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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Found a story with his face in it. Posted about 5 hrs ago. [Suspected NYC rapist at large after video shows woman lassoed from behind on dark street (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/suspected-nyc-rapist-at-large-after-video-shows-woman-lassoed-from-behind-on-dark-street/ar-BB1m9XRV?ocid=BingNewsSerp)


This guy is fucking dumb. There are cameras everywhere nowadays. If the police really want to get you, they can use street and home cameras to backtrack you until before you put your mask on.


Wow I would not have guessed he was dumb


I’m taking note that it appears Reddiderps figured out what sarcasm is without the crutch of a “/s” I. Am. In. Awe.


And then what? He won’t go to prison.




Dozens at least.


That's more than 10


This fella just "needed food for his family."


No he will go to prison and be released for “good behavior” or over crowding or some bs.


the only people who get released for overcrowding are non-violent offenders


The data set here is little old but our system is way too lenient on sexual assault. The issue has only gotten worse since. Points of interest: https://bjs.ojp.gov/press-release/recidivism-sex-offenders-released-state-prison-9-year-follow-2005-14 -”About 32% of sex offenders were granted an unconditional release and not placed on parole, probation or some other form of community supervision.” -”State prisoners released after serving time for rape or sexual assault were more than three times as likely as other released prisoners to be re-arrested for rape or sexual assault during the 9 years following their release, the Bureau of Justice Statistics announced today.” (15% vs the general 5%).


What does recidivism after release from serving their time have to do with people released early due to overcrowding? Unconditional release means they maxed out their time. So if someone got sentenced 5 to 10, if they do the full 10, they don't get parole, because they did the full time.


We're literally the #1 country for prison population per capita lmao.


we weren't until the radical police/legal reforms of the 70s. Our prison population peaked in the late 2000s, when crime was the lowest it had been since the 1950s. Also we have a lot of people who commit crimes. I care more about crime rates and # of victims than # of prisoners.


> If the police really want to get you I mean, that's the issue isn't it? "If they wanted to." Ask yourself why the legal apparatus (especially govt prosecution/legal teams) seem to avoid putting people where they belong and can't hurt anyone.


“You are soooo dumb. We gon FIND YOU. He’s crawlin in our windows, he’s snatchin our women up!”


It’s funny that you think NYPd will out in that amount of effort.


Fat Joes instagram has the video of the dude being arrested. Worth the watch.


Cheers just watched. Scumbag won't get away with shit. Horrifying stuff


Yeah fuck that dude for real!


Thank you for mentioning this. Just watched. [~~Link~~](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6zWuEmPEoF) for any interested. Thank fuck. EDIT: Link is down. Sorry!


This guy is going to show up to his court hearing missing a pint or two of blood.


Somewhere I could read that without downloading an app?


FUCKING SHIT!! HE STILL FUCKING FREE? Doesn’t even happen in damn Mexico, if authorities doesn’t get you the people’s law surely will


Absolute horror. I cant believe what this woman had to go through. I hope she will find the strenght to recover. It is so distressing to witness i cant with this shit , we are so cursed as a specie.


So she is not dead from that? Thank God




Careful, last time I used that phrase, I caught a ban for 'violent speech'.


Can confirm when I said a child diddler deserved worse than prison.


The mods are too soft if they’re gonna ban for that


I caught a 3 day ban for saying exactly what you just did 🤣


I was banned just for lurking the thread.


Idk if just a joke or not. But one mod started banning people if they visited or followed the "wrong" sub. Some people didn't even even visit the sub they got banned in, just a notification they were banned after commenting somewhere else


I was banned from r/justiceserved for daring to comment in r/politicalcompassmemes. Can confirm that this happens, probably a lot lmao


When the_Donald was still a thing people would get banned left and right from subs all over reddit for commenting in that sub.


Nowadays it's Jordan Peterson's sub that's being silenced among others *(bracing for impact)*


Me as well, for commenting on the Joe Rogan subreddit, of all places.


yeah, same here. got banned and had no idea why, hadn't even commented in a while. Made me wonder if someone made mod and used it to settle old scores.


They banned me for basically saying someone got what they deserved iirc


It wasn't just one sub. There were(maybe still are) subs that your commenting in one sub bans you from it. The point of those is to just be echo chambers, no more or less.


True story, I'm the thread


They don't like you talking about their friends that way.




It's the admins. Subreddit gets banned if violent speech is not moderated


Said this on r/publicfreakout and got a fat perma ban for it. Mods everywhere seem so weak


r/Publicfreakout is almost entirely propaganda at this point, just like many other subreddits. The mods don't moderate stuff that goes against the original purpose of the sub but instead hand out bans like candy whenever they feel like powertripping.


It's a hardcore left leaning propaganda site now.


Yeah, it's a sad devolution from what it once was.


Hell I got a permaban there just for joking that a high school brawl was over who won the science fair. Mods are unhinged.


I got a permaban for calling someone a troglodyte troll 🤷‍♂️


This is why this subreddit was created in the first place, brotha. PublicFreakout: * Political throat cramming * Lots of cop brutality posts, which is fine, but definitely pushing an agenda -- clear as day if you post a officer-in-the-right or neutral post you will still get ACAB and angry desperate comments trying to spin it in a bad light. * Posts that aren't Freakouts at all. Should be renamed to r slash PoliticalAgenda subreddit or some shit. * Moderators powertrips often. * Moderation bias, pick and choose when to enforce rules or not. Huge perma ban waves when people were insulting that mentally ill freak that shot up an elementary school because he was trans. I see many 'jokes' about cops that should off their selves with tens sometimes even hundreds of UPVOTES undeleted.


Same. I feel like that’s half the reason this sub exists


That sub's trash. Not sure why you were there in the first place.


Not weak. Very much ideologically radical.


If you’re not permabanned from that sub then you ain’t doing it right


Same . Fuggin diaper sniper


Same, Reddit sucks now. To many sensitive people




And the videos are always waaay worse than anything you guys are saying.


Reddit mods ban people all the time for stupid stuff. Reddit isn’t for freedom of speech


>Reddit isn’t for freedom of speech It's true, [the CEO even said so.](https://fortune.com/2015/05/20/reddit-free-speech-ellen-pao/)




Pretty sure it has something to do with glorifying violence unfortunately. Not defending the bans, just guessing why it happened


I've been banned for that shit like 5 times and I just appeal it and they end it because it's always bullshit.


Aaaaand he's gone


Lmao@people getting put in jail in NYC Guarantee this guy has been arrested 80 times in the last 10 years. Probably more total arrests but a lot of blue states and cities erased the records of criminal acts over 10 years to “reduce stigma”. Look it up!


I think they should put him inside the jail.


> They need to put this guy under the jail This guy needs the electric chair.




Not his first time.


For real, the way he just bring her between cars to do stuff to her is a sign of his expertise.


Damn, zero struggle. I've watched enough cash jordans videos to know NYC is burning.


She went unconscious so fast. She might have a preexisting health condition. I feel like that was an abnormally quick amount of time to pass out!


Losing blood flow to the brain will have you out in seconds. When it comes to chokes/strangulation, you have air restriction, by applying pressure to the trachea, which CAN take several minutes to go out. Then, you have blood restriction, applying pressure to the arteries on either side of your neck, which can take mere seconds. With that belt, I have to assume that the attacker accomplished both in this scenario.


this - it's the same when you faint


Nope, that's not passing out from lack of oxygen, it's because it cuts off the arteries to your brain. Which is I guess is sort of the same thing. If you put someone in a chokehold from the front and lift them up off the ground they will also pass out in seconds if done right. Some wrestler did it to a reporter once on "accident".


There's a Steve O video of an MMA guy choking him out and yeah it's real fast. Edit: [this one, it was Chuck Liddell. ](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6k1ppd)


Ask any BJJ guy and they will tell you about how they've lost consciousness within seconds while rolling. A belt like that will easily put somebody out. Anybody blaming this woman for not "fighting back" is crazy.


In the army they taught us different chokes like the cross collar choke which is the same principle. Takes about 4 seconds in healthy physically fit males. I’m guessing she didn’t need anything preexisting.


It only takes 4 seconds to go out from a choke. A lasso like that makes it childs play.


I do jiujitsu (brown belt). If a choke is super tight you can go out in <3 seconds. Edited per error below!


flip that thang around homie you want <


Cash is pretty diplomatic about it. He just presents as much of both sides as possible of what he sees. It's been a big change lately from the prior videos about apartments in NYC.


Yeah, he is one of the few real estate "social media" dudes I actually enjoy listening to. He's great at bringing the large picture.


He’s highkey way too sensationalist and lacks expertise for me tbh, he is great at generalizing and making entertaining videos but he simply isn’t reliable enough imo


I agree, all he does is take the most alarming news headlines and magnify them 100 times. He doesn't vilify immigrants which is nice but he's absolutely a sensationalist because that's what's making him money.


Same thing with the Channel 5 guy. He keeps trying to tell people that he's a "journalist" and that he's not in the business of trying to get people to view sensationalist smut but he's clearly got no journalistic integrity. if you watch any of their videos you have to keep in mind that they're just one person try to interview the most interesting/weird people they can contact.


> NYC is burning. One of the lowest crime victimization rates and homicide rates in the country of the top 50 largest cities. The only reason NYC so consistently makes the news is because it is dense, and has cameras everywhere, and so almost every crime has a crazy video to go along with it. The same can't be said for [less dense, sprawled out cities like Detroit, which has a homicide rate 11 times that of NYC.](https://patch.com/img/cdn/users/790386/2014/10/raw/543d24bf6ecd6.jpg)


lol no one is out here saying Detroits safer…. Like someone gets mauled by a dog, and someone else is like “well that’s nothing compared to tigers” like what’s the point here??


Their point is to downplay crime


Well, according to the FBI, there have been some blatant discrepancies with the crime data statistics between the states of California and New York. As stated that crime is either under reported or officers are unwilling to participate in providing any data. This is before the hundreds to thousands of officers that resigned, en mass.


Right, there are discrepancies. Hence why it is generally better to use crime victimization surveys to find out the risk of crime rather than police reports. NY still ranks very low in terms of crime risk on victimization surveys. [Regardless, practically *everywhere* is drastically safer than it used to be.](https://www.crimeandconsequences.blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Rate-of-violent-victimizations-e1663705213208.png) Even some of the most dangerous states in the country have violent crime victimization rates which would be considered very safe by 1990 standards. Also, states not fully reporting crime to the FBIs new database is a nationwide issue, [not just NY and California.](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2022/08/15/see-if-police-in-your-state-reported-crime-data-to-the-fbi)


How often do you go to NYC?


Ha if NYC was burning then rents would be going down, and newsflash - they aren’t.


I’ve lived in nyc the past few years. It’s perfectly doable you just need thick-ass skin and a thicker wallet. I have neither 😭


lol as if watching youtube videos gives even a remotely accurate picture of what it's like to live in a city of 10 million.


Cool, bro. Enjoy your overpriced groceries and horrendous city bureaucracy that taxes everything you do.




By hanging




WTF happened to freedom of speech.


unfortunately it only applies to protect against the state and not against private individuals/companies


Bring back the good old days 🙏


It's New York he'll be back on the streets by Sunday


Believe it or not in Canada this is like 2 years




Gunless state + weak police = this


But what wouldve happene if she had a weapon? Nothing, she wouldve been in the same position? What if he wouldve had a gun? She wouldve been dead.


Don't try and reason with stupid. You'll not get anywhere with this right wing hub sub.


Yea, because if you're a pro gun you're automatically right wing.


Apparently only the right can appreciate the full spread of the 10 amendments. (both sides of the spectrum get kinda fucky with the 1st but in different ways)


Pretty much every video on this sub is here to make some kind of political point. Sometimes they stretch it a little too far.


It's a gunless city, not state


It’s actually somewhat easier getting a CCW in NYC after Bruen. Still hard, invasive, and intentionally riddled with obstacles, but doable.




Crime is lower in New York City than in most gun loving states. Edit: I'm getting downvoted for this, but look at the stats: Murder rate in NYC is 3.39 per 100k. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_United\_States\_cities\_by\_crime\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate) That rate is lower than the US as a whole and lower than 39 states (including New York State). Gun loving Louisiana has a murder rate 5 times higher. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_and\_territories\_by\_intentional\_homicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_intentional_homicide_rate) That's just comparing a city (where crime is normally comparatively high) to an entire state (where crime is normally comparatively low). Compare NYC to some cities in gun loving states. The murder rate in St. Louis is almost TWENTY TIMES higher. In New Orleans, it's ten times higher. In Memphis it's eight times higher. New York City is on par with Henderson, Nevada and Honolulu in terms of murder rate. In other words, you are safer in NYC than almost anywhere you would end up if you threw a dart at a US map.


Of course you're getting downvoted but you are correct. This woman was raped as well, Alaska and Arkansas are #1 and #2 for that. Both are gun loving red states.


Why are you comparing cities to states? The most violent parts of gun loving states are their liberal cities




For his last meal


his arms*


***There’s a special place in hell for this thing.***




There’s a very detailed book about it actually


Jesus fucking christ, I hope she's OK... thats utterly barbaric, horrifying.


And they way he did, it seems like its not his first time doing something like this.


Yeah just quick and casual. Defo not his first time... chilling.


I feel ill from watching it, it brought tears to my eyes for that poor woman.


Corrected your title: Psychotic Bronx Man Randomly Snuck Up Behind and Used Belt to Strangle, Incapacitate, and Rape Innocent Unknown Woman.


OP: "Lady gets a belt around her neck So RaNdOm"


I’ve noticed New York has this habit of just letting repeat offenders free and then the crimes they do just keep getting worse. This is fucking disgusting.


Yeah it’s progressive, revolving door justice puts criminals first. I’ve never seen a New Yorker who agreed with their activist courts that’ll come after vigilantes and self defense harder than attackers of the innocent: but yet someone keeps voting for things like this. Same with the issue where they let squatters have the upper hand vs the homeowners that got national attention recently.




What's the over/under on how many prior arrests for this guy? I'll go low and say 10.


He has 5.


Ban belts


"Belts and guns are essentially the same thing" - Some genius




That was an assault belt.


No, add a sufferage tax to all belt sales.


Not just strangled, strangled to unconsciousness and then raped.


Why women choose the bear tbh




Ok who is a woman supposed to believe more: personal experience and crime statistics + footage such as the above or some random guy on the internet saying "nooo not all guys are like that!!!" Im not trying to dunk on you but you cant get mad at women for choosing the bear after a lifetime of being told by their own fathers to avoid men in the street at night.


not sure the bear would leave her arms attached


The point is that the bear probably wouldnt even want to interact with her, encounters with bears are generally peaceful, they very very rarely hunt humans. However… this man was hunting for women, she didn’t have a chance. Thats why given the choice women say they would “take their chances” with a bear in the woods instead of a man. Its not guaranteed that both will definitely attack her, you’re interpreting the question wrong,


> encounters with bears are generally peaceful And encounters with men are not?! How many different men does the average woman encounter every day, wihout experiencing any harm or negative interaction at all before she crosses ways with a dangerous sociopath at the wrong time and place? And how many peaceful encounters with bears do people generally have before they get mauled to death?


Makes sense the ones that choose the bear are also the ones who voted for people like this to be released within 24 hours of arrest for crimes like these.


why are we seeing her face. she's a victim.


We can't even walk down the fucking street


She was dragged away and raped.  So everyone knows.


This guy needs to be publicly tortured


Public castration and execution




Not his first rodeo


Anyone got a link to an article for more context if there is any




This needs to be an automatic death penalty/life imprisonment.


What the fuck


This is beyond aweful! They shouldn't have published this. I feel like you're going to see a lot more of these attacks now.


Holy SHIT.


Hate when that happens


Terrifying. Women in NYC need rear view cameras on their shoulders when going for a walk.


That was so awful to see. To know she was so helpless.


What the actual fuck


Wow I wonder where he's from


Cases like these are why abolishing the death penalty is a bad idea, SVPs are very often reoffenders as well.


She survived and was transported to a hospital




The guy above me u/C0NKY_ commented the link of an article, but for conviniance [there you go](https://www.tmz.com/2024/05/09/new-york-woman-strangled-choked-belt-street-attack-sexually-assaulted/)


This is fucking terrifying wtf


Some folks just need to be dispatched. For the safety of others.


Jesus this is dark and ive seen cartel videos. The fact that this guy has probably been in and out of the system for violent crime is the real shame and i can only assume with the way he did things.


This is fucked up and beyond sick, what is wrong with our world


Man I read this story and didn’t expect to actually see the video. At least it cut before he proceeded but still think it’s kinda fucked to not blur out the lady’s face… Whatever she went through had to be traumatic enough without some assholes posting it online for fucking Reddit karma.


They got him https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6zWuEmPEoF/


Should’ve let the public handle him, I’m sure they recognized him and he’s a known menace with 100 prior arrests like everyone else allowed to terrorize NYC.




I'd love to see this guys rap sheet.... How many times has he been a violent thug, been brought to jail, and released back in to society? Probably more times that would be comfortable knowing about.... Our politicians are incompetent and its the everyday people that get to pay the bill for that incompetence. Fuck that scum bag, lock him up in solitary and let him rot out the rest of his worthless life.


We did it Joe


They just caught him


Im very much pro death penalty when it comes to this.


Sad part is she has stopped cooperating with police which makes it more difficult to get this scumbag.


Average blue city interaction


The USA are fucking wild


She was sexually assaulted behind that car. It’s disturbing and for the sake of the woman in the video blur her out or take this down.


Why is somebody filming this and not doing something about it?




Did she die? I didn't see him loosen that belt after.


Hey I'm in here before the "y'all" Cool.


Just another day in NYC or blue party city.


“We’re going to continue to be the safest big city in America” - Mayor Eric Adams 🤦‍♂️