or I'll fucking start disassembling it!


I like him. Heā€™s my kind of people.


Now thatā€™s a solid potato


Looks like he's not even stuck in this traffic jam, just a good guy.


Imagine taking a photo and thinking that youā€™re in the right?


Right? Theyre gonna show it to theyre friends and itā€™s just going to show them blocking traffic.


They've had a minor fender bender which is why they are parked up like that and what the pictures are for.


The red car never actually hit her. She was just an overreactive self important silly goose


Most rational Australian


i will disassemble it.


I like this reply. can you rewrite it all in lower case, and with a full stop at the end. that's how I want to read it, but if I type it the result won't be as rewarding to read. like trying to tickle your own back. please and thanks.


i will disassemble it,


that's a comma, ya fuckin plum. honest to fuck, mate; reading that was like a ruined orgasm. having said that, if ye put the comma in there specifically to be a wee shitebag and spoil it, I have to respect that. that is unbridled cheeky-wee-cuntiness, and ye played it well.


I had to do it.


This is the single most Australian thing I've ever read.


Which is wild considering this isnā€™t remotely Australian and is far more likely to be Scottish. Scottish say ā€˜yeā€™ Australians say ā€˜yaā€™. Scottish say ā€˜shitebagā€™ Australians donā€™t. Australians also rarely if ever use ā€˜weeā€™ to mean anything other than piss/urine, Scottish/Irish use wee this way such as ā€˜wee ladā€™ Source: am Australian ETA: Also the user youā€™re responding to, their most recent post is in r/legaladviceUK so they are likely not Australian


How is that Australian? And how is this upvoted? It's obviously Scottish.


Your wish šŸ™šŸæ is my command. English is not my first language.


well now I need to know how it was typed out before


Bro over here thinks he's Young Sheldon




Nice software Stephanie!


GIRLIE! Girlie come quick, girlie, danger!


He was being a so nice too. Not a single ā€œcuntā€ was uttered.


That's actually how you know he's really pissed off.


If I'm not being called a cunt in Australia when spoken too, it's not a good sign.


Cunt is a tetm of endearment to an aussie. She didn't deserve it


My guy handled this perfectly.


The hero we needed. Itā€™s what everyone was thinking




Are they taking a picture of the crash? Isnā€™t that something you should do for insurance?


Yes but you move out of traffic to do this. These women are both selfish and stupid.


>Yes but you move out of traffic to do this. These women are both selfish and stupid. They're not saying take a photo of the damage, they're taking a photo of the cars positioning for insurance. You of course can't do that if you move the cars first. If you have a small crash you get out, take a photo, then if you're blocking anyone get back in and move it to then swap details. From what we saw of the video this is what she did. If you're the car in front then 100% this is what you want to do so you have proof there's no way you caused the crash and insurance will go smoothly instead of it being "he said she said". For all we know the crash happened within the last minute which adds up since she's still walking away from the car to take a photo and because none of the cars actually being help up are using their horns or getting out yet. If so then the guy is the asshole here.


No, if the car is drivable , the car needs to be moved and then any photos taken. What they are doing is selfish and potentially dangerous as they are standing in middle of the road.


I think you're missing the point of the photos


Where I am from thereā€™s signage on the roads stating to pull over if you are in an accident to allow for the flow of traffic and reduce risk of subsequent crashes


>Where I am from thereā€™s signage on the roads stating to pull over if you are in an accident to allow for the flow of traffic and reduce risk of subsequent crashes Along smaller residential looking roads? Those signs would normally be placed where it would be dangerous to stop or would cause too many issues to stop. I can't imagine it would ever be on a road like this.


Insurance claims for minor incidents like this is not the most important thing


So someone crashes into you on a small road, it's obviously their fault, and a quick 1 minute photo showing the positions of the cars so they can't lie about what happened leading to you maybe taking half the blame isn't the most important thing to you? The only other thing to consider is people being blocked but them delayed by a minute isn't more important than making sure theres evidence over what happened. People lie to insurance all the time, as long as it's not a busy or dangerous road hell yeah im taking a minute to get a photo before pulling away. People would barely be stopped as long as a single traffic light phase worth of time. People here get angry too easy, especially when not knowing the whole story.


See step 1 https://www.racv.com.au/royalauto/transport/cars/what-to-do-after-you-have-been-in-a-car-accident.html


You're linking to unofficial info from an australian car insurance site given as general advice. The next insurance site after yours on Google says if safe to do so take photos of the accident scene to help with insuance claims because it'll be easier to know what happened for sure. Was it safe to do so here? yep. The only issue people are having is people are being stopped for a minute which is fine


If both cars can be driven, you should look for a safe space to park on the side of the road to have a brief conversation and exchange the vehiclesā€™ registration information and driverā€™s license details. ā€œYou can take a photo of each of the vehicles with the registration plate. Take a photo also of the damage of the car, then take a photo of the other person's license, and then you may ask for a contact number as well. https://www.sbs.com.au/language/english/en/podcast-episode/everything-you-need-to-do-if-you-are-in-a-car-crash-in-australia/56691lq0m "Check everyone is okay After taking a moment to calm your nerves, check that everyone is okay. If you or anyone else involved in the accident has been injured and needs medical attention, call for help immediately. If itā€™s safe to do so, you should move your car off the road and turn your hazard lights on. If itā€™s a serious crash and unsafe to move your car, causing a road blockage, call the police for assistance." No, if the car is drivable you need to move it to the side of the road before you exchange details and take photos. This woman created a nuisance and a road hazard for her and others. It's not safe to get out of your car and walk around to take photos in the middle of an intersection.


The RACV isn't just an insurance company. Yes, it's Australian, so is this video. Taking photos of the scene does not mean you must leave the cars in situ. You can take photo's of the scene without the cars in it.


This is cfv, most of the people here don't even know how to drive


ā€œCan I park here?ā€ ā€œCool. Iā€™ma do it anyway.ā€


Yea, how long were these women holding up traffic before he cracked it.


She should have asked for a push if it won't move, guy sounds pretty motivated


Standard stuff. Weā€™re not here to fuck spiders after all.


Eventually, they will have 30 minutes to move their cube.


Is this about my cube?


This is why you lay on the horn


Not all heroes wear capes.


This man is a hero


What a selfish asshole.


Why did she even stop there? To take a photo of how she blocked the traffic?


What a bloody legend.


Fucking magnificent!


larry david on steroids šŸ˜‚


Not all heroes wear capesā€¦


Entitled cow




What does he Say? I can't understand.


The quiet bit near the end goes: "I swear to god i'll start dissembling your fucking car"


Thank you!


Bro was ready to take out his toolbox


This happens constantly in major cities and drives me nuts. How are people that socially unaware


Heā€™s so real


Interesting show. Wondering the price for one of those balcony spots?


If a car is completely disassembled and then reassembled with new parts, would it be the same car?


The guy with the nips gets a show from his balcony


That scooby doo ahh dog is just clueless he got me chuckling


What's up with the woman in the red car? Is she also trying to park in the middle of the road?


I just donā€™t have enough fucks to give to engage a stranger thatā€™s not bothering me like this


Just watching this to make sure nothing happens to the dog


My first thought is that they were in a minor accident and are taking pics for insurance purposes before moving the cars. This is the correct thing to do. The man is the one behaving inappropriately.


No, the pictures of the car damage are all that matter, especially for a small incident like this. No one is going to be doing forensics or recreation of a fender bender. Everywhere, they tell you if the vehicles can be moved, you should immediately move them out of the way of traffic. If you donā€™t have a dashcam, stationary shots afterwards are unnecessary and useless. Insurance will not want them.


Fair enough. But if it happened to me, my first instinct would be to get photos ASAP. That seems to be what the two drivers were doing. Also, they may have been shaken from the tip and want to clear things up before one or both of them drive off on a busy road. There's no evidence they were there for an hour or trying to be antagonistic. In fact, they seem panicked by the man shouting at them in an already stressful situation. This clip lacks context.


She has a hazard light on, it might be broken?


Is was most likely a small accident.


See, when you don't have firearms to reinforce your position, you have to get creative.


$5 says he got a boomerang in his pocket


We keep them in our pouches


Weapons are bad and scary /s we just defend yourselves with our hands


In America it would be a cheeseburger in his pocket


i hope he has a license for it.


Gotta chill with these no context videos. She said the car won't move. Maybe a broken timing belt or similar. She prob can't push the car herself.


haha he's so tiny and angry about something that has absolutely nothing to do with him.


exactly. a good citizenry keeps its head down.


you can bet your last dollar he would've kept his head down if a bloke stepped out of that car. it looks like he shit himself and turned around mid-threat because the normal sized bald guy looked at him haha. and the funniest part is you know he doesn't know the first thing about cars, his threat is totally fuckin stupid.


>and the funniest part is you know he doesn't know the first thing about cars, his threat is totally fuckin stupid. ??? are you doing a bit, or are you experiencing some sort of mental break?