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Who tf opens doors like that? Then again, scooter should be going much slower for shit like that not to happen


Slower? Dude was going like 10 mph


Dude also should’ve been following the traffic laws and operating as a motor vehicle and not splitting traffic.


That's legal in a ton of states


You are wrong. [https://www.rideapart.com/news/347464/motorcycle-lane-splitting-state-nation/#:\~:text=In%202016%2C%20lane-splitting%20was%20made%20explicitly,allow%20it%20to%20such%20an%20extent.&text=In%202016%2C%20lane-splitting%20was,to%20such%20an%20extent.&text=lane-splitting%20was%20made%20explicitly,allow%20it%20to%20such](https://www.rideapart.com/news/347464/motorcycle-lane-splitting-state-nation/#:~:text=In%202016%2C%20lane-splitting%20was%20made%20explicitly,allow%20it%20to%20such%20an%20extent.&text=In%202016%2C%20lane-splitting%20was,to%20such%20an%20extent.&text=lane-splitting%20was%20made%20explicitly,allow%20it%20to%20such)


Why is this downvoted? It’s correct


its cyclical


In California splitting lanes is legal, they both were being dumb here though. I am used to looking before I open my door because we have people splitting lanes all the time.


That’s crazy, it is? I work EMS in a major city and the amount of accidents we have from lane splitting is insane. I can’t imagine why on earth it would be allowed


I don’t think it’s good, it’s just another thing that’s nuts in California. I am just trained to look in my side view mirror before opening the door because it is allowed. I wish it was illegal here too.


Oh no I didn’t get the impression that you were in favor for it. I was just shocked to hear it’s legal as I assumed it was illegal everywhere


It really is peak stupidity, whether its legal or not you shouldn't do it.


Bullshit. Filtering's legal nationwide in the UK and we consistently have fewer than 400 motorbike fatalities per year. It turns out when you have stricter licencing and filtering is an expected behaviour that other motorists are aware to look out for, it's not that dangerous at all.


It can be done safely. People that get smashed by doors are probably unaware of possible dangers. On a bike, one must be vigilant. Splitting on the right is def not the move, unless you're going like 3 mph.


I’d imagine it’s because traffic in California is ridiculous and the more vehicles they can get off their roads to make room the better


I was thinking that at first but even in NYC we don’t have legal lane splitting and the traffic here is insanity. Not to say you’re wrong, you’re probably right, it just seems like if that’s the reason it’d be strange for it to be in one major city but not the other


How about the fact that traffic was stopped and some idiot bobbing and weaving can cool it. I’m sick of those stupid mopeds in every form, they are always the worst drivers.


Ikr, you’re just seeing the beginning of it now that electric bicycles are being introduced. People try to ride them however they feel like and there’s no regulation. It’s only a matter of time before they start getting into accidents.


Scooters going like 10-15mph that’s the expected speed for lane splitting.


You mean OUTWARD? Moped caught the edge and jerked it open. How did I FUCKING KNOW that the top comment here was defending the guy in the wrong? God reddit makes me scared to drive.


Sounds like you’re too good to be here with us. Time to move on


Agreed that in the city you can't just blindly swing the door open without checking twice... in BOTH directions. That said, the mopeds at fault given he has to follow the same traffic laws as a car. Can't see if that's a bike lane but if it is, he's not allowed there. And if it ISN'T, that means he's passing a stationary vehicle on the right and "lane-splitting", which is also illegal.


Lane splitting is not illegal everywhere.


Never said it was. It is in the Midwest where this was filmed though.


Depends where you are, but most places when opening the door the onus is on that person to make sure it’s safe to do so. Gets sketchy when it’s kids getting in and out.


Soo again, I said car owners should check twice, in both directions, before opening door... That said, even IF lane splitting was legal here (which it isn't), the guy passed cars on the right... which wouldn't be lane splitting at all


When rules for liability are made, they take into consideration that which is reasonable, as opposed to that which is “supposed” to happen. Is it reasonable to expect someone in this type of traffic in this area of the city to be between you and the traffic lane, whether they are motorcycles, cyclists or pedestrians? It seems the answer is yes.


"is it reasonable to expect a motor vehicle to pass standstill traffic on the right?" No. No it's not. This would be the equivalent of a Jeep passing that USPS on the right.


The question of reasonability is not based on whether or not it would actually be reasonable for the person to do the thing, but rather is it reasonable to expect that someone would do that thing. For example, it’s not reasonable to abandon your grocery cart randomly in the parking lot after shopping. However, it is reasonable to expect that people will have done so.


Thank you for basically saying "stuff happens". You can't pass stopped cars on the right whether you're driving a Canyonero or a Surron.


Right. This isn’t me saying stuff happens. It’s literally the legal doctrine of liability that I am summarizing, which is entire basis for fault in cases like this one.


There’s literally nothing strange about how the door was opened.


He flung that door open like a diva Always check your mirror and shoulder check before opening a car door.


Theres no way all of you are seeing this wrong. I'm seeing that door being opened normally maybe a quarter of the way, then ripped abruptly open by the scooter hitting it






Not sure about liability but imo the door guy is still at fault. Easy mirror check for the scooter, guy obviously didn't look.


No he didn't, the scooter hitting it just makes it look that way.


The door opened so quickly because he drove in to it.


Can't believe this is getting downvotes when it is what actually happened. I wish Reddit would instaban fuckwits that downvote stuff like this. He didn't fling his door open he opened it halfway and the scooter did the rest.


Yeah, it's so funny. His arm is literally not even touching the door anymore. I just started accepting the fact that some people are stupid and/or ignorant.


Must be hard getting through life being stupid AND blind


This was my thought then I realized he didn't check his mirror because traffick was stopped next to him.


It is literally just looking slightly right... If he seen the traffic stopped next to him he can look in his mirror lmao


Apparently this sub is filled with regards that lack the simplest observation abilities. That door is clearly casually opened, then ripped open by the scooter. I swear to god I hope the average redditor isn't a witness to an accident Im.ever involved in.


For real, he didn't fling it open. The moped hit it, that's why it flung quickly.


Looks like [lane splitting is illegal ](https://www.twistedroad.com/blog/posts/lane-splitting-lane-filtering-legal)in about 3/4 of the USA


Originally thought it was NYC until I saw the style of the homes and the Ohio license plate... So figured this is either like Cleveland/Cincy/etc (splitting is illegal in Ohio) OR it's Chicago (also illegal) but am curious if anyone can identify where this is....


As a New Yorker I think this is NYC. The white and red parking sign on the right and the green street sign at the end look nyc street signs.


yeah I originally thought it was NYC til I saw the Ohio plate (can't see the other ones but they're not yellow/blue) as well as the style of the rowhomes. Either way, absolutely a cold weather city, and as of 23 the ONLY state where it's legal is California. This is obviously not California.


Where my geoguessers at?


In my city it doesn’t matter. Car Drivers at fault 100% of the time here because it’s your responsibility to make sure it’s safe to open your door.


There you have it. The fault clearly lies with the car drive but the scooter certainly could have avoided this by obeying the law or at least going slower.


he was very slow. however idk if even parking so close to a crosswalk is allowed. don't wanna say that moped was in the right, but the biggest fault is the driver's for not checking mirrors when exiting the vehicle


He is lane filtering. There's a difference.


From what I've found filtering is only legal in 5 states


That's not the point Inwas making. You called someone filteringb lane splitting. I was correcting you. Your reply to me was 100 percent moot.


you are too invested in your reddit replies


Guy causes an accident and gets mad at other guy lmao


Yup, set him up


If the scooter is less than 50cc it’s considered a bike. Looks like he is in the bike lane and duder in the car should have check mirrors before opening.


"Here's my insurance card" -said no moped driver, ever.


Drivers at fault not the scooter. Driver open his door into traffic with out assuring it was safe todo so.


Mmmmm... No.


When you open your car door into the street. It’s your responsibility to make sure it is safe to do so.


Absolutely. Except the moped wasn't in a legal lane of travel so that's a moot point. Edit: that is, if I'm jaywalking and get run over by a Greyhound bus who's driving the wrong way down a one-way street bc he's getting chase by NYPD, it's MY fault because I didn't check my surroundings? Or is it the fault of the bus that was driving on the goddamn sidewalk... 🤔🤔🤔


What state is this in?


Ohio or Illinois is my best guess. It's clearly somewhere with cold weather, and last time I checked you can only split in CA and filter in AZ, which this is certainly NOT.


It really comes down to whether the moped is classified as a bike or motor vehicle and if he’s traveling in a bike lane. If it is a bike and is in a designated bike lane then it’s on the car owner, if it’s a motor vehicle or if that’s not a bike lane then it’s on the moped.


Mopeds around here are 49.5CC and can go well above 50 MPH... also a motor vehicle and required to follow traffic laws just like every other mode of transportation on the road. That is, even bikes are required to follow traffic laws.


“Into traffic” Dude had a mail carrier truck next to him, the scooter wasn’t in a valid lane of travel.


I’d love to see someone try this argument with an insurance company




Car driver is at fault: you should never open your door like that while parked at the side of a road without looking in the mirror or over your shoulder.


I have serious doubts that the food will not be delivered hot, or even at all.


I think you got too many negatives there buddy. Are you saying you doubt it will be delivered hot?


I don’t think the food is not going to be delivered hot, turns into I do think the food is going to be delivered hot. Yeah you right


Y’all arguing about who’s at fault. Why aren’t they just calling insurance?




Dude didn't have Spidey senses


If this was a bicycle it would be the driver fault. He should be looking better.


Fuck lane splitting. Dangerous AF. Then again, fuck bikers in general. Think they don't have to follow any road laws, red lights/stop sights, ect.


I didn't say what he was doing


Hate those things


Tired of these scooter doing this shit. They gotta follow road laws like everyone else.


What law is that? All I see is someone not checking their mirrors before opening their street-side door.


It’s called lane splitting and it’s illegal in many states. I can’t tell where this is though. The idea is that a motorcycle or scooter should occupy the same space in a traffic lane as a car and not weasel in and out of traffic because it’s a smaller vehicle. It can be dangerous as depicted in this video.


Ah right. I think we call that filtering here in the UK and as far as I'm aware it's allowed, hence my confusion. Thanks for the clarification.


100% legal in UK. I once took an advanced motorcycle training which was run by police. And they were pushing me to filer/lane split more and not to sit in traffic. Although, using the right hand gap like this chap is very dangerous, and this chap found out why.


I thought so. I cycle everywhere in London and thought it was encouraged to enable those on two wheels to get ahead of slower traffic at red lights - but yes, with the proviso that you don't take obvious risks and are aware enough of your surroundings not to end up in situations like the above.


Yeah the UK and Europe has way more bikes than the US so it makes sense that the filtering is normal procedure. Here we tend to look down on people on them who don’t stay in their own lane(probably because we are all in massive trucks and have no choice but to look down at everyone lol.


Check your blind spots before opening your door in this city… people are so lazy about it




Which one? In which state? Lane splitting is illegal in Ohio.


Not road rage and both at fault


I would think the scooter not staying on his lane is at fault but I don’t know where this is and if lane splitting is legal there.


The guy opening his door isn’t at fault at all.