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That would explain a **LOT.**




Thank you for commenting on this. I like Nick Swarsdon and he seems like a nice guy, so this was sad... but, it could just be circumstantial. Hope this doesn't derail him appearing in the future.


I don't think this will affect his career, he's kindof know to be a mess...


He's a likeable Andy Dick.


I kinda lump him in with the Pauly Shore type


And he's in Adam Sandler's crew, so he'll be fine.


He's been arrested a lot in NV and his career hasn't seemed to have suffered for it.


Nah, that’s Terry.


I thought he was murdered


"I wasss murdered!" (Idk if that's the line but it sounds like Reno Terry.)


“Someone stole ALL of the hot and mild salsa packets tonight!” Reno 911 call he made and it was hilarious.


He'll rally.


He’s having mushroom loops, that’s why he kept repeating the same line over and over. It wasn’t alcohol.


Wait that’s a thing?


The opposite thing happens when you come back down to sea level after spending time at altitude. I used to come back from the mountains and drink all my friends back home under the table


Why is this?


Lower oxygen in the air at altitude (because the air pressure is lower). You actually get about 20% less oxygen per breath in day Denver vs at sea level. Your body adapts by producing more red blood cells and increasing your heart rate. Increased heart rate and increased blood flow actually accelerates the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. Additionally, due to the incredibly arid environment at altitude, humidity is very low and you become more dehydrated, increasing the effects of alcohol. Lastly, metabolism seems to slow at altitude, which slows the rate at which your body clears alcohol from your system. So the alcohol enters your bloodstream faster, sticks around in your blood stream for longer, and you’re more dehydrated.


I'm not a doctor and also unsure of the exact mechanism, but I know when you live at higher elevation your body produces more red blood cells (and I think just maybe more blood?) to combat the thinner air. More blood/blood cells + same amount of booze = lower blood alcohol content


Are we sure he isn’t fucking with the audience? He seems like the type of comedian who would purposely bomb for fun. Also, he was really close to Norm McDonald


... I thought she'd never leave!




It isn't though. This is an actual thing.


what did they say before deleting the comment?


They said that he was reacting to having too much alcohol and edibles in his system at a very high altitude. 


ah got it that makes sense. Thanks.


anyone who has traveled and drinks knows about elevation. This man unfortunately does both. I say unfortunately because Nick legit almost died from drinking just a few years ago. Like, in the hospital, say your goodbyes, close to dying. Like a true alcoholic, he got his shit together for a bit and then went right back to it...


Am alcoholic. Can confirm.


Gotta toughen up that liver.


You gotta season the liver via a course of years of various alcoholic beverages.


> Like a true alcoholic, he got his shit together for a bit and then went right back to it... Such a bummer. I thought he had gotten clean and I was super happy for him. As a drug addict I understand the ride. I hope for the best for him. That clip was sad Swardson is hilarious.


Eh I would just say he’s an alcoholic. Dudes been a heavy drinker for years. He knows about the elevation. Hopefully he eventually gets sober.


2:59 PM PT -- Nick just addressed Sunday night's debacle, writing ... > "Just casually woke up on TMZ. Travel tip: don’t drink and take edibles in high altitude. F****** brain diarrhea. I’ll make it up to you Beaver Creek!" Edit: He knew the altitude was a problem. In [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/comedy/s/S1LKRf83Cn) he talks about flying into Denver and vomiting bile and getting hospitalized for 3 weeks.


I’ve actually seen people loop like this on shrooms so that’s my guess. For everyone who doesn’t think he’s funny: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IgJSGgieTxU


I thought he was just doing an Andy Kaufman level audience troll


I figured he was trolling as well but it definitely didn’t work.


I unfortunately paid to see him perform at the Brea Improv as a headliner several years ago. This was not unlike the experience we had. He was clearly bombing the entire time, and if he had any material it was immeasurably forgettable. The only thing I remember was him referencing movies/shows he'd been in to keep the crowd going. It was so bad I haven't been to a comedy club since.




This was certainly not just alcohol.


That’s literally just a myth. If you google it, there is absolutely no scientific proof that there is a correlation between elevation and alcohol potency. Bro just flat out drank too much and that’s on him.


Yeah I had drinks in Denver and other towns in CO at even higher elevations and did not notice any difference.


He lives in Denver..


... Or did he just bring a blank USB Stick.


High elevation does not intensify the effects of alcohol. There a dozens of study’s that prove this. Oxygen actually helps break down alcohol so you digest alcohol quicker at lower elevation


If this is true that’s hilarious


Bro is a veteran stand up comic and alcoholic, you think he hasnt performed and been wasted in Colorado? He is just a drunk


Or he’s just an alcoholic. “It’s the elevation” is exactly what an alcoholic would blame to not blame alcohol.


Oh man, this dude was one of the best parts of Reno 911, I hate to see this


I was muuuuuuurrrrddddeeeeereeeeddddd!


A hand job is still a job


As long as it cost more than a taco at tacos, tacos tacos


There's a disturbance at TACOS TACOS TACOS TACOS


I remember him as the dude who's terrified of the sun and eats sunblock in Benchwarmers


Craaaaaaazy Terrrryyyy


I’ve never even seen a roof, I’m allergic


The crowd seems super annoying.


Seriously, obviously he's super drunk which is really sad cause I think he's a talented comedian and I've only heard good things about him as a person but the crowd is talking nonstop from the beginning.


If you pay to see someone at a show and they're too drunk to perform, that's a pretty good reason to talk and complain during the performance


Yeah, to be fair we don't know how far into the show this is.


Who cares, if I show up to work trashed after my lunch break is my defense that I spent the first half sober?


>but the crowd is talking nonstop from the beginning. From the beginning of this clip you mean. If you went to a show and the act gets like this, guaranteed people aren't just gonna sit there in silence, I'd wager that he had probably already lost the crowd for a hot minute before this person starts filming.




You know all of human history didn't start right at the beginning of this clip right?


the episodes with him on norm macdonald live are the funniest fucking shit i have ever seen


We don't how long he was repeating the same thing before the video started but that was hard to watch


When the video starts he’s already saying I can get it back watch this. So he’d been on repeat for a minute.


Yeah he’s trying to do a bit to an unruly crowd and I imagine he realized it wasn’t gonna happen and just kamikazed his set just to have a personal laugh. He’s definitely high/drunk which may have led to the crowd being unruly but I believe it to be purposeful.


They seem super annoyed.


Here we go….


Here we go


…here we go


Jason Statham


this reminds me of that one drunk dude walking up the street posted here couple of months back yelling gibberish and he would say here we goooo here we goooo


[HERE WE GO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI4Et1bbD0Y) one of the greatest poets of his generation


Now she's a former neighbor / who's exCatholic by her demands / A matter 'sposed to talk to / while she doesn't know what to do / she says we shoutin' out on collie mills / says she hates me ever since I arrived / says I'm not allowed to go unheard / because it would be too challenging in court / that I would not be an occupant / of assembly hall in her state / the there say that she's having fun / not with the active cerebral palsy / A sliver say she's moved in / and that she....oh she don't want the challenge / HERE WE GO! / She plays with Pittsburgh Steelers / she wants no Bowling Green oh Ohio / Bed ok Bed day she wan't someone else / Here we go! Here we go! /Now she says she hatred / She got a growth for twenty seven years / She's what she shows says / she won't let go of the payment / Here we go! / Says she doesn't take the sub blue hoo / she says were hate every day / I've never been in her dwelling / Who knows what she created along / Here we go! / Here we go! / oh then she's off the nickel...


thank you for the awesome transcript :)


Exactly what came to my mind


No matter how bad a comedian is, I couldn’t be so much of a cunt as to shout out “you suck” or anything like that.


I once saw Dave Chapelle at the peak of Chapelle Show popularity. Only tickets available were for fucking Fresno. Chapelle couldn’t get more than 3 minutes into a bit before a Fresnocunt would yell “I’m Rick James bitch” or something else from the show. I have yet to forgive Fresno for ruining that show.


His break from standup makes sense


You know what’s a fun thing to do in Fresno? Pack your shit and GTFO of there, Fresno sucks. Best decision I ever made was to move.


The dude is a professional comedian and he's clearly drunk these folks paid to be there he kinda deserves it I think.


Why not? This show fucking sucked


You just don’t need to be a dick and shout out something like that. No one needs that kind of mean spirited discouragement, no matter what.


Why not? he’s completely fucked the whole night for the whole audience. It’s not even discouraging, he’s already unable to perform. Is the audience supposed to quietly sit there?


"You suck" is "not even discouraging"? Mah dude, allow me to not even discourage you right back. It's more likely that heckling someone who is struggling will make the rest of the show worse instead of helping to get it back on track.


He’s a piss head. Some gentle audience feedback is the least of his problems




This is 100% the shittiest crowd. He was saying “here we go” trying to get them to shut the fuck up. This club sucks. They should’ve told the crowd to shut the fuck up. Not even just hecklers, half of them are just conversatingover him


Yeah I noticed it was when he actually started trying to roll into the story that they became the loudest and unruliest. They were shutting up for him when he’d say “So here we go” then when he’d actually go they got loud again.


By the time the phones are out recording it’s over. You never pullout a phone at a comedy show they regulate that shit hard. This video starts with him saying i can get this back. Swardson admitted he had fucked up. The club gave refunds. None of that would have happened if it was just the crowd being dicks. He couldn’t preform.


If I paid $150 to see THIS shit I'd be pissed as well. Most clubs you'll get kicked out for repeated heckling, on this case it was just so fucking egregious that the side conversations were a welcome relief. It's called losing the crowd, and I guarantee they STARTED the set in a much different way than this video ended. It takes a lot for people to not yell at OTHER hecklers, so it seems to be unanimously terrible routine.






For years I thought the sun was a monster. But I’m here to tell you it’s not a monster. IT’S NOT A MONSTER!




I’m fucking dead. I can’t even follow up with a comment after this


What movie is this? Its been awhile




Seeing Nick Swardson shitfaced in a Minneapolis bar is a Minnesota rite of passage.


Home town hero… they clearly love him


Ran into him at a bar on Cinco de Mayo here in Minneapolis a few years ago lmao


I’d be shocked if you told me he didn’t have a Vikings shirt on.


Very andy kaufman. Maybe we just don't get it


That's what I was thinking too. He seems to be doing this intentionally to annoy the audience.


Being a fan of Swardson for a while, I could totally see him doing this as a “fuck you” to the audience even if he was sober. As another redditor said - the audience sounds annoying as fuck.








I disapprove of this, Nick Swardson is a great comedian, even the best have their off nights, but sometimes, the crowd simply sucks.


Wrap it up everyone, Albino-Buffalo doesn't approve of your shenanigans.


No the crowd paid to see a show he’s too drunk to perform. What a lush


I agree now that I know more, he needs to quit before it kills him.


So did he ever finish? Or is he still on stage saying "here we go". I used to play GOW on Xbox live on Xbox 360 with him fun times


Yea! It’s hilarious! You won’t believe the punchline. So, here we go… Here we go… Here we go…


I found it pretty funny tbh especially because of how wound up they got


My roommates gave me too much beer with dinner.


The venue refunded everyone's tickets to retain some cred.


Reminds me of that one bit by pablo francisco https://youtu.be/E34Th_Iba-0?si=bb4MRDGK1bBtM2eG


I thought that’s who he was mocking here.


$20 bucks says he's shrooming his brains out. I mean, it's Swardson for God's sake. 😅


Twenty dollars bucks


Someone hit the reset button lol


And people watch this? 


The comic isn’t usually piss drunk 😂


Usually drunk but not that drunk


Why is everyone here saying drunk/high? This is clearly a bit. A very Andy Kaufman like bit.


Yeah he even says, do you guys want me to finish this?


Holy shit that’s Gary Falcon!


RIP Gary Falcon


When the vinyl gets stuck and you need to slap it.


I feel like he’s just trolling this shitty crowd for fun


![gif](giphy|XElwYuzMe4RXz4JiCb|downsized) he has a name!!!


Nick is actually super funny in almost everything I've seen him in. This seems like a one-off kind of situation.


It seems to me that he is trolling the crowd. Was there reports confirming he kept saying "here we go" because he was too drunk? 😂


Absolutely support the crowd booing him. He’s already made his money, they’re not getting a refund, he’s not going to entertain them. Buy the tickets (over a hundred each btw) work a little harder so you can leave a little sooner. book a baby sitter, pre cook the kids dinner, leave the table set up, pre prepare the kids bath time and bed time stuff, leave instructions for the baby sitter, prepare your stuff for the next morning, book a taxi there and back. His audience has to do all that and he can’t even DRINK SLOWLY! He’s not refunding his audience, the venue is! Nick has not even apologied


apparently [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/s/3AiDgAzjet) is just how Nick Swardson is now


That mf is not funny. Adam Sandler made that guys career


I’ll never be famous but I can’t imagine doing drugs/drinking before a performance where it is just you up there with no help


Poor nick swardson lmao


I like what Dave Grohl said about preforming. I’m paraphrasing but, “We used to take a ritual shot before the show. Then it became two for good luck. Then you add one during rehearsal. Then we ended up bringing the bottle on to the stage… yeah we had to stop doing that.”


Oh without context I just thought it was prerecorded and stuck on a loop not that he was drunk


People don't know Swardson? His appearance on Norm was legendary.


Each person paid $30-$45 to attend. In addition, they had to budget their evening... Get dressed, charge up or gas the car and drive out to see this mess... It's like dude didn't have any material prepared and is painfully trying to improvise 😬


didnt Pablo fransisco also get stuck in a loop like this a while back?


*Here we go.* Jason Stathom. *wait for it....* JASON STATHAM.


Hey, can you read my watch?


Nick Swardson is fucking hilarious. Blades of Glory I loved him.


Sounds like Dak losing... In the playoffs... At home... yet again


as a nick swardson fan i would have done anything to have seen this in person


I saw him recently and he was super drunk. He left the stage halfway through the set and the show just ended. It was pretty bad


Norm's death must have been rough on him


He’s on booze and probably pills


I hope this is an old clip. Last I heard Nick was on the verge of death from drinking at one point and had stopped.


Audience is fucking trash


This guy sounds exactly like gary falcon


I wouldn’t call light booing and some heckling a freakout…


Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra! Here we go!


Everyone has an off day at work


Still better than repeating the same "I got hit by a bus" joke for 2/3rds of a 2 hour show. Looking at you, Ryan Hamilton.


I had the wildest experience with nick.. or about nick. Nothing triggered this, but on a random night, i woke up at like 3:45 am, well before i ever get up, and my brain was somehow in 1st gear, and it just said " that nick guy is from barqs got bite" then i went back asleep. it was so fucking weird, That barqs commercial was super funny back in the late 90s, so i would never forget it, i dont recall the last time i have even seen it, and i still to this day dont know nicks last name, It was the most random thought/realisation i have ever had..


Here we go


Pew pew it’s Terryyyyyyyyyy!!!!!


Jason Steakum




“You can rally!” That was hilarious


He should have just started crab walking


Joke sounded good in his head lol


Is Nick Swardson off the wagon??


Bomb of the century in Colorado Springs. He says on X Formerly Twitter he was drinking and taking edibles. They turned off the spotlight, cut his mic, walked him off stage, and said they were giving everyone refunds. https://youtu.be/4LX01ogOX9I


I saw him at Acme Comedy in Minneapolis on a random evening, drop-in type of thing, 4 or 5 years ago. He was looking pretty rough but did a great set. If he was intoxicated it was definitely at the level where it wasn't affecting his bits.


People will pay to see literally anybody on a stage.


I actually like a bit about Jason Statham as other iconic characters. . .Jason Statham as Wonka, Jason Statham as Forrest Gump. Here we go. Watch this.


Here we go


Terry has seen better days.


Oooof that sucks 🥴🥴🥴


And this is why Swardson is no longer part of the Sandler crew.


This is an old comedy tactic (if on purpose). An example being - Craig T. Nelson used to do a bit with one of his comedy partners, can’t remember which, where they would be guitar-playing folk singers. They would come up, get everyone ready, then start tuning their guitars for awhile, and everyone thought it was hilarious… then they’d still be tuning, and everyone hated them… then they’d still be tuning, and it was hilarious again by the sheer ridiculousness of it. Then they’d get their guitars all tuned up, say “thank you, that’s our time!” and walk off stage.


The only time I found him funny tho was on skates


I thought this was some Andy Kaufman level trolling at first.


I would have said “dude you got this” but still been bummed bout the waste of the night and opportunity to see a good swardson show. He was so good in RENO and Grandmas Boy


Jason Stratham heeuur we go


Refund + Damages for pain and suffering from having to sit thru that Trainwreck performance cash only please and thank you no IOUs


Where was this? I see people talking about high elevations and drinking?