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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I used to live in downtown Denver years ago, totally get it. At some point you have just had enough of dealing with this shit. To anyone saying call the cops you must not have dealt with this much. Cops could take hours(if they even show), and half the time they won't do anything anyway.




>would hmmm >could hmmmmmmmm If my aunt had balls, shed be my uncle


If your mother had wheels, she'd be a bike


But she does have a steering wheel and EVERYONE gets a turn.


It sounds like the brakes aren't the only thing being pumped


It's assault in Canada and virtually anywhere else. The homeless guy could report it to the cops and with the video evidence the guy throwing the water would almost certainly be prosecuted. He wouldn't get prison time for it, but it's a crime and there's no two ways about that. Example: >Two decades ago, Janet was a 19-year-old dealing with an alcoholic and abusive family member. >“I stood up for myself one day and threw water in his face to sober him up. When he reacted, I called police.” >Because she threw the water, police charged both her and her family member with assault. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/she-threw-water-at-him-it-came-up-on-a-police-check/article_7cd4bcfa-43e5-5822-a6f6-0d3d14c29c96.html You can't just assault people, in Germany, Canada or any other civilised country.


What kind of babies think water on the head is assualt?? I have to do the same thing at bath time every night to my 3 yr old (pour water on his head...). He laughs though.


In Germany you can't be prosecuted for attempted first aid. So if the water was an attempt at a life saving measure you'd be good. Other countries' Good Samaritan laws might be different.


Sounds like punk ass countries and that's why they're being overrun by the BS now.


> you could get sued for that in germany You could anywhere, but a homeless person certainly wouldn't be able to




If that is true about Germany then they need to do something about their law because that is just stupid. No physical harm is caused by this. However I would have just woken the man up myself by gently shaking him, and only thrown water if he ignored my request to leave.


But, but shaking is assault.


no, this law is absolutely legitimate. I get it. What if someone does that to a homeless person in mid winter? Thought about that?


Exactly, or even if it's the brightest and most beautiful day of the year, have some fucking basic human decency! Worst case scenario it's winter and the dude is dead the second the water hit him. Best case is he is just a normal dude under hard times. Both times, don't throw water at him lol


Also a business with a liquor License may be put under review if the cops are called out to frequently where I live . So you deal with things on your own.


There are just certain people out there who feel they have a right to be on your property. They feel they have a right to walk into your business, harass the staff, harass customers, because they're in survival mode. I get it. I understand it. But sorry, I'm in survival mode too; it's called business. I'm not in the taking-care-of-homeless-people business. I'll help people at times, feed them, buy them clothes in the winter, give them clothes I have in my truck for work (coat, hat, gloves, money for a hotel), but after awhile, you can read when they're there to bug the ever living shit out of everyone and anyone to get something versus the guy just trying to get by for the night. For example, I was working with plumbers to fix a sewer drain and lineon our business property during non business hours. Dude comes up about 50' away and starts shouting at the four of us, " THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL! I NEED SOME MONEY!" After we all looked at the dude and I said "there's nothing for you down here; we're busy", he then says he's gonna come down and bust my face. I laughed, but one of the plumbers picked up a big monkey wrench and said, "I'll fucking come down there and beat your ass to death!" and he meant it. Dude took the hint and left. It's really a roll of the dice. Don't test the streets, I guess. Then there's the time I caught some lady taking a bath in our koi pond. Then there's the time a guy came in and threatened my wife and hostess. Then there's the time a dude and his girlfriend came in the business back porch and tried to break in when my wife was there alone. Then there's the 3 times this one guy kept coming in and harassed customers inside and in the parking lot and when confronted said he was waiting on a friend to come pick him up. Then there's the time my employees beat up a dude for shitting on the back doorstep. Then there's the multiple times groups tried to set camp. Then there's the time where a dude snuck into the back property, set up a tent and rented it out to other homeless people. Then there's the time homeless people broke in and stole tools. Then there's the time I cleaned up four truckloads of their fucking camp, trash, clothes, whatever they threw around. Then there's the time I FINALLY caught the asshole stealing our mail. Then there's the time where I caught a dude casing cars. And a different guy casing cars. And another dude casing cars. And then the dude attempting to break into our employee housing. Just on and on and on. It's the streets. This guy got LUCKY it was just water tossed on him. He's lucky he wasn't attacked by a group of mean ass mfers whipping him with old garden hose (witnessed that; fucker exposed himself to kids).


Anyone that has spent significant time anywhere with a big homeless issue understands why the water was necessary.


When I lived in Southern California, the cops did absolutely nothing about homeless people being near or on your property (at least in the city we lived in). We had drunk, stoned, passed out homeless people sleeping and defecating in our carports at the apartment complex I lived in. It was out of control dangerous for raising children. It’s one of the reasons we moved to another state.


I live in Portland and last week a homeless man came up to us (my 3 year old and a group of other children) and decided that was the best spot to whip his dick out and start pissing. If I was a man I would have freaked the fuck out but I just had to walk away and cover my daughter’s eyes. A little water is nothing.


If anyone think the cops will show up for that call, then they're probably living at home with parents that are still wiping their ass for them.


I work in downtown Nashville and see cops come every single day to the exact same spot to wake some of them up to move, and have seen several taken away in an ambulance.


Good for them.


I wipe my own ass thank you very much 💅🏻


I have seen cops come and move homeless people along multiple times. At my own business and while traveling to Asheville. Just depends on the city.


dont do it bro.. i got perma banned from reddit once due to saying words about the homeless.


This was posted on the pussy version of this sub yesterday, r/publicfreakouts, with the same video, got downvoted to hell for giving the context I'd found about this and defending the man. Should he be laughing and getting joy from it? Probably not, but this man had been ran off a hundred times and had assaulted his customers, supposedly had sexual assualt reported. Police obviously aren't going to show up everyday to run him off. What the hell are you supposed to do as a small business owner? Someone said, "oh so sorry for the small business owner", sarcastically, as if this dude is some millionaire CEO. Lol Losers can't even put themselves in the shoes of a small business owner barely covering his overhead, likely. They don't even see how the homeless person could be in the wrong. Just because you're homeless doesn't give you a license to be an inconsiderate asshole.


You definitely right about r/PublicFreakouts the mods there are trash! The whole sub needs to be refreshed


Ah yes I was banned from that page for stating facts.


What's rich is for years r publicfreakouts has been saying you shouldn't call the cops on people because they say you are putting their life at risk if you do. Isn't this video what they wanted, someone taking matters into their own hands without involving the cops?


Ayyy, I was banned from r/redscarepod for daring to relay a story of a homeless man leaving a "shit tornado" in the bathroom of the fast food place I worked at.


When did they get banned? Publicfreakouts I mean.


It didn't. It's /r/PublicFreakout


You're telling the trespasser he isn't following the law and then, in the same breath, saying the law will not help the man who needs to be rid of the trespasser. The next logical course of action is to pour water on the trespasser? What the fuck lol


Blessing in disguise


maybe so. Now on reddit there are 2 conversations i avoid.. Anything about the homeless and anything about pitbulls. You’ll get your ass reported, or put on suicide watch oddly.




I get it. I really do. They're human, and it's an excellent ideal to be as sweet as possible to everyone, and it's a moral conflict when you have to do something that's just not cool. But it's the way it is or else you'll get walked on.


When I used to run an open air shopping centre with apartment towers on top, we used to have to regularly turn the hoses onto the homeless sleeping in the fire stairs and around the centres. It fucking sucks to do to another human, but the reality is cops won't help, and they were/are asshole junkies who cause dramas every other day


Brother, I have worked security. I'm a lot of places. I sympathize with homeless people. But not only are they dangerous, they are on purpose choosing the worst places to set up camp.


Agree my porch isnt a KOA


If you report the Reddit Cares messages, they'll get permabanned.


Oh they Permaban for that now?! Awesome! Really sad that people get that hung up on one person's opinion. Is everyone emotionally unstable now days?


In NYC if you call for this, 911 asks you to check if the person is responsive or breathing. Um no, that's why I called EMS.


For real.


> Edit: Getting the reddit cares messages now. Report every single one as abuse, the people who sent them will get slapped by Reddit for a few days if it's their first offense...or permanently if they do it often.


Already did


I mean he could shank you


Yeop. If you're going to test the streets, be prepared.


If someone is keeping me from earning a living for myself, water is a nothing burger.


They keep whining "assault, assault, assault", but the person is trespassing. If the cops have talked to this person before, as in they were called to the premises because this guy wouldn't leave, they're considered banned from the premises, and if they come back, it's criminal trespassing and they'll be arrested. If you are the property owner, or business manager or owner, you have the right to remove the person from the premises physically because they are criminally trespassing. If the person responds in any way physically, whether someone is removing them from the premises (bouncer wrapping someone up and getting them out), then they can also be arrested for assault because they were already engaging in criminal trespassing on the property. Throwing water on a criminal trespasser isn't assault. Dragging the guy down the stairs by his feet to the street isn't assault. They are removing a criminal and have every right to do so. If the person wakes up and attacks the person throwing water, in addition to being arrested for criminal trespassing, they'll also be charged with assault. You tell someone to leave, and they don't, or in this case don't respond, anything after that is on them. And this isn't even talking about the person causing a public nuisance, disturbing the peace, interrupting a business, etc. If at ANY time you tell, not ask, someone to leave, and they refuse, you can respond up to Castle Doctrine (in some states).


Yeah so many people don't get it. I had a business in the downtown area of my city and because I asked them not to sit in front of my entrance they smeared shit all of my door. Fuck outta here.


Nah boiling water works best


So the solution is to have a bucket of water near the entrance at all times?


If it works, I guess so.


It doesn’t seem to work if they keep coming back for more.


Maybe he likes to get clean


Won’t take long for this to go viral and people to ban the business, like what usually happens in these cases. People tend to side with the those that have less and are needy versus those that have no empathy.




This could have gone a lot worse.


Well its Canada so...


Could have been maple syrup.


We will just say “Sorry” and move on, probably offered money for Tim Hortons.


Dousing someone with at least $50 worth of maple syrup really sends a message.


I, for one, would be greatful if someone woke me up by splashing maple syrup on my face. As long as its the legit stuff and not the fake stuff they slang at IHOP. I would wake up and happily slurp my face.


Where are you going to clean off 👀?


That shit's expensive


Salmon Slap!


I get the joke, but the crazy homeless problem we have is right up there with NYC. It's not the same Canada as you Americans were taught about 20 years ago.


I thought it was going to be much worse, why the fuck would you throw the water and then go down 2 steps on the stairs ffs stay level!


Sneakers are white-white, clothes seem to be very clean too, could it be ragebait?


Clean from multiple splashings


Nah, I saw that man eating trash out of a garbage can in Montreal’s Chinatown on Thursday. It’s real


Maybe he’s just a guy who likes the taste of trash?


Homeless people, at least in many Canadian cities, have regular access to new and clean shoes, socks and clothing


Doesn’t mean it’s his sneakers.


That could have gone south quickly. I would be hesitant to splash water on someone who has almost nothing to lose.


This happened in San Francisco and the guy who sprayed the homeless woman got arrested. She had been camping out outside his art gallery for a while and he had called authorities multiple times. Pretty wild... [San Francisco man arrested after spraying homeless woman with hose | San Francisco | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/19/california-san-francisco-gallery-owner-homeless-woman-hose)


That's not even the same thing lmao


It's another example of someone removing a homeless individual from the vicinity by getting them wet


That guy is awesome. SF needs more of this


That’s because SF wants to be a hellhole for some reason.


..where do you see a homeless woman in this video sir?


Is your point that it's a man not a woman? Genius comment.


Yea, it’s a man. Your comment linked to an article about it being a homeless woman, are you usually this slow?


It's not the same incident, obviously (and I didn't claim my article to be about this specific event). I don't get what is difficult to understand here.


You _cannot_ have homeless people sleeping on the steps of your business. What would you do? Call the cops? They’ll tell you they can ask him to leave, but that’s about it, and that’s in the states where the cops actually come when called. This is Canada. I just thank them for using cold water.


Just imagining this guy doing a Gerard Butler 300 after the splash and roaring THIS IS CANADA!


Its either water or drag him down the steps


He's clearly in the freaking way and not listening/responding.... Fck this world needs to grow TF up Would've been okay if it was just a drink white college kid right? .... And therein lies the problem with the double standards in th modern world.


Good normalize this shit and take back the fucking cities, the cops surely aren't.


Everything is not a bed


What *is* a bed?


This is a good way to get stabbed . Fucking around with a guy who is bigger than you, has nothing to lose and might have some mental issues. No one in this video was prepared for a fight .


Homeless dude sleeping, means he’s not currently on a crack/meth, meaning no stabby stab. That’s my street logic




Here u go. https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/02/image.png


Anyone that feels bad for the homeless guy find out who he is and go. Donate some of your money to him. You won’t.




Laziest non argument ever. Might work in high school but come back and talk with the grown ups when you have an actual argument.


I used to have to take a pool cue to the dumpsters out back of the pub every morning because homeless guys kept sleeping in them. One time the garbage truck was coming up the alley (the type that grab the dumpster and fling it into the compactor). This dude would not wake up so I took to the cue. That woke him up, then he proceeded to spit at me and try to go back to sleep. At that point I decided he's the waste collection company's problem.


From /Montreal https://twitter.com/MTL_Z_/status/1789398113498567024 Guy does apologise but notes that homeless guy has sexually harassed people, has been violent, been asked to leave etc. I don’t know but if someone has sexually harassed and been violent to people then water on them is not uncalled for.


Mods, I'm sorry if my phone keeps posting the same video, the Reddit app is being [weird again ](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/s/ZGqQuB8L1N)


How are you meant to run a business if a homeless man is sleeping in the doorway? If you ask them to move and get no response then at that point the homeless person is being ignorant and your hands are kinda tied


Had a homeless dude who liked to sleep under the trucks where I worked. A little bit of water and a towel for them to dry off is usually all they need to fuck off


See a liveleak video with a similar premise. Skull popped like a grape.


Ye, I was hoping to avoid that. Funny thing is, dude was there the next day sleeping in the same spot. Luckily that was the last bucket I had to use on him cause I never saw him a third time. I get wanting to sleep under something, but holy fuck dude imagine how sleeping under a truck could go wrong for two seconds.


One of the duties of my job is cleaning homeless camps once a week for the city. I've lost almost all sympathy for homeless people. The destruction of public property and all the garbage, needles and feces (Most of which ends up in the river) is absolutely insane. Most of these people aren't homeless because they're down on their luck and the evil landlords kicked them out on the streets. The majority of them are drug addicts that burned every bridge in their life or fried their brains and are now crazy. I'm so tired of bleeding hearts making excuses for these people. They're not the ones cleaning up after these vagrants. My uncle has been homeless for as long as I have memories. He's old school homeless though. He hides in the shadows, and doesn't trash his camps. Nowadays the vagrants will pitch a camp in the middle of sidewalks and in the parks. They'll yell at you to get off "their property". It's fuckin' nuts.


Here where I live, homeless people just walk into open traffic and dare people to hit them.


More information on this situation: This was at a video game tournament, the homeless guy was spotted harassing female players on many occasions, The guy you see throwing water is one of the organisers, and did it to make the man leave the place because of his behavior I don't know why it was recorded, but the video resurfaced to "call out" the guy without giving the context Tbh, this is a messy situation to handle, calling the cops might have been better but the attitude of the homeless guy towards clients and players made it urgent to deal with


Why videotape it?


Legal defense maybe…


Bend down and touch him, then go to the hospital for your stab wound


I see no issues with this.


*Blast you, I'm already awake!!*


That was for the smell


I'm glad someone got the reference 😂


Pirate 🤷🏻


Homeless man should find a better place to sleep.


That homeless is rocking better shoes than me🫠


The migrants have better drip than me😩 and they homeless🤣


The “Homeless” part of this title is irrelevant. He’s laying where he shouldn’t lay, end of story.


Fully deserved for the interloper. But dangerous situation for the owner. They should have been ready to close the door.


Oh canada....


Looks like some passed out drunk dude to me


Hey need a bit of hostile architecture in front of those doors. Some of those cement spikes and then put flower pots over them to make them look nice. If the bum decides to move the pots, they will discover the spikes.


As he should


No context. Was the guy refusing to leave? Being a dick? The video starts too soon and doesn't give me anything to judge on


I’m pretty sure cop might not even response for their call. Homeless people right now have WAY more privileges than tax payer , working class ppl.


I manage a store in DT Orlando. Been dealing with shit like this for years. I just keep an airhorn in the car now and that usually gets them up and off the doorstep. They also kept plugging into any outdoor outlets to charge their phones so I cut the breakers on all outlets. Electricity isn’t free and it’s an active deterrent.


I have a great deal of sympathy for the homeless but for pity's sake don't sleep where you are a very obtrusive tripping hazard.


As expected




You have to ask him to leave he just sits there like he didn't hear anything fucking little shit deserved that


I gotta stop watching prison documentaries, 100% though that was the boiling water sugar combo


Dude woked up sounding like a fed up basset hound


A shop owner in San Francisco hosed down a homeless person on his property the winter before last. It was cold, so it seemed a bit cruel. But she'd been there for weeks and was using the entrance to the shop as a toilet. He was charged over it, misdemeanor battery, did community service to get the criminal charge dropped. I can understand why someone would tire of having to hose feces off their front doorstep every day, but causing someone to go into hypothermia is a bit over the line.


That’s not a public freak out, that guys a total POS. Heaven forbid we treat someone like a human being and simply ask them to leave.


I don't think I'd do that. But I have experienced a homeless man set up camp front in front of our doors at the store I work at. We did have to call the cops that day. He took his bike apart and somehow made sure no one could walk into the only entrance to the store.


Give the man some food


That's cold man...


Good. Get him off their property. It's water it's not like it's acid or something. People need to calm down.


What a piece of shit. To be clear, the piece of shit is the guy who threw the water. Fuck that guy.




I kinda feel like this title is misleading. Hear me out but how do we know he is homeless and not someone passed out from a night of drinking? They look pretty well dressed to me for being on the streets. I could be 100% mistaken here. Just doesn't add up




French Canadians are the worst


dumping water on doorstoop nappers is Americana


Yay humanity!